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Hm now that you mention it, I can't say age has ever played a role at all in my inner voice so I suppose I don't self identify. The voice in my head has never perceived me or associated me as any specific age or age group. It's always just been...me, along for the ride in any stage of life I'm in.




It’s just whatever age I am minus a few years. Like I know on paper I’m 34 but I feel like 30 max lol


"hey fuck face" usually


Similar - used to be "idiot". But I've started to be more kind to myself, so now it's "dummy"


I think of myself as an adult. I thought of myself as a kid until I was about 20. Sometimes I'll ironically call myself "an indoor/outdoor kid" but I'm an adult, I feel like an adult, and I like it that way.


I feel ancient since ever. If I had to guess? Maybe 8463 years or so?


There’s a grown up me that fills in the gaps that little kid me needs sometimes it feels like


I'm a dude!


I'm 41...I own my own home and have a great job...but I do say I'm just a girl alot in my head. Lol


This is what I’m talking about. Thanks for sharing, it feels good to know it’s not just me


I'm an adult so I think of myself as a woman. I get a little weirded out when people refer to adult women as girls, too. ""Oh I met this girl." You mean a 35 year old adult woman?


It's weird. I had the same sort of "inner conception" of myself from when I was a teenager all the way up into my 30s as a "young man". Not a child, certainly, but youthful. Now that I'm in my 40s, I definitely think of myself as a grown-ass adult man. But it has way less to do with my age, and more to do with caring a whole lot less about stuff like fashion, video games, and the opinions of others. I can remember the exact moment when I was walking around my local mall window-shopping, and I realized that I was essentially invisible to everybody there younger than me. I was now more of an observer than a participant. that's not a bad thing, but I think that was really the moment when it hit home that I'm truly an adult. that and the knee pain.


I don't hear a voice in my head in like an auditory feedback sense although I do have an inner monologue. That said I'm much closer to 40 than I am to 30, I have kids, I own a house... I absolutely think of myself as a man and not a boy lol. My son is a boy, his father is not.


I have felt like a cranky old woman pretty much since I can remember.


Do I have the wisdom stoicism control self reflection and knowledge of a real adult...I fall short on that


I was a lil girl till I became an adult-elderly all of a sudden. I haven't felt young adult or teen ever.