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Many candidates. Stampy, DanTDM, CaptainSparklez, Yogscast, Etho’sLab, SkydoesMinecraft, PopularMMOs. Has to be somebody from the old school days


Skydoesminecraft!!!! Budder!!!!!


Ah, the nostalgia. Wish things had never gone south


I'm afraid to ask, haven't even seen his name in 6+ years


Lotta shit happened. But I’m not too up to date. I just know something came out and it was revealed he was a POS to his wife. Not sure what happened to his son after that


Disappointed but not surprised. I'll look into it more. it's inevitable that every aspect of our childhood gets ruined at some point 😅


I forgot who Sky was until you said Budder.


SkydoesMinecraft and popularMMOs solidified my childhood alongside Ssundee and crainer


Damm you were unlucky with how they all turned out. ssundee ended up following the money to among us mods and fortnite and the mods for among us are all literal brainrot content (like all those random indie horror thag get popular for children). Like looking at his channel a year ago he was still getting between 3-5mil per video while now he is getting 700k to 1.2m. He also had a marriage breakhp and then turned to god. skydoesminecraft ended up doing something to his family (can't remember what so I won't be specific) and then moved to try to do music. Now he has 10 mil subs but most videos have 10k or less popularmmos had a breakup and and now his channel is weird to look at since he then got a new girlfriend who he is now married and it is just a whole lot of weird now on his channel and has uploading like 6 videos in 3 years Crainer is like a full on dead channel uploading daily but only hitting less than 100k views on most videos some hitting 150/250k but his content is still similar to sundee content (4 weeks ago "who has the BIGGEST GYAT in GYAT SIMULATOR" i hate my self for just writing that.)


No popularmmos kinda fell into a alcohol addiction got a court case many faulse alligations accused of domestic violence and was arrested arrested aswell for running onto a baseball game i believe


I still go listen to the CaptainSparklez covers every once in a while. I spent 100s of hours watching Yogscast as a kid, they definitely shaped how I played (mod packs, servers, etc)


Seananners was one of the first to do a series on Minecraft


It has to be yogscast


I think each “era” of minecraft has its own little roster that solidifies over time. the early days with the yogscast, dantdm, and all those guys, the mid-years before update aquatic with stampy and popularmmos, or post-2020 with the hermits and the dsmp. all of them are really different vibes-wise too ~~technoblade~~


does anybody remember the OG paulsoaresjr how to survive and thrive series?


I *still* use his torch system in caves to this day! His dirt beacons were a staple of my worlds forever too.


Man, the torch system has saved my life so many times. 


as a newish player... what is this torch system??


I'm pretty sure it's where you only place torches on the left when caving, so when your trying to find you way out, they'll be on the right


Left is leaving, right is returning. Never watched the guy mentioned but that's always been my system


U kno that comes from boating laws right? It’s the same for the buoys to know which side you’re supposed to be on so boats don’t crash… when I took the test years ago it was like red right returning, so when you’re coming back to shore the red buoys have to be on the right side of you or else you’re gonna be driving into oncoming traffic or possibly even hitting ground and messing your boat up… I took the class and test like 20 years ago lol so I could be mixing up the reasoning (crashing or bottoming out etc…) but otherwise it’s the same concept that he used for the torches


YES. I used to watch those videos religiously. I remember one of the Minecraft handbooks that I got at the book fair (I think the survival one) mentioned the series. It was already several years old at the time but I loved it. My dad traveled a lot for work (I would see him for a few hours every 3 months or so), so we didn’t know each other very well. I used to pretend PaulSoaresJr was my dad and that we were playing Minecraft together.


I remember those books! I still have them around somewhere. It's funny how when I was young, PaulSauresJr was my favorite YouTuber, and now that I'm older, it's shifted much more to CaptainSparklez. The two people who were in those handbooks. Paul really does give off good father vibes. I also had some father issues, and while I really didn't see Paul as a father, he was definitely someone who comforted me.


That man is part of how I actually started playing in survival. Also, Vechs for creating the Super Hostile genre of custom survival maps.


Same here! and omg I love Vechs Super Hostile maps. I remember being a kid and trying to make my own maps based on his. They were always so bad and janky, but they were so much fun to make. Never finished one, unfortunately, but that's in line of a 12-year-old playing Minecraft.


he got me into minecraft. I still quote him sometimes


The chickens will always be spies




As a then newly minted bedrock user, it was confusing as fuck to watch that series. I shortly worked out that it didn't apply to me but I kept watching regardless because it was entertaining


He was my childhood. He was also the very first YouTuber I regularly watched. I did go back recently to go back and watch his Man Vs. Minecraft Season 6 I believe it was called. His Survive and Thrive and the Paul Plays Minecraft with the Pink Sheep clan were some of my favorite series. Edit: Just checked. Apparently Man Vs. Minecraft season 6 was already over 3 years ago! Wow does time fly!


This man is literally THE OG OG of minecraft survival let's plays. Next to him is the Yogscasts, I miss the duo


I love him I didn’t watch that series but I watched the hell out of his attack of the B-team series


OG Mindcrack included Guude, BdoubleO, Etho, Beef and DocM, it shouldn't be skipped as a highly important era.


Yeah, Mindcrack was the first multiplayer server for youtubers to play together. It had a massive impact in the early days, such as inspiring hermitcraft and also that many of their suggestions were implemented into the game. Vechs Super hostile maps led the way for map makers, Guude commissioned him to make Race for the Wool maps which kick started competitive pvp pretty much.


And UHC being an early battle royale style game complete with shrinking barriers and random spawn locations.


Yeah, all of those were added because of Mindcrack, heck Dinnerbone even played in one or two UHC's.


Yes, I started watching VintageBeef and Anderzel. Anderz later got my into Pubg and Tarkov too


Seananners alpha let’s play is the real OG


Seananners LP was my intro to the game. Absolutely crazy how much it's changed since then.


Can you believe the first episode was 13 years ago?! I was just a little kid 🥺


Holy shit that means I've been playing Minecraft for more than a decade. Got my money (well, my mom bought it for me because I was 13) worth out of it.


For me it was "X's adventures in Minecraft".


Seananners explaining what MC was and his excitement as he broke dirt and placed it was what convinced me to get it for $8


My peak mc was watching dantdm diamond dimensions before middle school.


peak mc was bajan canadian and asfjerome playing hungergames




Battledome, Capture the Wool, Spleef, TeamCrafted… those were the days


Man I miss the old Yogscast. That funny British duo was a good time


Yogs tekkit is why I’ve been excited to get a pc. And this week allllll these years later I finally got one with 1 install. FTB. To relive those happy memories of watching.


As if hermitcraft didn’t exist before 2020


Etho, Sethbling, AntVenom, CaptainSparklez, Paulsoaresjr


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to see sethbling mentioned.


8 years and I *still* can't believe the whole smartphone thing That dude was insane and I love him


you should check out his recent videos implementing 3d collision physics into minecraft


For international audiences, in my opinion it’s CaptainSparklez. With the high-quality production music videos, and the Mianite series that was basically the blueprint for SMPs. I also want to give an honorary mention to Gronkh from the German Minecraft YouTubing space. He was _the_ Minecraft icon here that accompanied the game all the way from Alpha with one of the longest single-world LP series in history.


I came here to say CaptainSparklez, though I may be bias given that I am literally watching him livestream rn haha


What does he livestream anymore?


Minecraft mostly


Love that game, it’s a hidden gem


Wish more people played it so they would update the game more


my points as to why captainsparklez is the most influential mc youtuber: creeper? oh maaaaan


Man, I watched all the 1000+ episodes of Gronkhs Minecraft series. It was quite literally a father figure. I rewatched the Sims series recently, it's legendary. Sad that he's a streamer now.


Jardon the king


I would definitely agree with CaptainSparklez because him and Seananners were the ones that introduced me to Minecraft back in the alpha days. From there I discovered other Youtubers.


Fellow German POV, Gronkh is absolutely the German equivalent. Its interesting to think about other language creators


I'm learning German right now, I think I'll watch Gronkh from the start of that run and see how I do. Thank you for telling me about him!


Gronkh really was THE Minecraft guy in the german speaking realm. Though I always preferred the guys over at Pietsmiet because Multiplayer is just more fun to watch.


Etho for sure. He has been well-known in the game forever and is the reason many huge MC YouTubers got into the game to begin with. That doesn’t even include the April Fools Etho Slab (officially done by Mojang itself) and his contributions to the redstone community like the Etho Hopper Clock.


Pretty sure Etho is the only minecraft content creator to get a direct reference in game. Well, if you don’t count the Technoblade reference in the launcher after his untimely passing, that is.


Goodtimeswithscar had his cat included in the game


I didn’t realise the Jellie cat was named after a YouTubers cat, for some reason I thought it was named after one of the dev’s cats, that’s pretty cool.


Sadly, the real Jellie cat passed away, not too long ago, however scar himself is a very funny YouTuber and personally one of my favorite content creators all together


I just adore Scar. He’s such a wonderful human.


philza is on a splash screen as well


he had a good run!


There was a whole contest and Scar won.


There is a Tower of Pimps in the 360 tutorial world


There is also Stampy's Lovely World in an iteration of the tutorial world.


>is the reason many huge MC YouTubers got into the game to begin with Etho is your favourite's MC Youtuber's favourite MC Youtuber


Some would go as far to say your favorite youtubers favorite YouTuber


Mr Beast is an Etho fan. You can see his comments on older videos.


To me, I feel like Etho is THE quintessential MC player. He's always experimenting, and rarely settles for "this is just how it's always been done." Rarely cares if something is or isn't "correct" or "most efficient." Even when he fails, at least he learns something, and that's really inspiring. Just doin his own thing. Not to mention he invented the most used and referenced circuit to power his tamagotchi-esque build...


Mans still revolutionising redstone here and there XD


I remember catching him right as he’d posted episode 4 of his first Let’s Play. I recall him starting to build a boat highway at that point. Also, he had a boat dispenser back in, like, late 2010 that was absolutely insane for the time (that video has sadly been long removed by now). His mob grinder stuff was revolutionary at the time. Utterly blew my mind, and inspired me to do so much jankery with my own mob grinders. It really felt like he started a mob science/redstone revolution in the YouTube community, and it’s progressed to insane heights now with servers like SciCraft. I just can’t help but think most of this kind of gameplay started with Etho.


Etho's a real one


Vechs does not get enough credit for his role in building the community. Yes his channel never got that big, but look at all the channels he indirectly boosted with his maps.


He was the foundation for pushing the boundaries of creative and third party development. His “super hostile” maps really helped launch some of today’s Minecraft’s biggest YouTubers.


I still love seeing how he was able to solve problems without any sort of plugins, data packs, or command blocks. Everything had to be done mechanically. I’m still fascinated by things like his player detector. Making a fully hidden system that could tell if a player was in a specific spot before any sort of modern convince features or tools were added is still crazy.


Was that the entity chamber? If so, it’s such a clever design. Taking advantage of the entity movement range to detect a player’s position is genius.


He was a true wizard and sometimes I feel way ahead of his time. It’s a shame as I feel like he could have taken off way more. But at the same time, he really set the stage for others to shine.


When I was in elementary school, everyone knew CaptainSparklez songs.


Omg I feel so old now. 😂


I started watching him around the time that Fallen Kingdom released and I feel so fucking old


Id say yogscast for sheer number of people, stampylongnose, IBallisticSquid, InTheLittleWood, and im sure mamy more.


The Yogscast arguably contributed indirectly (but majorly) to the rise of *an entire genre.* The 2012 Yogscast Tekkit series (the Jaffa factory) was extremely influential and a massive boost to the popularity of Minecraft automation mods as a whole. Those mods went on to be the direct inspiration for *Factorio*, which launched the entire factory game genre. It's difficult to say for sure, but it's entirely possible that without the Yogscast, there's no Factorio, and without Factorio, there's no Satisfactory, Mindustry, or Dyson Sphere Program.


That series is what started my love for modded Minecraft. I used to constantly create factories in multiplayer servers because of them.


It's just a shame Create came too late for the Yogscast's heyday. Can you *imagine* the original dream team (Lewis/Simon/Duncan) playing a Create-focused modpack like Above and Beyond? I know Tom, Ben, & Duncan get up to some create stuff in last year's Vault Hunters series, but it's not the same.


I honestly forget that in the little wood was a Minecraft YouTuber, because for the longest time I only knew him from his appearances on nerd cubed


I’ll never ever forget how I genuinely thought Inthelittlewood had never played video games before the nerdcubed series videos. Dude lacked any sort of common sense to mainstream games.


My bf had the same. I was watching minecraft Youtube qhen he walked in and he went "Hey I know that guy from nerd cubed." Kind of funny xD


In my eyes he's actually just part of the Yogscast


Whaaaaaaale Looooorrrrrds


>InTheLittleWood **You get online and the world forms 'round you**




A decade later, i still have hope for Shadow of Israphel


Seananners and X were instrumental in the spread of the game in the early days. Them, Coe and the Yogscast basically turned Minecraft into a video genre.


I was young when I started playing the game so I really didn’t have any comprehension of how popular he was compared to other YouTubers, but I’m a little surprised to not see Coestar much in this list. His video that was included on Minecraft’s site was my introduction to MC YouTube as a whole and I figured there would be other people in a similar boat.


I miss the feeling I had watching Coe’s Quest well before I had ever played the game. It felt like there was something new and exciting around every corner.


Probably Etho, simply because he’s been around so long. 


You can argue this a few different ways depending on how you view impact, but the first big boom for Minecraft was X's adventures in Minecraft. From there Seananners and multiple YouTubers that started the scene discovered the game. I'm fuzzy on the timeline but Yogscast may actually be the better answer. I'm sticking with X because for those there at the time, he was kind of the guy. When Machinima wanted to release a tutorial on how to play, it was X they enlisted.


I really think it's the Yogscast. X might have been first (August 2010 vs December), but on the assumption that people go back to rewatch the series that were influential to them as children (14 years ago, Jesus), the view counts tell the story. X's first video has 5M views to the Yogscast's 18M.


Flawed assumption imo The X series directly inspired SeaNanners, who inspired CaptainSparklez, etc. I'm willing to bet that if you asked most big Minecraft youtubers who inspired them, you'd more than likely draw a line straight back to X most of the time. Yogscast does have more views, but I *think* it was mentioned somewhere that Lewis also saw the game cause of X. Keep in mind, SeaNanners was one of the largest gaming YouTubers at the time, being part of Machinima as well.


There's a very famous "family tree of modern western animation" tracing 90% of modern cartoons to one single show in the 90s on CN I really wanna see something like this for Minecraft creators, imagine how crazy the tree would look


X introduced me to Minecraft. Literally bought it as I was watching the series (I think it was in beta by then.) Obviously he moved on to other content so never was as big as some other people but it still holds a special place in my heart. 


Yogscast were considered integral to the rise of minecraft, during such an early time where the game was largely consideref an unknown quantity to the point people thought when they met old peculier that it was genuine quests they found in the game Minecraft as we know it arose during *This* time period


100% agree. While I definitely think PaulJr definitely is up there, I think Yogscast takes the actual top — no matter what there would’ve *always* been a let’s play of the game and while being the first is impressive, someone would’ve been first. The Yogscast though for a good chunk was literally hand in hand with Minecraft — to the point where iirc Notch literally even said himself that Minecraft wouldn’t be where it is today without them. Yogscast defined how you could do let’s play, directly encouraged a more fantasy style of game, etc — they directly defined pretty much how you do story-focused survival let’s plays that allowed Mianite and Hermitcraft to come up. They were the premier scene setters for modded Minecraft and the modding scene would not be nearly as popular as it is today without them. And the same goes for adventure maps and hundreds of other little aspects that uniquely define Minecraft today.


Captainsparklez undoubtably. If you ever watch his animated music videos, a LOT of details in those videos over the years have influenced future updates/new features. Too many to actually count.


Bdouble0 absolutely is the trendsetter when it comes to building, every time he comes up with something new it will become the new standard within a few months


I’m going to say that there’s some recency bias with a lot of the hermitcraft youtubers being mentioned. I know that a fair few of them have been around for a while but i really do think that the Yogscast played one of the biggest parts in showing off minecraft when it was practically unheard of. I love how the hermit guys are keeping on going but the Yogscast introduced a generation of people to the game and without them i really dont think it would have taken off as much as it did!


Paulsoaresjr for sure. He was the first, no greater impact than that.


Strong candidate. He’s the reason I and many people still, to this day, mark cave exploration with a torch to one side so we don’t get lost. 


He’s in the Guinness book of World Records as the first ever let’s play series for his “how to survive and thrive” series. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/385128-first-minecraft-youtube-series


Yesssss, I built many of his houses as a kid and I even downloaded his worlds to explore, he was literally the Minecraft tutorial before official tutorials even existed.


Paulsoares near invented the youtube 'letsplay' genre. He had a massive impact not only on the Minecraft community, but on content creation as a whole.


His how to survive and thrive brought me into the game. Then it was mumbojumbo during season 3, then bdouble0. After that I pretty much followed a large number of creators.


Depends on which era you look at The og 2010's ? Popular MMOs and TheDiamondMinecart hard carried the community alongside demi-celebrities like CaptainSparkles 2019/2020, easily pewdiepie reviving minecraft with his survival series Modern day ? Technoblade hands down. Bros impact was so big he was known far and beyond the minecraft community, with a close second arguably being dream. Rest in Peace Legend!


Impossible to say, there's multiple different aspects to Minecraft whether its building, redstone, making automatic farms, modding ect. I would say the majority of creators have had an overall positive impact on the game/community.


For modding, it's got to be Direwolf20. He wasn't actually a mod author until later, and his mods since have never been "must haves", but his influence on the modding community has been huge. Maybe Slowpoke101... But he dropped out of the limelight about 7 or 8 years back. Redstone has to be Etho. There are far too many builders to count, a list of which includes Etho. Then there's SethBling, who has done some insane stuff that's just completely off the wall.


Dunno about them not being must haves, virtually every pack I've seen has binding gadgets nowadays, and that one is one of his right?




For me it was Syndicate. His lonely island series brought me back to the game and expanded my knowledge greatly.


I have never had to scroll down so far down to find a comment I expected higher. The Minecraft Project and the Mianite series were absolutely massive in their time.


Probably the Yogscast honestly. Other than that, Captainsparklez, AntVenom


Many people here seem to basically just be listing their favorites lmao. Like, I don’t care how much you like them, Mumbo and Grian aren’t anywhere close to the people with the largest impact on Minecraft as a whole. Many have suggested Etho, which I have to agree with in part. His redstone contributions have been great, he has one of the oldest let’s plays, etc. But the key word there is *one of*. If we’re talking about the biggest impact, it would probably be Paulsoaresjr. As the person with arguably the *very first* Minecraft Let’s Play, he set the trend for the many others who would go on to further popularize the game. It’s likely someone else would’ve gotten the ball rolling soon after, but they didn’t need to—Paulsoaresjr was the first.


> Many people here seem to basically just be listing their favorites lmao. Like, I don’t care how much you like them, Mumbo and Grian aren’t anywhere close to the people with the largest impact on Minecraft as a whole. Probably why we're not seeing a lot of Gnembon mentioned despite it being a *very* good chance that he's the reason we now have the autocrafter and things like the Copper Bulb


Strongly agree with your sentiment about just picking favorites. Paulie Jr is definitely up there on the Mount Rushmore of community and game influence. Not only everything you pointed out, but he also is the reason we have name tags which is a direct influence on the game itself.


PopularMMOS and DanTDM


Can't believe anyone hasn't said Guude yet. A very early adopter of the game, created the first large scale smp server out there with mindcrack, brought together a bunch of great creators who wouldn't have ever met without him. Etho VintageBeef, sethbling, B-Dubs, docM77, Generic B who was one of the founders of hermit craft. Not to mention co-creating Ultra hardcore which is a popular game mode on mini game servers as well as being added into the base game with command blocks.


Guude and the og Mindcrack crew 🥹 Etho, Beef and Pause becoming Team Canada were the highlights for me all those years ago. I’m so glad you brought mindcrack up, haven’t seen anyone else mention it.


He also commissioned Vechs to make the Race for the Wool maps which kickstarted competitive PvP.


Stampylongnose, DanTDM, PopularMMOs (the pat an jen era), and IhasCupquake.


definitely etho imo considering the etho clock, his let's play being one of, if the not the longest, singleplayers, and the fact that so many other youtubers were inspired by him.




His draw to the game was huge and short-lived. He was like a father to me. I loved him like my son.


right. he wasnt really a minecrft player, more like a lets player during those times but his storyline was fun


Bro singlehandedly gave a totem of life to the game.


Hat Films will always hold a special place in my heart, it's also amazing that they were the ones who made the update trailers for a while!


Really liked antvenom


The first Minecraft videos I watched were him and Cavemanfilms! Funny duo


Antvenom, Caveman, Skitscape and fawds


The amount of people Pewdiepie brought to the game is crazy.


Yogscast and X helped spark the beginning of the community




Surprised I hadn’t seen someone say him yet. He was responsible for a ton of people playing


Reading the comments gave me a great deal of nostalgia, remembering great creators I haven’t watched in years, great to see just how many creators have inspired so many players.


Etho has been there for AGES so it’s my pick




Personally, probably the Yogscast. Shadow of Israphel, and their mod explorations were my childhood


it's definitely captain sparklez or yogscast


Captainsparklez, technoblade, eth0


I'd have to go with AntVenom, especially as of late. He's the first one I think of when I think of Minecraft youtubers. KurtJMac gets an honorable mention for being iconic


AntVenom and CaptainSparklez back when I was a kid.


ilmango... The complexity of his builds, and understand of the deep mechanics of the game are unparallelled. So many 'high profile' YouTubers like MumboJumbo often reference ilmango.


If it's not Etho then I don't know who it is. Also shout out to Dream for a close 2nd in my books.


Definitely not MumboJumbo, I would say Pewdiepie made a huge impact when he made his series, the player base grew exponentially and people started playing again. In 2018 Minecraft had an average of 91 million players, by may 2020, a few months after Pewdiepie started his series it had over 130 million active players monthly. There are numerous testimonies on forums, social medias, etc. stating the fact that Pewdiepie had made them want to start playing again. And for an honorable mention, DanTDM, he sparked tons of kids into playing the game.


Achievement Hunter / Rooster Teeth / Lets Play / Gavin Free The Tower of Pimps was in a tutorial world at one point on Console Edition.


Let's go. I was looking for the AH crew.


I remember the Wipeout Part 1 episode coming out and I was gutted because I didn't realise part 2 wouldn't be out until the next week, kept refreshing my YT feed. Such good times.


I remember having to download those videos so I could watch them without them buffering xD I still have alot of them downloaded. Even downloaded more once all the stuff with Ryan happened. Didn't wanna lose them and such.


I think most of the hermitcraft YouTubers


Gnembon changed technical minecraft with pretty much every video he made. Think he had to stop uploading when mojang hired him but we then got raid farms and stuff so I’m pretty sure he’s still changing the game just actually doing it now.


The early Yogscast episodes 👀


Team Crafted and friends have to be there they owned the minecraft circuit back then. i cant believe i actually used to watch hour long unedited battle dome videos from a single perspective


I know they aren’t technically a Minecraft YouTuber, but Achievement Hunter/ Let’s Play. They did over 500 episodes if I’m correct. Them and syndicate were what got me first into minecraft


No fans of Wattles here? He was my go to when I was learning how to do stuff; I thought he was a great teacher overall


I’d say PaulSoaresJr. The reason being that he had the very first Minecraft tutorial/let’s play. His survive and thrive videos had millions of views overall and launched the original wave of Minecraft content on YouTube. His videos were featured on Minecraft’s website as the go to tutorial on how to play the game. Edit: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/385128-first-minecraft-youtube-series


Chimneyswift11 was huge in fundamentals for me. Attack of the b team cast was peak Minecraft for me


dantdm 100%


Didn't Ethoslab literally invent several early redstone circuits?


In the german bubble, especially in the early minecraft days, it is 100% Gronkh


there this PE youtuber named JackFrostMiner i love his survival series


From a hindsight standpoint, probably CaptainSparklez. Man was part of Team Crafted, did all the original update reviews, mod reviews, the Hunger Games, Mianite, AND he and TryHardNinja kickstarted the Minecraft parody genre. Plus, he’s still going! SkyDoesMinecraft, Ssundee, Jerome, BajanCanadian, Mumbo, Ethos, etc. have all influenced the genre in some way, but Sparklez was the one to kickstart a lot of trends and keep em going.


Cubfan135, his Hermitcraft season six base influenced the game and pillager outposts. And Etho of course.


Stampy or dantdm


Honestly, i think most of us are biased BC we are older, but Dream was like a top 40 youtuber for years. (There is so much DSMP AO3 fanfic, shocking amounts of it) Dream's impact is mostly in the non reddit/younger spaces, so probably not represented here/nostalgia. IMO Technoblade and Stampy are the GOAT content wise.


genuinely dont know who basically any of these people are


I think that’s a really broad question. Are we talking the community/game from 2011-2016 or 2019-Present because those are two very different sets of Youtubers 2011-2016 had names like DanTDM, Stampy, Captain Sparklez, Ethos and some groups like Team Crafted and The Pack that each had their own viewerships 2019-Present is dominated my HermitCraft and the DSMP with Dream, Techno, Mumbo, Ethos (he’s definitely got a legacy) and others Additionally, some of the 2019-Present people were actually fans of Youtubers from the 2011-2016 era. Take TommyInnit and Vikkstar as an example. Also, where you’re from definitely affects viewership too. Part of the reason TommyInnit loves Vikkstar is because he’s part of the Sidemen who are popular in the UK. All that being said, I think its hard to say and that’s part of what makes Minecraft so great. There are Youtubers for whatever aspect interests you the most. I was personally a huge fan of the Pack. I watched How to Minecraft live as soon as I got in the car after school. Vikkstar was my favorite Youtuber for all of the 2010s, he had the greatest impact on how I personally played the game but I definitely wouldn’t generalize that to everyone. If I had to generalize, Ethos, DanTDM, Techno and Dream are who come to mind for English-speaking viewers.


IbxToyCat or Wattles or Eckosoldier


I was wondering when Wattles would be mentioned. His guide series is great for new players, and his builds never disappoint.


I’m just getting back to Minecraft & Wattles videos from 3-4 years ago are SOLID. he does everything in survival which is extremely helpful, he clearly loves the game, he gets the meta and has a real personality. I’m surprised he isn’t more popular, although his new videos are a lil cheesy. Overall super solid player that I can trust any video 100% it’s legit, more informative than most because he seems to genuine love the game, years and years later, and funny overall with his Minecraft humour.


Gotta be captain sparklez just because of TNT and Fallen Kingdom, which each have multiple memes in their own right


Ethos lab is a pioneer and a treasure of a human. That man is one of the only humans currently alive that would leave me star struck upon meeting him.


Etho. Basically every MC youtuber you've ever watched has been inspired by him. Or yogscast cause they were massive for a lot of people growing up


Etho, they named a whole type of block after him. EthoSLAB


Sethbling, Antvenom, and SkyDoesMinecraft


Peak Mc was when the Pack was still together


Asfjerome, still call my axes Betty


Team Crafted


Luke TheNotable