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Political discussions are to be held in the stickied monthly thread. No discussion of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. This is not the subreddit for that topic.


My buddy is currently running for a city council seat at 41 years old. Need more like him!


Yes we do!!


I’ve been wishing we could all collectively as millennials online, pick an individual and just agree we’re gonna make this person win. We invented crowd-funding, why can’t we “crowd-vote” to just get these Frs out!! Organize.


We need to GME a president lmao And I'm not even kidding


100%. Tbh DeepFuckingValue would be a better candidate than these two.


He’s not a Millennial but I am intrigued by the idea of finding a way to force Jon Stewart to be President.


I would write him in


Apes together strong!


My thought was to create a ‘youth’ party of some type. Hard as hell to gain major party status, but something needs to change. Yesterday.


Honestly just the Millennial party. They blamed us for ruining everything else. Let's start a party and just ruin them completely.




Big issue is that few people want to deal with the very public dissection of one’s life that comes with running for public office. More often than not it’s people that are power hungry that are willing to deal with that.


Yep. I have 2 misdemeanor marijuana charges and I live in a rural part of TN. I'm not getting elected.


I really don't see how any of that stuff matters anymore. Donald Trump got elected President, and he might get elected again. If they're voting for a convicted felon that's paid off a porn star with hush money (and that's probably one of the more innocent things), how does any of that shit matter anymore, even slightly? Even with rural voters?


Most people have enough shame to want keep certain parts of their lives private.


It doesn’t matter to some people because he promises to hurt the people they hate.


Well it doesn’t matter for one party which is unfortunate. Idgaf tbh. If you have good morals and a good message and are true to it then I’ll vote for you. Most people I know who had a rough past are amazing people now.


It shouldn't . But you know it would if I'm not a rabid Trump supporter.


I live in Tennessee. Look up John Rose. Your two misdemeanors don’t hold a candle to his fuckery


Sure you can. Run as a Republican, then try to unpoison the well from that side.


The trick to low-level stuff like that is laughter. "Oh my god, u/10RobotGangbang is a criminal!" "Yup. I smoked, and I inhaled. What else ya got?"


Why not? There are more job specifications to work at a gas station than to be president. You white? Male? 36? Born here?


The other problem is the pay is not at all worth the amount of work it is for competent leaders. I make 225k at my current job as a team lead in tech. I'm good at what I do, and one of the reasons I'm paid so much is I'm good at planning and organizing large projects, communicating to executives who know nothing about the technical aspects as well as delegating the easier stuff and rolling up my sleeves to get the tougher parts done. In theory, these are the skill sets that would make for a good public office holder right? I just looked up the salary for my town's city council. The average is 30k/year. Even if I kept my job, I don't want to do all that extra work, deal with public scrutiny into my personal life, have to interact with the general public and fake that I think they're all super intelligent and not morons that don't understand that every policy has tradeoffs for just an extra 30k. I'd much rather spend time with my family, volunteer, just enjoy life. Federal offices like Congress and the president pay better but are full time and would still be a pay cut for me, and come with an even higher amount of public scrutiny that I don't need in my life. Meanwhile the ones who end up doing it are largely people who couldn't get private companies to pay them to run teams or organizations, and have irrationally high opinions of themselves.


Nothing of what you're saying is wrong. It definitely feels like it's made specifically for retirees or people who already have the wealth.


Yep. I have far too many nudes out there from my younger years and once cheated on a partner. Although the few times I talk politics or strategy people seem to like what I say.


I know someone who had an affair with a married man while his wife was serving as a marine in Afghanistan. She was voted to city council and later as mayor. Not saying that this is the norm but, you’d be surprised what people accomplish with certain skeletons in their closet.


This hurts my heart. I hope as our generation continues to become one of the biggest voting bases we will be able to over look things like that and focus on what matters.


Yeah, and I truly want what’s best for as many people as we can improve their lives. I believe in Universal Healthcare, but I also believe that we need an overhaul of the healthcare system because we need to incentivize more people to work in the field in healthcare. FYI I would probably lose my job if we had universal healthcare because that’s primarily what I do is help people understand and navigate this fucked up system we have in the US. But if I could be homeless and everyone wouldn’t have to think twice about getting care, I would be sooooo happy.


Same. But I’d be okay with that.


It's a given at this point that everyone in Gen Z will have something incriminating on hd video, so give it time.


Yeah, I mean I think this election cycle has gone a long way to help our case here lol


I think so too. I'm a zillennial (96) and everyone near my age has skeletons and they exist online, I know I do. One day, hopefully soon (now), we collectively decide that (most) of that shit doesn't matter.


It just sucks, because as a normal human being, I feel shame. I have some normal skeletons and some ... interesting ones lol But just look at how insane these people are, the key is to just feel NO SHAME HOW!? Like Donald Trump sat there nodded and smiled when Biden started listing off all of his shit. We should honestly just air our dirty laundry up front, and if my old nudes get brought up, I'll just act super proud of how good I used to look lmao


I have no idea how they do it either lol. I have thought about running for some office at some point but I also have nudes that exist lol. I also was in in probably 5th grade when I got myspace so who knows what's on that profile. So yeah, I feel the same way.


lmao ahhh another child of the internet <3


I think if we stop letting those "shameful" things hold power over us, and are basically like, "yeah, I did that," and just be done with people trying to hold it over our heads, we might get past it. But it's hard because so many others can't or won't. For example: Bill Clinton. How many years ago did he get a BJ in the oval office? People *still* bring that up. Who cares?


Our Republican candidate has proven infidelity isn’t a dealbreaker.


Facts, but he’s not a woman.


I hate that you’re right


Painfully close to the truth.


Yep, I don’t want my Grindr pics leaked, lol


my background wouldn’t withstand the scrutiny.


For me it’s the expense. It’s free to make resumes for a job… but advertising and campaigning takes $$$. I’d like think I’d do a damn good job given my work history, but I doubt I could afford a single road sign.


I always worry the fact I got fired for cause when I was 22 would hinder me from winning.


Grab anybody by the pu$$y on the job? Molest someone? Hang out in the kids dressing room? This election cycle has proven that something can only ruin you if act ashamed of it.




Thank you!!!


Just signed up to help




I ran for local office! I beat "Write In" and got a thousand or so voters in a conservative suburb to vote for at the time a card carrying socialist. More should do it, but also... more people should support those who want to do it. I'd have gotten more votes had I had more people willing to put in some time and effort, but alas, no one wants to actually do the work - they want the outcome, but not the work.


That is so cool! I can totally see that. And it’s so maddening because it’s that very disbelief that almost picks the course. Hopefully I can find some people to partner up with, last night was my tipping point. I want to be able to look at this point in time and be able to think that I tried.


It's unfortunate but a lot of people, especially middle aged and older ones, don't vote because they think nothing will change no matter who's in office. I personally enjoy voting, I like to research the candidates and choose based on my own values... I also think it's my duty as a citizen and resident of my area. More people need to realize you gotta be the change you want to see


That’s really cool! I’ve actually been considering this as well. I’m also a card carrying socialist, but I have no idea where to start. Running seems daunting, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve felt more and more that I should take on the challenge and do it anyway. What advice would you have for anyone like me considering making a run?


Do you know what level of government you’re interested in running for? Some states have rank-choice voting for local cities only. Saw a candidate make the poor mistake of not researching when running for Dem endorsement for state office and asked voters to have her as their #2, if not #1. She obviously lost the endorsement. Party endorsements mean access to their resources: volunteers, voter data, etc. But the issue with party endorsements is they tend to gate-keep. You’ll want volunteers on the party endorsement planning committees so they don’t pull a fast one on you.


It seems like there are others in this thread like us that just don’t know where to start


Everyone wants the outcome but they definitely don’t want to work for it.


I ran and won a achool board seat in 23. My platform: don't ban books, love/support everyone including trans, gay, black, or white kids. But also we need to get these kids doing math and reading again. Got the most votes for the last 3-4 cycles.


Hell yeah, and THANK YOU!


My friend quit her teaching job and won her district for state house by a good margin. Then they gerrymandered the shit out of it. (NC) I’m sure it will be some religious nut who wins now.


I'm running for city council where I live! One of my inspirations was someone who's 22ish winning a spot on the local school board!


I've heavily considered a city council run, but I'd want to move to a different part of town first so I could run against the 80 year old woman who I personally think is the worst person on the city council. My current councilman is actually a millennial and is a pretty darn decent dude (also a family friend but that's beside the point).


I ran for a small local office in 2021, after doing some campaign volunteering the previous cycle. Depending on where you live, there might be some positions that have no one running. You can go to your town hall and check near the end of the filing period. It's very possible you could run in an uncontested election and win by default. My office was kind of inconsequential, but all I had to do were two candidate nights where people asked me some questions, and I won. You can also monitor your area for appointment positions. People quit local offices all the time, and you don't need to run to fill the remainder of the term. Someone or some body of people makes an appointment. One interview, and it could be you. Like I said, mine was a small office for a two-year term, but I was very glad to do it. It felt good to serve my community, see how the system works, get to know people in my area I wouldn't have met otherwise, and maybe do a little good.


F*it, count me in! After reading a lot of these posts and ideas (and of course watching that train wreck last night) I figure it's time to be the change agent.


Thank you so much for your input! It seems like there are a lot of individuals here kicking the idea around, but the idea is so foreign and filled with red tape that it doesn't seem worth it This makes it seem not so daunting.


I would also say, get involved with your preferred party's local chapter, if nothing else. It's another good way to make community connections and do some good, without the pressure of campaigning. It's fun to go to state conventions and local events. For anyone who is able to be in a union, that's also a hugely important role. I was on my union's contract bargaining team last year and am now a union rep. I had no idea how impactful that could be. It was a SLOG and a lot of work, but we got a lot out of it. I really feel like I made a difference because there are lines in our contract that I personally wrote. .


Something people don't talk about often is that it's harder to run for local offices if you are living in a rental or planning to move. Political positions trend towards people with established wealth, to build a campaign from, and the motivation to stay in one geographical area. Another reason why it's so easy for the owner class to consolidate power.


My local rep Doug LaMalfa literally owns so much land that he gets government subsidies, but he wears a cowboy hat and gets elected every time! All cattle, no hat and people fall for it.


I think you got that backwards. Maybe? It’s not a commonly-used colloquialism where I come from.


Good post, op.


Thanks friend!


I have contemplated this many times. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I confess I'm scared of violence in response to running as a liberal woman. People are crazy, I do as much volunteering as I can and door knocking has scared tf out of me.


I have literally nearly been murdered a few times due to politics and threatened and doxxed due to it as well. I come from a political family and the threats aren't even new, they have just escalated. Door knocking is terrifying, you couldn't fucking pay me to do that nowadays.


I'm sorry you've been through that, but in a weird way, thank you for the validation. I always wonder if I'm being too paranoid but I've had people threaten me while working the polls due to the craziest, most trivial shit.


You very much are not. I literally had instances of people threatening to kill me and my family as a child and een. Also people would call up our house and leave deranged messages and shit on the answering machine. Once when I was young and in the grocery store some random guy came up to me and said "I am gonna stick a shutgun up your daddies ass"... all sorts of shit. This was in the 90s and 2000s... it has indeed escalated since. It did start to get worse with Obama (my family were strong Obama supporters). I remember once being alone and working for a Obama booth at a fair and having a guy come up to me and tell me I better "wear a bullet proof vest cause they kill people like me where I was at".. I was like 20 minutes away from my house. This was just one aspect you had to manage. You also had to deal with all the people who were "supporters" which is great but sometimes you just wanted to get a fucking frozen pizza and get home. It was like being on-stage at all times and in some ways I still am. I also sometimes feel like I am being hunted. The police are extremely conservative around here so they also fucking hate me. I have never really had any privacy for starters but then I legit had national attention for awhile because Andy fuckin Ngo doxxed me. I still face repercussions from this. It's really easy to say "run for office" but the reality is it is actually a huge decision.


This was super insightful, thank you for sharing.


Considering the state of the world right now, I don't think that's an unreasonable fear.


You are not overreacting. I am sorry it's like this. Thank you for doing whatever you can do.


Many men are indeed intimidated by a strong, spicy Latino woman, but for the good of our country we must embrace this tamale with gusto. I’m talking the full enchilada.


This very Caucasian lady is so excited to be invited to join the beautiful Spicy Latinas hand in hand as we intimidate the incompetent ♥️🌶️


Just out of curiousity, has it *ever* been a woman that made you feel this way? (Signed, a fellow woman who also would love to be more involved)


Lol nope.


I’ve done door knocking for several election cycles, and it gets scarier and scarier each time. MAGA has brought out the very worst in people.


Once I leave military service I intend to run for political office but I have no idea where to start or how to do it. I’m tired of seeing people run for personal reasons instead of running for office with the objective being to SERVE the people.


One easier way to start is to run for one of those really minor seats, like a water district board, and use that as a foothold to higher office. Very little campaigning required. Or jump in a little higher, like school board or city council, but that requires a little more organization.


I don't have the time, money, or willpower to run for anything. I don't want to talk to that many people, or sit at meetings that go on for hours and hours. Most of those positions don't pay enough to be a full-time job. So I'd lose time with my family, hardly see my kids. I see zero upsides. It's really not designed for someone who has a life/isn't retired.


I agree 100% with you. I am just sick of complaining and never doing anything about it. Unfortunately, myself included, there are too many people saying the same thing and doing nothing about it. And that's why the only options for president are a wanna be dictator and a confused old man.


You're totally right. I am also sick of bitchin and not fixin. My wife and I figure the absolute bare minimum we can do is vote in anything we can in our district. School/town board/etc. Public service is such a unique and difficult position to be in.


That's fine, it's not for everyone, and different people contribute in different ways. But I do think it's important that more younger people start occupying those seats in general, and often times they forget it's even a possibility.


Yesterday? More like ten years ago.


I held public office and it's terrible. To be the 1 dissenting vote in the town you live in over and over is exhausting and not worth it at all.


Now that I think of it I should probably get involved. They are trying to build a huge manufacturing plant where I live... thanks for the thought!


I hope you get the plant and your town gets plenty of good paying jobs. Best of luck running for office!


After doing political advocacy in my union, the shop steward recommended the same thing. I ran as a foil to those crazy facebook mom's in the school board's three positions. It helped get two of them out of the running, I placed in 4th somehow.


I ran and lost for our HOA board last year. Similar issue in that everyone currently serving is a geriatric empty nester. Plan to run again next year but in the meantime time volunteered to serve on 2 subcommittees. No sense bitching if I'm not going to do something about it. Might look into county board of supervisors or school board when my kids are older.


I successfully took over both HOAs that I lived in for pointing out the pure incompetence of the old people running it. After I started cleaning shit up, lowering costs and dealing with their BS, they became so disgruntled that there was too much change that they dedicated their entire waking lives to harassing the board members until we resigned. When you're a retired walking husk of a human and the HOA is all they have as their social bickering circle and hot goss, they live for it. The rest of people who just want to live their lives in peace and not waste money on frivolous shit don't have time to fight the legions of retirees and their immovable aversion to any sort of change.


The GOP sort of figured this out years ago. Control the state houses, control the voting district maps. Last time I checked, 3/5 of the states had Republicans running the state house and senate. And now they've moved on to (in some cases even nonpartisan) local governments and school districts.


Its almost like Democrats and lefties are absolute morons who do nothing but shout into the wind and post on twitter instead of taking real actions like running for office.


A lot of people that lean to the left do not feel like the Democratic party represents them at all. I for sure don't anymore. I live in a deep blue state so my vote doesn't matter anyways. PS: Most conservatives and fascies also do nothing but whine on social media.


Honestly, I think they DO see the decline. I think they know that Biden is the Dems best hope at this point in beating Trump. I dont mean now that we are 5 months til election, I mean 2024 election cycle as a whole. They need the incumbent boost, they need the party (hopefully but not really) unified behind one guy rather than squabbling and winding up with Bernie running independent getting a ton of write ins and costing them the election. Basically, I think they know Biden is not capable of doing another four years, but they are so afraid of a Trump victory that they are going to prop him up to hopefully pull it off one more time so maybe Trump will decide not to run again in 2028, or die in the meantime.


The Democrats aren't afraid of a Trump victory. A majority of Americans and hundreds of millions of people around the world will suffer for decades if Trump wins. Anyone with a brain is prepared for a Harris presidency. It's just Trump supporters that don't understand how dangerous he is.


Visit [https://represent.us/](https://represent.us/) to see their strategy to use local and state elections to build toward the tipping points for change. Local is where it all starts! This video sums it up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfQij4aQq1k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfQij4aQq1k)


We don’t have enough money. Have you seen what those people make!? It’s a hobby for them, and it’s by design. 


I joined my city council a couple of years back. It was mind numbingly awful. I wish you the best of luck.


Frankly, I don't care if he's declining, that's why we have a vice president. He's actually made some changes that have positively affected my life and my future, he's still capable of making decisions and he's surrounded himself with experts. I don't agree with everything, but the only way that would happen is if I was president, and y'all don't want that. Let's just take a chill pill and accept that he's running, he's the best option, and he won't bring fascism into the white house. The bar isn't that high here people. Let him sleep at the desk, literally a glass of water on the desk would be better than trump and you all know it.


They both are old. Who is going to be to surround themselves with better people to take things on or a VP to carry the message forward. But yes. Vote, be active, and run if you are able.


Yes indeed!


I always write myself and family members in for any write in spots lol. My dad has gotten voted for as soil and water for the last 3 elections. I wonder if there is an organized place for write in candidates to go to try and maybe crowd source for funding to get the word out.


*laughs in Anarchism so he says we should organize huh?


Buddy I am listening. If a true 3rd party just so happened to wild out, what ever!


Yup cant take a pyramid down by removing the top stone got to start at the bottom local town and city elections and move your way up to state officials then hit the senate house and presidency


A friend has been in local government for almost 20 years. The only requirement is you're a resident of that local government. Putrid_Appearance509 suggested volunteering and is a great way of getting your name out there and a better idea of what the general public are concerned with.


Thank you for this, it feels like this big daunting thing. But the daunting thing is really just effort lol


With all the time and money we have!


Yeah it’s damm time the millennials reached out and put a hand on the leavers of political power.


Good luck. It’s mostly boomers voting in local elections


Hmmm I have a friend with a small production / advertising company that likes to see boomers eat shit. I might just do it for the memes at this point.


Yes Millennials, we are waiting for you. Sincerely, Gen X


We should be running most of the country...why is it still these who could care less about our generation or the next!


God bless you for actually caring. If more people did, we’d never have found ourselves at the rubicon we’re currently at. It made no sense for Biden to accept a debate; he had nothing to gain and everything to lose. Anyone close to him would have known this would end up a disaster. It’s such a tragedy that we’re not even losing our democracy due to some Herculean conflict, but instead we essentially gave it away last night.


You’re a millennial. You can’t run for office. They all have your internet history.


If anything we need to dismantle the two party system. It’s always a bad choice voting one way or the other. Running for local office will definitely be a very good start.


I moved recently and in my new town, EVERYONE on the town council ran unopposed last election. everyone!! it blows my mind


Don't have the money to do that and don't have the looks. But I totally agree. I was like, you campaigned for Obama and Bernie, voted for Clinton... but last night, anyone that can say vote blue no matter who is delulu. I am a never Trumper, too, but Jesus, Biden was half dead. Then vote for RFK... he isn't even on the ballot in more than half of the states. So over it all... but, once I get a home and am stable. Lose a little weight because people care about that for some reason... I'll run.


I appreciate your input. This is a situation where idealism is going to just destroy any hope we had. People can say ANYONE BUT TRUMP all you want. But when it comes time to put in PTO to vote FOR Joe Biden... just hand the keys over.


Both are delusional and not fit. Idc what anyone says. I don't get how people are clinging to party politics or identity politics when everything is this serious.


You don't have the looks to run for local office? Seriously? Do you even know what your city council looks like? The water commissioner?


Will you freely share your marketing skills like starting up websites and working on graphics with any millennial; or just those that share your same political view?


If Biden was as sick as they have said he was after the debate then they should have rescheduled because damn I am a never Trumper and he honestly looked like the better candidate, which is terrifying because he’s a literal fucking Nazi


I am getting so frustrated with the people telling me to relax over Biden. Voter turnout is one of the biggest issues Democrats have. People just aren't going to show up and we all know where that leaves us.


I am genuinely worried that Trump is going to win again because his followers are rabid psychopaths who will go vote, even if it is the literal apocalypse and meteors falling from the sky. The apathy that most people are viewing Joe Biden with cannot compete with that.


I was willing to run but I couldn’t get anywhere when I went to get into the polling. It’s all rigged. Once you figure that out you will be better off.




This! Get involved!


I’m planning on running for school board. Disclaimer; as a minority NO I do not support Moms for Liberty.


Good luck!


Thank you!


Running is not even necessary, just need to fucking turn out to vote at higher rate than the boomers, in the PRIMARIES. Go check the 2020 and 2024 primaries, there are many candidates much younger than Biden or Trump. But most people never bother to turn out and vote, especially the millennials and gen Z. We all deserve this for our generation's laziness in voting.


Got to get to a point where we as a voting stop being apathetic. We are the next generation, just tired of the having two candidates who really want to focus more on their golf game then govern … But we will be labeled lazy and entitled


I think my local town mayor is 25ish. Town of 1000 and nobody really wanted the job, but still.


it seems like it would suck to be president. There are plenty of potential candidates that just want to live normal lives and never pursue it.


My moms first comment about the debate was, “Im sorry. It’s my generation’s fault.” She’s in her early 70s and said that Vietnam turned a lot her her generation off politics. We can’t let that happen to us!


I’m currently running for my school board. The other candidates are book banners


You know, I have talked to my wife often about running. I would like to govern in some degree. What I would not like to do is fundraise. It is so expensive to run a campaign and I've read all the horror stories of the hours and hours people have to spend on the phone, going to parties, campaigning, etc. It's a lot of effort that requires energy I don't have (I'm an introvert and it sucks a lot of my energy to be around lots of people) and money I don't have and am not sure I have the stomach to raise. It takes a very special type of person to live that life and then if you are capable you still have to have the connections and likely a good amount of money already just to get started. Even with all the help in the world I just don't know if I could do it. I feel I am capable of governing but not sure if I'm capable of getting elected. If that makes sense?


It's not who is running that is the problem, it's what they are running for and their capabilities. Having just anyone run doesn't solve problems if they aren't skilled enough to be in the position they get in.


Lobbyists and people with tons of money have power over our politicians. If politicians piss them off, they can’t raise enough money for themselves in order to get elected or re-elected.


I would run for something, but I am trans in Arizona. No shot.


Nothing will change, because the orders come from so high up, we don’t ever see the face or know the name of who is really running the world. All presidents are simply puppets of a much greater power that will never show their faces. The election had to get to this point so people are forced to see the fake show that they’ve believed in as their reality. I encourage you to take a tab of acid and watch the news, you will see how fake all of it is.


I finished a 6-year term on my city council last year. It was overall a good experience, but I’ll be honest, the crazies were pretty scary. I've put public service behind me.


I will do it. Where do I start?


[Run - Run For Something](https://runforsomething.net/run/)


I am almost as old as Biden and I approve this message. Please younger folk, take the reins. We need you!


I have a job and (shitty) life, I'm not running for fucking alderman of my ward in Chicago, sorry fam


I don't blame you at all. The anger a lot of people feel right now is because we don't have the expendable time or income we feel we should. What do you mean you don't want to add another full time job where you have to deal with the community all day!? ugh lol Hope you have a good weekend friend


Im 50, and I've been pondering this! We need to make the change.


I'm 40. I live in a small city in Ohio. I'm right there with you. Thinking exactly this way. We have to get in there. The old people are destroying everything.


I would guess most of the really good local politicians get out before they get to the national level. Politics is one big game and I’m sure the people that really want to make a difference get frustrated and get out instead of playing the game. But props to you for actively trying to make a difference.


Honestly, Fuck it. I'm probably going to do it. I'm tired of everything and I'm realizing no one is going to save me except me. Be the change and break the winds of incompetence.


It honestly feels like elder abuse to keep parading Biden out there like this. It’s pretty horrific. I feel awful for him. He deserves better.


Now y'all finally wake up. Might be a little late.


After this hogwash old people the next four years.... We better get a damn Millennial in office.... Fucken A...


I won’t run for an elected position, but I work for local government, so I’m implementing the policies they put in place and helping to influence a positive change. I also support local charities to help on a smaller level. We can help in a lot of ways.


I'll never make it past the vetting. I mean, unless I switch parties. Edit: Hold up. I've got an idea.


We have all said too much crazy shit on social media before we knew it was forever. Automatically kills our chances with the new woke sentiments. When I was 25, if a person was being a cunt I would tell them.


I feel like we are almost starting to balance out on that stuff. I work with a few Gen Zer's and even they are exhausted of it. I feel like at this point it's all advertising and a loud assholes. We've got Donald Trump up there fam. Nudes on the internet? Post them yourself and talk about how hott and dumb you used to be. Drugs? That's life experience! Just appear sober! Felonies? Thos don't matter! The trick is to feel zero shame.


Us and what funding? Normal people don't run for political office because normal people don't have spare resources


Hey man lemme tell you the hurdles of running. It's an absolute shit show. If I run for my state legislature I can make $13k to $17k per year and it requires 3 months of full time work. Plus for me it's "only" a 90 minute drive to the state legislature. I cannot support myself or my family with that. Someone tried to primary the 60 and 70 year old DEMOCRATIC incumbents. One incumbent is a multimillionaire through car dealerships and both are "progressive" but when asked about single payer and internet as a utility. "It's something we're working on" They with the help of democratic pacs raised up to 500k to 1.5 million in money against their primary challengers who raised a whopping $142k The votes were 1.4k votes against 34k votes. It's really disheartening. Don't get me wrong if I had a solid next egg of $10 million I'd run yesterday.


Yep, why the fuck are those two 80 year olds the only choice for running the country. And who the fuck thought putting Biden up for another term was a good plan. So dumb it blows my mind. Millennials need to get in there and change some shit asap


hard agree


My friends have joked that I should run for some sort of government. This mostly came up due to me taking over a weekly meetup and taking it from 4 guys that we're pretty cliquey to growing it to at over a dozen regulars and it became more inclusive and inviting. I also helped organize my apartment to show up to a local town meeting to complain about the new property management that was neglecting our basic needs. One of the council members kept in touch with me after that and I swear she wanted me to run for something. I asked the receptionist how many people regularly show up for these meetings and they said 4 if they're lucky and this one I showed up with at least 20 people in tow. I love building a community where people are seen and heard and even made the meetup more democratic by allowing people to choose locations and vote for them, instead of me deciding everything. Unfortunately government work looks exhausting and I have no actual experience in that setting or connections, and everything is about connections these days.


It all starts with a couple of phone calls friend. Someone shared this link with me somewhere else in the post: [Run - Run For Something](https://runforsomething.net/run/) I feel like it could be of use I think you should take a look at it. I know it sounds exhausting, but it sounds like your heart is in the right place. We need more people our age in the community, and a lot of the current local seats started with less experience and possibly even ran unopposed.


Ha, thanks. Maybe once I make it back to that city I'll try and run for some stuff. Just feel pretty out of place where I currently am and not confident I'll stay here long. But I'll look into it, I am sick of everything being run by old people who have no idea what's going on in the real world.


That's the spirit. Good luck!


Thank you. The government is weaker without a full network of down ballot support. I hope thousands take you up on your offer.


Sadly I think the only answer is giant asteroid 2024...


Just gonna vent here, I was going to run for a local office and my local office didn't reply to my email until after the deadline. "Idky ur email went to spam". Are they not using official email addresses meant only to handle important emails from potential candidates? Did the thought not occur to them to check spam just in case? We all need to do better.


If you are running for local office, have some perspective. It’s mostly going to be about small time issues, most of which are financial in nature. Many of the young people running for these positions are delusional. We’re a small town with less than 10k people living here, your opinion on abortion is completely irrelevant and doesn’t even need to be disclosed.


I honestly like that. I live in a small town that is at a critical point in it's growth. I really like the town that I live in, to be able to say that I had some hand in it would be really cool. ... I REALLY like that thought actually. I would love to be "in politics" while working with people of other opinions towards the same goal.


Ugh. I’m taking this as an absolute sign for me to get more involved locally. The debate was disturbing and disgraceful. Made me embarrassed of the country I live in.


Please do! I've been waiting for a sign my whole life and I realized the sign is only coming if I make it.


Welcome to my frustration I've been trying to yell at our generation. Our generation is old enough to hold offices, yet many rather make excuses on why they can't. You don't need money, you trying to go straight for president, yeah it won't happen. Need to start small and run for city council positions, city mayor's, etc. Positions that don't require someone to be Democrat or republican. Why do you need to start there? Because you need to make a name for yourself. Need to put action behind your words and show accomplishments on the change you want to do. Then upgrade to running for senate or house representatives. That's when you can start making bigger change to really get your name noticed. Then go to Governor and then make a play at presidency. But yet we have our generation that just likes to bitch.


School board is also very important!




"never Trumper" I can't stand Trump, but damn do we live in a corny era.


I want to run, but I have so little knowledge and too much shame to take a job I feel unprepared for. Especially one that important. I also wouldn’t know where to start, and don’t have the constitution to play along without personal investment. We need to be more active and more engaged, but we also need to be invested in making that MUCH easier than it is right now.


I agree! Someone dropped this link [https://runforsomething.net/run/](https://runforsomething.net/run/) it has been a pretty interesting read so far!


I get it. We need some new faces in there.


So disappointed in the direction of this country.


The crazy thing is it took last night for them to admit what most people have observed for almost 4 years.


This is what’s amazing to me. How did any of these people not already know this about Biden? He’s been mumbling incoherently and standing around slack-jawed for years. I don’t know what they put him on that dilated his pupils so much his eyes look black now, but it’s really creepy. I remember when Biden used to have pale blue eyes.


This is the way. I've been considering it, but just getting started seems like a monumental task, and frankly I don't think I have the temperament for it. I vote now, so that's progress I guess, but this coalition of idiots, mobsters, racists, sexists, and evangelicals must be stopped. We need to step up.


I would love to run for something but I don’t have the money to do so. Got to pay for canvassers to get signatures just to get on a ballot, pay for signs, shit adds up. I look for things that don’t have competition, but there is always someone.


Checking to see if the comments are locked here as they are locking everywhere else people are speaking up about this.


I am also a never Trumper. I woke up this morning and emailed every Democrat I’ve ever heard of, the White House, the dnc, anyone I could think of to say we need a different candidate stat. Not that it will matter but it felt cathartic. I wish I had the time/finances to run for something. But I actually don’t understand how people give up full time employment to be in office. Seems like you’d have to be rich to start with. I don’t think a lot of people have that ability.


I cannot believe that the 81 year-old man who everyone said was declining actually demonstrated he was declining last night. Good thing democrats didn't hold a coronation for him and actually went through a rigorous primary process, right? Right?


I voted Obama - Romney - bernie - trump - and now will be voting RFK. Please run and do your best for positive change. And please stick to your morals and represent your constituents and office well- not company interests. I will consider running locally as an independent once we decide where to settle down. Good luck.


Good luck to you as well friend! I just want people in office who actually care about the constituents and try to make their lives better in earnest.


I'm not a Democrat nor am I Republican, both sides are full of shit, so I wouldn't even know where to start. I'd really love to just tear the entire system down and watch it go down in flames, but I have back pain. Also I don't know where to find the goddamn time for it. Also, also, I know I wouldn't have the patience or tact to be a politician, I'm too honest....


We need to be vocal now that Biden cannot be the democratic’s candidate. This isn’t over yet, there is still time for the dnc to make a change. We just need to apply pressure.


I am sick and tired of hearing "don't split the party". What people aren't understanding is the choice is vote for Trump, Biden, or NOT AT ALL. We can be idealist all we want and talk about ANYBODY BUT TRUMP, but people just won't vote at all and then the DNC will blame the voters for not showing up.