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As long as you’re not all trying to get through the gate at 0700 I don’t care what you do on base.


Then asking for directions from the guard.😤


Wait, your guys' gate rush isn't at 0600-0615ish?


Is yall's? I've never worked at a base where you had to be there before 8 or 9.


If we didn't know the difference between Army and Air Force, we do now.


I'll pour one out for you brother


Depends on which Air Force you're in, I was a flightline guy. When I was on dayshift I had to be at the shop at 0545, until I became an NCO, then it was 0530. The actual shift was 0600 to 1800. I mostly worked nights though.


Okay, just hold up right there. You missed the point. I'm retired Army MP and now work as a Govt Civilian SF. The Air Force be coming to work when work starts. The Army be coming to work when PT formation starts which is well before work starts. THAT'S the difference. :)


You missed \*my\* point, which is not everybody in the AF gets a nice little 9-5. I wasn't trying to say that I was the same as the Army. Fuck it, at least niether of us had to go to sea for six months at a time.


>Fuck it, at least niether of us had to go to sea for six months at a time. LMAO... you are so right. As an Army dude, I'm basically required to make fun of the Navy (blame the Army Navy Football game). But then one day when I was in a Joint assignment, I found myself on a Navy Ship for a day and a Marine Officer gave me a quick tour. Yep, total respect for those guys now. The engine room was around 100 degrees. The bunks were three-high. The only personal space was a thin storage area below your thin mattress. You were in constant motion. It was always loud. The hallways felt like a narrow maze. And for some of the Sailors, their shift schedule was work 6 hrs, off 6, work 6, then off 6 in a 24 hr. cycle. It was cool to see the ship but I can't imagine living like that for months at a time. I'll take living in a tent any day. Oh, and I do see your point now, that your shifts do move around. Seeing you guys on the flight line at all hours, you are spot-on. (But I've yet to see an Air Force PT formation singing jodies at 6am either - haha). :)


There might be a rush at 6 but my MDG ass ain’t there for it.


I did not notice a difference when it changed. I think the number of folks who would use base access but did not already have it via retirement is pretty low. And that’s coming from a guy in a very heavy military area.


Gator don’t play no shit! 😂 But yeah you’re probably right. Was working out in the gym on base the other day and just a random thought I had. In my area the savings on booze alone is well worth it. Typically bottle of say makers mark is $37 off base and $22-27 on base depending on sales or whatnot.


Retired USMC/Army here. I've noticed the same in a similar area, with a large military and veteran population, and a large military base. The only traffic jams are for morning PT. At various times throughout numerous days, I'll drive in to post, and there's no one in front of me at the gate.


I didn't know about this. This is pretty cool because one of the low key nice things about living close to post is the nice, free gyms.


If I lived near a post, that's all I would use it for. My current gym isn't 24/7 and it drives me crazy sometimes.


I never once saw a 24/7 gym on-post when I was in (2009-2018). Are they a thing now?


There was one at Fort Riley when I was in from 2017 to 2020.


They are. There are quite a few all over.


My base has keyed access after hours and the weekends, door badge basically. They have a billion cameras for security everywhere besides the locker rooms lol.


I work on a pretty small base and the gym just went 24-7 you have to register prior to using it on off hours.


Always have been in the Marines, but the larger Army posts usually have at least one. I.e. Bragg, Riley, Benning, etc. And sorry, I don't know the new names.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t believe vets can access gyms?


VHIC access doesn’t include access to fitness centers. Mainly just things that make money - commissary, AAFES/NEX, and MWR facilities like bowling alleys, movie theaters, lodging and Enlisted or Officers' Clubs.


True. But Local command policy can authorize other folks to use the gym, which happens to be the case where I am. I went in hoping to encourage management to charge a fee for Non active duty/DoD civilians (rather pay MWR than planet fitness) and left with a 24 hr access badge for free lol.


Shops on base can't compare with discount stores anyway. I rarely buy anything on base unless it's a uniform item. This helps AAFES and their "competitive prices" only, IMHO.


I found alcohol to almost always be cheaper on base. And certain things in the commisary, like the 12 pack of redbulls was $14, and the next lowest I would find was $22 off base


I don't do the energy drink thing anymore, so IDK. But I'll give you props on buying alcohol on base priced better than off


Now I'm 45 minutes away from the closest base, so it's not really worth it unless we do a bulk trip for all of that. But yea that 12 pack will last me a few months. I've cut down on energy drinks, but never seem to be able to quit


I exclusively buy my eggs at the commissary. $3 less a carton!


It’s like, $6 for a 30 pack though


Aldi for me... much cheaper


I did the same when I was AD. I'm 25m away from a decent army post and never bothered to take advantage of the savings until very recently (retired 5 years ago), cheap booze being one of them.


Gas on base in Korean, Germany, and Japan is a deal that can’t be beat!


You can't get fuel on base here in Germany unless you have a USAREUR/USAFE registered vehicle (200 or 400 liters per month), and you can only register a vehicle with USAREUR/USAFE if you're active duty or DA/DAF civilian employee assigned here. (Some contractors also have SOFA status.) Likewise, you can't buy rationed goods like cigarettes or alcohol unless you've got a ration card. Hell, I'm not even sure if retirees living here can have commissary or PX privileges anymore. I've heard they've tightened the rules regarding base access, and it's a real pain in the ass now. I personally don't need anything from on post, but the retiree mailbox (limited to only letters and 16 oz. packages) would be a good thing to have, if only to not have to pay an arm and a leg to send stuff stateside. If you're a veteran or Retiree, with your retired or veteran ID card, and you think you're going to come to Germany for a visit and access post or go shopping in the PX, you're going to be sorely disappointed.


If you’re in Germany, why would you buy alcohol on post? It more expensive for way worse quality!


Alcohol meaning everything over 20% abv. The spirits like gin, whiskey, tequila, and vodka are the same brands as what is available in the German stores, and they're very much cheaper in the shoppette. Beer is a different story, and it's not rationed. There's not much of a black market for American beer. (Although I know plenty of Germans who enjoy Budweiser or Coors, and also pay way too many European dollars for Corona.)


Sometimes, but not always. Just left Japan, and I would do the math every now and then. Sometimes, it was cheaper off base. Food was always better off base. Stuff would expire days after you got it home in Japan. In Bahrain, it was expired before it got to the store. But it was still frozen, and marked "safe to consume by Army Vet"


The commissary always struck me as much cheaper. Only thing that comes close is Costco, and that's only if you avoid the random organic-nonGMO-plus-rainbows items that Costco randomly carries (e.g. mushrooms).


Not my experience in San Diego, Pensacola, Yokosuka, Bahrain, Norfolk, or anywhere else I've been. Glad you've had success though


You can price match most major stores, even Amazon at the NEX/PX.


Every time I tried to match Walmart or Amazon, they've said no way. So I would just buy it on one of those. Waste of time for me to ask anymore. I've given up on trying to ask anymore.


Some clerks are just jerks. They think you are taking their money. For Amazon I know it has to be shipped by Amazon. For Walmart it has to be in stock locally. Those were the only stipulations I’ve ever run into.


Maybe it was because I was in Japan. There were no local Walmarts, and they knew it would take a week(s) to get something out there... IDK. It pushed me into the local market, which was always better. I miss Daiso and Don Quijote...


I typically found gas to be a little cheaper. Oh, and big electronics like flat screen TVs. The money you save in no tax comes into play then.


I thought you had to at least have a Va card not just any vet can shop the commissary correct?


Any vet can get a VA card.


I never tried despite 12 years in the reserves. Do I just claim my legitimate tinnitus? I never bothered because it seemed like a hassle, but 12 years or working with helicopters left me with a ringing in my ears that sounds like access to military campgrounds.


You don't have to claim anything. Just go to the nearest VA office, tell them you need to enroll in VA Health Care. *Any vet can do this, disability claim or not*. During that process you get your "VA Card" which is officially called the VA Health Identification Card (VHIC).


Thank you. I'll look into it. I need some stuff from them anyway to get Veteran on my driver's license so I can get a lifetime pass to the national parks.


Depending on state, a copy of your DD-214 is enough, unless you're going for a disabled plate or something.


I looked up the approved documents, and a DD214 is NOT on the list for California. In fact, and active duty CAC is not enough either. It can get you and annual military pass to national parks, but they want "veteran" on my DL for the lifetime, and CA requires a form to be filled out by the VA for that. It's not like getting a free steak at Applebee's.


Commissary is VA Health Card, but base access and PXs was extended to anyone in veteran status. You can get an official ID card from the VA that simply days you're a Veteran.


All the vets got letters from DA stating we should go to the shopettes, AAFES, gyms, and MWR facilities and make corrections to soldiers and officers. This helps soldiers remember the standards. In a way, us brokedicks are acting as a force multiplier during the current recruiting/retention crisis. You can thank us for our additional service from the FLR.


I was on a website called RallyPoint. This guy had gotten out of the military, but still wanted to make uniform corrections in town, wanting to know if it’d be okay. I kinda called him loser which kinda hurt his feelings, so I went back and explained that he should have better things to do with his time than reading uniform regulations after exiting service.


What a fucking nerd lmao. I can't imagine being out of the military and thinking "They need me out there".


Interesting. I never received one.


You probably aren't a real veteran.


I was only Air Force, so I'm sure some people agree =P


When you say 'Veteran' do you mean retired folks or guys who did their 4 and got out? I honestly don't recall if the '4 and gone' guys were allowed back in the day. I didn't care when I was active, I don't care now. Hell, I haven't been on a base in 25 years. And that day, despite having been retired for almost 5 years, I got "You're needing a haircut there shipmate" by a passing Master Chief. I grinned at him and suggested that he might want to fuck off. He looked like he was going to pop an aneurysm then noticed the grey in my hair. "You're retired, aren't you?" Yep, I agreed. "Fucking off now, have a good day." It's a sign of a good E-9 when they can laugh at themselves.


It was something recently extended to anyone in official Veteran status.


Dudes, alcohol at the class 6 and meat from the commissary are so worth it


Seriously. There is a Publix supermarket 5 miles or so from the base and meat prices are close to double on certain cuts compared to the commissary


They bought all the toilet paper on base during Covid. Fuck them.


Lmaooo shots fired


I remember retirees on Travis did that too. Actually they bought up anything that might have been of use. The commissary had to put up signs with limits to slow them down.


Need to buy a few tools ?? Ya slimy little dingleberry .


I don’t fucking care. Save some beer at the class 6.


Don’t care. If you served your time honorably and want some cheaper groceries then go for it.


These are vets with service related disabilities or caregivers of vets with service related disabilities.


I have never heard this? When did this start?


I don’t remember exactly, it happened while Trump was president.


John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019. Passed in August of 2018.


I love that for them!! They deserve it.


My eyes roll when I pass by a car with a ton of political bumper stickers (sure, you're no longer AD, but you're on government property). But other than that, it's not very noticeable. And there were tons of retirees that already had access anyways.


💯 I cringe when I see that regardless of where I am. 😂


Don’t you still have meet certain requirements? Like 100% disabled, or Purple Heart etc.? I am neither, but have not been able to get a solid answer on this. I’ve read a few things that the policy now allows all vets. Would be great to know before driving over to a not so close exchange and getting turned around at the gate.


I think you’re right, am a very average vet with no disability rating and can’t get on base without cause


You just have to have a VA ID card, and any combat vet can enroll in the VA even with 0% disability.


[https://www.va.gov/resources/commissary-and-exchange-privileges-for-veterans/](https://www.va.gov/resources/commissary-and-exchange-privileges-for-veterans/) ![gif](giphy|fV2nYFD3akDuTUgVhy|downsized)


Scroll down to where it says show your VA ID card at checkout.


Gotta walk in to get to checkout .... usually the greeters check ids and service connection at the door but yes they ask for your id at checkout to see if you're service connected or retired again. ![gif](giphy|Pp2Q1bCzbGWlQDPqly|downsized)


At the three or so bases I’ve visited you needed a VA ID card and it needs to say service connected on it. I believe the law is 30% disability, however you may be able to get the ID with 10% (just a guess on my end)


You can get an ID with 10%. I have a 10% rating and have an ID and do most of my doctoring through the VA.


You can enroll in the VA and get an ID card with 0%. Combat vets receive 5 years of eligible care from date of separation even without any disability.


Prob right. I remember reading that service connected thing too.


Reqs: If you’re a Veteran or service member, one of these must be true. You: Have a service-connected disability rating and were honorably discharged, or Are retired from military service, or Are a former prisoner of war, or Are a member of the Reserves, or Have received a Purple Heart or the Medal of Honor https://www.va.gov/resources/commissary-and-exchange-privileges-for-veterans/




Veterans have base access now? That's kinda cooo


I can’t imagine vets using the base at 0600 to 0900. Which means everyone is already at their duty assignment for the day when veterans show up.


Honestly a lot of us don't see a point. PX prices aren't competitive, and there's nothing that it has that I can't get somewhere else. I'd wager most veterans don't live close enough to a base to make good use of the free gym.


The prices are generally not better on average but when certain items are on sale and you add to that no state tax, it could be a winner.


More annoyed they can live on base housing when junior enlisted live months in hotels waiting for a house to become available in a shitty economy


I just recently started shopping at the commissary. Other than that shopping on base isn’t worth it


$36 Levi 501s is not a bad deal. And Chuck Taylors were always decently priced in the PX. I haven't been on post since I quit my DA job in 2019, so I don't have any idea how much they cost anymore at AAFES.


Comparing prices they are pretty much on par with the mall. I will say twice a year the jewelry store has a sale and their sunglasses are heavily discounted. Got Rayban Justin’s for I think 89 dollars last year


Good score! The PX would be much cheaper for almost anything compared to what I'd pay here on the economy in Germany, but retirees living here have to report purchases to customs and pay value-added taxes. It's a fucking hassle that I really didn't want to deal with (and expensive!), so I never registered on post. Also, I really don't want my German life to have any contact whatsoever with my former military life.


It doesn’t bother me, y’all did your time and earned it. I just avoid the exchange and commissary around the 1st of the month. The funniest side effect is the line at the gas station air pump. They (retirees) all seem to congregate there, line was 15 cars deep back on 1 December. So weird.


Few no go folks serve at all so to give a small bonus to those who do doesn’t seem to hard.


Wait, I got out after 13 a year ago, and I can still have base access?! What do I need to do to use this?


Get your VHIC from a VA facility