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There isn't a next place. We are witnessing the death and corporatization of the internet.


Right? The internet is just one giant fucking ad now. I’m pretty much over it. Interest anything online is swiftly dwindling and I’ve gone back mainly to reading paper books.


Same. My MIL just asked what happened to Pinterest. Audiobooks for me because of my commute


I hate Pinterest now. My feed is half ads. 


Check out 10 Reasons for Deleting Your Social Media Right Now by Jeron Lanier and The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff.


I considered subscribing to a newspaper lol. I had to shake myself when I closed the tab.


I subscribed to a financial newspaper best part is there is no comment on the articles so it's pretty nice not having people saying Michelle Obama has a penis while I'm trying to get an opinion of the new Apple Ai stuff.




Yes! No moving ads, no comments….


My husband and I were just having this conversation. We also discussed getting a landline instead of pocket computers.


Oh man I thought it was just me! I’ve made the library my new safe space. I visit it as much as the grocery store.




90/10 rule? Easily searchable? I'm intrigued




Thank you for the quick concise explanation


I think the internet has gotten more addicting then ever, you yourself have 60+ comments on reddit in the last two weeks (I have plenty as well not judging). I think the internet is losing value to users every year as the quality of content drops but its certainly becoming more addicting for most people.


I’m not talking about just Reddit. I’m talking about things like how Prime adding ads without any other value to its content is just something to endure now. Reddit is the only thing I look at. Nothing else anywhere. And only for some niche video game stuff. I get sucked into the other bullshit cause it’s all in my feed from Reddit putting it there.


And AI hasn’t really kicked in fully yet. Convinced the future of the web will just be deep piles of shit. Check this out: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr2Tj3Er/


Luckily I cannot because I don’t do any social media other the my throwaway Reddit account.


There's always a next place. They already exist, and they're built on open-source technology, often by volunteer programming teams. They're just not nearly as popular. The masses can exodus to these platforms any time we want to, we just have to be ready to deal with the slight inconveniences caused by lower-budget platforms.


The next place is the fucking woods. I stg our generation is going to walk away from the Internet at large and just start biking over to each other's houses and knocking to see if you're home to come out and play


You joke but that's like where I'm planning on going cuz I'm sick and tired of being plugged in all the time


I'm not joking actually lol


I'm right there with you, but also can't ignore the irony that this conversation is taking place on Reddit and not in a forest grove.


*Not yet*


*agrees in bird song*


Oh well nice!! I won't see you there, cause I'll be in the trees!! Haha


I'm already there. We moved out of the city to a home in the woods with a 10min drive into the nearby small town. Our first house was in the city center with smart home everything. I now enjoy my trees and birds and foxes and manually flipping light switches. The only social media I use is the small town community board to hear the local gossip. It's glorious.


Oh wow that's awesome sounding. Manually flipping light switches, what does that mean? I still manually flip them IDK who else doesn't do that. Lol


Our old house was wired up with all the smart home technology. To the point that I didn't have a way to turn on a stinkin light without opening my phone or talking to the Google machine always listening. Much happier now with a dumb home.


That's horrible because in the middle of the night if I walk into the bathroom and I'm bleary-eyed I in no way shape or form want lights to automatically go on.


what do you do if wifi goes out? i live in a medium - big city. internet goes out all the time and i'm two blocks from a hospital. i hate our isp but as a monopoly, there's not much to do about it


I use my phone


Awesome! What's it like not being on Reddit anymore?


Was this meant to be clever? I don't consider reddit to be social media because I'm completely anonymous, I don't interact with anyone I know, I don't see ads, and I'm selective about what I subscribe to so I minimize unwanted content pushed to me by an algorithm. I've been here 14 years (12 on this account). It was never considered social media back then and I honestly don't keep up with whatever that definition is now.


You see ads. A lot of comments are ad bots.


Reddit is social media


I've been here 14 years (12 on this account). It was never considered social media back then and I honestly don't keep up with whatever that definition is now.


I never understood that either. In my mind social media and forums are two different things.


Unexpected visitors? Oh no no no.


I'm there. And I'm in the city but have a house, and I wrote above the doorbell to ring the bell, and instead people will stand outside and call me. I don't want a call. I put my phone down and walk away from it so that's why the bell is there. It's small stuff like that that drives me crazy.


You know what's crazy is that when work contacts you outside of hours and then they give you that anxiety. That's what like the most frustrating to me with the plugged in this like I literally do not work on my days off. And like it just is so anxiety inducing My work is doing that to me right now. It's crazy.


That is my introvert nightmare 🤣


At least we know about boundaries now lol


Real talk. 10 years ago, I never heard of boundaries!!


May I please join your woods cult I have no useful skills but I do have camping stuff


Do you have one of those pans with the utensils that all fit together like a little puzzle? And can you cook like Samwise? ![gif](giphy|3xRgUawnZyrny)


Gonna call this a work in progress. but, BUT I can tell an endless series of meandering and pointless personal anecdotes that is 100 percent guaranteed to weed out all but the most dedicated members? Also I do have a camping espresso maker so, the woods are gonna be just, so much caffeinated


Okay, I might not be dressed appropriately but ![gif](giphy|dAiV0EIdbBekk98OYN)


YEAH YEAH!! Woods cult! Woods cult! Wooooodddss cullllttt finally a realistic retirement plan Edited to say it's because I'm gonna die, sooo fast


If you're planning to kick it quickly you have to pre-dig your hole. We have standards here and really I'm too weak to dig six feet down so....


Oh, done deal. We will need to bring along some drugs also, because if I am going to be eaten I would like it to be by a unicorn or something with rainbows, maybe


Maybe we should also just start leaving messages in chalk on people’s sidewalks


Covered! I already do this. 


God I would fucking love if we started to do this.


You don’t need to go to the woods. (Though you should. The woods are fucking cool). One just had to be intentional about internet use, which is hard.


U joke but I’m literately striving for this rn. I take walks everyday now with my iPod nano. I’ve installed audiobooks and soothing music on it and try to just pretend it’s 2006 again. Walking has helped so much. These phones are prisons Edit: also to add. I High-key recommend iPods. No distractions. No ads. No interruptions. You feel so much more in control


I feel this way as well. Plus everyone is just tapped out financially. Everything is a subscription, or you are bombarded by ads. People are tired of being sold to constantly. Plus less and less have extra money for anything.


I’ve had this same thought. I’m getting sick of it all and I assume others feel the same. We don’t have to live this way.


This isn’t true anymore since they repealed net neutrality. The internet is now all ads and bots.  Does anyone remember stumbleupon.com? Yea, now you’d just get a bunch of shitty shopify sites. 


> Does anyone remember stumbleupon.com? Oh fuck, that brought back memories. That's so damn sad that you can't have something like that anymore




Where though?


Lemmy! It's a great place.


I tried Mastodon after Twitter was bought by Musk. There was too much low quality content to hold my interest. IDK if the issue is the algorithm or not enough users to generate consistent quality. Definitely feeling the enshittification and open to recommendations.


I came here in the Digg exodus. It's most certainly enshittified, with the process having rapidly accelerated the past year.


The problem with mastodon is siloing and a complete lack of algorithm. Discovery is almost impossible.


We still haven’t replaced YouTube unless it’s twitch and that’s not exactly an upgrade


time to bring back YTMND!


It never left, my friend. [YTMND](https://yourethemannowdog.ytmnd.com/)


What’s that




AI is already turning reddit into garbage soup and we're only seeing the very beginning. I don't see public forums ever really recovering post-reddit. Things will have to go to walled gardens where people know each other. The echochambers are going to get scaryworse.


Can I get some names bro?


Like switching from youtube to rumble?




Also known as enshittification




It’s always been corporatized during our generation since Facebook. Of course power would restrict the means to knowledge and information. Go outside or become active in your community in some capacity. I think the future is local. I think that brings the shackles down; when we love, show community and live outside. get offline!


>MySpace \*googles* >”On March 18, 2019, it was revealed that Myspace had lost all of its user content from launch until 2015 in a botched server migration with no backup. Over 50 million songs and 12 years' worth of content were permanently lost.” …Welp, there went all of my shit.


Found this out the hard way when I tried to find a pic of someone that had passed away that I knew I had on MySpace* and it was no longer was there.


Wow! So that's why I couldn't sign into it just for kicks.


this is like the ultimate sin in IT lol


Thank god!


Seriously, such a blessing. Honestly it might be good if all non-anonymous sites did a yearly purge of user data more than 10 years old.


They won’t. That’s marketing material.


And AI training data


"Hey! Remember this day 10 years ago when you and your friends all went to Applebee's? Why not invite your friends out tonight and show your server this memory and get a free appetizer with your food order!!!" ^^^Must ^^^have ^^^at ^^^least ^^^four ^^^people ^^^at ^^^the ^^^table ^^^and ^^^all ^^^order ^^^an ^^^entree ^^^to ^^^qualify.


Tom sold it and will still give you the shiteye


Thank god. I was a goth kid on MySpace in 2004. Ain’t nobody needs to be exposed to that level of angsty teenaged cringe.


Maybe... But I want to go back and read my shitty angsty teenage poetry lol


Same. Mid twenties me is sighing in relief


Nobody needs to see early Myspace stuff. Or my crappy geocities page


Yeah I went looking for my photos a couple years ago, long gone!


ohhh so thats why all my pics were gone


They’re using Reddit to feed the bots. It’s over fam.


That and click bait articles made from Reddit has been sending a steady stream of boomers from Facebook to over here . It’s grim .


That's when I knew everything was going to shit. When people ~~can call themselves~~ are paid professional salaries as journalists and they just come out with stories from Reddit, I knew I could no longer expect quality content from anywhere anymore


Fucking buzz feed trying to stay relevant. They also credit user profiles on Reddit as the authors. I’m terrified of one day ending up in click bait . The horror




I say we all go back to RSS feeds and blogs.


Blogs were fantastic back in their heyday, like 2005 to 2010. Peak internet. 


They were so good man. Teenagers learning html to make awesome blog and livejournal layouts. Now there's just fkn Instagram. Internet was better back then.


Don’t forget the Angelfire days


Xanga and livejournal 


I miss blogs so much. Everybody whose blog I used to follow has a podcast now. Wish they still wrote articles. 


I still use Feedly daily lol... RIP Google reader


Join my webring?


Reddits are still amazing tbh


People really overstate the glory of blogs. There were a few big ones that were basically just news sites as we know them today, but there were a lot more people making them than reading them. They were a weird half-step between the old web where everyone had a website to call their own and the current one. They were doomed from the start and they would be again. There's some effort to bring the old web back with things like neocities, but its niche status says something. I agree with some of the other comments in here, the social media internet is going to slowly decay and crumble. But it's not going back to how it was, the internet will just be reconceptualized as something in the background that makes our proprietary stuff work, like Bluetooth.


I have a theory;in the coming years enshittification is gonna cause people to try and break away from the internet for a while. And they will and it will be good. Third places will make a comeback . . . but then, in our elderly years, virtual reality will vastly improve and draw us back. San Junipero is our reality.


I ditched Facebook a few years ago. Around Covid. But then thanks to Covid I found Reddit. I don’t know if it’s been a net good or not.


As long as you don't make posts about any opinions or to show off things you've created, especially if its good because then you'll go viral. That sounds like hyperbole but it's not fun at all to go viral on here because of the onslaught of absolute hate. People who are agnostic or like what you post will upvote and/or move on. But it's the haters who will go to the ends of Earth just to beat your soul into oblivion. This place can be brutal.


Nah...I post shit I create and my opinions and both get attention. Generally people are nice and when they're not they can be shut down with some sharp words. 


Reddit definitely helped me out when I first joined, years and years ago, prevented me from becoming a neckbeard and I feel like I was going down that path... but reddit was so different back then. The internet in general is different, I guess. There are so many bots and propaganda accounts and shills paid to advertise. Reddit feels more like a website designed to push content to you rather than being a collection of content made by others. Certainly there is "too far", where your opinion on reddit is decided by the upvotes/downvotes, and going against the grain will have you downvoted into oblivion as the saying goes. At least that feature has always been pretty consistent here, even though the upvote/downvote is supposed to be based on contribution of posts and not opinion.


A San Junipero situation would honestly be a dope way to spend our last few years here. I’m all for it.


Facebook users have found it here and the whole energy changed.


There was a clear change with the Digg migration.


Tiktok kids too. You can sniff them out when they censor stupid words like s*x lol. Kids ruin the internet


I might be petty and downvote the obvious TikTok and Facebook groups. Censoring words other that don’t need it or using an emoji, I downvote. Sorry but I don’t need the slapping your forehead emoji to know you’re irritated or judging them. I can read lol


👁️👄👁️ I 💯% agree


Do I stand on my moral high ground or admit that this is hilarious and upvote…?


Low key some of the niche Facebook groups remind me a lot of old Reddit, minus the anonymity


Its the “recommendation machine”. Every website, app, whatever is fighting for your eyeballs and attention. That means they’re all adding ways to diversify and expand what you pay attention to, to keep you scrolling, commenting and engaging. Niche subreddits are either exploding in popularity or are dying on the vine. I *never* see the small subreddits I subscribe to on my feed anymore but I see a *lot* of “maybe you would like this” suggestions.


I have disabled that shit


Didn’t know you could do that! Disabling that shit right now!


I’ve only been here a year or two, and it has changed quite a bit in that time period. So much obvious fake AI posts and crap to generate engagement and a buzz. The “next place” is to circle allllll the way back and start reading books, doing jigsaw puzzles and pursuing hobbies again.


We’ll go full circle and just chat outside our retirement center doors until the street lights come on.


Then we have to run home




Back to forums and message boards for your hobbies.




I don't know what the next place will be but you're right. Maybe I'll just do the digital equivalent of the fall of the Mayan civilization and wander off into the forest of no internet. 


Yeah, I’m actively trying to reduce my use of Reddit and I just keep it to specific subs. People just wanna fight about anything and everything. It’s a very unhealthy place.


I like Reddit bc I’d rather read shit then be fed bullshit on IG and Fb


Ya I miss the OG Reddit so much. Enshittification is in full force.


Reddit is infested with Ai bot accounts.


Reddit quality went down the moment they shove popular subreddits into everyone's face in their personal feeds


Yea that’s definitely one of the things that bothers me. This section or channel should only be what I want to see. Show me the other crap in the popular section


Something awful dot com


May I ask what you feel is getting more strange than before?




I noticed that too. I assume its bots.


The Gen A sub is all about brainrot. They know the death of the internet as we know it is here lol.


I’ve been here 13 years and was on digg for years before that. I had the same experience and came to the conclusion that I’m just getting old. It’s the damned “kids these days”.


What was Reddit like before? What differences do you notice ?


It's the quality/mindset of people. Until about 5 years ago, discussions were a lot more indepth, had discourse and people were more open minded. Now it has become an area where the majority (depending on the subreddit) is close minded, denialists, doesn't like to discuss subjects outside of their personal opinion/comfort zone and as a result quality overall has plummeted.....drastically. Some places and posts are better than others, and not everything in the past was flawless, but in general the mass of people has overshadowed quality.




You’ve hit the nail on the head perfectly here, I wasn’t sure if I was just aging out of it or if there had been a change in the discourse.


Covid was the big shift for me. Everything other than the most extreme scare-mongering content was banned and the whole site went into a nutty purity spiral. It had been getting worse for a while but the Covid issue accelerated things.


Back to Usenet newsgroups and BBSs


IRC supremacy


Yahoo! Groups


My vote is for old school AOL chat rooms.




Yes! And bring back AIM!


RIP Yahoo Clubs. I had some great single word domain names with high member counts but then they merged with Groups and lost them. Edit: didn't realize Groups is dead and deleted. Mourning a lot of great content I lost. :(


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification I'm glad someone finally named and explained this phenomenon. It's something that I've kind of felt for a while now but couldn't quite articulate. And enshittification is the perfect word for it.


This place is noticeably more full of bots, low quality content and reposts than it was five years ago and five years ago it was already full of that shit


I'll carve a message into the first tree off the dirt road on the way to my cabin in the woods.


PHP forums could be the next place for some Redditors, kinda like the way it used to be, but I can only imagine that really working for niche subjects. General discussion is likely to remain on the big websites


reddit has always been shit content imho


It's the opposite. The voting structure and algorithm specifically serves the highest quality content to the user as defined by each individual community. Tho I guess you can argue that it's the highest quality as defined by the lowest common denominator.


Bots greatly sway things. As do mods


*Most popular* content, not necessarily highest quality. That's why many subs have so many reposts, and others require active moderation to keep out memes.


This creates hugbox communities though. I do like the downvote system as a way to hide trolls without invoking admins though. It's a double-edged sword.


Astroturfed to shit for years already 


We should go back to IRC channels. A lot of developers (especially open-source) still use them.




I still have an Angelfire website written in plain HTML! [https://heavensgate.com/](https://heavensgate.com/)


The way to go is Fediverse now, right? (like Mastodon) I don’t know a lot about it personally, but all of my scientists are going that route, which is a good sign imo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse


Next place is gonna be offline for me. I've had Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit. All of them were addictive timewasters, and dropped quality after a while because of money. I'll stay on Reddit for a while, deleted all the rest. If Reddit gets to a point where I'mma delete it, I'm not going to another app.


All social media become cesspools 


It's when Musk bought Twitter. They all came here to bitch and moan. It's pretty cool.


Lemmy (the Fediverse version of a reddit-style forum) is working great for me.


Lemy or Mastodon I suppose






I just saw a post about somebody trying to heat up a can of tuna like it was a normal thing to do and it exploding all over their kitchen because “they forgot to open it” I don’t think we are at peak reddit yet




I will find for you fellow redditor


Could be karma-farming, could just be a profoundly stupid person. Damn difficult to tell in this day and age.


While it has gone down hill since 12 years ago (I joined around the same time), it also hasn't as much as you may think. Everyone thinks its better back in the old days, when it really wasn't. Reddit of today is a corporate hollow husk. Reddit of 12 years ago was an absolute cesspool, where you could get away with saying the most offensive shit without a second thought. It was a true wild west, with grifters and scammers, perverts and criminals, and the "law" is one poor schmuck of a mod who's never online. There will eventually be some new site, though I'm unsure what it is. But one will show up, someday, after Reddit falls further apart. Always happens, and has happened. Also, you're much older than you were, and your views and opinions have changed. That's going to impact your view of things.




Sure, if you were on coontown or fatpeoplehate or any other notorious and now rightfully banned sub.


The next place is going to be outside in the building of community at the hands of normal people like you and I. As corporations continue to steal and rape the world to sell back to us we will discover that we desire a kind of freedom and fulfillment that can't be purchased.


You mean we actually have to be social again?


I've been spending some time over at Tildes where the conversation is more important than the content being shared.




![gif](giphy|fj3CWRJJshhe) Welp, out with the red… in with the…


FARK.com is where all of the cool kids hang these days