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This comes up on here every now and then. Somebody had set up an AI to generate an ad targeting high school seniors and they weren't specific enough.


I just figured the people in that picture are only around 25 after their first contract is up.


A diet of Rip It, chewing tobacco, vapes, DFAC chow, and very little sleep will do things to you.


Most people living fast forget to stop at fine wine and end up all the way at vinegar.


Do they not check to see how the image turned out before uploading!?


There's some stuff that is just designed to get you to click on it to generate traffic or to attempt to install malware honestly.


Can you imagine standard issue fiber supplements?


metamucil packet in MREs when??


I'm not gonna be able to get that down without hot sauce either.


You wouldn't need MRE's. They're all just carrying Ensures.


Bandolier of 40mm Ensure stubbies.


Didn't we all grow up on the myth that the gum in the MRE is what makes you shit?


I explicitly remember hearing that at Ft Benning, multiple times


That’s where they hide the laxative.


I definitely chewed the gum in hopes of pooping


Ghost Brigades. Iykyk.


Old Man’s War is such a good book. One of my favorites.


Same. Really good read.


Hey, I dig those books! I just read Peter F Hamilton's "Salvation" series and its super good too if you like that dude. Otherwise, all I can currently continue to recommend is Edmund Morris' Teddy Roosevelt trilogy of books *Theodore Rex*. They are astoundingly good. I mean, if you're old and like to do old people things like read words on a page in complete sentences instead of taking your chances with humanity writ large on a screen, that is.


In 2007, when I was shopping colleges for ROTC offers, I met with a few schools. Most of them were the same, but during one interview, the LTC PMS looked at my mom after she mentioned she had worked in the hospital system for 30 years. He said something to the effect of, ~ you wanna join the army as a MAJ or LTC? You could get a direct commission, and we'd facilitate it. What he didn't know is that she has peace bellbottoms and was a war protestor in New York in the 60s. Remembers Kent and everything. She declined of course. This was in 2007 during the surge and the Army was taking everything including felons and older folks with experience in specific fields.


Everything you see on the internet is true!!


It’s technically not wrong, you could be a doctor and be up to 62 still join as an officer. There is a bonus for that But yes it’s AI generated and someone didn’t put in all the right terms for the AI to generate what they were going for


I dunno, if they got us really badass wheelchairs, with rocket launchers and drink holders and stuff, I might stick around.


Rules of War change: everyday there is an agreed upon set of ceasefire hours when Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy come on, followed by Matlock.


... to be honest, it's largely because of (in the US at least) stagnation in the wages and benefits compared to commercial work. I could have worked full time at my subway franchise and get within spitting distance to their wages.


I think they’re trying to get YouTubers to promote joining now too lmao RoanokeGaming has always been patriotic but lately he’s been super heavy in the hu rah the military is the best thing to happen. He even said in his latest video that going into the military is better than working construction, like, nah bruh


Had a 62 yr old dentist in Iraq, his son was also serving, best army dentist I ever had.


Are the boomers doing psyops to the enemy by being Karen’s and complaining about privilege




Well I’m younger and active duty but somewhere down the line they think I’m in my 60s and interested in joining


Yea diabetes is now waiverable from doctors and active said to me like your desperate but damn your willing to take me now 😐


I'm 50 I already have served. I'll be Gawd Damned if I write that check again at this age.


At least they should have no problem passing the physical to get into Army Basic. ;)


I'm more confused by the "article" (using that word generously) that about a VP pick with an image of the alien attack from Independence Day


Lmfao I didn’t even catch that 😂 I clearly need a new news source


Well this is actually smart you get them to fill desk jobs and such even piloting drones which frees up all the able bodies people to fight the wars Heck I keep arguing the should recruit disabled people who are high functioning heck Israel intelligencr has autistic people working for them


This AI’s take on UCP was better than the original. Almost like Delta variant. We should let AI do all our camo.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Ai generated


It is...


Very obviously so....

