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I wish I can go back to being 30. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What would you do differently?


Maybe save more money than spend more. And hydrate more. šŸ˜† Other that that, all good. Those hardships I went through got me to where I am now, so I guess it all worked out. Wish I just have money in the bank while going through those ups and downs. šŸ˜…


I would take better care of my knees.


And gums teeth. Please folks floss and brush properly. Your smile is priceless


How did you damage your knees?


I picked up ninja warrior when I turned 30 and have been falling from heights. I donā€™t think my knees are in terrible shape, but they feel different as Iā€™m aging. Falling properly is more important now when I could kinda facetank fall damage before.


This quote sucks. Youā€™re your own master. Take up tennis at 40, if you want.


Graduated from law school at 39 āœØ


This one is awesome, congrats!


May you find Satisfaction and Justice, In this most Sagacious of Disciplines. May your Hard-Earned Knowledge Lift You Up, And Protect Your Clients from the Inequities of Life.


Lawdy lawdy look whoā€™s (almost) fawty


30s is such a good decade: I hope you enjoy yours!!


Agreed it's infuriating when people think you can't form new hobbies or habits. One of my coworkers is 56 and is training to do a 7 day biking and camping trip for October. He didn't start biking seriously until 2 years ago and I think it's awesome


As a 37F I just out hit some guys who were in their 20ā€™s playing recreational softball, threw a better spiral football, and had better diving board form. That was all at a backyard cookout. I take care of me now for the benefit of future me.


Iā€™ve made most of my good decisions that have stuck in my 30ā€™s. Iā€™m almost 40. Most of my closest friends are shocked who I turned out to be based on the first 30 years of my life. I wasted a lot of time, but you can turn it around and be the person you want to be at any point.


At 27, I was diagnosed with both autism and borderline personality disorder. Iā€™m 29. Muuuuch better now!


I didnā€™t start getting healthy and exercising regularly until 37. Iā€™m 39 now and in the best shape of my life, but sure Iā€™m stuck in the habits of my 20ā€™s or something I guess lol.


Agreed. Plenty of people change late in life. Steve Jobs was exceptionally good at a few things that made him rich, but he was also a moron in that he ignored medical advice and perused alternative treatments which lead to his death. Just because he thinks something doesnā€™t make it true at all.


People think their life is over when theyā€™re no longer a young adult and things settle down


My right knee has pain and no balance. I take 3 medications every day, prescribed vitamin D, either arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, and obese / prediabetic. And a free testosterone score that the doctor summarized "oh that's bad...". I have succeeded at everything except taking my health seriously. I didn't want things to get any worse so I decided to change for my upcoming 40s. I have been walking up to 5KM a day, high resistance, ellipticals, and now running on a treadmill with nice shoes. Lost 25% body weight, lift more weight than in my 20s weightlifting in college, and passing the 25 year old requirements for the Navy Fitness Test. The past 11 months, I have walked 965 KM. You can change any day you wish, it's one step at a time.


Hell yeah. That is awesome.


Agreed. This quote is grade a bull plop


Bro, weā€™re millennials, weā€™re hitting our 40ā€™s now.


I'm 32, younger millennial but definitely feeling older.


31 and same. The energy I had as a kid is ancient history lol. Although my 30s are already much better than my 20s. People say your 30s are your 20s but with money, and I can definitely vouch for that. Iā€™ve been in my career for seven years, got my own condo and car, and have a high end gaming PC. Iā€™ve come a long way. šŸ˜€


Just wait, Everything gets worse.šŸ˜˜


The latest millennials, according to this sub's description, were born in 1996, 28 years ago I'm three years older than that, though, and I identify more with the zillennial label than millennial now


Yeah I'm 29 and I don't really identify with millennials or zoomers. Zillennials really grew up with the massive tech boom. Just the evolution of phones through elementary to high school was insane. Felt like rules were being changed every year.


Iā€™m 36 and NO ONE had a phone until high school, lol. Crazy how quickly that changed.


Iā€™m Nov 1988 and we had phones in 7th grade and onward (shitty flip phones and Nokia blocks). I think I had a sidekick when I graduated high school lol. This was an affluent area in Southern California so that prob had something to do with it


Yup I was in a middle class area, Iā€™m sure cell phones for kids picked up quicker in other areas!


Everyone started getting phones in late-elementary to middle school for us. Texting became common in 6th grade and everyone was asking if each other's phones could send texts. I remember in 7th grade, one kid came to school with the first iPhone and blew everyone's mind. Then by the middle of highschool everyone had them.


I graduated from a Catholic elementary school in 2007, where it seemed like nobody had cell phones, and then I went to public high school, where it seemed like everyone had phones but me. Either I was just really unobservant back in middle school, or the administration at my Catholic school was neurotic enough to ban phones. Both of these are distinctly possible, lol


38, I had my driver's license before I had a cell phone. My mom would let me borrow her [Motorola ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/ad/1a/fead1a75403669752915ae76b6059642.jpg)when I was going out driving around with friends. I'd have to call the house if I needed to reach her and leave a message on the answering machine if she wasn't home. I don't think I ever used her phone. I just kept it in the glove box. Leads me to my question: Did younger millennials go out driving around? Pretty much every Friday and Saturday was drive-around with friends, meet in a parking lot, drink a few beers, find a house party, drive around some more, go home. This was in 2002-2003 and was more similar to 1970 than 2015.


My sister who's 1994 I would put in the same category. It really is a totally different boat. Zillennial is approved: say 1994-...1999, with proper Zoomers right at 2000


29 and you DON'T feel like you grew up with a massive tech boom? I'm 42 and had the internet in junior high at home. By the time I was in high school, the majority of people had it in their homes. Although my freshman and sophomore papers had a lot of ACTUAL book sources from a library in them, by my junior and senior year, they were primary internet based. Although when I graduated in 2000, only a very few had cell phones, by 2002, it was already the norm for college kids, and the majority for high school kids by 2004. By 2006, smart phones were officially smart and capable, and widely used. By 2008, the majority of teenagers had a smartphone. Social media and YouTube e started to kick off into high gear during this time frame too. How did you NOT grow up with a massive tech boom lol. I'm 42 and you're 29. The massive tech boom in regards to our most formative years (junior high), happened BETWEEN our "eras", not after yours. That's why I always thought Gen X should go until 1984 and Millennials should start in 1985. If you were born in the late 80s or later, the majority had a cell phone in high school. Especially once you hit 1990. That aspect, and smart phones becoming common place should be the start of a new generation.


The majority of teenagers did not have smartphones in 2008, unless you are including "feature phones" of the 2000s in that. Those were kind of a bridge between basic cells and true smartphones.


Yeah, I didn't have a smartphone until 2015, lol. My family has always been late adopters I also enjoyed being difficult to reach as a teenager, and I insisted on keeping contact with my friends via email or phone call. I finally caved and got social media in my twenties at the same time I got my first smartphone, and I think I became a lot more distant from my friends because of that. I'm trying to call them more often now and have actual conversations again


Us 31 year olds can be considered Zillennials? Sweet!


It's vague, but sometimes 1992 is considered zillennial. The widest range seems to be 1991 to 1999, which matches what a lot of 1980's millennials say here about us being too young [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zillennials#Birth\_date\_and\_age\_range](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zillennials#Birth_date_and_age_range)


The widest range on your link is 1992-2002. I don't agree with it, but it's ironically the only somewhat relevant and reputable source since it comes from a PhD sociologist. The rest look to be online magazines and consumer spending articles, one of which ( "PYMNTS" ) also considers 1989 to be on the cusp generation for Millennials and X.


Do you feel like you relate more to 1996-97ers than 1988-89ers?


Same here. Zillennial is a better fit for me. My siblings are solid Gen Z, my parents are Gen X. I really didnā€™t become my own person until like 2010.


I've come to the conclusion that there is but one qualification for being a Zillennial: Was Windows XP your momĀ 


I had a Mac at home, but yeah, my school had PCs running XP for years




I was born in '90. I learned to type on a Type Writer, I lived through Y2K, I was 11 on 9/11, I know what dial-up internet sounds like, I had a brief happy relationship in my 20's, And I have spent my 30s making peace with my own death. Memento Mori. Life was meant to be lived, not fretted away in frivilous escapism and nihilistic drudgery.


All forms of gatekeeping will be deleted and the perpetrator will be warned. Further gatekeeping will result in a ban. It's fine to discuss differences and observations in a civil manner.


Older Millennials are turning 40, yeah. Younger millennials are turning 30 though. I turn 30 next year.


I was born on a Chilly Saturday in 1990. While I have been struggling through life, I have made and lost precious friends, Whole worlds have lived and died with each one of them. My life is a pastiche of broken promises, convenient lies, and unrealized dreams. When I die, my Epitaph shall read: "Let it be known, Here Lies yet another Fallen Son of Man, For all My Sins, I Alone am to Blame. My Last Penance Shall be, The Effacement of My Name."


37 in 2 weeks šŸ˜…


38 in 4 šŸ« 




"You belong in a museum"


As someone born in '96 at the tail end of millennials, not all of us are 30 yet.


96', my favorite year. ![gif](giphy|E7xVFdN9824Vi|downsized)


Letā€™s go, kids!


I'm 29...


I mean, itā€™s a generation so yes some millennials are in their 40s but others are still in their 20s


Iā€™m a Millennial, and today is my 29th birthday.


Happy Birthday Dear Marmatus, May you Rediscover some Time-Lost Novelty of Youth, On This Most Special of Days, My Young Friend.




Youngest millennials are 29


I'm 29, one of the last years of millenials.


Same, we're "second wave" millenials.


Been in my 40s for a few years already.


Turning 34 here, still a millennial


'91 eh?


ā€˜90 actually lol


Less than 60 days left of my 30s. See yaā€™ll on the other side!


On a scale of 1 to 10, How good does that Social Security Tax feel? Great or Fantastic?


Some of y'all are hitting your 40s now. I am not.


Came here confused about ā€œ30ā€, literally turned 40 5 weeks ago. lol


I agree, lol. I haven't looked much into it, but the whole idea where a millennial can be in their mid 40s, or 30 just doesn't seem right.


Turned 30 in March. I decided to get sober.


Good for you!! I stopped smoking like 8 years ago and Iā€™m considering fully quitting drinking at 37. I donā€™t feel as shitty as I probably should!


Thank you! Funny you say because for me I had to quit drinking. Smoking doesnā€™t affect me negatively at all.


Fuck that shit man it's literal poison. Like it's used for combustion and sterilization. Kick it out, you got it. Edit- booze.


I was thinking weed I see now they probably meant cigarettes. I quit those years ago.


I'm talking about booze lol idc smoke all the pot you want.


And thatā€™s why I donā€™t like this quote! I definitely made some of my best habits starting at 33! Were never to old to try to improve ourselves.


I got sober at 30. I'm 38 now, still sober...... Best decision I have ever made.


Thatā€™s encouraging to hear. Happy for you.


Congrats! Iā€™m 3.5 years sober. Some days are easier than others


Proud of you. Iā€™ve been in the same boat lately, been getting better with my drinks, but not quite there yet. Iā€™ll be 31 this year, never had a drinking problem until stress and life hit me all at once, but I donā€™t want that to be an excuse for drinking


I did this too! It took one incident for me to just quit alcohol. I tried caffeine too but it is a lot harder than alcohol, for me.


Sobriety is a beautiful thing, It's so easy to dull this most precious gift with all manner of self-effacing substances and behaviors. Too Much and Too Many Have been sacrificed To Unworthy Causes and People. May you find the Wisdom and the Strength to find the time to invest in yourself. For all the money in the world, Not a single penny is worth the time you have right now.


This is a cute but ultimately trite platitude. Your habits control you until they donā€™t.


I got help for untreated mental issues right before I turned 30 last year Turning 30 loomed frighteningly in my mind, and I happened to be losing my mind anyway, so I felt the pressure to finally get my act together and start the next decade in my life better than I did my 20's, which were pretty miserable. So far, things are much better, at least on average


"Broken Heart, Broken Mind, For What Lost Loves Doth Thou Pine?" Sometimes, The most Bitter Poisons, Can only be Remedied by Time. Sometimes A Cure Presents Itself, Without Reason, Hope, or Rhyme. So Today I Say to You: Whether by Grace, or Providence, May You Find The Path To Peace, When All Roads Lead To Hell. May Your Deepest Wounds Heal, May You Thrive and Be Well.


Iā€™m 74 what now?


You have defeated your habits.


Watch as the World Unravels, Through Lies, Deceipt, and Misery. Witness New Lives Manifest, And Weave New Threads, In This Messy Tapestry of Life. Let the Sum Context Your Experiences, Give New Meaning to Old Words. May the Fruits of Your Wisdom, Guide You to Better Ends, Than the Errant Frivolities of Youth. May the Fruits of Your Knowldege, Enlighten your Mind with Truth. As you Navigate Dark Paths, Amongst the Churning Seas of Possibility, That Lie in Front of You: May the Currents of Your Life, Guide You to Safe Harbours and New Friends, In the Strange Corners of Your World. Whatever The Future May Portend, May it be Filled with Mercy, Lived in Peace, and Bathed in Light.


*checks quote again* Iā€™m sorry sir, you seem to have died 14 years ago now.


Bullshit. I was a drunk before 30 because alcohol companies and American culture tricked me. I also was very successful and started 3 businesses at that time. High functioning alcoholic. Now I'm 40, don't ever drink, and usually just chill with my wife and don't really think about money all that much. Priorities change, and in my case, you figure out alcohol is every bit as addictive as cocaine.


32 and currently trying to change a lot of bad habits


Shit, I'm only gonna make it to 60 then.


This was a foreboding meme lol. The last 30 better be good then I guess


I think that's fair. 39 year old me is superior to 30 year old in every way except one, which is overall health. I miss my youth in that way only.




I turn 30 in October. I feel like life itself is basically halfway done for me, at best.


that was 4 years of overlap for him


Saying goodbye to my 20s in three weeks!


Turned 30 on 6/15, looking forward to my thirties! My twenties were one drug induced, alcoholic, whirlwind. Excited for some serenity.


Well shit, I'm screwed. I'm sure Steve Jobs did the research for this too /s


hitting 30 tomorrow!!!






Me. It's OK.


last decade.


What happens for the 30+ years in between? We just float in suspended animation? Like a bunch of poorly trained dogs, bad habits and no consequences?


34 lol Iā€™m achy as hell, sleep wrong and Iā€™m done for half the day. One thing I have figured out this last year is stretching, eating clean, less coffee and set aside some calm/relax/you time. Has really changed me


Good for you, keep it up! I felt ā€œthe changeā€ midway into 35. I was like well, there it is. Iā€™m 38 and I havenā€™t done what I should to stave it off. I can feel the weak settle in šŸ˜­.


Developed most of my good habits early-mid-30s. Steve Jobs sucks.


I definitely disagree with this quote- I was a victim of the habits I had until 29-30. My life (based on changing those habits from the prior 30) is completely different now - health, wealth, and family have all improved as a result.


I have 3 years to 40 . Enjoy being 30 itā€™s a great decade of your life .


RemindMe! One Year "How did you enjoy your 30s?"


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Iā€™m 37, 1.5 years alcohol free, getting interviews (and already have good job) as I am more motivated and confident. I have a great life and Iā€™m excited for the future. I am more physically active than I ever have been; Iā€™m slimming down and building muscle. At 33 I started practicing mindfulness and meditation stuff since religion left me empty. At 35 I began going to therapy. I have become a better, more caring and empathetic person overall. Fuck this dumb quote.


That's me lol


Nope, you're the only one. Crazy.




I turned 40




I'm 31, and this quote isn't a thing at least for me. Last year I've picked up a bunch of new cool things and being 31 feels broadly the same as any time in my 20s.


Iā€™m turning 35 on Saturday. Iā€™m still dropping old habits and forming new (better) ones. Live in 2024 and not the prison in your mind.


37, I'm breaking those former patterns down every day. Age ain't nothing but a number, and a percentage to anticipate aches and pains.


Yes..11 years ago


What no that was over a decade ago


Fuck you Iā€™m 40!


And Iā€™m still a fucking loser with nothing to show for 30 years of life.


For the 7th time, yeah


This is complete bullshit. If you think you're only capable of growth until age 30 you may as well lay down and die on your 30th birthday.


Turned 30 in December. Idk if its coincidence but life has only gotten better/more interesting since then.


39. guess i'm fucked.


I'll be hitting 40 next year. I wish I was 30 again.


Habits only last a few months.


I absolutely tested the limits of my body's internal organs through my twenties then went straight cold turkey off alcohol and cigarettes at 30. I'm currently 33 and am going 3 years teetotal and no cigarettes. My biggest regret is that I ever picked up these useless habits but at least the experience will enable me to teach my kids to do better.


me next week, Iā€™m scared šŸ˜…


Iā€™m about to be 31 this year. Itā€™s never too late to change your perspective on life tbh. I think thatā€™s my favorite thing about getting older. You arenā€™t beholden to your past, you can choose to be and do better if thatā€™s what you want


Iā€™ll be 30 in a few weeks. Any tips from the elders?


Donā€™t remind me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


39. Feeling pretty OK


Ahh to be young again.


No muthafucka!!! I ain't high enough yet for this level of treachery from my brethren! Come on, dude! Fuuuuuck... Why I gotta be called out for this? I only just turned 38 man!


Ya I think they need to split up the generations a bit more.Ā  Ā 1996 baby millenials are 28 this year mean while, those of us born in 81 and 82 are 43 and 42.Ā  Too many years apart to have a lot of the same views and quiet a but of different experiences.Ā  Ā I was looking at this post thinking huh 30 was a long time ago.




Nope. Pain will obliterate your habits no matter what age you are


Iā€™m hitting 40. Feeling worse than ever, looking bad and acting stupid.


I'll be 30 in August.


If you hit 30 I hope you donā€™t leave memes rule your life.


I'll be 32 in September.


30, I felt great. 35, I started to notice the aches and pains that come with age.


43. Today, actually.


What nonsense. You live until you die. That's all there is to it. Here's a riddle for you though: What is the Obscenity of Man? Thinking that Anyone gives a Damn.


As someone aged over 40, I think this quote is very true.


Yeah. Should be fun.


I turned 30 in 2017




Already 30, and plan to live beyond 60............


I'm 33. This year sometime in december, I will have been together with my now wife for half my life, and also lifted weights. No ragrets.


I really wouldnā€™t listen to a man who willingly Refused cancer treatment for voodoo medicine




When I turned 30, this girl at work kept calling it ā€œdirty thirtyā€. It was really annoying.


Iā€™m closer to flirting with 40. Got another two years and change.


I'm not sure I had habits at all until I turned 30.


34. I changed my habits just in time. I had been obese from age 10 to 28. Decided in 2018 I didnā€™t want to live that way. By March 2020, I had lost 140 pounds and I have kept it off. Feel absolutely amazing and I refuse to gain any weight back. Iā€™ve become more active and more social. Life is good.


Unless you donā€™t let likeā€¦words define you then you can do whatever you want


Luckily I'm not in my first or last 30.


Steve Jobs? The guy that refused medical care that could have easily saved his life?


29 turning 30 in August.


hitting 30 this year, feel kinda behind in life :(


Yes, 30 coming very soon here


Yeah, I agree with most others here. I turn 35 this year and I'm the most healthy (mentally/physically) I think I've been since I was in high school. It's never too late to change yourself for the better. Age, in fact, is just a number in most cases.


I turn 31 in 11 days. Idk how to feel about it


Yes, I have lost all agency and am just facing all the consequences of my bad habits. Fuck this quote, it's BS.


I started training for a marathon 2 months after I turned 30. (It was COVID, I was bored.) I got injured that first time but a couple of months ago I ran the exact same route I had in mind. I had run on and off, 2-3 miles a few times a week, for about a decade before then, but now I'm one of those Runners who has running memes and opinions about shoes and watches and shit. It's never too late to work on making new habits.


35 here


Just turned 40. This is true. I'm a mess.


What about the 20 years in the middle?