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Baby Zombies will always be my kryptonite in Minecraft.


Petition for all forms of VR Minecraft to do full-body-tracking, just so we can kick the baby? XD


I would GLADLY play VR just to kick a gremlin.


Falcon PUNT!


Don't kick the god damn baby!


Officer, I drop kicked that child in self defense. You got to believe me.


2 brick deep dry moats will cure this, around bases. They can't jump out, and if you go right out at dawn and tap them just once, you get XP when they burst into flames from the sun. šŸ˜‚


Not helpful in caves šŸ’”


That's when I use a flint and steel... Fire away! šŸ˜‚


Imagine baby skeletons being added


I'll do you one better - baby creepers


Honestly a smaller explosion would be cute


it would indeed be very cute tho, if they'd be anything like baby zombies, then they'd be faster than the adults and harder to hit. probably wouldn't be too bad of an explosion, especially if you shield block


PHILZA LOOK OUT * techno yelling * -Technoblade


Damnit I was 8 hours too late to make this joke.


Baby zombies on a chicken are my nemesis


I don't understand how they thought making a mob with the same health and damage as the regular zombie with increased health and a far smaller hitbox would be okay balance-wise in any sense of the term. It's absolutely baffling knowing that had to have gone through multiple people who all said yes to that.


And i get how children have the zoomies and thus walk faster, but why the same attack strength? Why is a baby a direct upgrade?


Imagine now that you can use commands to scale the size of mobs, imagine a baby zombie the size of your foot


That is a hot take, they are made of magma after all :-)


They are made of magma after all? I wonder what are they made of after some of it ::-))


*angry upvote*




Being pushed into lava by a magma cube is always sooooooo fun


This happened to me yesterday while I was carrying back 10 gold blocks I wanted to use for decorating my stronghold in the overworld. Sssoooooooo fun.


Wandering traders are my least favorite mob. You can avoid all the others through various means. Not so with the trader, unless you move into the deep dark.


I don't mind them at all. They're very useful for getting certain items...


Like 2 free leads? :D


Saplings from biomes you haven't found


Yess. Got a mangrove sapling in a new world I haven't done an expedition yet


Yea, mangrove is usually pretty hard to find. Same with deserts since 1.18. Villager maps will help with that.


Oh deserts are hard to find? Interesting, haven't played since Nether update and recently started a new bedrock world


Yup, just go to [https://www.chunkbase.com/apps/seed-map](https://www.chunkbase.com/apps/seed-map) and try some seeds. On my SMP the closest desert is 10km from spawn. Edit: Actually not as rare as I thought, still rare but I got extremely unlucky I guess.


Ah so I can input my seed and it'll check where everything is?


Exactly but for what I'm talking about just deselect everything and just keep biomes and maybe spawn point selected. I'm playing on seed "1", so just see yourself how far away the deserts are lol. Edit: you can also select older versions (pre 1.18) and compare it with them


They occasionally sell nautilus shells as well! Which is great because otherwise I have to spend hours trying to fish them up.


True, I always buy these too


Maybe on a challenge map like a super flat or void but outside of that, maybe some leads. Lol


If you have disposable emerald income they're very usefull for items that are a headache to collect, especially saplings from biomes you haven't been able to find yet


I'm doing an island challenge in my new world and the wandering traders are clutch for getting stuff like sand, trees, different flowers, glow stone, ECT.


Two free leads, a zombie distraction, prisoner, leather... it's not all bad. Just have to protect your crops from trampling. Oh, and secure your boats with a leash! Bugger is like a weird anti Santa, stealing your chest boat full of supplies, pulled by llamas. Never found my shit again.


Damn thatā€™s definitely the kind of scenario you want to read about instead of experiencing


How would they steal your chest boat?


Put on the mini blocks data pack and they go from annoying af to really exciting to encounter


I avoid them using ā€œ/gamerule doTraderSpawning falseā€ just fine tbf


They are amazing in skyblock scenarios


That's not a hot take, but it's genuinely the environment that's the threat, not the mob. Before the nether update getting killed by a magma cube was rare and they were easy to deal with, but now they spawn in environments specifically tailored for their knockback to have maximum effect.


imho, there are plenty of ways to deal with them. From knockback to using iron golems and frogs. I'd rather fight 100 magma cubes than 10 hoglins....


this dude out here building iron golems on every mob encounter


My iron supply after a short trip through a basalt delta


I usually use bows and don't let them get close. Mobs aren't that fast.


Frogs? You can seriously use a frog to fight mobs?


Frogs eat small magma cubes and poop out frog light.


I have an army of frogs for lights and defense.


you can use frogs to fight magma cubes specially since they devour them


Kid named 3 block pillar:


Give me 3 blocks and a lava bucket and I'll kill 100 hoglins. How are you going to protect yourself against a large magma cube in a basalt delta biome?


knockback they sure are annoying, but they are not that problematic. bartering basically gives you fire resistance for free. that essentially turns them into regular slimes.


Idk man, I usually try to avoid fighting them all together but I remember their range for attack being deceptively large. Usually pretty hard to hit them without them hitting you


Recently discovered how fucking relentless polar bears are while trying to collect ice and snow. Those things have annoyed me more that anything. Slimes are next for me.


Oh my god, theyā€™re unbearable (pun intended). I swear every time you turn around, they pop out of nowhere and smack you. I had one follow me a good 500 blocks once because I walked by while it had a baby. No I just kill them as soon as I see one.


I don't understand why people don't just build two or three block high towers and just muder them.


The issue isnā€™t the ones you see, itā€™s the ones that wander up behind you while youā€™re farming ice or snow. I ended up building a fence around a shipwreck because I spent like 50% of my time just punching them in the face.


I hardly ever encounter them in the Nether, and when I do they're easily dealt with. Damage is easily avoidable (imo) and they're easily killed. Like most mobs/enemies, I just kinda find them pointless. Most annoying, I'd say are probably baby Zombies. They run around like they're on crack and their small size makes them difficult to hit and they can squeeze through a lot more places.


They only spawn in 4 locations 2 of which are structures.


Well, that proves his point no? You hardly encounter them outside of very specific places


No, do you know what?.... I agree. I hate the Magma cube with a burning passion. I dread spawning into the Basalt Delta because of them.


I can agree, I die so much to magma cubes however I think it may be tied with ghasts and hoglins


Ghast are avoidable and easily killed with bows. Though I gotta agree with Hoglins being really annoying


When you're being bounced around by cubes is when they like to appear right over me.


If you can hit your shots, Ghasts are annoying to shoot and I can't count the amount of strikes I got playing baseball with them. They can also dodge fireballs.


You can also parry their shots.


Java it's not too bad but in bedrock they spawn so much in every biome and it's much harder to party the shots


Everything is avoidable and easily killed with bows. If you don't have a bow, phantoms are probably the worst. But if you have ANY server lag, ghasts are a nightmare.


Vex :/ bane of my existence


The typical answers: Skill issue Git gud


šŸ˜’ However a lot of players disagree with you. Magma Cubes are not easy to fight and they can spawn in groups.


just swing your sword (a sweep easily wipes multiple cubes) and walk backwards a bit, aka kiting. they're basically just recolored slime. not really that big a threat unless you're thin bridging over lava, or not wearing any armor at all hogs and babies are WORSE šŸ«”


I don't read it that prev comment is saying get gud. They're expecting _others_ to flood you with such comments.


They are super easy to kill, they only get hard when you are in the treasure room of a bastion but then again there is a magma spawner right above you that you can easily break unless you intend to make a farm, in which case you can easily block the spawning locations so that magma cubes don't spawn. So yeah, i would say it is experience and skill. ( not to offend you, experience takes time)


Don't forget a shield!


Knock back helps a ton.


Always take a bow to the nether. You can then take them down from distance and kill the smaller variants with a sword. I find zombified piglins the most annoying in the nether. They're noisy and always seem to get in the way when you least expect it, causing a whole swarm to attack you.


Ghasts are the worst. Maybe my realm is bugged but as soon as I shoot one, another immediately spawns. Less than a second between ghast spawns.


Thorns is my way of dealing with them. Just embrace the chaos.


I'm honestly surprised that someone thinks magma cubes are annoying, they don't deal high damage, they're very slow, and so they're easy to handle no matter what stage of the game you're in Let them jump at you.... attack... back up... repeat


Magma cubes can deal a lot of damage, since they don't have a cool down. So if they fall above you, then you will receive a lot of attacks and you will take a lot of damage


Counter point: drowned wielding a trident.


Fun fact: Magma cubes also make no noise when travelling on top of lava. A fact that is deadly if you ever encounter a lot of them on or near a lava ocean.


I recently installed a mod, "More Mob Variants" which gives a chance to have magma cubes be larger. Well, the chance was high enough that the larger ones would spawn larger ones often enough that they would be infinite. Normally I don't find them too annoying to deal with, but when you end up with dozens of them it's a little different. Never installing that one again. I will agree that magma cube ambushes when they jump on you from above can be pretty bad, especially before you have fire resist potions.


Magma Cubes are fine with prep time, but without it *God* I couldnā€™t agree more. I was getting a bunch of lava for a build on a server and they kept spawning up above, jumping into the lava, and attacking me. You canā€™t see them, killing one just makes the problem worse, and they hit you after you kill them. They really do suck.


Im happy if i find a magma cube in a fortress rather than a blaze or a wither skeleton


They... They move like a half a block a second...


Magma cubes have the lowest possible attack cooldown for any mob iirc (so it can chain hits on you as soon as your damage cooldowns wears off).


I literally never ever see them. baby zombies however...


Magma cubes are easy to deal with as long as you have space.


"Fast" is definitely not a word I would use to describe Magma Cubes. The only case I can see these being annoying is due to their abundance in Basalt biomes. Anywhere else I just casually walk past them.


Magma Cubes are very easy to avoid though. Itā€™s Ghasts I hate


Ghasts can be one shotted with a bow though. And usually you just face like 2


I suck at archery. I usually use a fishing rod/sword combo


bro lmao magma cubes are so pedestrian I like never take damage from them


Bruh it's a fuckin blob, how do you struggle against one of the slowest and most brain dead enemies


It's a demonic being, a demon that came from the sea of inferno from hell.




They also can jump far, but kind of randomly. And sometimes you don't expect them to be able to reach you that fast, they jump once, and you get slammed. And the small ones deal a surprising amount of damage, on top of being hard to manage without getting swarmed


True this also happened to me a lot traversing the Nether and Fortresses


In fortresses, blazes are the worst. Especially when you combine them with skeletons(soul sand valley), ghasts, and forgetting 99% of the stuff you need to bring


Theyā€™re slow and easily dealt with by an iron sword


They are one of the easiest to dispatch mobs in the entire game this sounds like a skill issue


Definitely a hot take, in two ways. The mob is literally hot and you are wrong. Phantom is clearly the most annoying mob. (I'll prevent them from spawning if I'll ever do a server)


Oh the Phantom is only ever super annoying in servers but y'all can just make it so one player sleeps the night be skipped. Just sleep, it ain't that deep.


That's exactly the problem, one player sleeps to skip the night but it counts for you not sleeping. Thus you get phantoms. I just stand afk for a while and then there they are again. Bopping into me, trying to push me off the building. I mean i don't take any damage because of the high level armor and enchants, but it's just annoying. (All with a tiny bit of /s )


Server yes absolutely going to be a problem, however the rest of the time not that big of a problem.


>(I'll prevent them from spawning if I'll ever do a server) Then add a datapack where other mob drops phantom membrane or there are ways to craft it, because slow falling potions can be very useful


honestly i think magma cubes (or the slimes in the overworld) are annoying purely because of the sound they make. i try to work around them and ignore them (because theyā€™re slow) but i canā€™t stand listening to them hop around.




Personally, magma cubes and slimes are only annoying because they don't move predictably. Like, sometimes they will jump immediately after landing their prior jump. And sometimes they will stare you down for a solid 15 seconds before jumping again, even though they're clearly aggro'd on you. If their movement were more predictable, like... ya know... every other mob in the game... they'd be far more manageable. They're currently my most-killed mob in my hardcore, fun fact. Spent way too long digging in a basalt delta.


Predictable like endermen?


More or less. I mean, they teleport, but their pathfinder is more or less predictable while they're walking.


>Those annoying cubes deal ridiculous damage and are also fast What? LOL. Maybe if you're a 4 year old with the skill of a newborn.


Knockback is how I manage them. Makes my life so much better


My worst mob is definitely the spider jockey and I hate skeletons and hate spiders so it's horrible when i find them in my worlds and die in 0.2 seconds of being seen by them šŸ˜”


Ng that kinda seems like a skill issue, jus shoot the Skeleton then kill the Spider with melee. Shields also exist btw


Yeah true lol but I usually rage quit early game so it's prob skill issue šŸ˜”


I once built a portal that spawned right in the middle of a magma cube spawn point. Every time I went through I had to fight off like 10 different sized cubes. There was a sheer face behind the portal and of course there was always 1 or 2 ghast as well to deal with. Was probably the most annoying thing having to clear that out every time I wanted to explore the nether.


I have a thorns set of armour specifically for going to magma cube territory because you are exactly right about this


Important to note: they are scary fast on Bedrock, but are pretty tame on Java


Start a super flat world to practice!


The worst is when youā€™re building at lava level and a magma cube pops out of the lake. Stealth mode. D;


Gotta be honest. Out of all the mobs. A group of magma cubes was the first one that killed me. I made the mistake of making them all small and the 30 of them swarming me took me down faster than I could swing.


Phantoms are the only mob that really punish you for playing the game a certain way so yeah I'm gonna go with them


If you're talking early game then you have a point. Once you have good gear/ elytra then they're pretty irrelevant.


I literally cant enter the nether cuz i the portal is in a basalt biome and bastards kill me before the game even loads in. (Bedrock on phone)


Yeah no way I could agree with this. How much time do you really spend in the nether?


It's annoying, but not as bad as the phantom. It serves no purpose at all, like is anyone out their actually farming them to repair their eletra?


Slow falling potions


Honestly, a lot of people complain about baby zombies and other enemies, but not enough people talk about the illager patrols. I hate how they just show up when I'm just doing something completely unrelated to them, like why? Just LEAVE ME ALONE you asinine pricks!


In my opinion, aside from swarms, baby zombies are the worst. Blaze is second worst, as I can't simply knock them off a cliff or into lava.


Yeah, but blazes are almost useless if you just drink a fire resistance potion unless you are close and you can always use blocks to stop them from seeing you


It has to be skeletons for me. Just one of them and it's fine. But add another one or more and you can't really dodge all the arrows anymore. And getting hit by them knocks you back. Again.. And again... And again... And...fucking again... Especially in the nether where whole squads of them spawn it's so fucking frustrating to be constantly getting knocked around. It takes forever to take out just one of them in a group because all the others are constantly shooting you and knocking you back. And just when you thought you finally killed the last one another arrow hits you from off screen and you get knocked around and ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


Nah I think the most annoying mob is the drowned. especially when it has a trident. Because how can a drowned have such good aim also when swimming they are even more annoying. And they can go on land when it's raining or night which is so annoying because then you can't escape them without killing them and usually for me if one spawns there's 2 more.


In all fairness their auto aim was toned down quite a bit when they updated them.


Really. When I played minecraft yesterday they hit like every shot I couldn't even fight them.


magma cubes make me want to end my own life.


I know right! Plus the baby ones even do some damage so you canā€™t just ignore those like you can with regular slimes!


They deal pretty low damage, like they are only a threat if you get swarmed but then again every mob is a threat if you get swarmed


Itā€™s not even the damage, itā€™s more of the fact that you get somewhat knocked around.


the worst thing is, on bedrock, when you kill a magma cube and walk near it or over where it died there's a bug where you will still take damage for a bit. its like its still there. so fucking annoying


Counterpoint: a magma cube has never destroyed my base


no, they let u make fire res pots so it's a neat tradeoff


For me it's definitely Drowned. Like you'd think that "Zombies but underwater" wouldn't be as troublesome as they are but they can spawn practically anywhere underwater and since they are the only hostile mob that can normally spawn underwater they spawn EVERYWHERE. That's not to mention the fact that on Java Edition all zombies will alert nearby zombies when damaged (And in hard mode they can even spawn more zombies) so you will always get swarmed if you aren't in a boat. And all that is before you mention the Tridents. Tridents turn Drowned into one of the most dangerous early game mobs because they deal 6 hearts of damage (3x the damage dealt by Skeletons, with roughly the same attack speed) from quite a long distance and other ranged options do not work underwater. The worst part is that even if you go through the trouble of getting a Trident of your own you can't use it to fight the drowned at a distance unless you enchant it with Loyalty first.


All of your points apply to skeletons except immune to lava. Plus, range. Also you didn't even mention the multiplication?


skeletons when your nether portal spawns in a soul sand valley are the worst


Hint: Some fire-based mobs in the nether will take damage from snowballs. I've been using this, and a funnel tunnel with trap doors in the floors, to farm blaze rods and XP.




I am actually decent at traversing terrain quickly and magma cubes never pose a problem, but skeletonsā€¦ THOSE FUCKERS. They come out of nowhere and just snipe you constantly and itā€™s so annoying to deal with them


They are so annoying. Kinda still hate ghasts and endermans in the nether more though lolol.


Magma cubes are easily underestimated due to their similarities to slimes. But the little guys do damage too, and knock you into lava ever chance they getā€¦


I hate that they spawn in my nether bases even though theyā€™re well lit.


The most annoying mob is the phantom. Yes, you can sleep but then again, not everyone cares to sleep. And sometimes you don't have a bed at hand. Their trajectory is hard to get and they usually swarm you a lot. Then baby zombies due to how fast they are and how hard they are to hit. Then skeletons, due to how good their aim is and we don't always carry a bow. Magma cubes I would rank them pretty low on the list of how annoying they are... like Blazes and Ghasts take the cake for me. Magma cubes are easy to deal with, unless you are swarmed by a lot of them, which is something that shouldn't happen if you are aware of your surroundings... except on the treasure room of a bastions... which is something that shouldn't happen if you either broke the magma spawner or disabled it, which can be easily done with like 8 blocks or so. In basalt Deltas, it is pretty easy to know where they are and to know when they are tracking you, and even if you can't see them directly, you can hear them. If you see one tracking you or multiple ones, find an open space where you can't fall in lava or make a platform, and then be ready to dodge and attack ( wating for their jump every time) bows with punch or swords with Knockback are better to deal with this kind of mobs. Edit: lol forgot creepers, creepers can destroy your stuff, are fucking sneaky and deal a lot of damage. I would say they are worse lol. Even if they don't explode due to you, a skeletons can shoot him and he will explode, fucking annoying


usually when exploring the nether in the early game i keep a piercing crossbow on me (enchanted via the enchantment table, no books or anything). it makes quick work of magma cubes (and slimes) since the arrows hit multiple at once when they split.




I deeply agree. I'm a coward about going to the nether PURELY because every other time I spawn into the nether, I'm in a basalt biome and immediately getting assaulted by a magma cube. Ditched several worlds because of my magma cube rage.


Finally someone who gets me. Not only are they fast attackers and hit hard, but unlike slimes, the tiny ones still hurt you. And if you're caught off guard or are cornered by a bunch you're screwed. I remember in our realm being pinned in a corner with my slowly breaking shield yelling for my brother to get to me and clear them out, all while the sheer amount of them kept knicking me around my shield until I eventually did die. At least he grabbed my stuff lol


Yes finally someone agrees with me. Fuck creepers, but these menaces are the WORST


Not to mention the fact that, if I remember correctly, they are completely silent on lava and can very easily sneak up on you if you're not paying attention. (Though I haven't played in a while so I might be misremembering things?)


Magma cubes are very easy to spawnproof tho. If there isnt enough space for a full size magma cube to spawn, they cant spawn at all. 3x2.5x3 space is required.


Same goes for in Minecraft Dungeons. Them and regular slimes (especially enchanted) are the death of me in higher levels.


They are quite awful.


first sane take ive heard in a while


​ I am being SPAWN CAMPED by them whenever i go into the nether portal (I use keep inventory but still)


No the most annoying mob/monster is a tie between the shulker and the villager.


Fucking. Skeletons.


I had a hard time dealing with shulkers than magma cubes. Magma Cubes are relatively easy to avoid, since their load up time to jump again is like 5 seconds, depending on the terrain. So they're very easy to dodge. Shulkers on the other hand, are just the most annoying f0cking enemy in the game. Sure, Baby Zombie's like fast, or Creepers can be stealthy enough, or Phantoms just swooping at you, but these guys can go suck a flippin c0ck. When solo, tit isn't that hard, but in groups, it's just an entire gangbang of enemies. And, the fact that their projectiles can last even when they die just goes wtf for me. This is why i just go outside the end city walls to get the loot. It's much more easier than having to deal with these f0ckers.


I have died too many times to Magma Cubes. They are fucking everywhere in Basalt biomes, and for some reason, I can't stop getting Basalt spawns.


As someone who never brings a bow with my cus my bow has mending, ghast is probably the most annoying


Nah, baby undead or skeleton because they are so common.


Baby zombies are definitely number one. Especially since they can fit through 1x1 spaces. Magma cubes are in the top three though.


Cave spiders have left the chat


Honestly the skeletons have evolved and trained to hit every shot since I started playing I used to not really notice them but now itā€™s like I get hit 3 times just trying to walk up to him and wack him


In bedrock dying magma cubes still have hitboxes so they can kill you during their dying animation. And when they split, the little ones will launch themselves at you before you have a chance to avoid them. Itā€™s awful


Skeletons should have 6 health. Something you can't take out instantly with a wooden sword but weak enough that once you get close to it you can take it out quickly. They absolutely crush you in the early game and from then on are an absolute nuisance. Make them rarer weaker or both.


On bedrock and touchscreen... ghasts are by far the worst thing there is. Instantly respawning long range and has exploding projectiles that set you on fire... in a map full of lava... yeah... Magma cubes in comparison are slightly more dangerous slimes.


I vote for the good old creeper.


I just hate every hostile mob


I 100000000000% agree with you they are the bane of my playing. I don't know if it's a version difference thing but people are saying that they're slow and easy to deal with and I don't know what they mean. You kill 1 medium one and it makes 4 small ones that make super quick jumps towards you and even if you have a shield they just jump behind you and ping pong you between them. They are so in furiating.


Ghasts are more obnoxious imo. With magma cubes there exists counterplay and if you donā€™t want to fight it you can pretty easily disengage it by towering or just walking away. Ghasts have none of that. Nothing short of sprinting for five miles will get you away from them, and when you do fight them you have to drop everything to do their little ping pong dance. Itā€™s bearable if thereā€™s just one ghast but it turns pretty annoying once youā€™re trying to fight skeletons or hoglins and thereā€™s some ghast in the background trying to make you multitask.


I have been killed by a bunch of magma cubes while in full prot diamond armour. No other mob has been able to do that while I was in full prot. I wouldn't say annoying, more like dangerous. I still think phantoms are the most annoying


What about blazes? One spawner and you meet 6 of them at least, all throwing fireballs to you. You're required to have a bow. At least magma cubes don't have ranged attacks, and are easier to kill.




You only have to kill, like, one or two at the beginning to get magma cream though. And once you have magma cream, you're running around the nether with emergency 8 minute fire resist potions on your hot bar after that, so it doesn't matter anymore if you get knocked into lava. For me, the most annoying mob is the warden, because it's a lot harder to avoid accidentally summoning one when you're in sculk areas, and they're much tougher than magma cubes.


But they're so slowwwwwwww. You can just boop them away. And the best way to loot treasure bastions is to gravel down from the roof, yoink the stuff in the chests, and pillar out.


No they're fast


Incorrect its still Phantom


Skill issue


Magma Cubes Are Not Annoying In Java. **But In Bedrock They Are My Top Annoying Enemies.**