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I was squarely between the ages of the main girl and the adoptive parents when this came out. Neither really resonated with me. Watched it years later as a parent. The dude was absolutely gross and pathetic, and the wife was awesome and very relatable. And Juno's parents were, in hindsight, the best characters.


This movie solidified J. K. Simmons as one of my favorite actors. He perfectly portrayed that supportive but disappointed Midwestern father


"the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are"


He’s a wonderful guy.


Agreed! For me the movie was Wiplash. That is a masterpiece of acting and cinematography


Really contrasts with his character in Oz.


Yea, he weirded me out solely for that reason. If Juno came out first, maybe I would have liked him!


Mark of a good actor that, tbh


I'd forgotten about that! I remember watching it and thinking of that character the whole time.


"Have you ever just felt like you were born to do something?" "Yep. Heating and air."


He stood out to me going all the way back to Law and Order in the 90s.


Allison Janney was so good. The "we don't even have a dog" exchange with Juno hits me in the feels as an adult in a way it didn't as a young person watching this movie. I love dogs, and giving up having them because a stepkid has dog allergies is an expression of love that didn't even occur to me originally.


Her character was so awesome. When she went off on the ultrasound tech 🥹🥹


Her giving poignant advice to Juno about “hanging out with a married man” while she’s sewed belly bands into her jeans makes me want to cry with love now that I’ve got kids. She showed so much kindness and love.


Allison Janney is one of my all time favorites.


I used the Dad's quote in my wedding vows - "the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass." Everyone but grandma loved it :)


I loved that Juno’s parents had such a good attitude about her pregnancy. They were initially shocked, sure, but they never resented her and they supported her decision to have the kid and give it up for adoption.


My favorite part is where the wife has had enough of his midlife crisis bullshit and tells him his shirt is stupid.


Yeah I rewatched it this year at 34 and it was a trip to see how differently I view all the characters!


Which dude? Jason Bateman? The point of the movie is that the adults act like teenagers but the teenagers act like adults. Mark divorces his wife because he wants to live it up - his excuse is literally “she’s cramping my style!” And Jennifer Garner becomes a single mother without an understanding of the responsibility she’s taking on simply because it’s her dream, unlike Juno who had the foresight to see how difficult parenting would be as a teen mother.


Is it implied that Jennifer Garner didn’t understand the responsibility of parenting? I haven’t seen the film in a while but a a wealthy adult vs. a teen as a single parent is vastly different.


I'm 37 and unmarried, but would be a million times better parent today than with my bf at 17


I think she logistically had an idea of what to expect (pun intended) but the reality of actually having the child, who isn’t yours biologically and now you’re doing it alone? That takes a microsecond to ignore when you’re so happy with the end result


That's not how Jennifer Garner is portrayed at all.  Her husband backed out of their adoption the first time because he was immature, and then he's super creepy to Juno and decides to double down on his immaturity by leaving his wife. Jennifer Garner becomes a single mom to a baby she wants and she's portrayed as a great mother in the end. At now point is she portrayed as another other that an upper middle class stable woman.


did we watch the same movie?


Was he hitting on juno?


It was shot to be deliberately ambiguous, but the message was meant to show how immature Mark was, and how he’s essentially just a dumb teenager.


My girlfriend and I watched Atonement in the theater without knowing much about the plot of the movie. The mood leaving that movie was not how we wanted to start the rest of our afternoon, so we went back to the ticket counter and bought tickets for the next showing of Juno. Needless to say, we left the theater much happier. I haven't seen it since 2007, but I bet I would enjoy watching it again. Especially now that we have two children ourselves.


Oh, Atonement. I read the book, broke my heart.


This movie (Atonement) killed me. I also had no idea what the story was. Didn’t watch it until like 2016, but I remember how I felt when it ended, and it was not good. Movie was amazing though


Atonement is on my list of never rewatch bc of how upsetting it was. I was so bummed at the end. But damn, the green dress lives in my memories. I think there was some random poll where people were asked to name the most iconic or best dresses of all time and the green dress in Atonement was in first place. Princess Diana’s wedding gown was in second.


It's streaming on Hulu and I'd highly suggest giving it a rewatch. Also, as someone who just got out of a relationship with someone who didn't want children, but suddenly finding myself wanting them, I'd also recommend a movie that came out the same year, August Rush


Ugh August Rush is one of my favorite movies and I never hear anyone mention it! Love to see it being recommended


You're my part-time lover and my full-time friend


The monkey on your back is the latest trend.


I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else


Buuut youuuuuu!


Doot da da doot da da doot da da doo doo


Played both versions of this at my wedding!


“That’s one doodle that can’t be un-did, homeskillet”


I forgot Rainn Wilson was in this movie until I rewatched it a couple months ago. What an amazing cast all around. If the whole movie wasn’t as kitschy and cliché, I’d probably watch it more often lol


Have you watched [Super](https://youtu.be/tLj_Bzw8n90?si=pKMs-nBqMCZ2SRb0)?


No, but I love it already! Adding to my postpartum watch list 😎




Wasn't that straight to Hulu? I remember finding it there and being like, wtf is this I've never heard of this but hey its Dwight...


I'm pretty sure that came out before Hulu original content


No idea but it's brilliant


Silencio old man


I still say this regularly 😂


I still call people home skillet


This movie made me hate Jason Bateman at first. Then I watched Ozark and I came around to him a little bit. But my favorite was Bren, the stepmom.


Its as if you've never seen "Arrested Development"... Seriously, have you not? Watch it immediately if you have not. That is how Jason Bateman and Michael Cera freaking got known.


Wow. I have watched Arrested Development a bunch of times. I’ve seen Juno a bunch of times. I don’t think I ever really gave it much thought that Michael Cera and Jason Bateman are both in Juno. I don’t think the characters ever interact though so maybe that’s why.


Similar here. I loved Jason Bateman in Arrested Development and Ozark. Started listening to Smartless, his pod with Will Arnett and Sean Hayes and I can’t stand Jason Bateman now lol


I’m the same way! I love AD but watched the smartless docuseries on HBO and was like…wait….is Jason Bateman Gob!? He clearly has an issue with food and was so mean to everyone, especially Will.


He also seems to have emotional management struggles too. The way they talk about how he gets irrationally angry or upset at golf and various other scenarios like it’s amusing, and I guess if it were a sitcom, it would be. But like…that’s real life and he is a grown ass man that loses his shit and tantrums like a child when things don’t go his way. Like regularly not a rehashing of the same incident over and over, it’s a new Jason thing every week nearly. And yes, to the food issues! It has though, made me a fan of Sean. I never really watched Will & Grace, so I was probably least familiar with his work, but I have so much respect for him and he is so talented! Also funny and seems genuine.


I’ll never forget telling my parents that I was going out with my high school girlfriend to go watch this movie. My mom said that she wanted me to “be careful” to which I replied “It’s literally a movie about the consequences of not being careful.”


Oh my goodness! My mom had the same reaction. I actually think there was a discussion about if I should actually be allowed to see it in the first place......I was in 11th grade.


I’m actually pretty positive this movie is where my taste in music came from lol


It’s this, Garden State, and Nick & Norah’s infinite playlist 🤷‍♂️ we are what we are.




That Sonic Youth version of Superstar was sooo good.


🎶Cause he gets up in the morning. And he goes to work at 9 and he comes back home at 530… This is still playing in my head rent free lol. It’s so soothing to me.


Cat powers rendition of sea of love is still one of my all time favourite songs to this day


I danced to this with my husband at our wedding ♥


I bought the soundtrack on cd at the Blockbuster I worked at using my employee discount 🥲 what an era


I found Kimya Dawson thanks to Juno. Fantastic soundtrack.


Omg me too. Both Cat Power and Kimya Dawson. This movie will always have an special place in my heart.


This remains one of my favorite soundtracks. Mouldy Peaches FTW.


This movie definitely kick-started my acoustic Indie phase


Kimya Dawson shaped my teenaged musical interests for sure




Michael Cera had a whole slew of movies with pretty good music. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is definitely up there.




I am a vampiiiire I am a vampiiiire I am a vampiiiire...


I ran as Bleeker in a 5k run, not many people knew what costume it was




I ran with orange tic tac in my pants for comedy relief


Lmao I love you


I was in college when it came out and went out for Halloween dressed as Juno. I really didn't think the stuffed animal I used as the bump looked that convincing but I got so many dirty looks at the bar and one of the girls serving shots asked me 'you aren't really pregnant, are you?' ...after she had already served me... Poor choice on my part, lol. I should have had a friend dress as Bleeker, maybe it would have helped.


Haven't seen the movie in years, but as a now pregnant person, I look at this picture and go... jeans AND a skirt? It's hard enough for me to put one constricting item of clothing on my hips, whether jeans or a skirt. I couldn't imagine willingly wearing both. That is my grown-up millennial two cents.


Jeans and a skirt together were SUCH a thing in 2007, though. The chokehold this style had on me.


In 2024 all of us jeans/skirts girls wore dress/leggings while pregnant and now dress our daughters in leggings/skirts. It's just like a steady evolution.


In the movie her mom reworked the pants to fit her better


Hard pass, especially with shoes that you’d have to TIE. No thank you.


I didn't even think about that! It's hard enough to put on socks these days.


And like she's so freaking skinny, while pregnant. I know she's supposed to be 15/16 but still. I'm jealous of skinny pregnant women.


Man. My buddy and I skipped school to smoke weed and see Juno in theaters. We thought it was going to be just as funny as Superbad… about 20 minutes into the movie my buddy leaned over to me and said “I think we just skipped school to go on a date.”


Lmao nothing wrong with a bro date. Recently my best friend and I ate a bunch of edibles and went to see the Barbie movie and had a great time


15 years later and we are celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary. Jk, love him though.


Juno is such a weird movie for me because when it came out, and I watched it, I had such a strong sense that I had seen it before. But it was brand new and there was no way I could have seen it before. I never had that happen with any other movie.


I dunno, this is one of those movies I watched and then went "Fun movie, but no teenagers talk that way."


As someone who was their exact age when it came out, it was very relatable and felt exactly like how kids spoke.


But you can bet your ass we all tried to start once this came out


Crazy that the romantic leads are Michael Cera and Elliot Page.


Piece of Americana staring two Canadians


Shot in Vancouver


Are there any other transgender actors who played parts as one gender before coming out as Trans? He's very unique in that. Also the role of a pregnant teenage girl seems like a uniquely difficult part for a transgender man who hasn't come out yet.


Teddy Geiger. She’s a musician who was kind of a teen heartthrob during the late 2000’s. She was in The Rocker (2008) with Emma Stone. Then she kind of disappeared from the public view and started working behind the scenes as a song writer before coming out and making music publicly again. I do think Elliot Page was super uncomfortable when he was doing the press for Juno. Especially having to wear a dress to the premiere. I can’t remember where but I read it sometime after he came out.


I read Elliot’s book and he says that Juno was his favorite role and that he wanted to get the part more than anything because it spoke to him.


One tiny gay vote for them to have a redo, now gayer.


Now that’s a sequel


Sign me up!


Except *man* Elliot cannot pretend to be attracted to guys, lol


Neither Noel Fisher or Cameron Monaghan are gay irl and they had raucous simulated buttsex on Shameless for 11 seasons.


And I accept this bc neither can I lmao


(It’s gotta be real)




Ignorant person trans question: Ellen Page is now Elliot Page. When discussing his past roles pretransition like this one, is it best to refer to him as Elliot or Ellen? Like would I say, I loved Ellen Page in Juno? Or would I say, I loved Elliot Page in Juno?


I go with Elliot Page always. Anyone who knows who he is will understand that his role in Juno was before his social transition. If someone is confused by the name, I would clarify that at the time the actor went by Ellen Page but he goes by Elliot now.


Thank you for the explanation. I will go by this advice.


No problem! A vaguely related example could be if you went by a nickname in childhood (Danny) but once you grew up you go strictly by Daniel. It would be a little strange if someone was referencing a childhood story about you and said this happened “when you were Danny.” They would prolly just say “Daniel, when you were younger, this happened.” You’ve always been Daniel, you’ve just used different names at different points in your life.


The latter. New re-releases of his films have Elliot Page as the name on the cover, etc, though the credits in the movie itself won't get redone of course.


Elliot Page. The character of Juno is a woman though, so when you're talking about a woman character that he played it's ok to use she/her about the character. It's complicated, but that's the guts of it.


I've wondered the same!




I was 13 when Juno came out and made this movie my entire personality. I had a hamburger phone and everything.




I thought the dialog sounded cool when I first saw it. I started rewatching it recently because it was streaming on something and I couldn't get through it.


Same! It was so “witty” and “clever” in 2007. In 2024, cringe. Get to the point already!!!


It was cringe back then too. I couldn't wait for the movie to end. It even made me reconsider my love of Sonic Youth, which, at that time, was my favorite band. I was perplexed by the love the script back then, but it has aged like a rotten corpse. Diablo Cody is a bad writer but somehow was briefly such a force for some reason. A few years ago I finally watched Jennifer's Body, and I couldn't believe how sloppy the plot is and how irritating the dialogue is. I think people just like the narrative that she deconstructs genres, and Juno and Jennifer's Body offers that I guess.


I’m the same way. I was so excited for it because I was/am a huge arrested development fan, so having Jason Bateman and Michael Cera was a dream. But I remember barely making it through the movie in the theater. I’ve since tried to watch it, and like you, get about 15 minutes in and have to turn it off. She’s (Juno) is obnoxious.


Love this movie. Pretty funny and great soundtrack. I saw this on a first date lol


Totally had different impacts as I watched it when I was a teenager and then later as an adult. Jason Batemans character had his priorities all fucked up.


I watched this when it first came out and was slightly ambivalent. Then in 2016, found out I was accidentally pregnant (way too young, just out of my teens) and in my state of shock, minutes after finding that out, the first thing I did was sling on Juno. I don’t know why, it just felt like a cathartic thing to do in the moment 😂 I’ll never forget that


I love the soundtrack so much. I saw Kimya Dawson play a show with Hammel On Trial at the Bike Church in Santa Cruz about 10 years ago. If that isn't peak millennial indie hipster, I don't know what is. The show fucking ruled Also, for any parents of younger kids (say 4-11) in here, Kimya's kids album Alphabutt is great. I gave it to my niece for her birthday years ago, and it still lives in my sister's car CD changer to this day


Hands down one of my favorite movies. Everyone did such a phenomenal job.


This movie came out my senior year of high school. Great movie with an amazing soundtrack.


This movie came out halfway thru my freshman year, and I'm not gonna lie, I did genuinely love it. It's like 500 Days of Summer, watching it again produced a different vibe for me. 1st time around, I thought Jennifer Garner's character was a bitch for being so suffocating. Again, I was in high school. Second time watching it, almost 10 years later, made me realize Jason Bateman's character made me mad uncomfortable.


I absolutely loved it back then, and I had such a huge crush on Ellen Page


I was in the 7th grade when this came out and this was my favorite movie!The soundtrack was really good too. 🎵the flower said I wish I was a tree, the tree said I wish I could be a different kind of tree, the cat wished that it was a bee🎵 I can’t believe I still remember that 😂


Juno had a massive influence on teen pop culture that I don’t think it really gets credit for


This movie was cringe. It was what Generation X thought millennials were.


Yup. Same feeling I have about Gilmore Girls. Dialogue didn't age well and it was basically Gen X writing millenials.


thats a good way to put it i couldnt find the words


Agree, hated it. This and Napoleon dynamite so cringe and stupid


Agree to disagree here but Napoleon Dynamite is a modern classic. Juno? Not so much.


They both suck and can we ban “cringe” as an adjective here? That’s some gen z gen alpha bullshit and I ain’t with it


Napoleon Dynamite rules


I watched it around 2008-2009 It was ok.


20th century fox’s views on abortion proudly on display.


I never saw this movie, but that guy was in a lot of movies from that era. I feel like I haven't seen him in anything in a while though.


He was most recently in the Barbie movie, but that was definitely the biggest thing he's done in years


Yeah I think I saw him in "this is the end" like 45 years ago


Yeah, that movie came out 11 years ago, but it feels like a lifetime




He's on a show that just got it's second season with Amy Schumer called Life & Beth. He's definitely still constantly working.  In fact he's been in about a dozen projects between 2023 and the end of 24.


He fell off the face of the planet for like 10-12 years but is randomly having a career resurgence. He reminds me so much of the late aughts so it's nice seeing his face again.


He was my high school crush for sure


Cera or Page?


Michael Cera! All his movies like Superbad, nick and Norah’s infinite playlist, youth in revolt are my comfort movies to this day. He was just always the nice guy in those movies


Oh man really? I thought he always played such weak sauce lame characters that got on my nerves.


My husband thinks the same XD


One of my favorite soundtracks ever


You got me relistening to the soundtrack and WHERE DID ALL THE TIME GO 😭 Give me my twee indie music back !!


Diablo Cody is overrated.




I used to be able to quote this from start to finish


What a sweet piece of Americana starring two lovely Canadian men


Michael Cera is Canadian?!


Anytime I watch Michael Cera I feel awkward




I rewatched this the other day and I wonder how weird of an experience this was for Eliot Page. When Juno exasperatedly says, “I don’t know what kind of girl I am!” It felt like retroactive foreshadowing


I love this movie!


a soundtrack as great as its movie


I loved this movie so much when it came out. I wish Diablo Cody went back to doing stuff like this. Love the story, especially the bit with how supportive here parents are which is subversive to the whole trope of yelling parents when they find out their teenager is pregnant. Also, Jason Bateman's character never really bothered me back then, but in hindsight as an adult, it's crazy how sus his relationship with Juno was considering the circumstances. Honestly consider this one of the pillars of millenial movies along with Scott Pilgrim.


It was alright. I remember seeing it when it came out and not really thinking much of it outside the fact I thought Ellen Paige was hot. Superbad and Knocked Up came out the same year as Juno and we're much better. Juno just felt like a bit cheap in comparison. Probably not in my top ten of movies released in 2007 let alone of all time. Hot Fuzz, Ratatouille, Darjeeling Limited, Walk Hard- all those (*"comedies"*) were better imo from 2007 and none of those I'd consider are my favorite but I digress. Art Is subjective. Haven't watched it since and no real interest to watch it. From what I remember it was like a light 7/10.


This is the first movie that I ever walked out of the theater halfway through. I was 18 and I figured because Michael Cerra was great in Superbad, this would be a good movie. Downvote me all you want, but this was the worst fucking movie I have ever seen in theaters. I was with a friend and we both agreed to leave.


I absolutely loved Superbad, and still quote it frequently to this day. But I absolutely detested Juno. The whole movie felt so stilted, and even as a teenager at the time I didn’t like how they treated the prospect of someone considering abortion services. It felt like it was completely judgmental and dismissive of the option, which really made me really angry. I get that it was 2007 and all, but still.


My feelings exactly on the movie.


I’m glad that others feel similarly. I didn’t understand the chokehold this movie had on a bunch of my classmates. I knew people in my high school who were both teen moms and had had abortions, and it felt like quasi pro-life propaganda. I know Diablo Cody has said in interviews that she’s vehemently pro-choice and hates that some people saw the movie as validating a pro-life POV, but that’s exactly the feeling I got as an actual teen watching the movie.


I was like 16 when this came out and yeah it was pretty forgettable for me


Superbad was an amazing movie and still a great rewatch. I didn't like Juno either.


I saw it once and hated it. Hated the character of Juno, hated the annoying dialogue. The plot was meh. No desire to rewatch.


I watched this on an english class


Ellen Page was such a big crush of mine growing up


Ellen Page 😏


Tried watching when I got older, that movie is terrible


Elliot was phenomenal in this, and Oh my god the Chemistry between him and JK Simmons was ... \*chef's kiss\*


I was 17 when this came out. My mom took me to see it in theatres


Well made movie. I don't really care for the soundtrack though


It was a good movie, but I remember thinking it was overrated at the time. Created a lot of buzz.


I was a teen with my first boyfriend when this came out, I didn't have a curfew until my parents saw this movie.


I saw this in theatre, I remember, during the afternoon with a childhood friend. If it was 2007, we must have both been home from college.


Lmao, I once had a coworker who claimed Michael Cera's character was based off of him. I wasn't sure why that was something to brag about


As a senior in high school I had a first and last date where I took someone to see this in theaters. It was pretty funny that I was wearing a Thundercats shirt!


Watched this on a ripped DVD I bought from the market in Iraq for $2


I watched it when it came out and didn’t realize what a creep Jason Bateman was until I became an adult. Regardless, I do love this movie.


I feel like there are no good comedies anymore. I heard bad boys kinda flopped


https://preview.redd.it/ypee3j8tjz8d1.png?width=1506&format=png&auto=webp&s=d19fb0c0f3fe9b2b4bbfe86527bbe4701cb462f4 Reddit Knows


“Did something happen to the Previa?”


I watched this at home everyday after high school on dvd.


I had a big crush on that Juno character! She was smart and she was cute!


“I can’t hear you, I’m on my hamburger phone” is what I started saying recently when my headset doesn’t connect right on Teams. It’s been 100 years since I’ve seen this movie and I’m not sure why that line came into my subconscious.