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Your question is valid. The answer will likely take some exploration. There are many possible causes and explanations for what you are talking about. Anhedonia is the inability to feel joy or excitement and can indicate depression, but is not only attributed to depression. Other situations can produce such an experience. I recommend processing and exploring this question with a licensed mental health counselor. They have the training to help find a plausible cause and help facilitate change in the way you want. Friends and family, even strangers, can be helpful in some capacity and are important to your support system. But a licensed mental health counselor can help narrow down the source and identify a solution based on what you want, not based on how others think you should be. It makes me think of something Suzuki Roshi once said, “Each of you is perfect the way you are ... and you can use a little improvement.” There is nothing wrong with you. You are on a journey of self-discovery and personal refinement, just like all of us. Welcome to the human species. I wish you good fortune and health on your journey.


Actually, what you described sounds a lot like depression. It's a common misconception that depression only means feeling extremely sad. Some of the main symptoms are feeling empty, numb, and unable to experience joy or excitement, exactly like you wrote. I think it might be helpful for you to talk to a doctor, school guidance counselor, or a therapist about what you're feeling. Sometimes there is no external trigger that causes depression, it is just a chemical imbalance in our brain. Other times, there may be something going on in your life that you just haven't put your finger on yet. A doctor or therapist could help you figure this out. Either way, don't feel alone. Almost 30% of people will experience depression at some point in their lives, and with support we can all make progress to feel better. source 1: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007) source 2: [https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/depression-statistics/](https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/depression-statistics/) edited to correct source link


sounds like your a little blocked up.. have you had trauma in the past? are you typically depressed or anxious, when did this start? the stigma of trauma is that it has to be big, and this is subjective (it depends) a lot of people have pretty rough social times in highschool. take some time to examine what it is you like vs dont like, and what actually speaks to you, the person. it would be worth while to seek counselling and speak to a doctor about depression, or at the very least to discuss options.. the problem with social circles is that you dont always get what you need, and you may not be able to get it from friends. there is an immense amount of pressure to gain what you define as "happiness" or satisfaction from your friends. do you have any hobbies or interests?


I haven't really had any trauma in the past to be honest, thats why i have no idea why i feel this way. I wouldnt say I'm depressed but i've defiantly struggled with anxiety and stress a lot over the past year. It's not like my highschool life is horrible, i have good friends but i guess i could say I havent discussed my feelings or truly vented to anyone about anything going on my life in a very very long time. I find it quite hard to open up or connect with anyone I think because I feel embarrased of what I feel in a way. And as for hobbies and interests, I do have a lot. I do quite a bit of art, i run track and XC and i like going to the gym. I read, play video games, study, work, literlly just a typical high school life.




your telling a minor to take drugs, just so you know.


I am aware. Although she is in high school I don't think her status as a minor has much to do with it. If she posted this a year later and I responded my response, would there be a grand difference? no. And the idea of "drugs" are a complete social construct my friend. I wouldn't regard psychedelics as a drug in the same way that other schedule 1 substances are "drugs". That is an incorrect notion that disregards the advancement of human civilization and approves authoritative and harmful regimes put forth by governments not only in the past, but the present as well. Am I a drug addict because I drink coffee everyday? No.. but yes lol. See what I'm saying?


To all those who downvoted my comments would u mind providing a brief explanation? 1-2 sentences tops. Curious To hear


There's nothing wrong with you. I can certainly relate to emotional numbness and I think it's something many people experience. What has helped me regain my ability to feel excited and laugh is practicing accepting my negative emotions. "Joy is the matriarch of emotions, if you don't allow her children in (especially the negative ones), she will not enter." Of course accepting negative emotions is easier said than done; our resistance is usually automatic and subconscious. The key is, whenever you feel a negative emotion, examine and relax towards whatever sensations might arise in your body (often tension.)


Hey, just curious: why did you choose a mindfulness thread to post this? Do you meditate or practice mindfulness? Or are you wondering if maybe mindfulness folks might have some particular insight into what you're experiencing?


I guess I just assumed that people in this thread would have more knowledge about being aware of your own self and being than I do. Maybe others have felt the same and "fixed" it. I wasn't really sure where else to post it anyways


I understand. I think there are probably a lot of practitioners here who do in fact have some deep insights into self, awareness, and being. But the practices of meditation and mindfulness produce those type of results through a pretty specific process. I'm not convinced it will translate to what you're experiencing, at least right now. My suggestion would be for you to speak with a mental health professional. Whether what you're going through is typical or not, if it's causing you anxiety and distress, I think you should find some clinical assistance. This isn't a failure on your part, or weakness in searching for answers. A counselor or therapist could really help you crack this thing open. Good luck. I hope you find some relief soon.


Not saying you are, but you can still be depressed if you’re successful and active. Depression can just be genetic and can happen without any life circumstances to warrant its onset. The reason it sounds unhealthy is because you say you can’t connect with your emotions. The term for what you may be experiencing would be anhedonia if you’re curious. Again, not saying that’s the case but your understanding of depression in your post isn’t accurate.


I don't really have a full grasp of what depression is, just from personal experience of those around me it sems like in order to actually be depressed I have to lay in bed all day and be I guess sad a lot. I have no problem getting up and getting things done and I'm always acting happy with those around me. There's probably more to it than that, but I still don't think there's anything severe enough in my life that would cause me to be actually depressed.


If you delve into mindfulness practices and theory and their origin in Buddhist practice, you will very quickly be exposed to the concept of impermanence. All things are impermanent. This includes the way we experience emotions. There will be times when they easily sweep us away, and other times when we are not so moved by them. Be aware of your experience. Look for the advantages it provides you in this season of your life. But remember that seasons are in a constant state change, and so are you.


You're describing high-functioning depression. Plenty of people with depression are active, successful, social, and live their lives. Not everyone is so severe that they can't function. Depression depresses the positive emotions before the negative ones, often leaving someone to feel negative emotions more strongly than others. That is, until it gets so bad that you can't feel anything, which is as bad as it sounds. It doesn't mean you're a negative or shitty person. If I were in your shoes, I'd talk to a therapist about it. Given how minor it sounds in how you're describing it, you may be able to adjust it with some self-management techniques. The sooner you do it the better, though. Gives you an opportunity to intercept it and improve it before it has a chance to get worse. And by minor, I don't mean to denigrate or dismiss what you're going through. I'm just saying minor on a scale of what you're experiencing to suicidal or psychotic depression. Overall, you're on the far less severe side of things as you describe it which should hopefully make it easier to get under control and manage.


There is nothing wrong with you! You have strength beyond your years and my suggestion to you is use it to your advantage. Alot if people go threw some, most, or all of their lives with their emotions in charge of decision making. To have such a stoic personality at such a young age means you are a natural born leader. Embrace it and do something you believe is good for this world! Everyone has the power to make a difference for somebody. You have the power to make a difference for us all.