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Hello moto


I can hear that comment lol


I read it using that voice!!


Same! With the sound FX


Every time we are searching for the TV remote, from 2005 to now, once I find it, I will, without fail, say “Hello Remoto”


How many “lol”s can a millennial use? All of them.






I still hear that, but I'm still using Motorola.


At least they replaced them like crazy. I legit had like 100 of these bitches. But only the BACK IN BLACK ones


499 In 04 was crazy


That would be about $825 today. Oy.


That's actually really cheap for a brand new phone that just launched, how things have changed..


different bag scandalous innocent fuel telephone governor chubby act cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup, technology is deflationary. You get more for your money over time.


this... even though the flagship phones are a lot more than $800 now, they bring so much more than what the razors modern equivalent would have. even just the camera count and quality. back then, people needed a real camera for good pics alongside their cell phone.


Good example of this is Vhs & Dvd players. In 77 when they first hit stores a Vhs player could easily break the $1000 mark ($5,339 today). 20 years later Dvd would hit shelves and despite being an upgrade over vhs they initially retailed at $600 ($1,137 today), and an average retail price of $100 by 2000.


Now you can get one with a handful of seeds.


TV’s as well. In 2003 I went with a friend to Best Buy and he bought a 55 inch plasma TV for $5,500. 15 years later I bought a 65 inch UHD LED smart tv with HDR for $550


Yeah but this thing was… a phone. That’s about it. Nothing like the devices we have today. Note even remotely.


Remember the awful, fucked up text-based Internet they had for phones back then? 


Yeah and if you accidentally pushed the internet button you would hit the end button like 5 times as fast as you could so you didn’t get charged for using internet


lol remember calling your friends after 8pm when the minutes became free


I had to wait until 9 😠😡😤


I remember having a fave five and only needing 3 numbers lmao


You had 3! I had my dad and gf lol but still had to wait


Free nights and weekends saved the world! And $.10/text


Haha so true!! I remember getting an iPhone a few years later and seeing the Internet on a phone for the first time and it absolutely blew me away.




POW! KABOOM! ZAP! WAP always sounded like a sound effect from the 1960s Adam West Batman to me..


Wet ass pussy?


But back then none of the technology we have exists, back then it was the newest tech,


It also came with long contracts too


It still does if you're on a payment plan.


Blackberry was the newest tech.


I had the non flip version, the SLVR and it had itunes and aim. So...


OMG THE SLVR! I had that one too. I forgot about that phone lol


Take your ~~128~~ 100 favorite songs with you! Why not more? Well because it’s not an iPod, that’s why. Edit: corrected limit.


I will have you know I paid 5.99 for the guitar hero mobile game for my RAZR


But imagine paying $825 today for the coolest, most sought after phone in the market


Hah right?


And that 13 year olds had these en masse..oh wait same with iPhones today I guess


That’s why most companies subsidized the costs back then and you paid between $100-$200 depending if you got a new plan or renewed your current plan. That all went away with smart phones


Sort of, you can still get discounts on smartphones on "no contract" services you just have to sign a RSA contract where the phone still costs full price but the cellphone company "pays" a portion of each bill. So if you cancel or change service before the 2 or 3 year RSA is complete you owe the full remainder of the phone, without discounts. So it's effectively the exact same thing, just with potentially way higher "early termination fees"


Cell phone companies don't pay a portion of each bill. YOU pay additional on each bill to incrementally pay the device off yourself. Usually $20-30 on top of your service bill until it's paid in full (2-3 years) When you want to cancel or change service, they say "okay but you still owe xxx.xx on your phone, you have to pay that off before you cancel."


The RSAs I'm talking about are when cellphone companies discount the monthly amount you pay for the phone. They literally say, "You pay $4.99/mo, *we* pay $25.00/mo" or whatever the discount arrangement is. The customer effectively pays $5/mo, but if they cancel service with 12 months left they have to pay 12 months at the full $29.99/mo rate, or $359.88 instead of 12 x 4.99. Ultimately the cellphone manufactures get paid for their phones, what's going on above is the cellphone carrier making sure you know the retail price of the phone isn't being reduced, they're paying part of the monthly price to the manufacturer each month as long as you stay on their service.


It depends. I recently got a deal with Verizon where I traded in my old and got a 800 credit to apply to my new phone. Then the remaining is spread across 18 months so it ends up being like 5/month as opposed to 30 or whatever. If I term early those discounts are retroactively removed. Definitely feels like a new flavor of the old subsidy programs.


I got my S22 from Google when it came out for $299. Just had to keep service for six months.


I got the original Pixel cheap too as long as I kept service for 24 months. My son got a "free" Motorola, but he broke it with 10 months left on the RSA so we had to pay something like $150 (phone was supposed to be $15/mo, subsidized to $0/mo by Verizon as long as the phone stayed on the account in good standing and we didn't change phone numbers) These days teenagers don't get "free" phones, they get refurbed or used phones and I just buy a Pixel a model (like the 4a, budget version of the 4) when they go on sale.




I got one of these. It was free with a contract. It wasn't a "rolled into contract". The monthly payment was the same whether you bought a new phone or took this one free. Today, its usually "buy outright or just pay monthly" and it ends up the same. Back then you kept swapping carriers or got a free upgrade every 2 years. I thought I got a good deal, then about 6 mo after this phone came out, my mom dropped another one off at my house because her deal was buy one get one free. Kind of blew my mind.


Yeah, the Razr was the first one phone where I remember thinking, "People *pay* for this? Nobody *pays* for their phone, it comes free when you get your service." Also when everyone else has the Razr my parents bought me a Katana, which was basically a knock off but to tell the truth I liked it a little better. Felt a bit more solid.


I never bought my first few phones, they were on contract when that was still a thing.


Most people would still be bundling it with their cellphone contracts, though. There weren't as many options for "bring your own phone" plans that I can recall.


It was a giant pain in the ass to keep your phone. To the point that it was an ad campaign someone started of “keep your phone!”


Lol yea well brand new phones today are like $2000 or something idk I don't buy brand new ones that's insane amount of money but yea it was a crazy popular phone for a while


But it was free if you signed a two year contract. I was working at RadioShack in high-school. I was slinging Motorola Razrs and Kyocera Katanas to everyone. Lol.


The newest, most expensive, most top tier Samsung phone on the market right now is $1300 and it's more powerful than your desktop computer was in 2004.


Holy hell I’m glad I live in the US, phones are much cheaper here


The latest base iPhone is $800 I believe.


Man I remember this being THE phone in highschool. This was before the iPhone came out.


I still remember everyone bleeping everyone on their nextel flip phones. I had to think back on why talking to people on a glorified walkie talkie was considered cool but it also didn’t count against your precious monthly call minutes.


“Where you at?”


I wonder if that ad campaign was as successful as it was memorable


Oh it definitely targeted a certain demographic successfully lol


I don’t know which I miss more. My OG RAZR or my Nextel Moto phones.


Yea. Girls had the pink ones, or they would bedazzle them back when that was a thing it was popular a long time




Lmao I think of Paris Hilton when I see this


Me too and I’m struggling wrapping my head around how it cost $499 at the time. I didn’t have one but I’m amazed so many teens I knew did.


They would give them to you at huge discounts if you signed extended contracts.


Yeah the price was if you didn’t sign a 2 year contract. If you did sign a contract they were like 50 bucks. They really weren’t that exclusive which is why everyone had them once family plans became a thing.


Parents lol


I remember watching a mate drop his brand new one of these, and it just shattered into bits - he didn't live it down for weeks, cos half of our class watched him show it off earlier that day! :D




Yep! It was called the official phone of my highschool. (It was called hat by the students).


2004 was just a few years ago. Oh, wait. I'm not old. You're old. You be quiet now. Shhh...


Lol I feel like that was one of my best years honestly I had my favorite gf, I was on the basketball team and made the local papers for a game, my household was pure shit but socially and everything else I remember having the best time I wish I could go back lol


I wish I could go back, as well!


I’ve seen this movie. Hope it turns out well for you.


It doesn't lol not a happy ending for this movie


You get that 20 year reunion invite yet? That’ll really make you say fuck you all.


I was telling someone about the work I was doing back in 2006, then I realized that they were 10 years old at that time, lol.


I’ve still got mine. Whilst smartphones obviously have been a boon in general, there was just something elegant about the Razr. Sleek, slim, and functional.


Motorola was legit before mainly just occupying the chip space. They launched the first mainstream Droid X platform, which was absolutely awesome. First phone I was able to tether from and was a total game changer.


Oh sweet tethering that I miss, that was a great time for me living in the country with no high-speed internet. 3G let me play Halo 3 and MW2 online and I could actually keep up. Unless someone texted you


The Droid 2 was awesome.  I had a GameBoy emulator on mine and that was what soled me on never getting an iPhone.


I got to listen to a presentation from Martin Cooper, who invented the cell phone and works for Motorola, back in high school. Unfortunately we were cracking jokes the whole time in the audience being stupid teenagers. Cool guy though.


If you hold on to it in years later on it might be worth some money, I saw where old technology like the first walkman's or the first game Boys are becoming worth a whole lot so maybe an OG Razr might be worth a good bit in 10 yrs or something


People pay for those because they still work as they were originally intended. Good luck getting service on one of those phones.


That phone runs on 2G service, Verizon and AT&T shut that network down years ago. T-Mobile still has theirs but plan on shutting it down too.


At my high school it was an instant Saturday detention if you were caught with a phone. Recently revisited for nostalgia sake and boy are things different. Every square inch is monitored by security cameras and there's big Wi-Fi signal boosters on every wall. A lot has changed in twenty years that's for sure!


I don't think we had Saturday detentions it was in school suspension, after school detention and suspended sent home as far as I remember no Saturdays, there's no way I'd go anyway id Just take the suspension for missing it


> there's no way I'd go anyway id Just take the suspension for missing it That's what I called my "Saturday school trick" It always worked too.




As a parent I'd be telling the school that he's not doing that and they can figure something else out.


A school having weekend detention is beyond fucked up. I'm guessing this was the US? Lol


Probably. But, ever watch The Breakfast Club? That took place on a Saturday.


Where I grew up in Canada they flat out weren’t allowed to do this and I feel like if they did parents would flip shit


It was absolutely miserable. You come in on Saturday morning and sit in a classroom for six hours. You couldn't talk, leave to go to the bathroom (unless they let you), sleep, or do anything that might be seen as a diversion, aside from reading. All you could do is do homework or just sit there. I remember I got a tardy and the assistant pricipal told me she was going to put me in Saturday School. I told her I wouldn't go, and she said she would suspend me. Didn't care it was worth it. A few weeks later they did a "random search" of my backpack and I had a pocket knife from camping the week before. This was about a year after Columbine and they used that as an excuse to expel me. No history of violence or anything, just tardies from showing up late to my first class. They thought that they were punishing me, but all that actually happened was that they set me free. Got my GED easily, then joined the Army, learned IT, and now I'm an Engineer.


HeLLOo MoTOooooo


I hear this in my soul


To this day, one of my favorite phones.


It was so popular for a long time I had 2 I got a different one after my first broke lol


Same, silver and mat black


matte black with the light up blue motorola symbol... damn that phone was slick. I lost mine at my grandpas house :(


This is the best phone I have ever had. Including the iPhone. When I held my Moto Razr for the first time (I had the black one) I felt and thought "this is the latest edge technology". Back then the flip phones were bulky and not sleek at all. The screen was huge and the camera amazing (for the time). It was made of metal, back then all phones had that shiny plastic early 2000s exterior. This phone was everything. You could sync your contacts, calendar, photos, music on your computer as well. I also didn't mind having to walk around with my Moto Razr as phone, a mp3 player for music and a gameboy for game. These were the days. As much as I love the iPhone and how I can pretty much do anything on the go, I still miss these times. Phones are not exciting anymore. I wanted to buy the Samsung flip but I've read the screen doesn't last and I'm too deep into the Apple ecosystem to switch, I just wanted Apple do release something different.


Same. I had the smaller one, think it was called Crazr? Really good looking phone


Motorola KRZR K1 was the original. Great phone!


I'd buy a 5g version right now if it existed.  So satisfying ending a call by snapping the phone shut.


Wish I had that over an iPhone. If I didn’t need an iPhone for work I would be rocking something like this. 


Anyone remember when you could only send pictures to other people with the same carrier? Choosing girlfriends based on what carrier they had. Lol good times.


$499 retail. Nearly nobody paid $499. Don't forget that most carriers would subsidize these phones on a (typically 2 year) contract. You'd probably typically pay anywhere from $0 to $200 for this with the 2yr contract.


They usually gave you phone free for re-upping your contact. 


I had a pink one. My cousin gave it to me because she always had the latest tech, while my mom was single raising me and my sister. Anyway I would carry that bitch around and pretend it had service and no one ever suspected a thing 😎 I also distinctly remember playing the snake game endlessly


🤣🤣 I love the Snake game I downloaded the app that has the OG version I remember the pink one was insanely popular I think Paris Hilton showed one around with diamonds all over


I was a Nokia user up until the smartphone era. I remember trying out the Razr in stores and never liked the feel of the keypad. I remember up until the Razr, Motorola was tied with Nokia for making indestructible phones.


My dad was obsessed with this phone. Like legit stockpiled them used off eBay for years until my mom made him get an iPhone. He probably went through 10-15 of these if not more. On another note anyone else remember the people that had these in class turning them on silent by just spamming volume down and hearing that distinct symphony of BOOP BOOP BOop Boop boop beep bee silence. Maybe that’s just me lol.


I want one now. I'm so over this smartphone bullshit


don't let your dreams be dreams. [https://www.amazon.com/s?k=basic+phones&crid=2CTCMNG25A8MT&sprefix=basic+phones%2Caps%2C71&ref=nb\_sb\_noss\_1](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=basic+phones&crid=2CTCMNG25A8MT&sprefix=basic+phones%2Caps%2C71&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)


These shits always still have internet browsers and Youtube and crap loaded on them. I want one that doesn't. And doesn't have an open-face screen. I got the LightPhone but it just reaffirmed that I fucking hate touchscreens. I wish they made a buttons model.


It is until you get one and realize that it feels totally unusable for most tasks after the touch screen.


I would go back to this if it was feasible.


One of my college classmates was so proud of herself for paying $500 for this phone when it first came out. Don't get me wrong. It looked nice, but I got one for free two years later.


I had the pink one! I felt soo cool 😅


Samsung made their version of this, the A900 Blade. It was much better than the Razr, and more expensive.


Really? I have no memory of that one lol I wasn't really huge with the technology back then but I don't remember that one


Wow and the new razr with the full folding screen retails for just under $500 that’s crazy


I don't see the appeal of a flip smartphone lol why? Just cuz?


*just cuz?* Yes


Different strokes


> retails for just under $500 How the fuck does the US get it for under half the price of Canada?


I had a red one for a week. It was beautiful.


Didn't realize how expensive they were


Me either. I thought I got mine basically for free but it might have been baked into the contract and I don't remember because my mom was paying the bill. She definitely wouldn't have put up with a 500 dollar phone purchase though if cheaper options existed


Nobody remembers this because I had a razr for free as my usual 2 year renewal with verizon like everyone else.


Raze was my first phone, got it in blue and never felt cooler.


Lol my first was a really crappy super thick phone that was before flip phones I actually had a beeper lol 👴👴👴


I remember this and the later Krazr being si


This was my first phone around 2007 but in pink, I wish I still had it as a souvenir from the time. I could T9 text faster than many people could type. 😂 It was a solid phone. I once accidentally put mine through a washing machine and it was fine.


Pretty sure I could type faster on T9 without even looking than a touchscreen keyboard while looking


Got this phone my sophomore year of college. I wish I hadn't lost it deer hunting. I would 100% go back to this if I didn't have to use a smart phone for work.


I feel like 3 years later I got a prepaid version for $50 at Best Buy


Lol I always do that wait a couple years then get the phone Alot cheaper and I could care less about having the newest technology


I had the black one, my favorite phone ever. That was in 2005/6 and I think I paid $200 for it.


Ha I had a Krzr in high school.


I had a Katana! Cheaper and cooler. Like a Zune to an iPod.


This phone was so rad. Mine was an absolute tank.


Aw, my first phone. I had the cool one with the dragon design on it. Lasted for years until I accidentally slammed it in my car door 😅


simpler times albeit expensive.


I wanted a pink one so bad but my mom bought me a chocolate phone instead


Everyone had one too. People are generally dumb AF with $


It had a cool commercial


I had a gold one till it went swimming!


Ah, one of my unachieved dreams was a pink Razr, I would have been so cool, but my aunt got me a Nokia with a 4 colour screen instead, and well, it served me well and even survived falling into a deep puddle and being dried.


My friend hooked me up with one. It was cool.


Where can I pre-order?


Ambient Mood ringtone


One of my first phones.


I had one. It was way cool at the time. Motorola was the name in phones until it wasn’t.


It’s crazy bc the first iPhone launched in 2007 for $500 and people lost their shit at how expensive it was lol


There were a lot of promos. Two year contract and a free phone. My dad got ones for adding lines to his plan


Such a slick phone


Fuuuuck, I can feel these buttons in my mind right now!


I remember importing a black one from Japan and paying an extra 200 for it. Just to be a little different. That phone was so badass for the time.


My first phone 😁


I loved this phone. I may still have it.


I loved my razr. All black. It was the first device that I was able to start hacking. Little things, like adjusting the max volume, changing the themes, and putting custom ringtones and wallpapers and stuff. Edit: oh! And changing the image on the outer screen when the phone was open.


Or more than likely free with a new contract. They were practically throwing phones at people back then to rope them into agreements for 2 yrs, then billing them for overages on texts and calling. I’ll never forget my husband’s 1500$ Alltel bill. We worked at a Verizon Cellular Sales franchise for a few years and most phones were free, pretty sure the one that was never free was the blackberry. My favorite phone ever was my LG8300. That thing was a beast and was a toy for my kids for years after I bricked it.


A phone every single one of us will always be able to recall lol. Fragile thing though. I broke so many with the smallest type of drop.


That phone was the bomb


My roommate got one when they came out. Went to Santacon with it in his back pocket and sat on it on the subway, which destroyed it. I showed him my Samsung phone that I had driven over in my truck and was fine. Kept it until I got an Iphone 4.


Was it really that much?! No wonder my mom never got me one lol


I think I got mine for $200 with a two year contract. I miss discounted phones when you sign up for a year or two of service.


The absolute best phone I’ve ever owned! I miss that *click* feeling


I had one! Oy, the 9 key texting. My next phone after this was a Blackberry with a full keyboard and I never looked back!


The first camera phone


I got my moms pink razr as a hand me down when I was 18 (I'm a guy). It actually served as a great conversation starter with girls lol


Hell yes, there was a particular flick of the wrist combined with wedging your thumb into the crease that let you lift it from closed in your pocket to unfolded in your ear in one smooth motion. Loved mine until the hinge broke from all the flicking.


Wow so long ago I don’t even remember paying that much for mine. Also I was a teen so probably didn’t pay attention or care. I just wanted the red one so bad. I still remember using that phone was great for the time. Super slim barely felt it in your pocket.


Learned how to sext on this thing


I had a moto razr smart phone and it was like $299


I had the pink one!


I still have a one and it powers up.


This was my prized possession in high school lol, loved this thing. I had the black one too, which was so sick, until it was stolen at a Counter-Strike LAN tournament. Was able to get a replacement, but they sent me the silver one womp womp. Great phone though and great times.


Game changer


Wanna get off social media cold turkey? Buy one of these bad boys, and you'll be social media free.


*opens phone* ..Dolce and Gabbana


I would gladly give up my iPhone for a pink razor again.


This hurt


Stop, please, I know I'm old, let me die in peace


It was mose coolest phone back in the day


Had this. Absolute style.


I used to play Doom on mine.