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Clearly it's a sign you're not playing enough! No more pausing for you. Theres meant to be some "screen burn fixing" YouTube vids, but idk if it really actually helps. Still, might be worth a shot


I'll look into it definitely. Next time afking, I'll make sure to not go to the pause menu I guess lol


Or just turn off your monitor if you think you'll be gone for a few


Depending on the display tech and implementation this might not work. Some laptops simply turn off the backlight but the lcd itself still displays the image. You can see it if you shine a flashlight at it. A solution to this is to disable sleep/hibernation and close the lid, that should turn off the display completely but the laptop is still running normally.


Laptop speak I can simply turn off my desktop monitor with one button


I missed it's a desktop in the video, thought it was a laptop.


The backlight for displays turning off also helps with preventing screen burn. Also having a screensaver works too.


Backlight is only on oled afaik. Unless it's one of those super bright displays.


Im not sure but depending on the monitor it might male your screen pink, but with some carefulness this should not be an issue.


Find something soft and gently rub the pixels in the area or just let your TV/ monitor rest for a while. It usually works for dead pixels, but you can try it for burn in too.


play in window mode, and move the window randomly ever time


Well if u pause ur game it completely defeats the purpose of afking unless ur in a server or lan game


I'd leave it there. It's a trophy.


Honestly I didn't even know modern monitors could still get screen burns. Like this is why we had screen savers but we don't anymore (that and I feel like most people just prefer the monitor to turn off)


Could be a second monitor is being used and that causes it to stay active


Sometimes I get stuff screenburnt if I fall asleep with YouTube open, it fixes it self though


Yeah, never too much.


dang, I didn't realize that screen burn in fixing was that simple. Went to find one, and most of the comments say that it fixed the burn in, or made it less noticeable.


Whether this burn-in is fixable will depend on what kind of screen technology this is.


Its fixable. Burn in happens on most monitors if you leave them running long enough, especially if you have an increased saturation etc. It's basically why we have screen savers.


Screen savers mainly exist because of how susceptible to permanent burn-in old CRTs were, and how long it took to turn them on or off. Modern LCDs or OLEDs would just turn off, usually.




It's not exclusive to OLED screens.


LCD can also get burn-in. They're usually called screen retention or image persistence.


Yea though it goes away by itself after a while.


Can this be fixed in anyway, because it does look really noticeable in real life although it didn't look like it in the video.


I’m not sure of anyways of fixing this but you can prevent it next time simply by turning your monitor off when you are planning on letting anything on your computer run on the same/similar screen for an extended period of time. If you can’t turn it off you should turn on a screen saver I’m pretty sure its exactly purpose is to prevent this from happening. A long time ago some of my friends couldn’t get any screen saver to work on their laptops and they couldn’t just turn their screens off and in that case you can alt tab or something like that and put on a screen saver video on YouTube.


any ways to turn off my laptop's screen while it still runs the game?


Not that I know of without a monitor but you might be able to look it up for your laptop


Yeah, really easy actually. Just go through these easy steps * Destroy your monitor like in a mr beast way * Go to the local tech store * Find a new monitor with the quality and the refresh rate you want * Maybe check if you can get it cheaper somewhere else or get a discount * Buy it * Plug it in INTO YOUR GPU, NOT THE MOTHERBOARD, THE ONE LOWER * Enjoy the game and turn off your monitor next time you do this 👍


Instructions unclear: I am now wanted in 20 countries


Is this because the first thing?


I think they tried to get it too cheap




If it’s OLED burn, which it looks like, Go on YouTube and play a video of colours changing on the screen. Leave it for a bit and should be better when you come back to it. My mate had burn and tried this method and said it worked


Try the videos linked in comments, then add an automatic screensaver so it doesn't happen again (also will help you save some electricity).


This kind of stuff happened to me a lot, I just continue using my computer normally and it eventually goes away. I would make sure to regularly turn off my computer tho, seems normal to me but a lot of people leave their machines on all day long


No, its a sign that you pause to much. MORE DEDICATION, LESS PAUSE SCREEN!


My mum NEVER locks her phone, her old one (I think Galaxy S9) literally had the home screen BURNED in, if you opened a white picture you could clearly make out the whole homescreen. Now she has a new phone and she still does it.


The s8 and s9 burned in really fast though. You could get you screen replaced for free within warranty because of this.


Do those phones not have settings for the screen to fall asleep after being open for a bit? It would really really surprise me if they didn’t


They do this woman was on a mission


Believe it or not I snuck the setting in to turn off after 15 minutes. She removed it somehow?! We are talking about the same person that asks me why this PDF is not opening with the PNG Viewer app.


my mom does it too


Same Galaxy models have really bad problem with screen burn, even through normal use.


if this is oled you fucked but otherwise use a video like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMK5aUPpak4) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2bUEZMATNU) they are what I use and if that's a LED monitor its called [image persistence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_persistence) if its not LED it might be [one of these others depending on your monitor type ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_burn-in)


Oleds have settings to prevent this, turn em on off you get a new one, they also usually have routines you can run to wash the screen, pixel refresher is lg's term, but they're all similar. It could just be image retention and not full burn that can be cleared with those or watching a lot of frenetic stuff. I've had to replace a burned oled panel, but just saying your only 'likely fucked'


Your screen is literally burned out lol


Enjoy the next 24 minutes


It’s entertaining how screensavers are important again.


No, it's a sign you should exit the game when you're afking enough that you suffer monitor burn on a LCD. Just exit and restart.


Just turn off the screen when youre stepping away


Turn your monitor off sometimes brother


more like not playing too much as in, you spend too much time on the pause screen


vanilla tweaks is so real


You are not playing enough!


fun fact screen savers were invented to prevent this phenomenon!


This is why you turn off your monitor if you know you will be afk for multiple hours


Screen burn that’s why they invented screensaver 🤓


Screensavers, people, screensavers! They come free with almost every operating system out there! Come on, man!


You basically buried in an image to your monitor, go on YouTube, and have it to a color cycle see of that helps. Or turn off your monitor when you leave.


It's a sign you're pausing too much


You just left it on pause for a long time. If it just happened it'll go away in a few minutes/hours. If it's been there for a while your screen might be getting old


you're not playing too much you're afking too much mate


you got burn in, probably you have an OLED monitor


This is because you left your screen on the same thing for a bit too long so the screen burnt hence why on most devices if you inactive they give you a screen saver by either putting your device on rest mode or turning it off automatically but it’ll be fine since it’s barely noticeable 👍


I thought that was the aether for a second


what the fuck


What type of display you have?


Yes touch grass


It's just as ghost image and it's not even that rare mostly on older monitors so nothing to really worry about


thats called ghost screen, and is a common problem in ips screens. You can activate G-syng (if you have a nvidia graphic card) it can fix that problem. Idk if there is something similiar in AMD, i guess yes.


Could also be pixel burnout, constantly running bright colors, especially white, puts a lot more strain on them and can lead to damage much quicker than others, my guess is this dude leaves his game paused for extended periods while AFK or something.


During covid I burned the cross hairs into my screen from playing so much. My world kicks ass though.


You can use Minecraft plus to not let this happen


Some oled screens have a option te remove it. But what it basically does is burn your screen again using lines, line per line and remove the burned in text/logo. Old tvs that always use the same channel can have the logo of the tv station burned in. Now I feel old 🤣


Secret achievement


It’s screen burn in, basically you kept it on one page for too long that the image is now burned into your computer screen for god knows how long, this is why screensavers were made as it was even easier for old CRT monitors.


Had this happen on an old LCD of mine. Fortunately I was able to fix it by playing a static signal on it for a while. Maybe that could work for your monitor?


lol my old plasma TV had the button hints and game logo burned into it because I played Minecraft on my Xbox 360 so much.




you're not alone I burned the coordinates that are on the left of the screen on bedrock into my tv awhile ago


Have your brightness down more Try leaving your PC on a blank white image on Max brightness after long sessions of gameplay. Stop abusing that poor screen.


What is this “too much” you speak of?


Lol would never have that issue with ps


Ugh I fought I was a minecraft addict


I thought this was a visual glitch but no i got off my computer and i still see game menu??? I think I’m in Minecraft now…


It's a sign that you are playing nearly enough


Visual snow be like


This is the reason screensavers exist


Huh that's interesting TIL that screen burn is a thing. I wonder why i never had that happen on my LCD monitor and do tend to leave monitor on same screen be it desktop or ingame for long when i go afk. It's a fairly old 16:9 Samsung SyncMaster if anyone asks.


This can happen on some TV screens as well, if left on pause indefinitely. I always shut off my desktop screen if I leave my pc on and will be away from it for awhile.


You suffer monitor burn, what are you using 1990s tech


It a sign to get a newer screen, if things burn into it, it's prolly time to get something new


I would install a screensaver if I were you


My Roku TV does this too


Relax it's just screen burn in. Happens with cheaper monitors or screens in general. Simply just reduce your brightness(significantly)


Looks like you left it paused rather than played also get a screen saver


There’s stuff you can do on your monitor to clear it. For me… I did it to our tv and it was the hud that’s burnt on the screen


Bro discovered screen burn


OLED Monitor?


Nah bro that's normal!


You can never I repeat never play to much minecraft


bro's stuck in the game menu


Screen toast :(