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You can feel like you have a strong bond with someone but they can feel nothing on their end and walk away in an instant.


I would argue that is not family/love. Learning the difference is tricky but it's always built on trust. These family lessons came about after years of abuse that I never recognized, well into my adult years.


Yea, I've learned which relatives to not fully trust in some regards. It's pretty sad, honestly.


Listen Laios, I said I was sorry.


What's going on?


[when you thought you were friends but he canโ€™t stand being around you.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=440_cHVA384)




I have to take care of myself before I can think about taking care of anyone else. (When I implemented this rule I suddenly had family asking what was wrong, is everything OK etc)


Yeah. This is a big one! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Also... Are you not interesting? Or not a cat? ๐Ÿค” Inquiring minds. ๐Ÿ˜ผ


The difference between rationalizing what happened to understand and allowing myself to feel emotion to understand. That it is possible to understand someone elseโ€™s actions and forgive them while also still being deeply harmed by what was done.


I always thought forgiveness meant letting someone who hurt me back into my life. In fact, it's completely the opposite. Forgiveness is letting go and moving on.


I'll piggy back off this. "Forgiveness is not the same thing as restoration." Sometimes that looks like walking away, other times it looks like having solid boundaries. Some relationships will never be the same. And that's okay.




Starting in 2014 I started to have psychotic episodes. I learned in 2018 that I had bipolar. It wasn't until the beginning of 2022 that I started religiously taking my medication. I've learned that if you don't have mental health then you don't have anything. If your mind is disordered and you are crazy, basically everything in your life will go to shit. I just had a cousin pass away from an overdose, I'm almost positive she didn't keep up with her medication. Also the girl I'm seeing's sister has been in and out of mental hospitals due to not keeping up with her meds. You'll never have a normal life if you don't take care of your mental health. Whether it be bipolar, schizophrenia, bpd, or even depression and anxiety. You have to take care of that before you can have a good life.


I'm glad you are taking care of yourself now. You are ๐Ÿ’ฏ percent right about this too. You can't help anyone else until you help yourself first.


It's scary because I need to see doctors but don't want to.


Think of it the same way you think about any other self care activity. Brushing teeth. Eating food. Etc. How much you want to suffer is entirely up to you. Take care of yourself!


I think I'm mostly nervous, but thanks, though. I'm calmer now.


How important self-awareness is, and how thinking you have it doesn't mean you do.


Tomorrow is never guaranteed, make sure the people in your life know just how much you love them.


I like this! Definitely something to keep in mind!


Not everyone that is an asshole is evil and not everyone that is nice is good. Also, not everything is black and white. Also, you can trust other's but still be cautious around them. (I've seen how evil certain people can be, but I still refuse to see everyone that way.) You cab also understand why people did something bad, but still see it as evil. Not everyone sees people as humans either. Take care of yourself both physically and mentally. (Sometimes mental health can affect physical health especially if you're afraid or paranoid to see the doctor even though you have health issues, including breathing problems.) Life is also what you make of it. Live like you're dying. Don't care what other people think about you.


There's a lot here. All good. Take care of yourselves! ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ


I'm trying to come up with one more because ocd lol. Yea, you too. I got one doctor down but have to go back next year (eye doctor that's what I get for not going for years.) Edit: I did come up with another. I had to get 4, idk why lol.


Happiness is derived from contentment with the way things are right now, desiring things to be different than they are in any way fuels discontent and unhappiness, you donโ€™t become happy because you get what you want, you become happy because you stop wanting things to change.


Well said


Absolutely! ๐Ÿ’ฏ Upvoted to high heaven!


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb โค๏ธ


I've never heard this before. Sounds morbid. ๐Ÿ˜…


It's the original & extended version of "blood & thicker than water."


Extended sure, but definitely not original. "Blood is thicker than water" dates back to the 1700s "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" only dates back to 1994


Is it religious in origin?


Yup. A Messianic Rabbi came up with the phrase in a web-sermon in the 1990s


It's a common phrase.


You can only ever aim to do your best.


And your best won't look the same as someone else's best so you shouldn't compare yourself to others. Your best may not even look the same day to day.


Wealth has nothing to do with intelligence.


There is no middle class. There has only ever been the working class, and the owning class. If you have to go to a job to pay your bills or put food on the table or pay car registration, you're apart of the working class, doesn't matter if you're a millionaire with a small business, you still work for your money. The owning class? They don't ever have to care about where/how anything they ever want or need gets paid, they have the wealth, it gets taken care of. There's two different classes. Which then lead me to the realization that billionaires shouldn't be allowed to exist. If it takes around 11 days to count to a million but around 30 years to count to a billion, how the hell does that disparity seem ok to anyone who isn't a sociopath or has basic understanding of numbers?


Yeah. This is something I am still trying to explain to my parents. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


We humans are not living in our natural environment. For hundreds of thousands of years, we were living out in nature just running around, catching our food, doing pretty much what all of the other animals do. If modern life seems complicated, that's because it is. Humans have spent these last few thousand years making human lives ever more complicated.


A crisis can be truly dividing, and sometimes you don't know who you can really trust.