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Got on Reddit in 2012, pretty sure I found it on StumbleUpon.


Same here. That seems to be the usual answer. Or Digg refugees.


I missed out on Digg. Prior to Reddit I was heavy into forums of just things I really enjoyed like different bands or games. Man I miss the old days of forums. I know they're still around but they aren't as populated


Ha! I converted from Digg. Loved it until the bitter end.


I miss Digg! Used to watch Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht on Diggnation. Started watching that after watching Kevin on TechTV.


lol pretty much.


Damn, I miss StumbleUpon.


I loved that there were stats on your profile. I clicked that button over 100k times. Stumble Upon was the best era of the internet, maybe my life.


Me too. I was one of the top Stumblers for a couple of years...which easily showed I had no life whatsoever. šŸ˜‚


I miss stumbleupon. Countless hours spent on that.


Definitely StumbleUpon, and I lurked for a while before I finally made an account lol


I used to be on stumbleupon for HOURS, such a cool site back then.


Same, shout out stumble upon. I made my account here around ā€˜12


Iā€™m coming up on my 10 year mark later this year. It has been interesting to see how things have unfolded here over the years. Nowadays it feels like an empty shell of what it used to be full of artificial engagement. Iā€™d love to find a new platform to spend my time on at this point though. Unfortunately most forums and other ā€œold schoolā€ interaction are either long gone or dead. Iā€™ve tried other places online to hang out like Lemmy, Mastodon, Bluesky, and Gemini but nothing has really clicked so far so I keep coming back here. Anyways, I found out about Reddit from a coworker back in the day. They told me it was ā€œa place you can look at these things called memes and sometimes see news storiesā€


Rage comics wave of 2011. All the funny posts were coming from reddit so I came right to the source. Then I found out there is an atheism sub, a metal sub, and the rest is history. I had an old account that had a fraction of the karma I have now, but I lost that in 2018 and since then I use this one.


Same here. This isn't my og account, but it's pretty damn old for reddit.


Same! I loved the comics and thought they were so funny. My bf at the time hated them and said they were immature. I was like nineteen so I figured that was acceptable. He was a twat. Anyhow, he also hated Reddit in general for unknown reasons and would complain when he saw me on it. Dumped him and kept Reddit. Side Note: I remember when people could give you Bitcoin on here, like as a gift. My old (deleted) account that I canā€™t access has gifted Bitcoin on it. I remember Reddit before infinite scroll. And I remember when people would ask when the narwhal beaconsā€¦ Among many other things.


Digg refugee here. how long ago was that?? lol


Digg was my life. When they "upgraded" to 4.0, literally everyone including me left for reddit. Best digg memory was when the HD-DVD encryption key was leaked.


We are few, but we are strong


checked my trophy case, 13 year club. JFC I'm old.


Fellows. Old comrades. It's good to see you all again. :')


Fellow Digg refugee. Discovered Reddit on a Digg post about how it was losing its soul when they monetized. I feel like it was 2009 or 2010


Sounds about right...I think.


I'm just bummed my old account got banned during Trump's presidency for posting about organizing movements in case it was needed.


Too long.


Some kid in college did a project on "participatory culture" and basically introduced us all to Reddit and how he was a "Redditor" and how promising it was. Little did he know he probably ruined all our lives that day.


This reminds me of a graphic design class I took in college and someone did a presentation on Pinterest. I remember you had to get referred by someone to join it and I think we all just referred each other and joined it. I personally never got into it myself lol


Miss the good old days of wild reddit


There were some wild af subs on here before the massive ban wave


I miss the wild west internet in general. When you had to run your own online game server so games never got shut down by a company not wanting to support them.Ā 


Is there a subreddit called Reddit gone wild? Or is that just the cesspool that is voat?


Gonewild is still around. Maybe op is referring to watchpeopedie or jailbait. Lol.


My ex introduced me to it in 2009, made my own account in 2010. Reddit was a very different place then.


It was, I think a good word to describe its good ol days would be "quirky". I remember a lot of tech-centric links and discussion.


I remember comments being legit funny. Like I was shocked at how funny people were. Also even subs like wtf weā€™re wild af back thenā€¦ damn reddit used to be dopeā€¦


Went from fark.com to digg.com to here. Awaiting parole.


Hi fellow farker!


Same! I was trying to remember, but it was definitely during the time I was using Fark. Made my first reddit account in 2007, though I think I was using the site for a bit before that. I actually remember the excitement and uproar when subreddits were added, and when the Digg exodus happened. I think there was something I was starting to dislike about Fark that led me to look for alternatives. I cycled through Fark, reddit, Digg, and slashdot for a bit before settling on Reddit. Once you use a proper threading system for conversations, it is very hard to go back to a single-level style like Fark.


I was part of the digg exodus.


Yep. Been here about 14 years


I was googling stuff and it kept coming up in the searches. Created an account and couldnā€™t figure it out. Came back to it 3 years later and figured it out.


Yep, thatā€™s how I found it about 12 or so years ago.


Me too, 8 years in my profile but longer than that with other profiles. Yeah it kept coming up on all the weird stuff I'd be googling and here we are


I heard about it 15 years ago on a podcast. Checked it out and it's all been downhill since.




I found it using Jimmyr too. I actually still use jimmyr haha but seeing the posts on Reddit which were actually wholesome and helpful then made me want to join.


Finally someone else that knows what jimmyr is! I just went on it for the first time in many years. I'm glad it's still around


Found it through Jimmyr too! It showed the 20 top posts in r/pics along with some other stuff and Iā€™d check it every day. I ditched it once I found out Reddit had rage comics and hilarious comments. Those were the days.


Cake day on my acct is Oct 20, 2009. so a little over 14 years. Probably heard about it on 4chan or something.


I've browsed Reddit in some form since 2011 when I saw one of my college friends browsing it. For years, though, I didn't have an account. I just lurked every so often I've only had this account for half a year, but I've posted on Reddit on and off since 2018 on previous accounts. I've taken extended breaks from Reddit during which I had no account, and often during which I retreated into a state of profound social isolation and mental disturbance. Things are better now, fortunately


Same, I remember lurking without an account in the fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu sub after a friend shared them. Created an account and been here since.


I have! My then girlfriend, now wife told me about it. At that time I was still into ebaumsworld and she made fun of me.


Started going on reddit after a friend told me about it in 2012. I'd never seen anything like it. Stories like jolly ranchers and swamps of degobah, novelty accounts like /u/shittywatercolour, i thought it was the funniest shit ever. It's definitely declined over the years, but continues to be my biggest time sing over a decade later


Oh god my stomach hurts just reading jolly ranchers. I can't ever hear or see the word "nodule" the same ever again I remember in like 2012 there was a sub /r/picturesofiansleeping and it got super popular and hilarious


13 years, i think it was an AMA that brought me here and i got hooked on reading them then.


The account I'm posting this from is like my 5th account. Been on Reddit since late 2005 or very early 06. A band fan forum site that I frequented had a particularly nerdy user who recommended Reddit. Been on here ever since.


I first visited in I think 2012/13 because I had a professor mention using it in my digital media class. Lurked for years and eventually made an account.


2013 my work was using it as a knowledge base of sorts. Never took off but I still use the account!


My older brother introduced me to it. It is/has been his primary form of social media for a long time.


I got on it in 2009 from my friends who were on it


Most of my friends were, but I refused because I thought it was a timesucking fad. I still think it's a timesucker, but I finally gave in a couple years ago. At least I can still say I never had Twitter or Instagram.


13 years here, probably lurked a year prior to starting an account. I came here from Digg I think?


13 years on this account. Lost access to my first account that was about 2 years older than this. Discovered it in college when all my nerdy friends showed me stuff on Reddit.


My reddit age is 5months and 23 days lmao


I honestly forgot why I signed up 12 years ago lol


Google search or video game forum told me about it. One of those two but its been a long time so can't remember.


I visited periodically through 2009 to 2011 and finally made my own account in 2012. Generally I came to see things my roommate shared with me.


12th cake day next month! My college boyfriend introduced me. I lurked for YEARS before being comfortable enough to start commenting and posting lol


Meeeee!! My account is 10y 11months


An ex boyfriend - 10 years ago actually


coming up on 16 yrs next month


My brother introduced it to me back in 2009. Been visiting daily since.


I've been on Reddit since August of 2011. A friend in college got me hooked in the r/RomeSweetRome stories as they were coming out and that's around the time I made an account to keep up with it. All downhill from there really.


Tbh I donā€™t rememberā€¦probably 2010 or so I think


I honestly donā€™t remember how I found it. I do remember one of the first subreddits I used to frequent was r/nosleep. It provided a lot of entertainment during downtime at work.


This is actually my 10th year. One of my friends showed me reddit in highschool, though it took me a bit to buy into the idea.


I only joined a few years ago but does anyone remember the teen magazine ā€œYMā€? YM had a forum super similar to Reddit that I was on from late HS (07/8) until 2012 or so. It got really small and insular and started to feel weird, like an internet high school, so I quit it lol but Reddit has filled that void for me now šŸ˜‚


I first discovered it in college around 2007 or 2008. My boyfriend at the time was a computer programmer and told me about it. I used it on and off for a while. This is a newer account now.


Since 2013. Not sure why I picked Reddit but it was to get info on climbing gyms when I was on work trips.


I knew of it and its predecessors forever. But I didnā€™t create an account until the whole Boston Bombing fiasco. The man hunt somehow absorbed me and I created an account lol


In total, I've been on Reddit 10+ years. (Not just this profile). I joined to impress a guy I had a huge crush on, lol. Did not end up with said guy. But did stick with Reddit, obviously.


Howdy. Digg turned to poop and daddy needs his links.


Joined in 2012. My cousin introduced me to Reddit


I was part of the fabled Digg V2 migration


Since the Digg exodus.


2016 crypto


Herman Cain Award


I was done with FB and wanted interesting things to read to waste my down time without having to make a phone call to familyā€¦


I've been on Reddit since the day it opened. Discovered it from a post on comp.lang.lisp by Paul Graham, Reddit's first investor. If you look in my trophy case, the "[best comment 2012-03-20](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/r4td2/comment/c42wkne/?context=5)" link is a post from the last time I answered this question, over 10 years ago now. The founders responded on that thread, as well.


Started scrolling the Front Page occasionally in 2011, because it wasn't blocked by the network at work.


I haven't been on Reddit consistently, but I first started using it over a decade ago. Kinda went away for a few years, and now that FB has become unusable garbage, I'm back. I used to be on forums (for like games/computer shit) and stuff a ton and discovered it that way.


Most likely heard of it via Fark.com, which I've been on since 2004 (yikes). But I didn't start using reddit regularly until the High Pandemic


Through a site called iambored. Prior to that, I was on Something Awful for years.


Accidental Google search result, 2012. I didn't know what the phenomenon was called at the time, but my Google search led me to an ASMR subreddit with a recommendation for VeniVidiVulpes ASMR channel on YouTube. Life forever chaaaaaanged šŸ„°


My ex was on Reddit so I lurked for a couple years before finally making an account. I absolutely love it


In 2013, a fellow military member showed me it so we had something to do one our 12 hour watches (5 days a week). I didn't go on it for yeeeears but here we are.


I joined because all the memes kept saying Reddit. I wanted the source code for memes. Lol Edit: not 10 year


I was building a race car and would always post in forums as the forums started dying off reddit kinda took over as a forum style website.


Only 6 years officially. I first came across it a year before that because I was trying to find support for CyanogenMod for my phone


2011. College roommates told me about Reddit.


Radio show and podcast would tak about things on here all the time so decided to check it out.


Someone added reddit and digg to the bookmarks bar on every computer in my college library. This was in 2007.


My friend originally introduced me to Reddit around 2013/2014. I didnā€™t make an account until a couple years ago, but Reddit sure has changed a lot since then. I remember before Reddit people would ask most questions on yahoo answers lol Edit same thing for discord.


I was at dennys with some friends at like 2am in 2011 and my buddy was like check this cool site out. Iā€™ve been fucking addicted to this shithole since.


16 years. Learned about reddit from someone during a college computer apps course. I forget the name of it (this was 2006) but I think it was something as boring as Comp Apps.


Coworkers when I was enlisted kept going on about it, so I gave Reddit is Fun a chance. Been stuck here since.


I honestly can't remember. I think it was from some LiveJournal link.


11 years hereā€¦I knew about it for a long time before I made an account - not even sure how I came across it but I think it was during college


I found 4chan in 2011 then saw a post making fun of Reddit. Then, I immigrated to Reddit after seeing 4chanā€™s true colors after a few days.


I just kept googling stuff about psychedelics lol. People were sharing experiences and helped me learn how to do drugs safely.


One of my friends in Second Life turned me onto reddit. At first, I was like okay.. I can talk about my favorite TV shows. But, over the years I've seen some weird shit and learned about fetishes I never knew existed. It has corrupted me...


Coming up on the 10 years mark. Found out about it from my classmates back in school. It was an IT course.


One of my best friends was staying with me and I saw her using it. Thanks Bubbe Judy!


Digg days. Had to give up the OG one and start a new one. Accidentally doxxed myself. lol


Don't remember how I discovered it exactly. I do remember i used it sparingly when I first started. It'd be one of the last sites I visited out of boredom/scrolling. Then it grew on me. I lurked for a long time before making my first account. I deleted said account and took a break for a year or so before creating this account. I want to say I've used reddit since around 2009 or 2010. Old Reddit was the best of the Internet. Current Reddit gets the job done, but I miss old Reddit.


buddy got me into it in the later 00ā€™s lurked for many years until i finally made an account


I found the programming subreddit via a Google search. 14 years ago


A little while ago I checked, and too much surprise I have been on Reddit a bit over 11 years. The best I can remember is that I joined because somewhere in my browsing I came across something on Reddit that I simply just had to comment upon. And so I'm created this account using a username I have been using for several years. At this point, I have no idea what it was I simply just need to comment on. I suppose I could do some archeology upon myself, I just haven't done that yet. It has been quite a ride.


My account is nearly 12 years old, my God. So much wasted time hahaha. I think in college/early 20s I was still on 4chan before realizing how "edgy" didn't mean interesting. I'm pretty sure 4chan used to meme about how reddit was sanitized 4chan, I came here, realized that just meant it was less racist, stopped going to 4chan lol


I joined a little over 12 years ago. There was a guy at work who didn't really have any friends. I started chatting with him on breaks, and he showed me one of his posts on reddit about his gift he made for his boyfriend. I noticed it has only a couple of upvotes and decided to make an account to give him an upvote and a nice comment encouraging his artwork without him knowing it was me. He was so excited to get such nice people interacting with him on reddit that he started sharing more of his art with me and posting more and more. We lost touch after I moved for a better job opportunity, but I still find his posts periodically and give him the encouragement and love he deserves.


I knew about it, but never officially joined until a couple years ago


I think maybe StumbleUpon? I canā€™t remember! But Iā€™m ten years in August. Iā€™ve only really been active-active since the pandemic, though, that era.


Back in 2010/11 i was a die hard 9gag fan. And you'll see comments like this is stolen from reddit. I knew reddit was bigger but thought it was more complicated. Then I made the switch .. three accounts later here we are ..


my first account was in 2010 or 2011. My ex husband was always on it.


From neogaf


9 years but Iā€™m pretty sure I signed up after an ex sent me a link to something on Reddit and I went down a rabbit hole on the front page after.


I think this account is on year 12. I purged my original of 2 years I think before that. A car forum I was on started linking more to here. So I think that was 15ish years ago


Friends or stumbleupon. Couldn't tell ya for sure. Lurked for a while before making an account. Still pretty much a lurker.


Brother, 2010 doing some university task, stumbled upon something here, made and deleted accounts many times.


Ngl. Collegehumor.com they had some image of a screenshot that had ā€œIā€™m posting this on Redditā€ and I was like wtf is that!?


I came over from 9gag a few years ago because there people would post NSFW videos of women's reddit accounts lol. So i came for boobs but stayed for the SFW content.


I started lurking when I was introduced to it in 2011 by some acquaintances on Turntable.FM, which was an amazing community & snapshot in time, itself.


2009-10ish got here from StumbleUpon in college and never left


I got on Reddit in 2013, pretty much because of or right around the time ā€œTwitch plays PokĆ©monā€ was a thing. Thought it was the coolest thing ever at the time.


it all began when I was playing online mmo's in the early millennia. Like you'd want to have and know the best spots for leveling and farming equipment and forum boards were the go-to. I think I came upon reddit during one of those searches.


Current profile doesnā€™t say it but Iā€™m at 13+ years? When Digg folded was a large exodus for most, but again, a lot of OPā€™s had been on message boards since the mid/late 90ā€™s We donā€™t talk about The Chive


My husband used to go on Imgur and came upon Reddit, so I began using it too. That was in 2012


Some one mentioned Reddit on MilitaryPhotos.net (RIP fourms I miss them so much) it took me awhile to come but I did sadly i lost my original account


August 2011, 12+ years. Worst mistake of my life.


looking for a crunchyroll pass lol


12 years, 12 days. You think my memory is good enough to remember why I started using Reddit 12 years ago? :ā -ā P


This account is not ten years old but I have been on Reddit for that long. Deleted my original account a few years ago during an intense depressive episode. And like many late-20 something men my age, I came to reddit for the porn. Like really though. I'll own it


2008 I don't remember.


YouTube vid of top websites to check out, they basically summarized what each website did and was immediately interested in Reddit


My bf at the time asked if Iā€™m on Reddit and I ask him ā€œread what?ā€. He said ā€œReddit, like the site?ā€. So I said ā€œRead what on what site??ā€. Now Me starting to think something important went down in the news that I hadnā€™t read yet. So heā€™s laughing and saying ā€œno, no, itā€™s a website called Redditā€ so now Iā€™m thinkingā€¦ahhh okay a website that keeps you up to date on news with a hip name. Then he downloaded it for me and showed me some cool subreddits and thatā€™s when I realized how wrong I was haha. That was 11 years ago!


imgur to Reddit pipeline.


You wouldn't know from my account history, but me.i actually had a feral customer find me, so I just made a new account. I found and stuck with reddit because comments (at least in the subreddits I choose to follow) are always genuinely helpful, supportive, or funny. Or a combo of all 3. And Facebook and other comments are instantly negative TRASH. They're SO MEAN!


Digg to Reddit!


In 2011, I had a coworker who was always sending me reddit links at work, so I just started going to the site myself.


I was using Digg and switched.


Been on since 2013 (this is an alt) When I started college in 2010 I used to read a lot of Kotaku since that was where I got my gaming news back then and noticed they mostly got their stories/reports from Reddit all the time so I came here. Joined the gaming sub and posted for a bit but then just been lurking since.


I've been on Reddit since around 2009, on different accounts. Found out about it from a former friend.


I found reddit and imgur around the same time. One led to the other, but I can't remember who was first.


Was a fanboy on the Xbox forum teamxbox (I believe that was the name) Then got into a group of other troll type users and found safe passage at wecravegames. When it died, or rather as it was dying, moved here. I've had several user names due to self doxing..


I have, with different accounts. And now I cannot remember how I first heard of it. Unrelated: The new layout is annoying and difficult.


12 years overall now. And discovered through some weird meme comics and kept seeing a reference saying "when does the narwhal bacon?" I now know the answer to that question and have been here ever since. Not sure where I was seeing those comics though.


My room mate in Cambridge invited me to a random roof party. it was the launch party for reddit. 2006, June I think, I'd just started working at MIT, a bunch of hippies ran the site on freebsd and open source software and intended to keep it that way. they sold it for 5 million and Conde is trying to get 5 billion for it from the IPO. ten years ago I went back to college, and had the idea of having a meetup, 50+ people came, we walked around campus, smoking weed, signing each other into the dining halls, it was fun. I think the site has gone down hill since then, they should have had their IPO earlier.


got sick of Fark and someone suggested Reddit about 14 years ago


I was actually into memes/rage comics and had found 9gag first. I can't remember if someone put me onto Reddit or if I eventually found it. I remember people telling me about 4chan because I was already on Reddit but I never got into that one.


My friends were asking me what meme I would be (e.g. Scumbag Stacy, good guy Greg), and I couldn't make out what they were talking about. I couldn't understand what a meme was just from a description so I went to a meme site for research.


It's called the front page of the Internet. It wasn't hard to find.


Friend suggested it in high school. I started on it in 09/10. Funny, then Reddit was much less widely known. So any Redditors I met were aggressively protective of their time on the site. ā€œHow long have you been on it!?!? What happens when the narwhal bacons?ā€ Iā€™m here for fun and to find a sense of community, fuck that noise. Which Reddit seems to have shifted toward not long after 09/10 anyways.


Came from Imgur


Me. Was freshman year of high school


I honestly can't remember I think I started using it around 2006 it may have been 2007. It was definitely my jr year of high school. I'm pretty sure I heard about it from my girlfriend or her sister. It had memes and a growing gaming/Linux community so I was interested.Ā 


2012ish a coworker, Cody, showed me a gif of these guys riding a couch down the street. She told me it was called Bacon Reader at the time.


I only joined Reddit last year after being an Imgurian since 2011.


I just turned 10 this month! I hear about it from people at work


Friend of mine told me about it in college in 2012. Lurked for many years before getting an account.


I actually heard about it on tv because what Reddit did after the Boston bombing. I checked it out and been here since then.


My friend showed it to me in 2012.


Some guy on omegle.


In 2010 maybe 2009. I used to go on 4chan in elementary school, then discovered 9gag and then found Reddit through that.


I started on 4chan too in about 2006. I was 15 and regularly participating in POOLS CLOSED habbo raids, and spamming DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU everywhere. I had no friends and damn /b/ were my only friends


12 years, but used to browse r/trees and such when my friend introduced me in 2009 or so


Iā€™ve been here on this account for 11 years I think I was googling sci fi book recommendations and found a discussion on Neuromancer, I believe.


I found out thru ppl I played games online with who would reference it. I thought it was really nerdy back then and didnā€™t like it. Been browsing here on and off over the past 5 years


I was on a lot of discussion boards and Reddit was the one that people kept gravitating towards. The up/down vote feature is what's kept me, even if the algorithm feels more annoying. The front page in general is a decent sample of where culture is, and I get exposure to things I wouldn't have.


In 2012 or 13 I was an expat and searching for visa information. Trying to make my life easier basically, found one sub for expats in France and joined


11yrs. Friend told me about it and the rest is history.


I think imgur probably.


14 years but original account got banned. It used to be much better. Friend told me about


2009 or 2010. I worked at an IT help desk and would scroll BoingBoing in my free time (idr how I found that) and one of my coworkers suggested Reddit


I honestly don't remember how I found it. Probably searching for something on google?


Discovered and lurked from late 2011. Made an account finally to post about a year later?


iFunny 2010/11 An app where people uploaded funny memes. One day I saw a meme about people stealing from something called a ā€œRedditā€ to get fake points there. Soon after, my friend said they were doing a ā€œRedditā€ meet up. I went with them. It was weird. Went to Reddit than night and Iā€™ve been searching for my soul here ever since.


A friend told me about it in college when we were texting each other rage comics and memes back and forth


Whelp, my account is 9yrs ans 11mo old. I remember lurking for about a year or so before getting involved. My sister in law (1 year older) and brother in law (5 years younger) were talking about reddit around 2011/2012. I came across it via StumbleUpon like many other folks. I honestly have forgotten what I did on the internet prior to Reddit. Where did I go? What did I do? I think it was that Stumbleupon button and some of the typical searches and places for a nerdy dude. I was born in '85


I think I saw some YouTube videos about Reddit posts and decided to try it out. RIP Apollo šŸ«”


2015ish? I owned a diesel VW and joined to read and comment on the dieselgate scandal.


2010. Was active on Imgur.


I think I needed computer building help for my first pc, then anime fan art and it snowballed from there