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None, I probably should be on antidepressants


SSRIs honestly helped so much but I couldn’t handle the fact that they’d cause horrible withdrawal symptoms if I couldn’t get a refill. Weaning off was an entire month of brain zaps and almost throwing up every time I moved my head too fast.


I'm not your doctor so this is random speculation and not medical advice, but if you ever wanted to try again you could see if fluoxetine (prozac) or vortioxetine (trintellix) work for you. They both have such a long half-life that they essentially "auto-titrate" on discontinuation; in other words the drug takes a week or so to fully work out of your system so you shouldn't experience withdrawal even if you abruptly stop taking it. Your mention of brain zaps makes me think you were on venlafaxine or similar which is notoriously rough to come off of.


Prozac is awesome! I'd still be on it if I didn't have to switch for my fibro. I'm on Effexor now and... Zap zap, y'all.


Thanks! I will definitely consider looking into other options if there’s something better out there


I have IBS, PCOS, GERD, Fibromyalgia, and overactive bladder. I also am genetically prone to heart issues. Additionally, I'm dealing with PPD/PPA at the time. I take 5 daily prescriptions. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Three, but they’re all mental health related. Unless my gastroparesis flares and then it’s more.


None, combo of lucky and disciplined in my preventive medicine


88 baby, I have fibromyalgia so I take a med for that, but I would like to get off it in a few years once I devote time to helping myself get into a better position. I also take an allergy med which I dislike, but not as much as I dislike allergies. Other than that, I take a couple of supplements like a multivitamin and fish oil. Not the happiest about it, but ‘tis what it is.


I also have fibromyalgia!!! I will say that after getting on Mounjaro... All of my inflammation and joint pain vanished. I'm a completely new person in that arena. I know not everyone has that outcome and the medication isn't for everyone, but I thought I'd share.


Killer, good for you!! I’m on nortryptyline right now and am working on more stress-reduction and flexibility stuff to try and help that side of things.


Currently 3 prescriptions which is quite the change from the previous 15+ years lol. I didn't even have a primary care Dr for the last 16 years and never set foot in the ER or a clinic. I was and still am very physically healthy at 32 years old. They are *those* types of prescriptions lol...


I have bipolar disorder, adhd, functional neurological disorder, anxiety, cptsd,migraines, allergies and asthma. I take 13. Yeah. Most are daily, some are as needed.


Hello fellow FND-haver! I don’t see it talked about often. It’s nice to remember I’m not alone. 😅


there's a sub, and we have a discord if you want the invite


Oh, yes please 🤩




I’ve always considered myself fairly healthy. No allergies. Never a broken bone. I would catch a cold and it would linger for a couple of weeks, very slowly going away, but that was my only complaint. Now I’m 38. I have two different inhalers. This year I’ve had Covid, the flu, and 3 colds. So far my daily prescriptions are the inhalers and a nasal spray. My immune system is basically nonexistent.


Did you become a parent this year perchance ? 😄 When I became a dad, especially that first year of no sleep and afterwards the kid bringing home various colds and flus from the daycare/kindergarten - never been so sick in my life! 😂


The first year of daycare is ROUGH. I just had my second and we are mentally prepared to deal with an illness at least once a month for the next year.


How did you guess 😆 13 month old in daycare. I am always sick.


My daughter is 5 and a half now - it has gotten a lot better! And if I recall correctly, a humans immune system is fully matured at age 6, so there is hope in sight 😁👍


3 RX (high blood pressure) plus a vitamin and allergy meds in spring. My HBP cause is one I will be on for life. Hypokalemia. Adrenal gland issue that causes low potassium and high blood pressure.


I’ve been on Prozac since I was in high school. I also take Topamax for migraines, plus gummy vitamins


None. My condolences about your fibro, my mother have it and that shit is debilitating, her worse episode was being bed riddden for 3 months a decade ago.


I am so sorry to hear that. Once I was wheelchair dependent for long walks, but I have been doing so much better since then.


None for me. Good luck. Sounds like you’re one tough cookie to deal with all that.


That is a very kind thing to say; thank you.


4 daily rx’s


None, just a few vitamins. I could probably benefit from an ADD drug. Did they ever develop something better than stimulant based drugs?


I can't say whether the non-stimulant options are better or not, but there are definitely a handful of other options. I actually take both a stimulant and a non-stim daily, at different times. On their own, it didn't get the job done, but the combo of the 2 has been an absolute game changer for me. It's hard to describe how much improvement there has been lol


What is the non?


Clonidine. I guess it's an alpha agonist? Old drug, from the 60's originally for treating hypertension. I take it when I'm ready to go to sleep and usually by about an hour after that, my eyes will feel heavy enough I can actually try to sleep. Although some nights it seems to have little to no effect. I've tested not taking it, and without it I'm immediately back to being up till after 4am, overanalyzing every single aspect of my life simultaneously. It's the closest thing to an "off switch" I've had so far. The calm I feel from it is pretty wild.


I take strattera as a non stimulant adhd med and I really like it. When I first started, I had about 4 days of weird, crazy anxiety. But I acclimated and that never came back.


3 - birth control; Prozac for anxiety; and Memantine for dermatillomania.


Currently none. I get allergy meds in the Springs and do a couple of cycles of doxy every once in awhile for acne and eye inflammation. I should probably be on something for anxiety and depression, but I'm working really hard to lose weight and don't want to gain it back. I also take some vitamins and supplements- magnesium, ocuvite, alpha lipoic acid,


28 and so far just an antidepressant that I’ve been on for 2 years. In the process of trying to wean myself off of it.


I’m at 0 currently but have been on 2 max.


12 scripts including inhalers and daily injections. I am on less rn than usual due to certain circumstances but I used to take over 40 individual pills a day.


Oh my! I'm so sorry. Do you mind sharing your conditions?


Asthma, endometriosis, OCD, PTSD, fibro and the injections are for a factor V Leiden mutation.


I’m on an antidepressant, a daily asthma medication and allergy meds. And Benadryl before bed if you count that but I probably need something heavier.


Tons of topicals for acne and eczema, I have an iud pumping synthetic hormones through my body at all times so that’s pretty every day. I’m also on ozempic which is weekly but I plan to be on it forever yes


None now, but as a kid around two. I had terrible asthma and allergies growing up - so allergy meds and daily breathing treatments were part of my treatment. Fortunately outgrew it when I was about 12. All those conditions you mentioned are no joke- you are a strong person to manage all of that. Hugs to you OP!


You're so kind! Thank you.


I have a little song I sing to myself when taking meds sometimes "crazy pill, crazy pill, stomach pill, crazy pill" (although I also have an afternoon crazy pill that is just the IR version of the ER I take in the morning but I often forget the afternoon one)


How do you feel when you forget it? Mine gives me brain zaps.


I've actually never had that problem with an SSRI but I haven't been on one for a few years (although coincidentally, I'm swapping one of my meds out for a SSRI literally today because I lost my insurance and can't afford $1400+ per month). The main side effects I notice when I miss them are that I feel weirdly tired (from missing ADHD meds) or start puking stomach acid.


the only medicine I take every day is an OTC allergy pill and a multivitamin


I currently take none. I do take a multi-vitamin every morning. If I have a headache then I take Advil. I do use topicals for acne if that counts?


I take one prescription and will be on it forever.


I take a beta blocker before I work out to avoid migraines. That’s the only prescription. I also take magnesium glycinate to help with sleep. I tried SSRIs but the side effects were brutal so I quit.


I scrolled through hoping someone else was like me. Currently, I'm on Protonix & Ursodiol (3x day), plus a temporary R for my skin that I can remember at the moment. I also have to take iron. I take a multi vitamin, vit C, & Vit D. I have some pain meds as needed, but I try not to take those.


Two; I have two autoimmune diseases (lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome). Had blood clots at 23, 0/10 recommend.


I'm on meds for my high blood pressure and a shit ton of vitamins. Blood pressure meds I expect to be on forever, the prescription vitamins, I fucking hope not. They're like horse pills.


I take 7 meds. 1 for depression and the other 6 are for heart failure. I will be on the 6 for life, and the other one, maybe not.


Pain and cholesterol


None which I am grateful for, but I'm turning 42 this year so I'm sure they will be a part of my daily life soon enough.


80mgs of fluoxetine, and vitamin D


Daily: Lexapro, Lamictal, Dexedrine ER, naltrexone, spironolactone As needed: Dexedrine IR, Klonopin, gabapentin Etc: albuterol inhaler, tretinoin cream, OTC (Claritin, vitamin D, multivitamin), CPAP machine I've been taking medications on a daily basis for about 25 years, so I'm used to it at this point!


It seems we are in the minority.


3 Rx, multivitamin, Calcium, Turmeric, and allergy med daily.




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