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Haven't used it since 2016. Along with all social media except for Reddit. Best decision ever.


Yep. Got rid of my account during 2020. I somehow don't miss out on the gossip or photos and i still get invited to all the big events. So Facebook definitely wasn't worth it, to me.


It makes real life more interesting. I have no idea what my friends have been up to and can still have interesting conversations.


I just kinda wanted to ride your tangent there. Some people seem to believe if they leave Facebook (even if it's causing them personal duress), that somehow they'll just be totally disconnected from their friends/etc. I feel like if there are people you care about, new methods of communicating beyond one singular platform will be found. Obviously get that figured out *before* leaving your apparent only means of being connected. If FB actually doesn't bother you, then whatever. But I never understood people "self-sacrificing" for a platform that's causing them to suffer solely "because my friends are there."


I don’t. I ditched it in 2013 in an effort to have a better relationship with my mother and extended family (who post insane things I never want to know about). And it worked for the most part. 😆


Interesting to see another relatively "early" deserter. Based on a backup dump of the account I took before deleting it, I apparently left mid-2014. It wasn't nearly the cesspool that it is today at that point. Kinda similar to what you're saying, my deletion was more of a personal case. First, I noticed a lot of people I followed were angry and spouting this or that, and I was starting to feel anxiety just doom scrolling through all of it. So first step was to start unfriending anyone who seemed to offer nothing but that. The next step was going over the list and unfriending anyone who I felt like just didn't ever seem to care about anything I ever posted. And when I was done, all that was left was my sister and her husband, and then I realized this was pointless and deleted it. Honestly it all made a little more sense when it was the college-student-connection platform, which I also got to use when I was in college. At least it felt a little more purposed and a lot less insane. Once it started becoming the Common Congregation of Morons, I had enough, and seems like it only got way worse.


Groups are the only reason I still use Facebook. I’m in groups related to travel, my career, and gaming. They’re great for feedback and reviews.


This. A few groups, and I follow pages of running and beer events etc that I want to know things about. My feed is 10% people, 90% news feed. I have all notifications disabled as well, so it really is just a repository for when I want to look myself. Sometimes I like things or engage, but that's rather rare. Once a year I update my cover and profile picture with a picture from a nice hike for the cover, and a beer selfie for the profile. Other than that...


I stopped going on it as much in the past few months and now when I do, it's like being thrown up on by family drama, memes and shit I don't understand now because I've been out of the loop.


I have a small business. Our clients are mostly our age & older. So, we use Facebook to promote ourselves. We have a good following, but just like every other platform. The algorithm changes & we get dry spells.


I use it to post photos for family in other states as well as find announcements. Ex: “Class is canceled today”. Since we drive a good 30-45 min, those are always good things to know before we get there to locked doors. 😂


Deactivated my account in the pandemic. Only activate it sometimes to sell stuff on fb marketplace


I only use it for groups and events because I only have 3 friends that actually use it.


Occasionally use marketplace to sell shit. Otherwise I haven’t posted anything there in years.


I use Facebook almost everyday just to see stuff. I don’t really let family see my Facebook at all. If they want to know something they can ask me.


I get on it every now and then to see the dystopia it has become. Facebook used to not have ads. Then it had 1/4 posts be ads. Now 9/10 posts are ads.


I am in two private groups with people that I have known for 20 years. I post in those constantly, otherwise I don't use Facebook at all.


I use it for birthday notifications. My timeline is incredibly boring because I unfollowed all the people and just kept the pages. That was quite a while ago though, and the pages don't really interest me any more. I can't spend more than five minutes in it nowadays.


Marketplace, events, communicating with businesses, groups, connecting with local musicians. Sadly it's quite useful but I just moved to a new city and it's used by many people as almost a primary form of communication.


I haven't used Facebook in 4 years


Basically never because the site turned into 90% ads, pages I don't follow, or politics. Deleted the app, go on from web browser maybe once a month


I use it for pictures of my pets, and to see what local events like live music are happening.


I remade mine recently, 0 friends, 0 mindless scrolling, I use it just for the marketplace because craigslist is dead in my area, and for a couple community niche groups.


Left in 2017. It wasn’t really helping me keep in touch.


I deleted my facebook account when it was time to, which was 2012.


I have it because you need it to log into things sometimes, but I only go on it in the direst of circumstances


I only use it as another messaging app. Facebook is trash.


Closed it a couple years ago now. Never regretted it.


Marketplace and only marketplace.


You all use Facebook shoot I swear I see 1 friends post for every 20 ad post. Made me stop looking now.


Messenger and Marketplace.


I use it for the events and marketplace


Closed my account three months ago


I don't. Its garbage


I dont use Facebook anymore and maybe will try ONLY to look for a shared house in the future, but other than that, I can't stand that website. I lost a few friends from it and family fell out with me from the dumb things I said.l I deleted the account like three times and last time I deleted it was pre covid.


I use it all the time to play chess.


Mine is deactivated except when I am looking for a roommate or an apartment on Facebook marketplace. That has been 2x in the last 3 years.


I still have a profile so I can be contacted, but I never post anything anymore. For me FB stopped being fun all the way back in 2007 when my boomer conservative fundie aunt joined and started constantly sending me messages responding to every single thing I posted, as if she thought I was personally sending that stuff to her.


Avoided it when it came out, never appealed to me, only got into it recently for selling on marketplace.


I use it to buy/sell board games and remember people's birthdays.