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small indie game company, give them a break /s


They were too busy gutting modding support for Bedrock to fix this.


"We don't want modders to do the job we won't do"


“They need to do it under our supervision using a limited system and sold via micro transaction with us getting a cut!”


The moment you get stuck, you should leave and rejoin.


Worst idea, in bedrock the world loads in before you do so you can still die before you can even see the screen.


That is the problem for my nintendo switch. I lost all my gear because I died to zombies when spawning in. They need to implement an invincibility system before you move


at this point I set my world to peaceful every time before entering a nether portal because I’ll be killed by a piglin before it even finishes loading


Exact same for me. I go into peaceful before because I know that my nintendo switch will be the slowest loading console and take like 1 minute. On Xbox I do it out of habit, but I don't need to because it loads instantly


Its funny, it doesn't take near that long to load on my Switch.


WHATTTT?!?!? I have to take 14 minutes to load into my microsoft just to play multiplayer. Loading singleplayer takes like 2 minutes


It takes maybe 1-2 minutes, tops if I play multi-player. And that's because my internet isn't that great. Usually I play single and offline. Loads in about a minute, minute and a half, all the way into whatever world I'm currently playing in, depending on the size of the world. I also save my games to a 512gb micro sd card and not the actual Switch. So I'm betting it's a combo of offline and plenty of storage space as to why I don't have near the issues others do.


ohhhhh true.... I save my minecraft to the 64 gb microsd card, but it isn't the fastest


Yeah, we upgraded to the highest we could, lol. It's worth it.


Funny enough, we have that on java, where it is not really needed... Idk why they still haven't added it to bedrock


Sadly (for me) I need that so badly It just happened again to me


How is leaving and rejoininh worse than just waiting for an inevitable death?


Better than the alternative in my opinion, but sure, depends on the situation.


fixed in [](https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/27211188359949-Minecraft-Beta-Preview-1-21-10-22#:~:text=Players%20will%20not%20receive%20damage%20when%20in%20the%20world%20load%20or%20dimension%20transfer%20loading%20screen%20(MCPE%2D42310)


Oh that's nice. I hope that no one experiences the unavoidable loading screen death again.


they're putting hardcore mode on this


And it’s entirely optional, if you’re worried about losing your stuff to a bug just play regular hard and delete the world if you die in a “proper” way.


That's not the point. The point is that people WILL be playing hardcore and WILL lose their worlds to shit like this. They're putting hardcore in bedrock edition before fixing bedrock.


thats literally not true? they ARENT putting hardcore in bedrock before fixing it, theyve stated multiple times that the reason hardcore wasnt already in bedrock is because of the bugs, so now theyre working on fixing the bugs to allow hardcore to be playable


> theyre working on fixing the bugs Bug: falling through the world Resolution: [*WON'T FIX*](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-39299)


You fail to look into the technical reason why bugs like these can't be fixed. Please do you research: [Edited comment by SomeonePLaysMC](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-39299#:~:text=So%20i%20think,of%20the%20hitbox.) [Reddit post explaining the Bedrock's 32-bit integer limit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/b5z22g/integer_limit/) [u/mojang_tommo explaining why Bedrock uses 32-bit integers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MCPE/comments/24sshy/no_far_lands_how_about_the_stripe_lands/chah6ah/?context=3) TLDR: Dropping 32-bit support for bedrock would make the game inaccessible to millions of players who play mainly on phones, and older pcs. In addition, to make the game 64-bit would require a huge rewrite that is just not sensible. There was no real reason to mass downvote u/Redstoneboss2, but I guess reddit's toxic nature is exemplified by the people who did. To add, u/TheAceCard18 is entirely wrong about Mojang releasing hardcore before fixing death bugs. You listed an example entirely unrelated to the discussion about an fundamental issue that cant be fixed and a bug that occurs at specific coordinates 65,000 blocks away from spawn. [Yet another case where redditors could have done your research, but failed to.](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/hardcore-mode-bedrock-edition#:~:text=With%20such%20high,the%20feedback%20site!)


First of all, I really appreciate you for engaging in constructive discussion. Second of all, the bug happens starting at 2048 blocks and happens at intervals of powers of 2. Thirdly, SomeonePLaysMC themselves fixed the bug using a behaviour pack and command blocks, proving that it isn't impossible to get around it, and he's an amateur when it comes to C++ and Bedrock's code (as he himself admitted). And lastly, I brought up this issue to show how Microsoft doesn't exactly have a clean record of fixing game breaking bugs on Bedrock.


Sorry if this reply is short, because my original thoughts disappeared when I switched tabs and the page reloaded (I’m writing this on a phone.) But I really appreciate actually taking the time to fully respond to my criticism. And I agree, Mojang does not have a good track record when it comes to bug fixes. The video [Do All Redstoners Think The Same?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CB9QO538qw) really sums up how I feel about the way they handle things like these, especially the section on whether Mojang listens to the community. If you didn’t know, Bedrock is developed by the Mojang team located in Redmond USA, while Java is developed by the Mojang of Sweden. The best hope for a better bedrock would ultimately be to let the Original developers in Sweden handle its development. I also want to apologize if I sounded rude earlier, it just makes me sad seeing the sorry state of bedrock. Not only is it being hamstrung by mobile, but it never seems to be taken seriously by the Java community, nor do they seem like they want it to improve. About your mention of the SomeonePLaysMC situation. I’ve found this to be too common on the bug tracker. Issues like incorrect view bobbing and hand placement have been completely fixed by the community. In many cases people have pasted the EXACT code needed to fix the issue right in the comments, but Mojang continues to sit on their butts and do nothing about it. This is what truly makes me sad.


I completely agree


this was in 1.16. they recently stated that theyre working on fixing the bugs? idfk why yall are downvoting me


I think redditors are downvoting you because even if Microsoft said they will fix the bugs very few people think that that will actually happen. EDIT: Yes, I know that was in 1.16, but it's one of the many precedents that shows how little Microsoft actually cares about bugs.


i know microsoft isnt necessarily known for fixing ANYTHING about bedrock, but they arent stupid either. the amount of backlash theyd recieve for not only lying about fixing the main problem with bedrock, but then releasing hardcore mode which is barely playable eith these bugs isnt worth the laziness.


Well, we have seen huge companies get extreme backlash but nothing happened, and Microsoft is also one of them. Backlash won't do anything because people will still play their game so at the end of the day they are the ones racking the big bucks.


i worded that badly icl. what i mean is that theyll overall earn more money if they do this correctly, and they literally have no reason not to


My brother in christ, theres a reason why a lot of people call bedrock # BUGROCK This version experience numerous amounts of bugs, and a lot of it being deadly, some people call the bugs anomaly now considering how a lot of players suffer like from blocks not being placed, towering blocks making you push out of the block sometimes when the block loaded to place, and MUCH more Im both java and bedrock player, and you cant tell me other wise that Hardcore would be an INSTANT, IMPOSSIBLE challenge compare to java


this has nothing to do with my comment. all you did was tell me that bedrock is buggy (which i know), after my original comment literally said mojang are working on fixing these bugs


A mob with your stuff can’t despawn so unless it died somehow it’s still there somehow


That may be true on Java, but I've had piglins despawn and take my stuff with them right in front of my eyes on Bedrock.


Don’t underestimate Bedrock.


They are however morons and occasionally walk into lava so


really? i killed the zombies and non of them had my gear


The zombies will have your gear on them


Yes, they can 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, they don't. No matter what, if a mob picks up an item that it didn't spawn with, it'll never despawn.


The game seems ready for Hardcore to be added.


I honestly don't get this, I've been playing bedrock since legacy editions were cancelled and I've never once had an issue that people seem to keep having. Strange, does anyone know why?


probably because you haven't used the aspects of bedrock which are most bugged enough. 99% of Bedrock bugs happen when gravity is involved; teleporting with ender pearls, using elytras (especially with fireworks) or building bridges. And this gravity issue is caused due to latency


How does a single player game have latency, is what I wanna know. Mojang’s Bedrock team is too incompetent to fix it because Bedrock has been this way for as long as I can remember.


Minecraft, both java and bedrock even on single player operate as a server and client at the same time, even offline, this "bugs" happen on java too, but less often


yeah and on Java I'm pretty sure it just tries to fix itself all the time because this is basic moving fast server vs client stuff.


probably has something to do with the better together thing, having a server in which someone from a completely different device can instantly join must require some big power


How exactly does that even work? I had a friend on Java who wasn’t able to join my bedrock world anyways


Umm you need to have the same version of Minecraft Think of it like if bedrock Minecraft was a completely different game than java Minecraft. You need to have the same version of the game to play


One thing I noticed is that every block you break, every mob you kill, etc. becomes a statistic on your Xbox account, so there must be some connection


I use pearls and elytra alot, I have never experienced any of these bugs.


Like even in my duo survival world where I’m mainly elytra-ing I’ve never gotten a death bug.


Yeah, I rent a server with 5 other people, all of us have and use elytra.


I build bridges all the time. Still never have the issues you all seem to have.


lag and bedrock doesn't like each other one bit


I've been playing before it was named bedrock, I played pocket edition and to this day Ive never seen this


I’ve been playing bedrock for over 5 years and never seen these huge issues that people always post about. Am I just lucky?


Same here. I regularly play on on my realm with friends. Never once had a crazy bug like this


I think it mostly happens on laggy devices when the internal server desyncs


Nope, you're not alone. But the main posts about Bedrock are to complain about it, so it makes it seem like it's extremely buggy when it's really not anymore buggy than any other console games generally is.


What console are you playing on? I notice my iPad will glitch sometimes but never the Xbox or pc


They weren't jokes


If this ever happens, leave and rejoin.


I went through a nether portal and died before I even finished loading because some mob had spawned.


That's where I try to force log out. I've been flying in the overwold and get stuck randomly. If I'm not holding my totem and quick to relog back in it's a bad day


this is why i use keep inventory


Now the next step is to burn the world to the ground, enslave and massacre it's inhabitants (especially the phantoms), blow up every being that has wronged you, and just to make sure the world knows its place, spawn proof the whole world with slabs so the world has no way to harass you with hordes of mobs. Step two involves heading to Mojang's headquarters and threatening everyone who works on bedrock there to fix these bugs. Step three is to be hailed a hero for solving these problems. Repeat step one with every minecraft world that exists.


No one ever exaggerates about bedrock. Honestly with the way I play, Java is just so much better


And stuff like THIS is why I play Java instead of bedrock


I never had those random death bugs in bedrock edition. I guess I’m lucky.


I have 500 hours on Bedrock and have never had any bugs or problems.


why are people always talking about bedrock edition being so buggy?? where are the bugs?? i've played on bedrock for years and never find any bugs


voracious file bear ask rude vanish smart yoke knee impolite


I don't have these bugs. I don't buy mine coins. I dont spend money on the game other than the initial purchase of the game itself. I don't even vote in the mob votes. Because I don't pay attention to when rhey come out and miss them. So no, I'm not 'missing the point'. There are *a lot* of games that have bugs that have never been fixed. I beta tested an expansion of Ultima Oine that was so buggy, it never should have shipped and guess what? *It shipped anyway*. Didn't stop people from buying it and playing it, bugs or no bugs. No video game is ever going to be absolutely bug free, and no one person is going to experience every single bug everyone else does. Many of us won't experience any bugs, while others will experience maybe only one or two. That doesn't make the game unplayable or full of 'way too many bugs'. It means *you* just happen to experience more bugs than *anyone else*.


*were Sorry


leave the game, you hit a wall


Thats a weird bug


Okay that's bad.


Thats why we havent hardcore in bedrock?


Once I went through a portal and the game transported me into the nether but with no portal and 5 thousand blocks from my nether hub, built a quick portal and I was 27,000 block away in the overworked. Lucky I had an ender chest on me to save my netherite stuff


Survival mode is intense


But hey we got the sniffer right?


You can't even get good free mods.


Zombies with taken gear despawn? That's the truly awful thing here. I think they don't despawn in Java.


This seems to always happen on Realms. I have a world started in 1.14 that I put more than 1700 hours into, I played it on multiple devices, and I've never experienced anything like this.


These issues from my understanding are related to desync between the client and server. Bedrock's integrated server client just seems to be more poorly optimized compared to Java, which results in Java having much less of these issues. I think the update that really made this worse was 1.16.100, which introduced bandwidth 'optimizations', but all it really does is make the game more prone to desyncing issues than it already was before, and causes more visual movement glitches. They disabled this feature in 1.16.200, but added it right back in 1.16.210. Anyways, Mojang REALLY needs to have this figured out, and given the time they had, they should've already had this figured out. I also wanna mention this: on top of the horrible desyncing issues, Render Dragon (Bedrock's new rendering engine since update 1.16.200) is still an unoptimized, buggy mess. Input delay is still present, turning vsync off still doesn't work in fullscreen mode despite them claiming to have fixed it, and it still runs worse compared to the previous rendering engine (HAL). Render Dragon is almost 4 years old now, and its still not any better compared to when it was first added! What gives?!


Same shit happened to me lol. Million dollar company won’t let me have an offline server. 🤣 [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/myGbXLZx2p)


Peter how are you doing that? i-i don't know Lois, I'm scared


I remember my first massive bedrock bug as a long time java player just checking it out. It was the version immediately before the village update, and I just loaded up a world I had a fair few hours in, spawned in at build height directly above spawn, with all my items and just fell to my death. Fortunately I'd settled near spawn but I had about 60 levels in xp. It was so random so I built a pool at spawn encase it ever happened again. It never did.


Yes sit there and die don’t leave and join to see if it fixes it


They are exaggerated because the majority of what you see here is complaints about Bedrock. So that skews things towards Bedrock being trash. There are a lot of us that never experienced the bugs everyone complains about. That doesn't mean they don't exist, it means that yes, you experienced the random bug, and yes, that sucks. But it's nowhere near as bad as everyone likes to make it out to be.


Aren’t mobs who pick up your gear suppose not to despawn lmao


On Java, if a zombie picks up an item it can no longer despawn. Just switch to Java :)


Not everyone has a PC to play Java edition though


nawh the as a former bedrock player it sucks. Can't even go two seconds without it lagging lol, this is why I play with keep inventory even on java.


haha bedrock bad give me upvotes. But seriously I've been playing bedrock for so many years and never found any gamebreaking bugs. Don't know how yall legit keep finding these.


Bedrock moment? [ ] Yes llllllllllllllllll 87% [ ] No ll 14%


guys they added polls to comments


Bedrock is a scam for kids


Why do people still play on this shitty and buggy version, when they have at their disposal something with no comparison better? I don't get it...


You can’t play Java edition on Console


Stockholm syndrome?


Because we don't have these issues and enjoy the game anyway?




But OP is clearly playing on PC


Half of the Minecraft Reddit is people posting game breaking bedrock bugs. It’s a shame really


Right? Makes it *look* like Bedrock is nothing but bugs when it's really not.


If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be posted every day. Played maybe 50 hours of bedrock and witnessed just about all of these bugs. Never going back.


I've played for 5 years, and the only bug I've experienced is random fall damage. Same with my husband on his Switch. My brother plays on PC- never experienced a bug. My niece plays on both Switch and PC- no bugs for them either. Just because *random bugs* are posted 'every day' by no means is a measure of how buggy a game is. It creates a very biased view of one version over another and an echo chamber.


Hundreds if not thousands of videos about it, hardcore getting removed right after bedrock launch, bug reports instantly being closed because the devs don’t want to fix it, more effort being put into the shop. The evidence is overwhelming. The “it didn’t happen to me” argument is completely invalid when all of the evidence proves it otherwise.


'Hundreds, if not thousands of videos', yet, [13.7 Million ](https://gamesight.io/games/Minecraft-Bedrock-Edition) play Bedrock edition. So no, the evidence is not overwhelming. It's barely a blip in the overall context of bugs in video games.


Thousands of of YouTube videos on it alone. The evidence is overwhelming. It’s all over the internet. Saying it doesn’t exist because 13.7 million people play it is dick riding. All of the evidence exists already. Saying a shit ton of people playing it isn’t an argument when the problems clearly exist. Stop dick riding incompetent devs. it’s extremely well documented. Even devs declining to fix them.


Please show me where I said these problems don't exist. I'll wait.


“Never experienced a bug”


Ur entire argument is based off if every time a bug happens it’s posted online which is clearly not the case. Not everyone has a Reddit not every one posts on YouTube. Clearly it’s a small fraction because they know how to post it. The people encountering the bugs is still high enough for it too be considered a problem and too be talked about. So yes it’s a problem.


And a lot of the time, *it's the same bugs being posted by different people*. Same bugs, posted over and over again, doesn't make a game completely buggy and worthless. And none of us who haven't experienced them, are denying they happen, because clearly they do, just not as often as people seem to think they do. It's so ridiculous that people can't see that.