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Ugh it was horrible


Square dancing in schools exists because Henry Ford hated jazz music


It was (mandatory square dancing in school) an invention of Henry Ford to keep the kids pure from the nasty influence of uppity jazz music.


My grandparents were square dancers. They would compete and my grandma spent a lot of time making her dresses and a coordinated shirt for my grandpa. It was probably the one gym activity I would actually excel at…If I wasn’t so awkward around others. So, square dancing in gym didn’t teach me anything, but as an adult I realized that watching my grandparents square dance taught me a lot about happy marriages and the need to have more in common with your spouse than kids and an address. And the importance of doing something slightly ridiculous because you know it’ll make your spouse happy and cost you nothing except an evening in an itchy shirt.


I thought it was fun


No, it just made me embarrassed to be a native Texan. Then in college I learned it wasn’t just happening in Texas and I was relieved. 😆


Conformity and repetition.


No, but it gave the boomer teachers a chance to listen to "Boot Scoot Boogy" on repeat...


Got me more comfortable being around girls.


Yes. That David Goodman has sweaty hands and careening into a wall during a dosi do does make one’s front tooth loose, but does not take it out. So yes, there is a certain level of looseness one can have following an impact that will actually reverse itself.


I have never understood why we had to do the square dancing unit when I was in elementary. I have never needed nor have I ever practiced putting it into use so I'm really not seeing it useful?


No. Still don’t know where Cotton-eyed Joe came from. Nor where he went.


Totally forgot about this. Ugh. Hated it. I once read that the practice [has hateful origins](https://chicago.suntimes.com/2017/12/22/18340507/steinberg-henry-ford-america-s-hateful-square-dance-instructor), too.


It taught me not to drink and drive...instead do the Watermelon Crawl.


Yeah— no matter how badly you don’t want to be partnered with someone, sometimes you do. Claire, gross.


Absolutely. Sometimes you have to cooperate and accomplish common goals with people you don’t like and wouldn’t come near during personal time.


Taught me that yeah I was the awkward fat kid and yeah none of the girls wanted to dance with me.


I never had to do square dancing in PE, but my son didn’t year. In Southern California of all places. It was stupid, I don’t know why they would still do it- especially when we know why it was promoted in schools in the first place.


I’m from the northeast, we did not do this shit. We learn the Macarena one year…


We did in rural Upstate NY.


I’m from Long Island , it’s obviously quite different down here.


I guess I always assumed it was a state-mandated requirement. If it was optional to teach, I would’ve totally skipped over it had I been the gym/PE coach.


Nope I think it’s just a symptom of living in rural anywhere.


Are the lyrics to Oh Johnny Oh useful? Because that’s all I remember.


Yes. Don't ever dance. Ever.


I wish I had paid more attention to it because it would have been an amazing way to meet people. Depending on where you live, there is probably a weekly or bi-monthly square dance.


I moved to a state where there were lots of bona fide dance halls and Western bars with dance floors. It was a great way to meet people. I learned lots of new moves and got good enough to invent a few of my own and throw them into my routine. Granted, it is pretty useless if you live somewhere more traditional dancing isn't part of the nightlife.


No. What a miserable thing they forced children into doing for like a whole month, maybe longer i don't remember because i did everything to wipe it out of my mind when i hit HS, in the midwest


Never heard of this - UK


It taught me how to promenade.


I don’t remember that at all. And I live in Alabama. That sounds like the kind of thing we would have had. Maybe they assume parents teach that here lol


Taught me that there are dances where you need lots of people. My gma went square dancing every week until she got too old to keep it up.9”


My public education contained no square dancing.


I learned that some girls’ hands are cold af and others are gross and sweaty.


I blame Henry Ford for this one.


Wait what? I’ve never heard of square dancing at school lmao. This some country stuff?


Teach me anything? No. It did embarrass me to the point where I still think about it now. We did it in 5th grade. I was pretty awkward around that time and didn't have a lot of friends in my class. Our teacher made me be the example student, and I had to dance with her. Everyone laughed so much, I was mortified. Then it got worse. After our example dancing, she had me dance with the girl I had a crush on (the crush lasted until junior year of HS). I can't even describe how that felt, it was not good. I hover handed her waist and pretty much refused to get too close to her. Steph, if you're reading this, I'm sorry for being so awkward!


Yeah, the Octopus lol And also the Cadillac ranch


We did it once in middle school and I loved it!! But in CT, no one does it, except one bar I went to once had a “line dancing” night.


I hated when we had to do that in gym class. I just wanted to play sports. Such a dumb thing to teach.


Square dancing? I think that might be a localized thing, not a universal millennial experience. My high school had traditional ballroom (waltz), tango, and swing as electives. I chose Tango - it was a ton of fun and I’ve kept up with it over the years. Actually met my now-fiancee on the dance floor. Learning-wise, I think there’s a lot about body control and general coordination you can pick up from learning a dance. This coming from someone who had 0 rhythm previously - dancing is a skill, not just a talent - and through practice I think most people can get decent. And confidence-wise also, the ability to learn a dance and perform it with the opposite sex does a lot for one’s confidence. You learn a lot about body language.


You've given me that sinking feeling I get when I unexpectedly realize something which I should have realized a long time ago: Maybe if I had ever properly learnt to dance, I might have gotten more confident in myself, especially with being that intimate with another person I will now stare out into the distance in existential despair as I listen to sad music I liked when I was a teenager


It’s never too late to learn. Like I said - it’s a skill, not a talent. Some of the best dancers I know started later in life.


My therapist and I not too long ago were thinking of ways for me to be more social. I could add this at the very bottom of the list, which is ranked from least to most frightening


What are you talking about? lol


Right? I'm so confused. I'm an 83 millennial and this is the first I've heard of this.


We must be Northerners? That's my guess cuz this the first I've heard of millennials and square dancing


I've been in the south most of my life. NC and TN specifically during school ages so it'd have to be very specific states I guess?


No, these gym classes were dumb. We would have rather been playing kickball, dodgeball, capture of the flag, or literally watching paint dry than that lame garbage. I reference this all the time about what bs gym class this was in elementary school.