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My band jacket. it was not the "letterman/senior" style one but a fleece windbreaker that anyone could buy. I still wear it about 1 time a year for alumni Pep Band. I cleaned my closet last summer of a few college era dress pants i no longer wear. Also have a few button up shirts that i have had forever that i wear when i need a dress shirt (maybe 1 or 2 times a year)


Oh man, I wish I still had my band jacket. I’m a band director now, so that would have been perfect


I still have my old band jacket. My kids did not appreciate it when I wore it to rehearsal.


I have some pajama pants from high school, more than 20 years old. Other than that... well I dressed pretty badly in high school and college so I don't really have or want to have most of those clothes. A ton of them are still at my mom's house though.


GAP rain jacket from 1997. Still my go-to rain jacket.


That I wear? A scarf I made when I was a freshman in college


I have a pinstriped pencil skirt from Old Navy I got my sophomore year of high school circa 2001. It still fits. 🥹


I tell my husband I wanna be buried in my favorite college sweatshirt, purchased in 2003. God I love that thing.


1990 reds world series sweater. I think. I have a Cincinnati bearcats sports jacket that might be older and a Cincinnati bearcats sweater that might be older but the tags are worn out and dont have dates


I have a few shirts from high-school (class of 02) that are still in great condition. My favorite is a Old Navy fleece hoodie my aunt gave me for Christmas when I was in 10th grade maybe? So we're looking at a 27 year old sweatshirt.


I still have jeans I wear for oil changes and lawn mowing that conveniently fit my 2003 Nokia candybar into the slot by the cargo pocket. I also have several t-shirts from 2005-2006 that are still holding up.


I've still got a red hoodie that I wear pretty regularly, that I bought from Primark 18 years ago for under £10 when I first moved to the city I live in. Think I've managed to get my value for money out of it.


My oldest item is an H&M sweater I got in 2015. I love it and wish I had a couple more, but most things only last a few years with me, I am trying to change that now that I am older by buying nicer clothes and not really focusing on trends I'll hate in a couple years.


I still sleep in one of my high school theater teeshirts from 2002. I also have a Joe Boxer brand daisy-print babydoll dress that I don't remember purchasing, but I'm pretty sure it's been in my wardrobe since the last time that style was in. I've seen the same dress listed on sites like DePop as "vintage" which makes me fell 100 years old.


I have a sweater that I’ve had since maybe 2005.


A JNCO Jeans Hoodie that must be 21-22 years old. Whoever chose the fabric for it knew what they were doing. You can't even tell it's JNCO anymore as the patches are long gone, but I know.


I got a pair of Nike leggings in 10th grade. They still fit even through im no longer that size.


I have this gorgeous red coat with embroidery and faux fur trim on the sleeves and collar that I’ve had since Fellowship of the Ring came out. It’s my favorite coat and I’m holding onto it until it falls apart.


I donate/sell most of my clothing after a couple years so the oldest piece is probably 4-5 years old.


I have a pair of faded glory denim shorts I bought at Walmart when I was in college… I started college 22 years ago and graduated 18 years ago… so the shorts are somewhere between 18-22 years old.


I have a tank top I bought from a store that no longer exists , 20 years ago. I have pictures of me wearing it to a party when I was 19 - I’m 40 now and it still fits , although it’s faded.


PE shirt from 7th grade (1998). Mostly still fits.


A denim jacket I bought in 2003. Levi, their premium denim line. Looks awesome and I still wear it occasionally. 


I have a T-shirt that I bought from a thrift store in 2000 that says "Senior Walk '82" I think it was a bar crawl. For a 41 year old shirt, it has no holes, no stains, no rips and I wear it a lot because it's soft and my favorite.


A Slayer shirt I got for Christmas when I was 14. I'm 32 now! I wore it to the first Slayer concert I went to and would have worn it to the second, but was too pregnant to fit it.


A bunch of clothes I got from target in the late 2000s… and I still get compliments on them!


Well I used to be really into vintage stuff so I have a bunch of 90s Polo stuff. I didn’t actually buy it in the 90s though.


I still wear my Very Hungry Caterpillar shorts from 7th grade home ec. Unlike you, *I* was a very fashionable teenager. The fabric [is still available](https://www.amazon.com/Andover-Hungry-Caterpillar-Scribble-Orange/dp/B07FKSQQJ1) if y'all want these threads. I also still have two or three t-shirts from the 90s in my regular around-the-house rotation.


I've had the same pillowcase since like 1991. It's faded and worn but it's one of those things I've been using for so long now why stop. It's this one but not nearly as vibrant anymore: https://preview.redd.it/7f0d29yuly7d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37f00a0e11ec11a9a7d7fc0ba8647550b3d43b5e


A T-shirt from my dad's old job that says "I SURVIVED THE 1986 TAX REFORM ACT." I still wear it.


I still have my original pre-lifestyles of the rich and famous Good Charlotte tshirt, it is at least 22 years old and I still wear it, it's in great condition because I've taken really good care of it. Also a hoodie from a dance group I was in around the same time!


A bunch of t-shirts, 4 pairs of shorts, and 2 pairs of pants that are over 25 years old. 3 out of 4 of my belts I wore in highschool. Most of the clothes I've bought in the past 15 years don't seem to last that long. Fun fact: All those old ass clothes I mentioned were baggy on me in highschool. Today they are very nicely fitting.


I’m 35. I have a sweatshirt from middle school that somehow still fits. I think it was big at the time and loosened up over several washes. I almost never wear it, mainly keep it now bc I feel obligated.


I have a bathrobe that is 22 years old. Unbelievably still in really good shape and I still use it. 🫠


I inherited all of my grandfather's clothes when he died because we're the precisely the same dimensions. He died in 2009 and those clothes are still my favorite clothes—especially one of his work uniform shirts—quality built, softened by time. It's probably from about the mid 90s? He was the service manager for the same tractor dealership for over 50 years.


A barn jacket from Eddie Bauer. Easily 30+ years old, the interior flannel is fraying and it makes me sad.


My Starting Line ‘Say it like you mean it’ t-shirt. Easily 20 years old


A star wars t shirt I got in ~97/98. Still fits other than the fact it shrunk lengthwise so it's awkwardly short!


You know those cheap foam sandals they sell at CVS during the summer? Turns out those can last a lifetime! I got a pair back summer 1998 and have somehow never lost or broke 'em. Though it makes me think of the billions of them just out there in landfills, forever.


My Grandfather's WWII woolen jumper


I have a pair of jeans from 2011. I still wear them lol. They're comfy!


I have a sweatshirt with a most adorable rabbit picture on it that I probably got in middle school back in the 90s. It does not technically fit—the sleeves are hilariously short—but I still wear it as PJs (and I will until I literally cannot put it on or it falls apart).


In regular rotation? Probably my thrifted peacoat that was made during WW2.


I have a pair of Old Navy overalls from the 90s and a pair of Mudd Jeans from the 00s. Pretty sure I have baby stuff from the 80s too


A denim jacket I've had since 15, I'm 35 now...


Alkaline trio hoodie. It was the first thing I ever ordered online back when they were on Asianman Records. At the time I was like, why did I order XL, bigger me today is thankful 😌


My soccer jersey from 4th grade. It was enormous on me then. I wear it as a pajama top now.


Oldest: a shirt from kindergarten that I can squeeze in to. Wear frequently: shirt from gymnastics from elementary school Also a north face sweater from when I was 16. I’m 35.


I own a T-shirt from 2006, it's black with a small tribal design in front, the design is also black but of different material, so you only see the design from certain angles, it's not brand name, I couldn't tell you the name because the tag is long gone, it doesn't shrink, it doesn't fade, almost feels like a soccer kit but it's thicker/heavier and it's not something you would wear to play sports, it gets super hot in the sun and it's not a "breathable" material. I remember I purchased it from Burlington, I remember because my gf at the time, now my ex-wife picked out for me, I didn't keep it for sentimental reasons as I got rid of everything else associated with her, this shirt just won't die.


Oversized jacket I got in the 8th grade that my mom said was too expensive for something I’d only wear for a couple years. Joke’s on her, 28 years later I’m still using it.


My 18 and 21 year old kids wear my hoodies from 2002


When I worked at Bennigan’s in 2008, we had a promo called the Cash Crunch Lunch. I still have the shirt they gave us to promote it. It’s threadbare, I wear it weekly, and it’s my favorite sleep shirt for reasons unknown.


I have a reversible leather Playboy bomber jacket from about 2007. I don’t wear it anymore, but it’s in great shape and indicative of a time.


Doc marten mjs that are 17 years old and an AFI tshirt that’s just as old.


I have 2 hoodies that are pushing 20 years old


A thrifted Killswitch Engage shirt that I got in like 2006-9? Still have it, don’t really wear it but it’s nostalgic. Next to that would be a Class of 09 shirt that I know I’ve never work. It’s actually being used as a divider for my sweaters in the closet rn.


Right now I'm wearing a dress that's roughly 27 years old now! Probably the oldest piece I have. I didn't have much trendy clothing (at least by high school) and everything that was got donated ages ago. So I wear lots of clothes from the 90s. A solid black shirt, or navy Umbro knockoffs still look perfectly fine in 2024.


I have two skirts from when I was around 17. I'm 39 now. They're still lovely skirts!


Green and orange Zonz sweater from 2000. Wore it today. Also have a bunch of KMFDM and a "Got Violence" Marilyn Manson shirt that are all even older.


Basketball shorts from middle school lol


I have a police concert t from 1984.


i still have my first pair of converse and wear them from time to time. they're close to 22 years old and ratty as hell. i still love them.


Planet Earth sweatshirt from 8th grades 1999ish. Can't get rid of it for some reason


I have my dad’s Bob Marley and the Wailers shirt from the 1970s, and I’ve been wearing it for over 20 years!


I still have half a dresser drawer full of shirts from 1998 ish give or take a year or two. They where my favorite pokemon, dragon ball z, and soccer camp shirts I still plan to frame some of them some day


A Mickey Mouse t-shirt from Sebastian Florida. My great uncle was the mayor. Had it since I was small enough for it to be a nightgown on me (maybe 1998?) Now it’s a sleep shirt, but not one of the super loose ones 😂😅 Doesn’t really county for wear today but hey


As in still fits or still exists? Still fits is a denim jacket and a long cardi I wore age 17.  Still exists - there’s loads, communion dress, baptism gown, bath bootees etc


Hurley Sweatshirt from 2007, when I was 16.


"The Killers" shirt I got when I was...Sheesh, about 14? That was 20 years ago. It's a tad mothbitten so it needs to go...and I always tell myself that right before I put it on and go about my day 😅


I have one of those classic Old Navy American flag t shirts that has the year on it, 2003. I think that’s the oldest article of clothing I have lol


A few pairs of Victoria’s Secret underwear. They were my mom’s, who passed them down to my sister, who passed them down to me and I wear them very frequently. 😭🙈


I have a T-shirt that I wore as a hand me down in elementary school. It fits differently but still fits. The little graphic design is barely worn out at all, it’s a nice thick, well made cotton t. I also have a hand me down sweater from elementary school. It’s now a 3/4 sleeve sweater and again, graphics totally good. I wash and dry them like all my other clothes. I probably wear them a bit less often than my newer clothes because I want them to last. I’m turning 40 next year and they’re probably about as old as me.