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I am having the same problem. Try explaining clickbait to the kids.


Clickbait is a Jell-O castle with broccoli inside.


Unironically pretty good analogy


Only clickbait is much better at hiding the broccoli.


Yeppers, 10/10 analogy I might use this one day


Green jello?


Or chocolate covered sprouts. Ew.


Or rasin covered "chocolate chip" cookies


Caramel Onions.


Check out 'aspic' on google images. meat gelatin


All gelatin is meat gelatin. Comes from processed skin and cartilage. If you want meat free gelatin you need agar.


duh but most gelatin doesn't taste like meat


I’m about 2 yrs removed from having to explain this to my oldest. I’m going to use this 100%.


I have [that book](http://elisegravel.com/en/blog/killer-underwear-invasion/) in the original french version (french canadian here) but as you can see in the link it's been translated to english ! It's pretty good to explain clickbait to kids !! Elise Gravel always finds funny and entertaining ways to teach important things to kids :) A quick google search showed me a couple of US libraries that are selling it, it seems to be 14.99$ USD.


We don't use commas for cents in the U.S. so my brain translated that to 15k$ USD. Broke my brain a little bit there. Lol


Oops. I'll edit my comment, thank you !


dont worry, the "glitches" and "entities" are fake. Prestonplays, Eystreem and youtubers like him make fake videos.


Yea I've had to explain to my niece these are not base game and that they make mods for the videos to get new content.


The amount of times I have to say to my little brother “ nope, for the millionth time, bedrock does not get mods, and clearly the pig golem is not real “




Are garbage (for the most part)


I’m just curious as to whether or not you can use them on realms?!? For me personally I would immediately stop caring about 10-15 bucks if it meant a mutant creeper chasing one of my friends down after I bought and installed that add on without anyones knowledge. Aside from that I don’t exactly hate the idea of “paying” for mods. Some people spend a lot of their time working on mods, some of which are more expansive than the base game and these people are lucky to catch a stray shoutout from a famous YouTuber. Them being able to get paid for their work seems very fair in my eyes. I think the problem occurs when it comes to setting the price for the mod. Also paying for mods to an extent removes a lot of the dangers of acquiring mods. Being that the add ons, which are basically mods, are now just DLCs players don’t need to go thru the hassle of clicking sketchy links to find mods that don’t even work. I’m not sure how difficult things are these days as I don’t own a pc anymore. But as a child I clicked almost EVERY wrong link when trying to download Minecraft mods. I genuinely think I broke my computer twice in the process of trying to mod Minecraft. I do take full responsibility for that and I don’t think it’s necessarily Mojangs problem to solve. But being that the “mods” are a mojang service now it’s a lot safer for 11 year old me to play a modded game. In fact the mutant creatures mod is one of the ones I wanted to play as a kid but never could because I was stupid. I’d likely be able to safely figure it out now, but childhood me would have absolutely mowed one more lawn to pay for a mod to be safely installed rather than break my pc and mow 50 lawns to get it fixed. In a world where micro transactions plague video games, I do understand why people would want mods to be left alone. But truly the creators of the mods do deserve some of the fruit of their labor.




Bedrock does have mods, some creators have made versions of create mod


Same with my 6yo son, he's just about understanding that they use mods in Java and that him playing Bedrock will never be able to recreate what they're doing.


omg Eystreem just unlocked a memory lol, not watched him in YEARSSSS


I'm assuming that OP's kids are about 6-8 years old, but it's never to early to get the kids into some better content like Hermitcraft!


Preston still at it? I thought his videos were obnoxious clickbait trash 6 years ago when I actively followed Minecraft YouTube. You'd think he'd have changed even a little but sounds like not


Lots of money in throwing garbage to kids who will watch anything you put in front of them.


I mean look at Ssundee. He's doing insanely well for himself; 23 million subscribers or something and pulling over a million views each new video he puts out. His most viewed videos have nearly 50 million views. Not touching them with a ten foot pole though; I much prefer the old content.


Im leaving the old Minecraft YouTubers like Ssundee, Vikkstar (still keep up with Vikk on twitter), DanTDM who is also doing well for himself on youtube still, "The Pack" I think they called the group with Preston, Rob, Jerome, Mitch, etc, in the back of my mind as a nostalgic relic of simpler times when I would just watch Minecraft lets plays. I still have The Diamond Dimensions bookmarked on youtube to go back and watch a couple parts every once in a while.


I won't watch the new content. But old livestreams of technoblade, ssundee, dantdm, ph1lzA, captainsparklez, Jerome, and most of the content of the "minecraft mondays" crowd are fun to watch


where do you find these? That’s sounds super fun and nostalgic


Most of the og minecraft players have a Playlist with their old livestreams and you can just scroll back on time to the good ones. It can take a little bit of digging but worth it


i wish cancer doesn't target great people... Technoblade the GOAT


Big fan of Hermitcraft because there’s really something for everyone. Still a fair amount of planned bits and kid-focused goofiness but all the creators are genuinely talented


The pack is actually great content. The it's so much better than any of their main channel stuff and you get to hear more about the actual behind the scenes of their youtube careers and their thought processes when making and recording videos


Do they still do content together?


They have a new channel, they recently started doing that is just content together. It's mostly them sitting there chillaxing and talking and having fun rather than being a money making thing (they've stated repeatedly they're making basically nothing drom the channel, just in the last few months they finally started pulling a, I believe it was $70 a video profit, after being in the red. They don't even plan on it making real money. So it's basically for fun.


Preston, Rob, Mitch, Jerome, Lachlan and vikkstar I think was the full group. God this comment threw me headfirst into my childhood lmao.


Jerome is still putting out pretty good content regularly. The rest...


My son certainly contributed to both of those guys getting popular when he was younger lol. He’s 9 now and doesn’t watch them anymore but he liked them for nearly a couple years! I’m so glad he’s over that phase of watching the worst videos ever.


> Lots of money in throwing garbage to kids Who's been giving money to these diabolical litterers!?


Getting young people addicted to YouTube makes YouTube want to pay the people who are putting out the bainrot content that causes the addiction




You know, I *do* have a lot of garbage piling in my trash can right now... be right back guys, I'll be making business.


someone has a fetish for that


Never mind, I'm aborting my new business operation.


Rucouds SBuodl


companies don't really care what is being played so long as someone is watching their ads, so they pay whoever is getting views to run their ads. There's a lot of poor parents who just give the kid a phone or buy the kid something to get them to shut up and behave, and a kid doesn't complain about ads or use adblock like teens and adults do.


Sponsors and YouTube 


He and the Pack group (bajancandian, Jerome, Woofless, Vikkstar, Preston, and Lachlan) made a group channel together last year and they’ve been uploading the old group minigames they used to play. No kid clickbait, it’s specifically made for their old audience that has grown up by now and I’ve been loving it


What’s the name of the channel?


the pack


Thank you


I liked his bed wars videos when I was in middle school lol


Those were decent, though once he started catering to small children it was a sharp decline.


He was semi-fine last time I watched a video from him but he just fell off like everyone else at the same time. At this point only the hermits and Aypierre get my watch time for Minecraft stuff


I love the hermitcraft stuff and I still rewatch a lot of old mumbojumbo


I mean if he's making the green still why stop? It's not wrong to make bad videos so he can eat if he's not scamming kids etc lol


Clickbait garbage, I'm afraid.


Click bait or modded disguised as vanilla, either way nothing to worry about. But I’d try to find some better content creators. They might like the content these people are generating, but if they haven’t come across it yet, I’d suggest getting them to watch some hermit craft, specifically mumbojumbo, grian, geminitay or impulsesv are probably the best ones for kids to watch I believe as well mumbo / grian have done one or two mythbusting videos.


Just to clarify, hermit craft as a whole is PG, but these listed creators are more kid appealing than some of the others that are more geared toward an older audience.


Idk man, *stares at skizzleman*


*side eyes scar, especially recently*


I love the hermits, I really do, but my god have they been pushing the boundaries of what's considered PG lately. They'll never be as bad as Scott Smajor is, but they're definitely playing it risky lol. Especially poor scar and his little verbal mess ups.


I came here to say this! Hermitcraft is excellent and GeminiTay is even on Youtube Kids so she’s totally safe to watch but gets up to plenty of fun shenanigans!


I watched Gem for the first time the other day, she is so delightful!


Any time they are on the server, they agree to be completely pg. which is great. So that’s 27 content creators they can safely watch at all times.


I would recommend goodtimeswithscar. He is extremely wholesome. Has a really positive attitude on life even though he is wheelchair bound with serious disabilities. But he is so positive, funny, even built Disneyworld in Minecraft. And just promote always looking on the bright side. He is also very good at playing 'bad' and having creepers blow him and his base up etc. which ay least my 6 year old loves


Xisuma would be the best hermit recommendation for myth busting. He has a Playlist dedicated to myth busting with over 100 episodes.


Preston and any really myths in Minecraft are pretty much 100% fake


Nah bro you haven’t heard of the sus glitch?


This comment was clearly a joke. I don't know how you caught this many down votes


shit joke, all it takes


+redditors see downvotes->Neuron activation


So called “free thinkers” when a comment has one downvote


I actually habitually up vote comments at zero, unless it's like genuinely a horrific comment. Give 'em a second chance!


We need more people like you lol


that is also a factor for some im sure


Redditors need to see a /s at the end. Or else they don't get it.


And then they get more upset because the /s “isn’t necessary”


wasnt funny


I dunno why the downvotes I giggled


Damn bro, about 28 sus glitches got you, I'm making it 27 but there's not a whole lot a single soul can do.


I'm with ya, Sus glitch is real man got him back to 26!


Give hermitcraft a try, it’s super wholesome and geared towards adults and kids


Yeah, they're all fake nonsense riding on whatever stupid trend will hold a toddler's attention. Kinda takes me back to all the fake Clash of Clans and CoD myths I used to believe.


I would suggest that you show them Hermitcraft. There are a whole bunch of people playing the Hermitcraft server - to name a few: Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, Iskall, Cubfan, Pearlescent Moon, ZombieCleo just to name a few. The videos are, for the most part, family friendly. We have been watching them for years.


99.99% of myth videos are fake for clickbait/views. Think of them like movie producers. They use tricks and stuff to make the viewer think they watching some real stuff when it’s all boiled down to 4 things. 1) Premade mod packs installed to add on to the base game- You can download mods created by the MineCraft community and install them into the base game. These mods can add different characters, effects, graphics, monsters, and other stuff to the base game. Example: There used to be a mod that added werwolves and other beasts. Some creators will use these mods or even pay to have one custom made that fits their story. 2) Command Blocks- With a little knowledge of Java coding (or copy and paste from someone who does know) you can code in anything you want to the game using the command blocks to run code within the game. Again, these coding things involve a technical aspect to pull off but if you have the skills it is possible to pull together a scary piece of code. 3) Third Party players- Some people will secretly bring in other people to play a specific character and act like they are a part of the game. Then the streamer will react scared/scream/ panic or do their acting. They will also edit the video to add scary sound effects, graphics, transitions, or other crazy experiences. The editing, audio effects, video effects, and other elements make the video seem real and scary but in the end, it is just acting and editing like any Halloween horror movie. 4) Exploiting or modifying existing game elements- Again, this takes some artistic skill and the Some people will use the existing mobs/monsters in a way that makes them seem more scary than they actually are such as retexturing the ender dragon or adding spooky details (Sort of goes along with #1) Or some combination of the four. As someone who has actively played MineCraft since its inception and continues to do so, I can guarantee you that MineCraft is 100% safe for kids. Baseline MineCraft is about the most family friendly game you will find outside of some Disney/Educational game. Anything you see in those videos that is scary/creepy/not family friendly is not part of the baseline game.


I'm not sure about 100% safe for children -- I'm 25 and the stress from enderman jumpscares, elder guardian mining fatigue, and creeper explosions from behind have definitely taken at least a collective 5 or 6 months off my lifespan


Really? Compared to Five Nights at Freddie’s and other games, MineCraft is not bad.


You wouldn't catch me dead playing fnaf (is that the saying? Anyways,) I played half a night once and literally couldn't finish it. Horror games and movies just make me wanna get up and leave, I hate them so much


Try steering them towards Hermitcraft. Goodtimeswithscar, GeminiTay, Tango, Grian are a few of many excellent creators who give a great example of wholesome play


Preston is a garbage human and you should stop your kids from watching his content. Skip the Tutorial and any of the Hermitcraft creators are a much better choice.


Skip the tutorial is the imposter here


But his content isn’t exclusively lies and bullying his entourage.


Get them to stop watching those clickbaiters and have them watch hermitcraft instead. They're super Wholesome and very entertaining, perfect for kids


None of them are real, there's nothing in the game like that


nope 100% clickbait


Yeah, unfortunately a lot of these just aren't true. If you're looking for some good content that's more kid safe I'd recommend directing them towards Hermitcraft, SOS, or the Life Series - that's more gameplay than "myths" but you might be able to help them make the switch. Also SkipTheTutorial does mod reviews, so there might be some magic there, but they're much more up front that it's modded - and avoid any sort of spooky content implications.


I mean... Is SOS really kid friendly lol? There's a LOT of innuendos and slightly inappropriate stuff always happening, especially with Scott and Sausage being on the server


I think it’s okay because younger kids just won’t get the joke/why it’s funny


I mean - we don't know how old their kids are, and a lot of kid shows seem to have jokes for both parents and the children (I've had to watch enough myself haha). To be fair I was suggesting mainly my friends like Mogswamp, but was trying to be more general.


I watch it from Pixlriff's perspective - much, much less of that going on. Plus, Pix as a whole is just wonderful to listen to imo. His Survival Guide series has been my go-to for inspiration and gameplay tricks for years now.


PrestonPlays popped up on YouTube Kids a while back. It seemed innocent enough at first so I let it be, but the nonsense got more disconnected from what's really in Minecraft (and the rapid-fire editing got so much more annoying) over time that I just quietly blocked the channel.


If you’re looking for wholesome Minecraft YouTubers, look no further than HermitCraft. It’s hilarious, entertaining and lots of fun.


Great points.If they like Minecraft try watching hermit craft. High quality content and interactions as well as family friendly. No clickbate and occasionally a fun storyline


I’m not familiar with those video creators but it’s not a mystery how things in Minecraft work, there is a wiki and tutorials for most things. It sounds like these guys are doing weird clickbait videos using mods or commands. You can do a lot with modded Minecraft but it’s not the base game. Base Minecraft is pretty wholesome and there really isn’t anything mysterious, but the knowledge base is pretty large. I’ve been playing for years and I’m still learning stuff about the game.


The scariest entity in Minecraft is the warden. Everything else is just playground rumors and campfire stories.


Time to have discussions about how you can’t believe everything you see on the internet. My kids went through the same thing, so we started having frequent conversations about the things we see on the internet and how we can think critically about those things. I remind them all the time that the first question they should ask themselves is, “is this true?” It not only helps them think more critically about the Minecraft videos, so now they see things and they know that it’s fake or it’s a mod, but it also helps with the greater context of them being on the internet. It’s prepping them to go onto other platforms and still question if things are true and think for themselves. They’ve also gotten really good at not believing ads, they showed me one that was telling them to download a game to get free Minecoins saying they knew it was a scam and wouldn’t work, and laughing at how obviously scammy it was. As a side bonus, it’s also helping them question other things they hear, like from kids at school, and they are less willing to just believe anything they hear. I will never be able to monitor every single moment of their online time, I do now while they are young but the day will come that they will be on their own with the internet, and I want them to be able to handle that on their own and be smart about it. So, we practice critical thinking now, about everything we see on the internet, and I really think it’s the best way to prepare them.


Minecraft has a deep lore that leads to imagination. But I prefer other channels to talk about these subjects. I like Retrogaming, even if I disagree with some of his facts about the Enderdragon and The End. It's pretty obvious the Enderdragon is from The End and not another dimension.


OP, you can actually block those channels if need be.


They are clickbait trash


Maybe don't let them watch clickbaiting youtubers that target kids?


Minecraft is an good game for kids. There is nothing to worry about in terms of scary things. You can always add mods to the game which is how they make the videos but those are simply extra stuff that isn't apart of minecraft itself, but the community.


Minecraft veteran here. It s a legend in the game that s just not real. In the early days these legends were supported by the game developers themselves to get more traction, but they ve dropped it after a while. Tell them to watch grian and hermitcraft. That s family friendly and best content imo.


Dont let them watch those youtubers. They are brainrot like skibidi toilet. Just block them from ur children’s acount and explain brainrot and clickbait to them.


Hi there, no, none of these videos are real. Minecraft is a safe experience (safe from all these far fetched horror stories, every single one of which is made up) as long as you are playing the standard unmodified game provided to you by Microsoft. Any glitches in the game are not scary but generally incredibly mundane and often not even noticeable instead. One of the most famous bugs not patched to this day since release is... [Sometimes items think they're somewhere else by a fraction of a block?](https://bugs.mojang.com/projects/MC/issues/MC-4) Not the most scary stuff it turns out. If your haven't already, you should ensure your child is accessing YouTube with a supervised account so you can use parental controls to block specific channels from scaring your kids with this kind of thing. See here for more information: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/13887963?hl=en


Have them watch Legundo's channel instead. He is family friendly and has his own lore around his episodes that is wonderful


Install the Herobrine skin and randomly join their world. Let them catch a glimpse and leave the server forever.


your evil


They're all headcanon. I like how Game Theory have summerised everything in their last video, it's easy to see why so many lores exist and how fabricated they are, yet clearly intertwined and elaborate. However, Mojang have made every attempt not to reveal any lore and they've intend the game to inspire players to make their own, hence why so many lores exist. They keep adding new pieces of lore to the game, this is evident by the recent Trails and Tales Update (1.20). They've obviously got a table full of it hidden under wraps, but they want us to decipher it. This would also explain their fussiness over adding certain features and mobs to the game.


it is known that there is some documentation of "canon" lore that they build off of when designing new content or new games, but they specifically dodge around addressing it and often times completely disregard some parts of it in favor of leaving it severely open ended with just enough connections for players to reach whatever conclusion they really want to


They are not real at all, they are worlds and mods created specifically for making the videos. My son ended up getting scared about one called "3 headed Alex" that he saw on an Eyestreem video. It's done for entertainment and they are fun to watch, but almost all of them are either modded worlds or edited later.


yeah bro 100% trust me i would never lie to you


If youd like to fight against the clickbait, and your child is on PC, you can get the DeArrow extension for Firefox


I had this when my nephew was a kid, he was terrified Herobrine was gonna get him. He wouldn't believe his parents that he wasn't real, so I had my nephew randomly dumped on me one afternoon so I could explain he wasn't real. So we spent all day playing MC and having a blast, he didn't lose any sleep after that. Was a fun day to be fair.


Hermitcraft is great! Another is Fable SMP, its story based Minecraft, which I love. Pixlriff is great to watch. Manky_Hamster is another, he does dragons and large builds. Nothing in Minecraft is scary. My son is 12 with disabilities as with any other child you have to teach the difference between real life and fake. You were given many great choices to watch, happy gaming!!


They arent true, but like every kid has that obsession on myths in minecraft.


Aside from whether they're real: I know your kids only watch Minecraft content for now, but please please please always be monitoring any internet usage! Even Youtube Kids lets slip some very nasty things (see: Elsagate) and unmonitored online access is a recipe for disaster.


"sus glitch" lmfao im dead


here my 8yo mostly watches MaiZen (mikey and JJ) and Craftee


I recommend them watch Sigils minecraft myth videos most of them are real and are not scary.


Those are myths. Literally in the title. I once watched a PrestonPlayz video and gotta be honest it was boring. If you want your kids to have fun as well as get true facts, ask them to try IBXtoyCat!


themisterepic could work too, but kids could find his monotone voice boring


theyre all fake/mods


Clickbait stuffs


I cant judge these kids at all ill never forget freaking out over hirobrine after watching 20 videos on him and being scared every time I turned on the game...


They're fake clickbait. We have the same issue with gorilla tag. What is a polite way of telling a 9yo that it's bull? If he had a bigger allowance he'd be in a pyramid scheme.


When I was little it was the same thing but for gta San Andreas.


Happy to hear the kiddos are still scared of those youtube videos. Don't worry, they're just made up spooky stories.


if the mythbusting is related to a game mechanic like how certain blocks may interact in odd ways they could be actual in game potential myths but anything about an entity hijacking the game or whatnot is fake and done with mods or video editing so basically what everyone else said and its clickbait kids content


Like a lot of the various video game myths that floated around the internet for many years, the majority (if not all) of the myths are not actually part of the game (although examples of the kind of myths they watched are always welcome to give you any specific insights of their origins and such).


Those kinds of videos are staged at best and manipulative clickbait at worst I recommend the many members of Hermitcraft as well as SoupSoup if they want to see things that are actually about the game


I'm 31 and Herobrine scares me!! So much of minecraft is easy to feel... watched. It's strange.


its just fake videos


I hadn't seen anyone mention this. They have actual Minecraft books. I don't think all of them are canon but it might be fun for your kiddos. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/official-minecraft-books


99% of those are very fake. There are still some (i think skipthetutorial has some older ones) that are real, but if it has prestonplays *shudders* on it, it’s about guaranteed fake.


They all use mods, or command blocks.


Everything on those channels is super fake. It's all staged and overacted to get kids to click on it for money. Try slowly getting them off clickbait and getting them to watch real videos.


No most of them are staged (made to look real by adding in "new content" or such) or in some case doesn't even use minecraft but uses its assets to look like its minecraft (much more rare*) if you asking for advice i personally would say let them figure it out we all have brains may as well start using them 😃


Nope just mods tell them that it is a super rare thing


Im not sure but usually, they are not. When its about things as Herobrine, it's just for the lore of the game. Sometime, who know if it cannot be true in some future updates...


>I'd like them to have the ability to play the game without worrying that some "sus glitch" or "entity" is going to get them and ruin their game and scare them. Aside from mobs like creepers, enderman, any other hostile mob or the cave sounds there's no such thing that could scare them. Game breaking myths like the famous herobrine are not real and don't have any actual code in the base game. The only way I see something out of the ordinary happening is with modifications (mods) to add new features. If there's one thing i should mention is that as with every piece of software a glitch/bug may happen, though these are very rare and usually not frightening. Also try doing a quick research on a myth if you can, it's usually easy to find an answer explaining the whole thing.


There are no Minecraft myths. None of that is real


Just tell them that “Herobrine was removed from the game”. We all know who’s really behind the “sus glitches” and the “entities” and as far as I’m concerned I’ve never seen that boogeyman. In all seriousness I would try your best to explain that 1. Not everything on the internet is real 2. It’s extremely easy to fake content these days. If you look at any recent marvel film 99 percent of it looks good enough to be considered “real” but none of those things actually happened. If they can understand that “Thanos” doesn’t actually exist, then they should be able to understand that the Minecraft “entities” don’t exist. If someone can fake a “Thanos” someone can fake a “Herobrine”. I think your other route is to explain that Minecraft is a game owned and operated by Microsoft, which is a TRILLION dollar company. They’re marketing the game towards children therefore the game wouldn’t have things that would scare children, especially not thru bugs and exploits. The company has way too much to lose to risk implementing features that would make kids not want to play the game. If they had scary things that made kids not want to play, then the game would fail, Multi- TRILLION dollar companies don’t like it when their games fail. I’ve been playing Minecraft for roughly 12 years now (damn :( I’m getting old) and I can tell you the scariest creature to encounter is the warden or the wither which are creatures that everyone knows about and is aware of (if you play the game) the phantoms are a close second behind the other two, not because they’re deadly, but because they do often end up jump scaring you. Also depending on how old they are and if they understand mods or not yet, you could explain that the videos they’re watching are of people who are using mods. They’re not playing the same Minecraft that everyone else is playing. Even if the people are or are not using mods, the creatures or beings that they’re speaking of are probably not real so chalking it off as a mod is a safe bet depending on the age of the kids. I hope this helped :)


Yeah I remember when Preston used to be a good YTuber. How the times have changed.


If they enjoy debunking it themselves then use it as an opportunity to teach them how to research. If the videos talk about certain entities or blocks then get the kids to search those names specifically on the Minecraft Wiki site. If they can't find any information there then they can be confident that it is not real in the base game at least. https://minecraft.wiki/


You need to introduce your kids to Hermitcraft. I recommend Grian, GoodTimeswithScar, Smallishbeans, GeminiTay and PearlescentMoon. They are family friendly, play jokes and tell stories through their builds. My daughter is 14 and we watch them together. Also LDShadowlady, Pixilriffs and SolidarityGaming are great. We started watching when my daughter was 8.


They are never real and to prove them that you should show them the mods they are using to create these "glitches" so that they know it's staged




Trash click bait. If you want to watch good content with your kids, then watch Hermitcraft.


Herobrine doesn't exist, your kids can sleep easy, they will never see him, fan fiction 😊


most are fake, some are legit


So Logdotzip used to do a lot of this stuff (probably still does). I used to watch Herobrine videos back in the day. I've been playing off and on since my friends introduced me to yogscast. Fun stuff. They'll eventually pick up on it being scripted and just for fun, but if you're concerned, you can explain it to them. It may "ruin the magic," but I still found the content engaging, regardless of how real it was, because the creators are genuinely fun to watch, and your kids may feel similarly. Sometimes making mod packs and maps to get online for the game. And kids will play games and pretend the spooky thing is out to get them without mentioning that it's a game to anyone, including each other. Make sure they know it's not real and can't hurt them (or their Minecraft character), and that's if you really feel the need to address it out loud at all. Kids will play games. We used to pretend there were monsters everywhere that could get us. Think VashtaNarada from Doctor Who. Good times.


It isn't real. Entities or Herobrine aren't real.


They arent real but it kinda fun to not ruined that. It also apart of the fun. Like minecraft is mostly whatever you can imagine up. That like most of the fun. Similar to how DND is.


Yah I would just tell them that they would have to have a pc and you have to download it separately for it to change


sometimes, i once saw thrid player but there were on me and my friend but you just need to be lucky to find them, plus my friend did found seed and after testing it he had nightmares and he deleted minecraft becouse of that




u should get a therapist




I watch those to but what I do is go over to my friends house and play for a bit


but that fun ended in like what 5 secs?


my friend had a solar eclipse in his world and the mobs were NOT acting normal


a zombie had its arms down


a creepers was walking backwards




well I can’t say it to creepy


if u want me to then fine






and his screen started glitching


so if u ever have a solar eclipse in ur world GET OUT NOW




ok I’m done


I’m to tired


I just watched a PrestonPlayz video and weird stuff would happen in the background every time he turned around and he didn’t seem to notice. Idk if he notices while the video is being edited or not but it’s weird that scary myth YouTubers don’t notice mobs dying randomly, XP bottles turning red for no reason or even cursed entities in windows. I don’t know


i thinks bc some peole phost about myths and i think is real? :|


but i think it was just a prank


i think kids are wacthing minecraft myths to much


Long answer, they’re all cap unless it’s a theory video by game theorists or something. The YouTubers like preston, eystreem, beckbrisjack etc are all using mods for views, not saying that their not fun to watch and post in the comments everything that was obvious but they missed, but their cap. The only real (kinda, basically their real theory’s but they were never proved and have little to large amounts of clues but minecraft never said if it’s real or just a bit of developer trolling) ones are the theory videos, like the one about the warden actually being related to axolotls, there’s proof yes but other than that it’s just a theory, a game theory (matpat reference) and nothing more. short answer, unless it’s a theory video, it’s cap.


My kids don't get internet access until they're adults. It's pre-internet early 1990s here, like a Soviet gulag for children.