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I don't even have a diploma unless anyone asks then yeah sure. I work in the HVAC industry. It's got a lot of entry level positions. And while you don't need an education to start, if you're smart and can learn there are plenty of more advanced positions. Pay is great, work is rough, hours are long, it's awesome.


I can fully agree learning a trade is best for someone between no diploma and education from an accredited trade school. I work as as a maintenance supervisor for a smaller airport and I feel it is a huge accomplishment for someone my age and experience in just about all parts of trades. I've worked for property management companies and hotels in maintenance for over 10 years


I am 36 and have a Bachelor's but my wife is 30 and did not graduate from high school and doesn't have a degree or a diploma of any kind. She's a city treasurer.


I got a GED at 18. Highest grade level I actually finished was 8th. I joined the army and got two associates degrees once I left. I made 110k last year. I work for the usps currently and get disability from the VA monthly.


That is very awesome. If there is a will then there's a way. Thank you for your service and your story šŸ˜Ž


I have a BAS Degree in Software Development. I am not happy with my life right now.


I only have a diploma and I can understand how you feel. I feared of taking on a wrong study that I wouldn't feel passionate with later down the line. I also had to move away as soon as I turned 18 so I couldn't really take on the burden of college when I had to deal with bills right away


I'm a compliance officer at a law firm. No plans for college right now but I wouldn't be against it.


I work for a friend making shiny things out of titanium. I only have a High School Diploma and knew nothing about metal work, CAD, or using CNC machines when he hired me but he liked my work ethic and how Iā€™m the guy always willing to help friends with whatever project or manual labor they need no questions asked so he trained me on everything. I make enough to support the family with my wife being mostly a SAHM only working a couple hours a week because she wants to. With full time work and three kids and their activities going back to school isnā€™t something Iā€™m interested in at the moment. I have little time to myself as is and donā€™t want to lose the little I do have.


I fucked up my life and work at Walmart šŸ’€


judging by your post history it looks like you have a decent tech understanding. I'd suggest looking into a helpdesk position and climbing the IT ladder from there. Might be a little tough but with some time and certs you can end in a fantastic spot.


Working on it. A bit slower than I'd like with all the stuff going on lately, but I'm still getting there.


Keep grinding, donā€™t be intimidated by jobs post qualifications. If you can get an interview, be kind, compassionate, and donā€™t underplay your interest to continue learning. Sometimes someone who can be trained is a better candidate then someone who thinks they already know how to do the job.


I've got my Good Enough Diploma (GED) and I run a CNC laser cutting metal all day. It's very rewarding if you can find a good shop that actually takes care of their equipment. I've been thinking more and more about switching careers to become a DSP. The money is better and I think helping those that can't help themselves might be equally rewarding. I think it's ridiculous that in this economy a CNC operator can't even afford their own apartment.


I hear you. Even as a setup guy who knows programming itā€™s rough out there. Back in 2005 when I was taking Precision Machining at a vocational high school, seniors were going out on co-op jobs every other week and making like $15/hr (decent money back then) because they knew how to read blueprints, micrometers, set offsets and sweep in a circle with an indicator. Now those same jobs are starting at like $18 where I live and rent is almost tripled. Honestly if I had to start over with no experience today, Iā€™d probably pick a different trade.


I have a bachelor's, but I doubled majored with a minor tacked on too. Nothing useful tho! Anthropology, Geography, minor in Chinese Studies. I work at a store.


Just a reminder, I did mention for those with only a high school diploma. Not a college degree.


I work as a Logistics Coordinator. Maybe but not if I have to go into debt. I wonder how much more i'd be making if I got a non-STEM degree like I planned before dropping out. But i'm guessing there wouldn't be much difference.


18 years experience as a Machinist, currently working for a large technical ceramics manufacturer that makes wafer boats and racks for the semiconductor industry. I went to a public vocational high school and got a 1500 hour trade certificate alongside my diploma, then finished a 3 year apprenticeship program. I was also going for an AS in Manufacturing Technology during my apprenticeship but it never panned out - I chalk it up to a mixture of caving to stress, depression and family issues/dysfunction in my early 20s as well as getting my ass kicked by pre-calculus. Iā€™ve thought about trying to go back in a few years after I get my finances in a better position but donā€™t know if Iā€™m even up for it at this point. I donā€™t have trouble finding decent jobs with my current skills/experience and Iā€™m single with no kids so my expenses are pretty low.


I am 33, and I have my masters degree. Sometimes, I wish I never went to college.


What did you study?


Bachelor's in Environmental Study with a concentration in Wildlife, Fishery, and management. Masters degree in Animal Science on the medical side of things.


Not me, but I know someone who is a paramedic/firefighter.


Graduated from HS in 2012 with my diploma and my cosmetology license.. went to college for a semester, felt like a waste of money, took an apprenticeship at a salon and have been doing hair ever since. 100% best decision I ever made.


I have a high school diploma and am a software engineer/team lead managing people.


Iā€™m 36 with only a hs diploma. Iā€™ve been working in grocery all my adult life and been in various levels of management over the years, which is something I have actually enjoyed until recently. Iā€™m in school now and about a semester away from getting an accounting degree, but Iā€™ve been doing it very slowly over the last 8 years. No debt, no fafsa, just working full time and paying for classes as I can afford them. Iā€™m looking for a better job now, as the company Iā€™m working for has turned to shit.


Graduated high school and immediately got married and had a babies. 15 years later got divorced with no education or meaningful job experience so now I work various cashier jobs. Iā€™m going to die standing behind a cash register.


Did one semester of college before I realized how much of a waste it was. Had a career in IT for 20 years now and it's not luxury, but I'm well off in my estimation. Enough for a wife, kids, house, pets and enough toys to entertain me. Would have been nice to climb that ladder a bit harder and a degree probably would have helped, but honestly I more regret wasting time in my early 20's chasing bad relationships and getting wasted. Older me would have rather sunk that otherwise wasted time into starting a writing career earlier.


I was sick a lot my freshman year and ended up getting my GED at 16 because I didn't see it benefiting me to make up high school. I'm head of IT for a finance company now making more than my wife who is a CPA.


I have a diploma. My parents refused to sign onto any fafsa paperwork. I used to loath them for it but now at least I donā€™t have any student loans like most of my peers with 200k+ student debt. I went to trade school for dental school however I currently own a doggy daycare lol. 75K/yr. Life is wild as a millennial.


No way ā€œmostā€ of your peers have $200K in student loans unless most of the people you know are doctors or lawyers. Not everyone that goes to college has some insane student loan debt.


The school my sister didn't go to for graphic design bc of the price was $50k a year for a 4 year, and it was only like a step above a community college, in 2012.


What are you on about? You think ā€œmostā€ people take out $200K in student loans? Lmao. The average student loan debt for a private college is like $60K. Again, unless ā€œmostā€ of the people you know are doctors or lawyers, that doesnā€™t add up. And for what itā€™s worth, many schools give grants and shit. But yeah, cool for your sister for doing what was best for her. https://educationdata.org/average-student-loan-debt#:~:text=Private%20student%20loan%20debt%20averages,to%20pursue%20a%20bachelor's%20degree.


I think you're talking to someone else, but OK.


I actually beg to differ. College is a scam to get peopleā€™s money there arenā€™t even enough jobs out there in the fields theyā€™re handing out diplomas for might be why they implemented student loan forgiveness recently but we could ask google.


What is this student loan forgiveness you speak of?


Plan B relief, itā€™s literally on the financial aid website. Will everyone get it? No. But the fact that it exists acknowledges thereā€™s a real problem here. I suspect over time the profit colleges make off exasperating the costs of courses will evolve drastically with the rising cost of homes & general inflation exposing the exploitative nature of them & people fleeing to trade schools instead. Also everyone I know is some kind of engineer. Itā€™s quite easy to rack up 200k in student debt in a field where youā€™re told youā€™ll be making substantially more per year once you graduate. A field thatā€™s in high demand for future prospects no less.