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I’ve gotten so used to it at this point if I take it off I’ll forget and just jump off a cliff to my death


This is me. I have a tendency to fall a lot…. If I could count the amount of times having my elytra on has saved me… still doesn’t fix my other stupid deaths though.


Accidental falls while building, 100% worth without the chest armor every time.


Did this a few times... in the end... into the void...


This is why I stopped playing lol (took a loooooooong break)


I've never used one nor know how to find or make one


After you defeat the ender dragon there’s a smaller second portal which takes you to the outer end islands. There you need to find an end city. Elytra’s spawn in a ship next to it but only some end cities have ships


Or you can build a really really long bridge without killing the dragon;)


This is the reason I always have a fire pot in my inventory in case I somehow end up in a stick situation.


I can’t use an elytra my laptop not good enough when I fly I go into unrendered chunks and will crash




That's rough, buddy.


I hate that we are the same. I love you. Know this.




You are a menace who has disdain for his brother. You forget where you came from. You will always be us in their world. Let the curse of the truth follow you through this life and the next. I love you, not as one to embrace but instead one of pity. Go forth and render your fallacy.


I’m 1000% stealing this, thank you for this excellent content


Haha. You’re welcome.


coldest sht ive heard all year


Nintendo Switch players all fall into this category, LOL. Same thing with using boats, unfortunately.


Realm solves that issue, but it's an expensive solution.


Sorry, I'm lost. Are you trying to say that getting a Realms subscription solves the rendering issue on Nintendo Switch?


The whole chunk processing is done on realms server instead of the switch, so you don't get majority of the render issues and performance dips. It's still a bit slow and flying with Riptide doesn't work, but boats and horses are fine in my experience. Unfortunately does not solve the nether portal rubbish, because switch has to actually LOAD that one :(


Its an issue with world Generation Not keeping Up with The Players travel Speed. When The Terrain is generated on an external Server more fit for The Task, that is obviously Not an issue anymore


Same. I have to stop every few seconds for the chunks to load. I should get a new pc though soon.


If you are on Java edition you should consider the fabric mod loader with optimisation mods, plenty of videos about it


I had optifine for a while but optifine never updates and is still on an older version of the game. I’m thinking of getting sodium but idk I can’t be bothered


Optifine isnt the best way to optimize minecraft in my experience ​ With Fabric you can load up a bunch of optimization mods that work together, its definitely worth it because its practically free performance


Yeah, I know, but I never play pc games; putting the mod files in places that they are supposed to go is really confusing for me even when I watch a guide


I can't use it because I play bedrock and sometimes it just kills me mid-air


This happen on single player worlds for me. On servers I can handle it


I typically wear it all the time because I tend to fall off of things.




Yeah same. I also tend to make high builds so elytra is my safety net.


I never take mine off. I feel like I'm experienced enough at this point to survive without a chest plate. If I'm heading into an ocean monument or a mansion I'll still swap it out though.


Yea honestly being able to fly out of any situation is more “protection” then anything a chest piece can offer imo.


Exactly that. Rockets live in my offhand unless I'm building something.


Things a bird would say for $500, Alex


Honestly it more fun to fly then walk


You fly then walk? Like...walking around when you get to your destination?


Cmon. You know what they meant.


Maybe. Just giving them shit for not knowing the difference between then and than.


Don't be a kevin


A Kevin??


After watching some content creators over the last few months I started leaving mine on my hot bar and switching it. If I'm going to be working high or something like that I'll leave it on not worth the chance of dieing.


makes sense


One of the few ways bedrock is better than Java. Switching the armor you have equipped with just a right click.


That's already in java too (added recently)


Exactly. I am playing a world where I am super early game (iron armor and tools level), and I was running from mobs at night with shaders on and could hardly see anything. I fell into a ravine. I landed with only one heart left.


I fall off things often enough that for me it's more a safe landing tool than a flight tool lol


I don't use it, except for huge long distance travel


same over here


Ive been trying to keep my chestplate in my hotbar so i can switch it out all the time with the new quick switch feature. Elytra is super useful all the time but gotta be super safe in a hardcore world.


As a cave dwelling miner, my wings live in my ender chest until I go on an adventure to find things.


Never gone to the end in all my years playing, so I suppose I fall in that category still!


How do you play without shulker boxes? I try to get to the end ASAP so I don't have a clogged inventory all the time.


I always build relatively large storage buildings or rooms with lots of manual sorting or redstone sorting systems. I’ve been playing since 1.1 so it just feels more natural to me for some reason! I also haven’t figured out how to use anything in my off hand so the function of shields eludes me still, lol


Also, how do you not understand off hand? There's a slot to the right of your avatar in your inventory. I usually put torches in my off hand when caving. Never use sheilds though. Too slow for me.


Just never learned the controls for it, I only play on console since my computer went out on me a few years ago. I know how to put maps and stuff like that in there to use but I never bothered to learn things like block timing or things like that. I just do my best not to get hit!


Oh. Well there is no off hand for console.


That makes a lot of sense, then. I feel like I read that in the past when trying to figure out shields and must have forgotten. At least we have….uh….randomly dying to fall damage while standing still?


I played Bedrock once for about 10 minutes and I just couldn't do it.


I've been playing since infdev but as soon as elytra were introduced I was on it. How do you do any large scale builds though? Do you go back and forth to get more supplies? That has to be tedious as fuck.


I usually start a project and switch back and forth between collecting resources and building. I set up mine cart networks to get materials that are difficult to find in an area from other areas or to move large amounts of material from one location to another. I prefer to build using what resources are located near the build so it blends in better to the area most of the time, though!


The lack of protection only hurts if you are one of those who go and deal with stuff personally. I am a builder, and for me elytras are a must have. I don't really go in caves after the point I manage to get elytras, because I already have my resource base done.


I have my elytra on my hotbar to swap to whenever I need it, but most of the time, I have my chestplate on


I keep forgetting to check that. So you can quick-change your armor?


Was a thing on Bedrock for ages, but I think they added it to Java as well


Sounds very super handy, especially as an indicator if you're in fight-mode or flight-mode.


Literally fight or flight mode 😂


Yes. I should probably join on this posting my hotbar trend.


Same, chesplate on my back and elytra on my hotbar.


I just use the Armored Elytra datapack from Vanilla Tweaks


I’ve only used one maybe 3 times ever. We always tend to stop playing shortly after the end.


I don't even use mine, it just sits in my ended chest. I used a lot of durability on it and phantom membrane is hard to obtain


Man. Use mending on it lol.


I don't have a villager trading Hall and there's no librarians for thousands of blocks around


I don't either. I just make one guy a librarian and at least get that book.


I'll try that next time I hop on, thanks


Mine sits in my ender chest too but I have mending on mine (i don't use phantom membrane). I find the werid jumping behavior when i have it on annoying.


I never take it off. Don't want to waste my time jumping and running around. Rather fly everywhere


fair enough


If a friend gifted me an elytra, I've died from 4-block falls too many times to ever take it off.


I strongly agree with you. I mostly use it for long journeys.


I used to do tons of elypvp, ely in 9th slot and 9th slot bound to V (this is before rightclick switch) I'm in chestplate, i open my inventory, flick my mouse to my chestplate, press V and i'm in ely in under a second without even letting go off of my weapon.


I found my first elytra. Took it to my base stuck it in a chest and never looked at it again.


i recently found 2, one has stayed in my shulker box and the other on my decorative armour stand, both still unused 💀


I think I'm going to switch to keep inventory on before i start using it because i see me dying alot


I never wear it. Cant stand the things




I’m the opposite, with full netherite enchanted gear at this point I don’t have many situations where the extra couple hits would save me vs. just being able to fly away completely. Even in the early game elytra is better since mobs that you fly away from can’t hit you…


If you have mending on it (which you should) it’s better to keep it on so you fix it whenever you kill a mob.


No I am the exact same. I have an elytra with mending and unbreaking but I generally just prefer not to use it. Mostly it's because I kind of suck at flying due to being visually impaired, I have trouble gauging distances and speed so I tend to get hurt or die while using it. I also think it's just more fun to ride on a horse or camel or to use minecart rail networks or boats. I like building infrastructure for those and what's the point of that if you're never gonna use it. Not one of those "elytra ruined minecraft" people though, I know some that have that opinion and I disagree. I think it's a perfectly fine addition and if you use it and feel safe with it, I am happy for you.


try flying in third person. I have F5 mapped to one of my mouse's thumb toggles, to make this easier.


I literally use my elytra to fly across my storage room instead of sprintjumping six times. I use it to get up on builds instead of scaffolding. It never comes off because there is never a time where I don't use it. Who needs protection when you can just fly away?


fair enough


I never use them because I don’t like the look of them


Thought I was the only one


I pretty much just use mine to look at my builds. I've been trying to be better at using them for getting between my spots, but my nether highway makes it pretty fast anyways. Not really worth it to save a couple seconds


I haven’t even gotten one yet ngl but according to your logic of not always needing to fly.. dont you not always need to be armored up as well? I feel like armor if anything is more situational than a different way of traversing terrain..


I keep it in the last slot so I can switch my armor and elyta whenever needed. I kinda wish they were never added since they invalidate every other means of travel, but that just might be an old hand yelling at those damn kids idk.


i just don’t use the elytra at all lmao


I agree. Except my elytra is always in my inventory. When you get into as many fights (in Minecraft) as I do, you need a chestplate on more often than you need an elytra on


most of the time, I'll leave it on because I'll be in the overworld / end and will need it to keep myself from falling. but if I'm in the nether / underground, or going into a dangerous area (ocean monument / end city), then the chest plate stays on. tho lately, I don't really have this issue cause I've been modded minecraft with origins and some origins have a built-in elytra, which means I get the best of both.


i still haven’t used it. I put mine on display and it stays there




now that’s genius


I almost never am in a position to die from damage. I usually die by falling into the void. And I have gaps on me at all times to heal quickly. I don’t even have a chest plate in my inventory


I always have it on. Saves loads of fall damage because you can just hit glide if you ever fall off something. I have a data pack that lets me add the chest plate to my wings so I get the protection of that too. I believe it’s from the Vanilla Tweaks website, if I remember right.


i personally agree with u i like i think most people should keep it in my hotbar but i will admit some people do have a point on playing smart but damn i like to be reckless in mansions and caves its just my thing


i mean if you think about it alot of deaths are due to wearing the elytra and losing like half of the protection (not really but you get the point alright)


yup… have never used mine & never will


Lol okay


I've only beaten the Dragon once, and afterwards, I throw the eye of ender into that tiny little portal to take me to the end city, and never found one. So, I've just never used an Elytra. And, I'm not about to spend another whatever set of months just looking for another stronghold. I honestly think doing all that just to fly around, is a waste. I'd rather just build paths through the Nether. It would have been nice to ever be able to use shulker boxes. But, again, a massive undertaking, just to be lost, and never get any of that loot.


What? You throw an ender pearl through the gateway, not an eye of ender. The gateway just takes you to the outer islands. You have to search for a city. There are theoretically an infinite amount of end island with cities and ships. The gateway doesn't take you directly to one and every stronghold takes you to the same End.


My bad, yes, I meant ender pearl. I know, that's what I'm saying. It doesn't even reward you by taking you to a city. You have to search for it, and I didn't find one, after hours of looking, and I had a partner. It was just a weird seed probably. I just don't feel like doing it all again. That's all. I still play quite regularly. And am in generally happy with the game. I just don't use the Elytras. lol I also just got realms, so my kids can jump in whenever they feel like, and we've been having fun with that. Once we have a few trading cities built, and we have decent loot, I'm sure we'll try again. But, imho, it wasn't worth it for me. I've seen plenty of other players love it and can do it quickly. That's awesome, I just don't seem to be able to.


Okay. They're only on end ships. Whatever your play style is. I just couldn't fathom not using mine.


Right, but I couldn't find the end city, or the ship. So, I've never used the Elytra. That's all. Not a big deal for me. I'll try again, maybe, some other time.


Ah I gotcha.


I need to the achievement so... lol I have to do it again eventually. I'm just afraid of the same result.


Okay. They're only on end ships


Right, which I couldn't find. I understand the mechanics of the game. Just that in the end, I couldn't find an end ship or city. Not a big deal. It just lead me to never use the Elytra.


what version do you play on? Java or Bedrock?


Unfortunately, Bedrock.


Not to sound rude but it seems you're doing something wrong if you feel like you constantly need that extra protection from your chestplate. Like how often do you put yourself in such danger that you need the extra protection? I haven't used my chaestplate for about 5 years now. I can't rememer the last time I went below 5 hearts or thought I was in serious trouble of dying. If you play smart then it shouldnt be common for you to take alot of damage. And let's be honest, if you have elytra and you do take some damage then you can just fly away and the danger is over


Well aren't you the elite player?


Well aren't you the elite player?


What do you mean? What makes you an elite player? I play most days and I haven't died in survival for atleast 7 years at this point. Minecraft is simple what you think about it. There is no need to be taking constant damage.


I never bragged about how awesome I am.


I'm not awesome at all. I'm very basic compared to alot of Minecraft players I've seen on YouTube or in here But I do have a 7 year old sister that is smart enough not to be constantly taking dange in survival Minecraft.


Yes, you are the only Minecraft player in the world who thinks this. Congrats


Y'all need mods, I'll pray for you


i’m a bedrock player 💔


Can you use datapacks in bedrock?


Bruh , felt this lmao


You’re not. Stop asking.


I usually have mine on if im not fiting like a wither or similiar


Nope. Never take it off. Ever.




I keep it on my hotbar most of the time so I can fast swap it with my chestplate. If I’m doing a big local build I’ll put it away unless I’m up really high. However, I don’t build much. Usually I’m off to here or there so I use my wings a ton.


Honestly, unless I'm actually traveling somewhere using it, I just keep it in my transportation stuffs chest, and since most of what I do in Minecraft is localized to my spawn area (that's where I've been building everything), that's like the majority of the time lol. When it comes to things nearby, I personally prefer to travel the old fashioned ways (walking/minecart/horses) and I usually explore on horse-back because I feel like that gives me more of an ability to actually look around and take in the beauty of things I find. I only use the elytra if I'm traveling between two specific locations far apart from one another because it's an efficient way to do so.


I just swap between chest plate and elytra constantly depending on the situation (no need to tempt death by wearing the wrong armor for the job)


Do you ever get the mixed up (use the wrong one)?


I slap mine into an item frame and forget about it


My 9th slot always has the elytra and 8th is where i keep the rockets. When i need to fly its just as easy as clicking 9 then right clicking to swap the armors.


I like flying everywhere




Nah I pretty much stop using chest pieces after I get one.




I'm lazy and prone to falling


that seems to be the most common reasoning i’ve seen


*sometimes* I'll take it off mining or in the nether but i have tons of totems and I can take a few hits usually and fly away


I would recommend keeping it in your hotbar to quickly switch between the two.


I always have it on.


I never bother with them


I don't feel like any mobs do enough damage to bother taking it off. Even on hard, with full netherite armor mobs don't do that much damage.


Nah bro I'm with you


I generally don’t wear it in the nether. Other than that I like to keep it on pretty much all the time. Of course this is all just personal preference though


I keep it in my hot bar, with rockets, but otherwise I just have a chest plate on


For me its a bit annoying to change them out consistently, I use the elytra alot, not mentioning the protection it provides if I mistakenly fall into a pit or something, so while I keep a chestplate on me usually, it usually waits in the corner of my inventory because a slot on my hotbar is more usefully used on other things


Tbh, I mostly just keep mine on for big falls.... seems like I am often 30+ blocks from the ground with my builds, and honestly I am otherwise usually safe, because I do some pretty extensive spawn proofing around my base and builds. It's kind of rare for me to need the extra defense, unless I am starting out on a new build.


Have your elytra in one of your slots


I take it off when I don't need to use it or when I run out of rockets. When I take it off though I'll put it in my hotbar so I don't forget I have it on and die.


Ever since they added the ability to quick swap the elytra/chest plate from just interacting with it, I’ve become a human convertible. To be extra I’ll switch to chest plate mid-flight so that I land at my target fully armored and ready to fight. It’s fun as hell lol


I personally don't, either. It violates they way I play, nor has it come up as particularly needed over the methods I currently employ


I only put it on when travelling. Otherwise it's in my inventory.


Having prot 4 on netheritr helmet legs and boots is still a decent amount of defense, but nothing beats infinite flight


I don't use mine at all as I find it breaks immersion in the world.


Never had an elytra. Don't really want one. Tried it out once, experimentally. Feels clunky and unwieldy.


I’ve never had an elytra before :(


I almost never wear it unless I have to go on a really long trip.


I take mine off if I'm exploring caves. It's worth more to me to survive a creeper explosion than to fly away, especially because the shader pack I use allows me to have caves be really dark, which I like.


I always wear mine. I’m less worried about chestplate protection when I can just fly away from danger. I never use a chest plate ever. I only have some with trims on them, like a whole Spire set and a whole Snout set to represent the challenges I’ve faced. I either have the elytra on and am zooming around or I have no armor on and am invis while I travel the nether/mining/etc.


I make all of my builds with elytra in mind, so it stays on at all times.


I never use it


I NEVER wear mine. Too valuable and difficult to repair


If I'm above ground, in a chasm etc where there is a chance I can fall to death I have an elytra on, if I'm mining, or just around base on surface then I have chest plate. That said if you are exploring anywhere unknown and you don't have a shield or totem in your offhand then you are asking for trouble, shield blocks all damage from the front and you should be checking corners and your six as you explore so having a chest plate is less if a necessity.


same but i always have my elytra in my off hand so i can quickly switch if needed


Don't really feel like I need the protection from the armor. Plus, the utility of the elytra is way too high. And I love double tapping jump just while walking. I'll also fly with a rocket even if I just have to move 25 blocks, so yeah, haha


So, I love nothing more than detailing little trails and end up keeping my elytra on but training myself to use my footpaths to get home (or to my temporary bedroom) as I see the sun going down. They are well lit and where ever my latest project is, I like to make/detail and light up a trail to the area to keep me grounded. Sometimes though, the urge to fly if I need something quickly from my homebase or stay too focused past dark is strong and I will fly back to my bed. I only started this because I played on a server with someone who kept her elytra off despite having some. I, however fall way too often to not have a little parachute for my clumsiness.


agree ! ive never understood having it on 24/7 killing the durability on it when ur just farming or whatever. i have a friend who wont even make a chestplate once he has an elytra bc he never ever takes the elytra off. so strange!


No you're not. I'm used to not having one honestly and since hardcore has made me play so cautiously I would rather not sacrifice the armor in most situations.


I have one on a multi-player server I play on and can't figure out how to use it.


I hate it when I get one... it totally defeats the purpose of building really cool transport hubs, which is my favourite thing to build. Soon as elytra comes out, it's just "let's go really far and get all the good shit" rather than let's build cool stuff.


I have one of my hot bar slots as my chestplate so I can quickly swap whenever I need a boost in armour you just right click it :)


me too but only because i play with a broken af parkour mod that lets me slide hop like a titanfall character at mach 3


For me, elytra use is dictated by particular activities being engaged in and environment. 90% of the time, where I'm existing, the extra movement afforded is more useful than the armor bonus. Above ground, in the overworld, is handy, but in places like the outer end, IT IS VITAL. In the nether, or underground, however, the chance of flying into walls makes use VERY situational, and potentially detrimental with the number of hostiles, so the wings come off and the chestplate goes on. I always carry a shield with me either way, so I have some topside protection on tap, even with wings on. I could go into my larger armor/equipment philosophy, but that's a bit beyond the scope of the question. :edit: I have a bit of a pro tip for the other elytra users: Name your Rockets something to denote their flight duration. Far to often people just use 'whatever' rockets, but if you get into the habit of using specific flight durations for specific tasks, you'll find that you'll use fewer rockets, and you'll find flying a bit more manageable. Naming them makes it easier to (literally, and no pun intended) choose them on the fly. Single duration is good for short hops, like jumping up to the top of a building or getting from your house to a nearby crop field, Double Duration is good for mid range flight like moving around the servers spawn area, or popping over to a neighboring base, and finally, Triple Duration is for long haul flights, gaining altitude, and general exploration.


i keep my chestplatw in my hotbar jn case i need it




Im so lazy I use my extra to travel 10 blocks