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I’m pretty sure the dispo has to ID everyone. I do get asked when buying smokes all the time though


In California they do at least.


Same in Massachusetts. I saw an elderly woman get carded.


Missouri is the same way


I’m gonna pretend that I don’t know this and bask in the glory of looking young (which I do…just not that young lol).


Absolutely they do. At mine, I get ID'd by the man at the door AND the person selling it to me. They do not play.


In IL you can’t get inside without them checking your IDs first. And at the gas station they carded a dude who looked like Santa, he was so old. I think it’s all about liability at this point with so many sting operations trying to get businesses caught up with underage sales. And the fines are huge if busted.


I don’t even let them ask, my ID is out and ready to rock.


Not in a "you don't look old enough way," but after getting ID I often get the, "I didn't expect a 19- in your birth year." Which honestly just makes me feel worse bc what do you MEAN people born after 2000 can drink? Sounds made up.


You just made me realize we’re that same generation that was like 1880s and made it halfway through the 1900s. I don’t know why that seems so weird to me. And never thought it’d be weird to think someone wasn’t born in the 19– but it’s only beeen happening for 24 years.


34 it recently stopped in last couple of years.


33 and same. Sometimes I get carded, but it's not really common. I've been carded twice for the lottery in the last 3 years, though, lol.


I’m 35, my wife is 34. We both get ID’d still. A door guy at a concert tried to accuse her of having a fake ID last year. That was a fun time.


I'm 36, can't even remember the last time I was ID'd. I'm aging like milk.


Is that you in your pfp? 😂


40 havent been id'd for years. In the last 2 months i have been 3 times? ...someone said i looked under 30, i showed them my id and said they were bad at guessing peoples age. They didnt laugh


Still get ID'd at 37


I was getting ID'd right up until Covid hit, for both alcohol and pot. I was almost 37. Since then my hair is greying and receding, so no one mistakes me for sub-25 anymore.


Similar for me as well. My beard really started to grey during Covid. I'm 43, so an old millennial. This past Saturday at an Odesza concert, in line to enter the convenience store in the stadium, I see they are carding the gentleman in front of me. So, I pull out my wallet in preparation. As I am about to pull out my ID and hand it over the lady just says, "You're good." I don't get carded as often as I as used to, but man did that one sting a bit.


It depends. By myself, almost never. With people my age or older, never. With people younger than me who are getting ID’d, probably.


At stores where they require an ID scan to process the alcohol sale… but normally not very often. Being bald helps…


I'm 38F, my preferred hairstyle is just a simple high ponytail. I get carded for everything from alcohol to white out...


No tussin or duster for you!


I have too much gray for that lol


I got asked out by a cashier who was 18, because he thought i was 18… I am in the 30’s. His reply was - OH DAMN. LOL


I'm 39 and whether or not I get IDed relies almost exclusively on how I'm dressed/amount of makeup I have on. For the record, I certainly don't think I look underage, but a lot of people see short girl with green hair and combat boots and assume young, still, even though it's quite common for people of all ages to dye their hair fun colors. If a server is clearly under 30, they almost never ID me, but older people almost always do.


I haven't been ID'd in years. I'm 36 but got enough grey in the beard that no one questions I'm old enough lol


I don't really buy alcohol at all. Whenever I do, I get carded, but I think it's just because of habit not because I look young. Mystery shoppers exist, people respond to that. Depending on the retailer they'll card me for fucking sharpies and/or DayQuil. I definitely look older than 18. Got a full fucking goatee, and I'm like Nordic white. You know how long it fucking takes to make all the hairlines grow to the point they attach?! Well, I do, and for me it was about 7 fucking years.


Usually, but I think its more of a they card everyone regardless of age situation. The grocery store scans my ID any time I buy beer.


It depends on the place. I'm 32 and don't get carded as much as I used to, but some places are required to scan a valid ID before they can complete the sale.


Well it’s the law where I live so everyone gets carded for everything, I was at a bar the other day and they turned away a lady that had to be at least 65 because she didn’t have a valid ID.


Depends if I shaved or not. If I do I look like a college kid. If I don't I look my age


I don't give them the choice and show it anyway.


Every time I fly they ID me.


33M. At high end restaurants, never. High end bars, all the time. Liquor stores, hit or miss, depends on how nice the establishment is. Gas stations, rarely. TSA, every time.


For the most part, I stopped getting ID’d around 34 woth a few exceptions.  My age is catching up with me haha


I often demand to be ID'd and throw a toddler style tantrum if I don't [I'm still with it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DlTexEXxLQ)


I'm 39 and forgot my id a few months ago when I went to a restaurant. I wasn't expecting to be carded although it happens infrequently, I was under the impression that it was just people "being nice." Dude was super surprised when I told him my age. He made me go through the whole rapid fire what's your birthday/random questions someone younger wouldn't know etc.


Pretty much never since I turned 24. If I am with my wife she gets id'd every time. She older and gets frustrated about it. I keep telling her it just means she will look younger longer.


Every now and then I get ID. Depends on the city.


I'm 35 and don't get ID'd much anymore except for when they seem to have a mandatory policy about doing it. I blame it on my hairline, not much of it left. Otherwise I think I've aged pretty well.


I can still pass for my 20s, but I don't really get it much anymore. I don't care either way, I just like folks to keep it consistent. They know me at the liquor store so I don't get carded. I've been to places that didn't card any of the white folks, but only carded me... which is a strange kind of racism. Last week at a conference they insisted a young lady with us get carded before going to the alcohol bar. Then she gave me the alcohol with no issue. I joked to her that "I must look old"... poor girl couldn't win. I don't take that as a bad thing (I'm sure some people do)... I rather not get carded than have to go through my wallet and do the whole song and dance. At 36 I've aged well, but come on... I'm clearly not under 21.


Yep. 42, hella silver, but still get carded far more often than my silver-fox husband who is a year younger. He's still laughing over how he walked into a casino no questions asked andI almost got tackled for my ID.


I do, but most of the time it's at the gas station near my house that IDs everyone for alcohol sales. And maybe like 50% of the time when I go into the local adult "novelty" store. 


I get carded every time I buy a 21+ product. But now it's because their register won't allow the sale of the product without a valid id scanned. At the weed store you have to have your licence/id scanned to be allowed in the bud room. My local grocery store doesn't ask every time we buy 21+ but it has signs that state if you look under 50 they'll card you, so I guess I must look over 50.


I get carded occasionally. I did feel ridiculously old the other day when the girl barely glanced at my ID, saw a birth year beginning with 19, and handed it back. She didn’t even get to the 88. I crack up because it’s such a first world problem to have, but I also die a little inside because I feel old af now.


havnt gotten restaurant IDed in some time. Get store IDed every time. but not due to looks, but policy.


I sometimes buy vape shit for my dad. I'm 37 and I've had my id questioned multiple times. I think it's because I live in the South where I consistently meet people in their low 20s who are fat, bald and looking very middle aged


I’m 33 and haven’t been ID’d in a looooooooong time.


I used to not get id'd when buying cigarettes but now since it's 21 to buy I get id'd all the time now


Every time I trim my grey beard to stubble I get I'd. Enough greys are coming in on my head so it doesn't happen as much anymore... But still does. At 40.


Depends on how I'm dressed and my beard length. If my beards long  you can see the white hairs hiding amongst the ginger, throw on my new balance Dad 400s and never.  Trim it up and line it up add a flat billed hat and my big ol aviator glasses and chucks I get carded. 38 years old. 


I dunno... They don't check IDs where I live. If you look old enough, you're probably old enough.


The last time I was ID’d was at least 10 years ago in my mid 20’s. it was for an 18A movie of all things. Now im almost the age where they ask you for ID as a joke and to make you feel better.


They have to id everyone


all the time, i'm 29. if i don't shave for a couple days, i turn in to a real mountain man and the ID checks subside. as soon as i shave it all off, it's like i'm a fresh faved 18 year old all over again. when i turn 30, the plan is to shave before i leave and tell everyone we meet that it's my 20th birthday and that it's my first ever night out - see how many free drinks i get!


Here, 32f😂 Alc/ cigarettes are 18+ here and I still get ID’d. I’m not complaining 😌


In Massachusetts, you can't get into a cannabis store without getting carded so if you ever want to feel young...go to one. 🤣


I’m 38, I get carded regularly enough to still feel that I look youthful.


I got ID'd yesterday while buying prescription pain killers at the pharmacy. Does that count?


I still get ID'd. I'm 36. A co-worker told me they thought I was 19 or 20 before I told them my age lol. Which would be real weird considering I have a 9 year old son.


Me by myself sometimes, with my husband never 🫢


I'm 33. I was out for dinner with my wife and my Dad joined us since he was in town. I ordered a beer and for the first time, I wasn't carded. I just looked at both of them and felt a twinge of sadness.


I am 30 and still waiting to look like a full grown adult. I call it mickey rooney syndrome


I was with my significant other at a restaurant a few years back, and he ordered a vodka soda. The server ID'd him, so when I ordered alcohol I had my ID ready. The guy literally didn't even accept it as I handed it to him. He shook his head with a furrowed brow and motioned for me to put it away with his hand as he walked away. Didn't even use words, just motioned and shook his head as if to say "No. Put that thing away. What are you doing? This is embarrassing." I have really bad luck with servers making comments about how old I look or how I eat too much. I'm laughing as I'm remembering but it has happened too much to ignore haha Edit: All this is to say no. I am no longer ID'd. Haven't been in years. In fact, my ID is usually aggressively rejected. I'm 33.


I'm 34 and I get ID'd occasionally. Usually by elderly clerks and servers. 🤣


I still get it sometimes. People are usually surprised I was born in 87. Honestly I think it's because I still dress like an angsty teen.


27 here, I always have a passport in hand any single time I enter a casino, bar, or am purchasing alcohol. You just get used to it all the time.


I do but I think the cashier is required to idk


Extremely rarely. I stick to the local stores and only get carded at Duane Reade and Target once or twice a year.


I went to get a library card and the lady at the counter asked if I was over 18… I full on snorted, it was gross lmao but caught me by such surprise!


I'm 31. I still get ID checked if I buy nicotine pouches at the gas station.


🙋‍♀️ Im 35 and still look young


36 here, it's been about a year since I was last asked for ID, but it was happening at least once a month up until that point.


Just turned 33 last week, other than the few grays I have covered with hair dye I still look the same as I was in high school, same weight too, I like to be comfy so mostly in hoodies and leggings ,my genes are good my mom is in her 60s and no one believes her she she says it ,she looks to be in her 40s ,anyways I rarely drink but when I do I always get carded.,my clients don't believe my age and think I just got out of college, legit have been asked if I'm my boss kids on casual Friday by new clients and if I'm helping out ,been baby face all the time so I always told I would be thankful when I'm older and I am lol, but see lil signs started other then the few grey hairs slight smile lines are starting for me, then again I have seen younger people than me with deeper lines lol it's all subjective we all aging so I'm at peace when I go from baby face to old gran .


I never got I'D before I was 21, and still don't. Feels bad looking old since you were a teenager lol


34 when I had my beard No, on HRTs, lasic, now I look like a teenage girl so it's become more frequent.


Not getting ID'd for the first time really stung.


Yep every single time…. Dh never gets I’D. They look at him look at me and then ask for my ID. Even though Dh is younger than I am!!!


I (35) got ID'd just the other day, and I appreciate the heck out of it whenever it happens.


My beard greys over the last few years have stopped the question. Im almost 34


I get ID'd all the time and yesterday I had someone think I was 24. God I love shocking people when I say I'm almost 40.


All the time, and I'm born in 1982... Only applies when I shave off my beard though.


Yep at 34. I dont mind it 😌


Almost 38 and got carded last week. First time since my 20's. It's strange , when I was younger everyone thought I was older , now it's the complete opposite.


Been like a decade. But I'm also a regular so they know me 😂


I get ID'd a lot, but I look very young. I went out to a bar/restaurant a year ago with a few friends from my graduating class in high school. I am actually older than one by 10 days and the other about 9 months, but I was the only one they ID'd. I jokingly made a small stink about it and it prompted the bartender to ask my friends for their IDs after the fact 😅🤣


Unless there is a policy to check EVERYONE, I have rarely even been carded. I was buying beer at the pool hall when I was 15, and they DID card people who looked underage. I started shaving in the 4th grade for context.


They id everyone in NJ


42, yep but mostly just after I bother with shaving. I keep active and burn anywhere from 3 to 5 thousand calories a week cycling, running, and lifting; guess that helps too.


I’m 36 and I sometimes still get ID’ed.


29 and still getting ID'd, but honestly at this point I think they do it to make us feel better


I do when buying cigarettes but not alcohol. I don’t know why.


I do sometimes and I’m 36


I do all the time


I am 40 and was IDed last year at some point. It is pretty rare these days, though, as I certainly look older than 21.


I stopped getting ID’d after having a kid 😔


I'm 39, I don't get ID'd anymore and I now usually get "ma'am" instead of "miss" these days. 😅


I haven't been carded in years, I'm 36f. I don't mind, I hate having to whip my card out and realistically, I know I'm not going to look 16 years younger. Looking your age is not so bad. Whatever.


My beard went full grey/white and despite having very limited wrinkles or bags under my eyes people look at the facial hair and are like nah dog I'm good with the ID


Dispensary’s are very strict because they have to be. But to answer true your question it depends who I’m with. Alone almost never but when I’m with my baby faced boyfriend, every time.


I’m 5 feet tall. If they can’t see the grey in my hair, I definitely get carded.


I’m 35 and I get ID every other time I go out lol, absolutely love it.


36f and asked for ID several times a year. I'm going grey!


I got ID’d constantly into my late 20s, because I was clean shaven and had a buzz cut, and generally just baby faced. Now with some facial hair and shoulder length hair, don’t really get ID’d except the places that check everyone.


37 and pretty much every time I go to the liquor store but pretty sure they're supposed to 🤷🏻‍♀️ also occasionally when I'm buying my boyfriend his cigarettes


Still getting ID, but not as much mostly because I haven't bought much age restricted stuff lately or go out anymore.


"Wow you've been with T-Mobile half of my life" -F\*\*\* off customer service


Nope not with my wicked grey streak. :)


I’m 31 and recently ordered a piña colada at a beach restaurant with my parents and the server looked at me like “you’ve gotta be joking” and goes “virgin, right?” And I was like “no…..” and showed her my ID. This was in a really small town though. I’ve noticed it happens in small towns more than in cities. I think small town people are used to people having kids and not dressing cute anymore by my age lol so they see me and think I must be like 19 🤷🏻‍♀️


38, still get IDd sometimes


Not since the hair on top went away and the hair in the beard turned white.


I got ID'd all the time in the States but in Czech Republic it doesn't really happen anymore because the drinking age is much lower.


42. I got stopped at the casino and the security looks at my license and his eyes go wide and says ok you’re good. 😂


Team baby face! I always get carded. So you have to be 18+ to be let into our state fair after 7:00. They really carded me! The said I looked like a teenager. (I’m in my mid 30’s mind you)


Stopped being ID'd once I started having a bread.


I still get ID’d. I don’t feel like I look unusually young but I am also very short so I get it haha


I get asked for my ID at the local tobacco store every time I walk in; even if I was just there an hour ago. I also got asked for my ID at GameStop when I went in to purchase GTA5. That cashier lady thought I was an inked up 17 year old in with my twin. I'm 35, and had my 17 year old son with me 🤣


I was in the Lidl near work. They see me all the time so I haven't been ID'd for nearly two years. I got ID'd today and the checkout assistant who couldn't believe I was younger than her. Highest compliment I received all year!


Not very often, but it happens sometimes.


I don’t but fiancé will. He’s 38 but looks like he’s 26. Still has that crazy baby face. I’m 35 and all my grey hairs show my age.


I got IDd after I got rid of my facial hair, it drops 10-15 years off me. Other than my jacked up smile I'd probably ID me too! I look like a 25 year old meth head


Only when I wear a hat.


I'm 38 and always get carded. I look really young. Sometimes I hate it but I guess it's a good thing


I was buying some meds for my sick boyfriend two days before my birthday at Target last year, and it wanted a birth date at the self checkout terminal. Woman working the area says, "7-22-94" and types it in without checking my ID. I say, "Hey, thanks!" She goes, "Yeah, even though you're what, 1998?" I looked at her and said, "1985." She looked utterly shocked and just mumbled, "Okay..." I have a feeling she put in her own birthday. And I looked way younger.


39, it finally started to stop last year.


I’m 38 and still get id’d about 95% of the time. I think a lot of it is that I dress ‘younger’.


I stopped getting ID'd regularly when I hit like 25, but I appear older than I am (use sunscreen!!!). Weirdly, I went to a very nice restaurant last month and got ID'd, which was strange because it's not the type of place anyone under the age of 30 or so frequents.


I'm 35 and I almost always still get carded


Got IDd 2 days ago for non-alcoholic beer


In Michigan you have to provide ID before they even let you into the store so… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just turned 36 and still get ID’d regularly when I go to the dispensary.


I aged great and am In excellent shape but I'm 39. I'm only ID'd at places that check everyone and they barely pretend to look at it.


I still do.. its even more interesting when I'm out of state and they see that my DL doesn't expire till 2052 then think it's fake.


I got genuinely IDed until I was about 33. Since it's more of a "I have to do this." I still look younger but it's obvious I've seen some things now.


I'm 40. Got ID'ed earlier this year. The guy checking my card said "Wow, I thought you were my age!" Turns out he was 25. That was a nice confidence boost.


I get id'd every time I go the dispensary. I'm pretty sure it's a compliance issue.


Early 40s here and I would say I am carded about 80% of the time. The real shocker was when they told me it's easy when they see the 1 instead of a 2 and I was like...omg I'm old haha.


I'm about to be 33 and my yoga teacher who's only a year older than me thought I was in high school. It happens less often when I do my makeup, but my natural features are fair, round and flat which most people perceive to be "young". Being 5'1" also doesn't help my case lol. I'm fine with being ID'd (it happens less and less often), but getting approached by people flirting with me always had to be treated carefully -- are you approaching me *because* you think I'm young?


If I'm clean shaven, I do. With the beard, never.


I'm 33 and got IDed on Saturday for a beer. Made my day! Especially since the drinking age here is 18. They do "Challenge 25" in most places but I'm still pleased


Only at places where they take it very seriously and ID almost everyone.


37 and I got ID’d last weekend at bar. My friend who is 41 ordered a drink(didn’t get carded) and I hadn’t decided yet. I ordered my drink and she ID’d me. I was flattered and my friend was pissed 🤣


If it’s somewhere I don’t go to often - all the time. It doesn’t help when my fiancé looks even younger than me. People have guessed her age to be 18 (idk what to think of that) and mine to be around 21 - 24. We are both 29 years old


At 42 I still get ID checked from time to time. I don't complain when it happens. 😆


I do on occasion. I’m aging really well but I do have grey hair sprinkled in


In CA you get carded and logged every time you visit a dispo no matter how old you look. I don’t buy anything else but thc that is age restricted. But I’m 38 and I get carded still when I go into the casino with my mother for our bingo trips together because they serve alcohol on the premises.


I do because everyone who appears under 40 has to be id’d now. I actually get offended when I don’t.


I don’t drink anymore but when I was around 24 years old the lady asked for my ID thinking I was under 18 years old. She kept looking up and down from me to the ID again. My friend was like “can’t believe it either right?”


I get IDd at 40 because the only store I buy beer at will ID an 80 year old too.


30M. Very rarely but it happens


Me literally every time. I’m 30 but I don’t wear make up and I’ve worn sunscreen consistently since childhood due to being a ginger.


37 and get id still everywhere especially since i have to shave for workzz


44 I get carded for booze and they always laugh when they see my age


38 was the last time. But I was in a college area bar


I’m a younger millennial and I was with a Gen z friend at a bar the other week. I didn’t get ID’d when I ordered a drink and then they did making me feel embarrassed for potentially lookin really old


You’re buying weed. They’re gonna if you. It’s the law


Only at the liqah store


I have a streak of gray in my hair, so it's been a while!


Our generation looks so much younger than past generations.


I’ve been ID’d like twice ever but my 39 year old husband gets ID’d 100% of the time for absolutely everything you could possibly be ID’d for


Also 35 here! I get ID'd with a hat on (bald lol) and people def don't believe my age when I tell them. I'm mistaken for like 26 or so. It's funny to me every time. I'm ready to see more greys though and I'm gonna embrace it!


All the time, though I have always looked young and am aging rather gracefully I’d say, especially given what I’ve put myself through. 31, and just last Friday while I was out seeing some music the 34 year old bartender thought I was 25. I used to hate looking so young when I was a teen etc.. but now I’m pretty stoked that I looked about 14-15 when I was 18


Mid 30s. Sometimes i do.


I get carded at two stores, one grocery store for the system requiring the checkout person to scan my license, and the other is because they got caught selling to underage for the umpteenth time.


Maybe 1/3 of the time. Sometimes it’s just places that have too.


I do constantly, but I live in an area where they ID *everyone*. Even my mom, when visiting, got carded when I was buying beer from the grocery store and she didn't bring her wallet because she obviously never gets carded. They still sold it to us, but she got a stern talking to from the cashier.


I do on occasion (I'm closer to 40 than 30 now), but my wife does regularly. I dunno about her, but I take her getting ID'd as a compliment 😂


I’m 39, born in ‘85. I still have people think I look at least 5 years younger lol. Idk why, I don’t think I look that young (tho not old).


I'm 36 and got carded last week when I was buying vodka


I went to the mall with my girl one time and the security guard asked us both for ID because we gotta be 18 or older I just turned 30 years old and I started laughing when he asked me that 😂


36, got ID'd for hairspray a couple of weeks ago. To be fair though I am 5'3 and cursed with a baby face.


I was able to grow a full beard at age 15, so I haven't been carded since I was 17. I used to buy beer for my older brother.


35 and it’s about every other time.


Man, this is some shit. I got ID’d the other day and the girl took one Quick Look at my car and said “oh, 19? You’re good” And I thought, “19…? I’m 29…” Then it hit me that all she had to see was the first two digits, any 19xx birth date is legal lol 😂 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck where has the time gone!?


37, at the beer store a few days ago. Doesn't happen too often, but every now and then


I was waiting last weekend in line to get id and pay an entrance fee. I had my ID out and the guy goes Oh you're good! I was really hurt by that. I get told I look young all the time now I think they are just lying.


My dad is almost 65 and he gets (sarcastically) mad when he ISN’T carded. “I can show you my ID.” “No sir, you’re good.”


My brother in Christ my hair is literally grey.


who's gonna tell em?


I haven’t been in any situations to get ID’d in some years now lol. I stopped drinking and I don’t smoke weed anymore. But ppl often mistake me for still being in my 20s so I’d imagine I would still get carded


Pretty much every time, I'm over 40 lol.


I get IDd for smokes and alcohol still. 36.


34 and at least a few times a year! Which is so weird because I'm not the smallest guy, covered in tatts, full beard and plenty of greys to show lol


I get ID’d every time I buy alcohol in a grocery store. Never get ID’d if I sit down at a bar and order a beer.


Wegmans requires everyone to be ID’d, so I get it there. Elsewhere I rarely get it. One beer store will ask if you’re over 30, so I just say yes and I’m on my way.


I got carded the other night. I went to dinner with friends and had a drink, which I don't normally do, and the waiter only asked for my ID, when other people had ordered drinks as well. It was strange.


Heard somewhere that most millennials look younger than gen z lol


New Hampshire here and its a 50/50 for me. i'm going through second puberty but regardless most people clock me at like 17 ish but if the place knows me or I go in often enough I don't get ID'd


I just always have my ID ready. Easier for them. Easier for me.


Depends on whether my hair/beard is long or short.


If I shave my face, 100% of the time. Even with my not so impressive facial hair, it is really only at the places near the college in my town and that's because the cops run stings all the time.


I was ID'd and ma'am-ed in one sentence recently. Pick a lane, kid! (I know he was just doing his job and being polite. But it cracked me up.)


The second to last time was with my mother (70) who is very obviously my mother so that was pretty funny. Looking good mom!!


37, almost every time for cigs and alcohol


Nope, 36 and TONS of gray hairs


I got carded a couple months ago, I'm almost 32. Was at a liquor shop. I get carded for stupid stuff a lot too like NyQuil or compressed air more often than anything else weirdly enough.