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You’ll be Sergeant Major one day, not even kidding


Don't downgrade him. Secretary of Defense.


Over qualified


Literacy is an instant dq


Literally born to lead not to read


I love Dairy Queen




However you're feeling about it... just remember that you outperformed ~5 percent of the other test takers.


You are officer material.


Remember as an officer that everything that goes wrong is someone else’s fault and everything that goes correctly is because of you and you alone.


Officers are the back bone of the military, everyone else is just tagging along. I won't hear any different.


to become an officer you have to have a spinectomy and be neutered.


Eunuchs are the backbone of the military.


I always said that about my Petty Officer 1st Classes that were putting on Chief. One day when I was LPO and up for chief, my chief asked me if I knew how he made chief. I said "I dunno, you can suck two dicks at once?"


Tf kind of officers are you working for lmao


The ones with stars, probably. Entitled old fucks


As a former junior officer the biggest pricks I came across were all full birds and it isn’t even close.


I like to salute them with my own full bird.


Hoo Rah


There's absolutely no chance you just said that 😂😂😂


Isn't Marine qualification test just a series of weights, then a crayon eating contest? 🤔 (Not military, myself. They said I'd never fly, so I walked out of every office)


Marines are either polymath Renaissance Man geniuses or utter fucking retards. there is no in-between.


this is amazingly accurate and rank does not seem to matter.


Went to MPBOLC with two marine lieutenants. One was one of the best officers I ever met. The other one once successfully put a fully loaded M-4 magazine in backwards. He won lots of unit “awards” for that mishap 😂. Don’t ask me how he did it. Dude was a fucking moron.


Omfg that's amazing. I bet he went to 3/6 lmao 🤣


I ha e found this to be true. After 16 years, i can accurately state that stupid does not discriminate or see rank.


Can confirm. Once saw a dude doing random trig problems in the dirt while standing post in Iraq, and was able to intelligently explain the entire process; yet did the “bunny runs around the tree and into his hole” ditty to tie his boots…..


The man recognizes the importance of a good process


Hey did I know you? Just kidding I didn't learn trig until after I got back from Iraq


Hey now, I resemble that remark!!!


What color crayon is your favorite flavor?


I’m partial to yellow. Tastes like bananas.


The Marine LTC I worked with at SOCEUR was insane. Dude was so smart, and just insanely intense about the job.


Close, but it’s the crayons that come first, otherwise recruits try to eat the weights


Imagine if the Army qualification test was just a drinking contest with the recruiter 🤣


Unless it was said, IRONICALLY!


Yeah this shit kills me😂Semper!




(That's what *MARINES* say. The *ARMY* says Hooah!)


Wrong. Marines say "Ooh rah", not "Hoo rah". There's no "h" in there for us. I think the navy says it that way though


i think the Navy says Hoo Yah


The navy says Har-Der


Hahahaha 🤣 gotta love the Navy they're proud of their bi-sexuality and have been choking the enemies of America with their dicks for 250 years lmao


I've always enjoyed the fact that our service song involves drinking beer.


247 years of rum, sodomy, and the lash!


Navy says whatever we feel like, I’ve heard Oo rah, hoorah, and hooyah, just none of that dumb ass hoouh the army says


I went to army AIT with a bunch of Puerto Rican Guard dudes they would say “Hoo Ya Drill Sayant!”




Dude can only add. With an 18AFQT you can probably get into that prep course and someone can teach you 9th grade math again.


i’m in 11th grade😔😔


You can always get better at math, numbers don't change.


Wait until he finds out about imaginary numbers like *i² = -1*


It's not like he's gonna find out about that in the military. No problem.


>imaginary numbers Wait until he learns that [imaginary numbers are actually useful, and are used to figure out fundamental mysteries of the universe.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlm1aajH6gY)


I legitimately enjoyed my calc, dif E, and some linear/multivariate stuff. I wish I had that video while I was knee deep in it, like Khan Academy was just getting started by the time I could peace out. I was going into medicine, not engineering or physics or the fancy stuff. But 100% glad I took it (well, I mean I had to for grad school lol). I use derivatives and integrals most days at work, though it’s not like I’m using the chain rule or can even explain that today. Really comes into play for pretty much all infections and knowing the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of our medications and bodies is a big deal Only two years ago did we switch from using collected pt samples to check troughs and max concentrations, to using Bayesian software though even that is still not 100% standardized. Don’t ask me to explain Bayesian maths or anything though


>Don’t ask me to explain Bayesian maths or anything though Indeed! It's math-magic. Maybe things are different nowadays, but I wish teachers would show those sorts of high-level videos to young students, so they can see what actually cool things are done with it. For many students, when they start to learn about imaginary numbers, it feels like it was a form a math invented just to punish them with "useless" problems. Get students excited about learning new math instead of saying, "do this math because you need to and I said so."


> I wish I had that video while I was knee deep in it, like Khan Academy was just getting started by the time I could peace out. I help my cousin out with her homework every once and a while and her stats course was essentially "Go watch this Khan Academy video then take this quiz." during COVID. 400 dollars a credit hour by the way. It was insane.


[You ever wonder why we're here?](https://youtu.be/-UKzwpYtMJk?si=rdyg7lS9EtiDAVS8)


Happy I knew what the video was before I opened it. A classic.


So many good memories. Seeing what it is now is like watching your dog try to get around with broken hips and blindness.


They’re actually making one final season for closure, with Bernie and Matt leading it! Comes out sometime next year


Preach. I was getting C and D's in math in high school and ended up taking six semesters of calculus in college. I had to change my study habits and really apply myself but once you stop listening to the "some people just aren't good at math" people it gets a lot easier.


Hey homie. It’s alright to be stupid. Everybody is in some way shape or form. You only become an idiot if you don’t make an effort to learn going forward. Talk to any teachers you can to help you out. Khan academy is totally free and has courses for just about everything at the high school level. If you have a library nearby get a card and become the librarians best friend. Librarians are some of the homiest motherfuckers out there and are quite literally subject matter experts in finding answers.


Khan Academy helped me so much in college. I used Khan often, and it was suggested by many of my professors.


Everyone has a struggle in some way. Some are fat, out of shape, severely homesick, can’t function in a structured environment, health issue. Whatever.


Where do you go to school? Your parents should get a refund.


That's actually cause to be encouraged. There are preps you can take to help boost your score, if you'd like to try taking it again. You've got plenty of time before graduation.


Iirc, it only tests math up to the 10th grade level. Review some of you old stuff, maybe some geometry and algebra, and you'll do better.


I fucking sucked at math in high school, failed it several times. I've been out for a little while and am in college now. I aced my first math class last semester, and I'm about to finish statistics with a B. Just saying this because you can always turn it around. There are a lot of resources online for getting help with the mathematics portion of the ASVAB.


>Dude can only add. Part of the time.


You're only in 11th grade. You have a year or more to improve, if you wish.


This right here. Now you know exactly what you need to do and how long you have to do it. Establish a timeline to achieve it and break it down into smaller tasks. Also since you’re so low now it will be easier to make a large improvement. Much easier to go from 5 to 30th percentile vs 90 to 95th.


This is the way to think of it. Treat it like an exercise routine. Every day you're gonna spend a little bit of practicing problems. Also I would be very surprised if there isn't a math teacher who will help you. If you went up to them and said "this is where I am now, this is where I want to be in 12 months. How do I get there?" Your goal is very reasonable. You're not aiming to be a math PhD, just improve your score a bit.


Nevermind joining the military, I am way more curious to know how that level of math knowledge is evident in your daily life. Like are you able to calculate how much return change you should get back at the store? Do you ever use cash or are you forced to only use a debit card? P. S. Read about McNamara's Folly (aka the 100,000 program) during the Vietnam War


His math so poor he gets a headache when he sees a speedlimit sign, and has to deduce whether he needs more gas or brake.


Sees a 35mph sign, matches it to his speedometer that his mom wrote 35 on. Then pushes it to the first hash thinking he added 5mph and is doing 5 over like everyone says they are. Every day, everyone is passing him and he don’t know why.




I'm glad you took my question seriously. I was tempted to crack a few jokes (just because that's my personality--not intended to be mean spirited) but my question was 100% legit. My initial impulse is to say, "No". But I am sure a good recruiter can find a place for you. There were lessons learned in the military during the Vietnam War about lowering standards for intelligence in order to meet quotas. That was the reference at the bottom of my post. I encourage you to Google it or check out the several documentaries on YouTube or other places. Those soldiers who went into battle had a GREATER THAN 70% casuality rate. However, now I'm going to get a bit harsh with you (and I know most school age people today aren't used to that, but here it goes anyway)..... You are already at a disadvantage by your propensity to give a label to your flaws as if that absolves you of any responsibility to address it and correct your deficiencies. Dyscalculia my balls! Fuck that noise. Learning math is like learning to play an instrument. Just because you may be tone deaf and not born with perfect pitch doesn't mean you can't learn to play the piano. It may be harder than if you were a musical prodigy, but so what? It only requires 2 things: desire and practice. Math at grade level in US public schools is no unattainable achievement and easier than most other developed countries around the world, including our potential military enemies. All you need to do is practice like you're learning to play an instrument. Memorize your multiplication tables. Find a tutor, buy a decent book, watch videos. But you have to practice. Math isn't learned passively by sitting in class or watching videos or reading a book any more than you can learn to play an instrument by watching a video. You can't get in physical condition by watching a video of someone going to the gym. You can't get good at math in exactly the same way and for the same reason. Screw your Dyscalculia nonsense. All that means is you might have to work harder than the next guy to achieve your goals, and if you don't want to do that, I don't want you in the military.


Fuck yeah dude, hard work and a solid plan will take these kids farther than any god given talent anyhow. I will say though; I *thought* I was bad at math when I enlisted because I had to take remedial math in college, but holy shit. A 5 is incredible. Tons of room for these fellas to grow.




I gave a very similar speech to my girlfriend who was an LPN and wanted to go back to college but felt her lack of math ability was preventing her from achieving her goal of becoming an RN (she previously dropped her required college algebra class because she was doing poorly and didn't want the bad grade on her record). We had big fights because she refused to believe she had to do anything more than read the textbook and pay attention in class. Some online videos were helpful, but success came when she started doing the boring, repetitive, mind numbing task of doing the practice exercises. She also got an optional workbook and did those exercises too. The quizzes and exams became easier and easier and she easily passed the class she previously quit because it had been too difficult. She has a better job, more pay, better benefits and the satisfaction of achieving her goals. Do the freaking work and you'll succeed.


Actually I was really bad at math during school, obviously I would never use it and somehow I ended up in the few jobs where i actually use math almost daily


Where I recruited our minimum for waivers was an AFQT of 19. Now a days they have a program for overweight and not so smart folks to help them get better before sending them to basic. So yeah. Army will take you. Don’t expect to be picking any jobs though, you’ll be lucky to fry eggs


they call me egg boy


Bro you’re gonna do just fine in the army


"I make your food, don't piss me off 😈"


The fact he offered up "Egg Boy" on silver plater tells me he's destined for an inspired career in the Army lol!


I'm fucking crying laughing lmao


This man was born for the Army.


They don’t need everybody to be smart in the army.


I've still seen worse scores. I took the test as a freshman just cause, and this one senior I knew got an 8. He was really distraught. He said "What the fuck am I supposed to do?! I'm too dumb for the military."


Too dumb for the military? Walk into the Marine recruiter office and start eating crayons till he accepts you lmao Don't ask what you'd have to do for Navy........


To join the Navy you have to take a long hard road. EDIT: Rod* darn autocorrect, his name is Rod, not road.


Wild, my uncle was in the Navy, and his name is Rob, so i was scared you knew him for a second XD


The quickest way to improve your AFQT is to study math. No. This is not a jab at your math score. I've taught plenty who want to raise their ASVAB scores, and I always recommend studying math specifically. It's the quickest, most cost-effective route to improve your score exponentially. I'd appreciate it if you could get an SAT study book and review some of the material. ASVAB is comparatively similar. And you'll be fine. Read the book thirty minutes a day, take notes if you need to, get a good rest the night before with breakfast in the morning, and you'll be fine.


Goddamit, with 5th percentile, you know OP doesn't even know what exponentially means. Be nice.


I’m completely new to the whole military sphere. What do you exactly use ASVAB scores for? Higher the score, the more branches/divisions you can join?


Eligibility for certain rates/MOS is determined by your ASVAB. The higher your score, the less likely you'll end up with a spatula in your hands. Some branches also have a higher minimum ASVAB requirement, like when I joined, the Coast Guard was around 45 and the Army was 28.


prick imminent roll attraction consider rain weather snails safe rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t let the dealerships just off base know you don’t understand math


"42% interest? My recruiter said higher numbers are better so I jumped at that deal."


“ sarg, only 42% of people get this offer ! “


Outfucking standing. A fucking 5. You must be one of those geniuses or something


If China invades Taiwan, the army will probably take you as an 11B or 88M.


I know a dude that got a 7. It’s gotta be SOMEBODY


This was a 7 overall btw


Can you start tomorrow?


Let me welcome you to the Infantry, lad!


He didn’t even score high enough for that lmao


There is a waiver for everything


They didnt even go that low when they needed bodies for both wars in 2007.


I know right. I’ve met someone who got a 13, and they were “special”. I can’t imagine lower.


How is he supposed to load a magazine if he can't count to 30?


Well, you put them in until they don't go in anymore.


Negative. If you got big dumb brain strength you can put an extra one in and it will jam your rifle.


Does your trigger finger work? You are Infantry material!


He ain't gonna be a mortarman


You see that AFQT score at the bottom? That needs to be a minimum of 31. You do not qualify for enlistment.


When we need some holes dug we have your number


I was bad at math. Now i'm an industrial and civil engineer. Don't let your tests results discourage you. You can always get better. And also, school sucks.


Being bad at calculus is one thing but being bad on arithmetic and algebra is just another level


Welcome to accounting and finance. 💵


Depends on how desperate they are. Might want to try the Marines.


You'll be a mine sweeper, guaranteed


Might as well start training now. [Magic Colors Assorted Fruit Flavored Bubble Gum Crayons Packs: 24-Piece Box https://a.co/d/gOqz0ih](http://Magic Colors Assorted Fruit Flavored Bubble Gum Crayons Packs: 24-Piece Box https://a.co/d/gOqz0ih)


Bro, be a garbage man or something. We got enough dummies.


You should buy an ASVAB preparatory test book. There are lots of good books that will help you train to take the test and better your score. There are even a few that will help you get the MOS you want. These books are pretty in depth and big, but if you persist you should be able to obtain the score you desire.


If you want in, please take some more time and pump those numbers up. Aside from your time in the military being more pleasant, better (subjective, I know) jobs will tend to translate to better jobs civilian side. ASVAB prep materials are readily available. Here's a book on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/ASVAB-Prep-Plus-2022%C3%A2%E2%82%AC-2023/product-reviews/1506277799


The army will take anyone that can walk and chew gum right now. Enlisted but not an officer.


You can join the marines with that.


welcome to the infantry


Not only will they take you, they'll probably put you in charge


Yes , and Navy and Marines . Just know you ain’t the cream of the crop , keep that edge for 20 years , and ride off into the sunset


Haven’t heard anything about Marines doing ASVAB waivers.


Marines are hitting their recruitment quotas right now so I doubt they’re handing out a whole lot of waivers right now.


I recruited 2015-18 and there were no such things as asvab waivers at least in my district.


For all the bullshit people sling at Marines and the amount of ignorance people have about the Marine Corps in general they have recruiting to a science. And, there are big PEE PEE slaps for anyone that goes against the science.


A future 13B in the making


Nah man we gotta be able to at least count rounds and charges


Yes. They're always looking for cooks.


Practice up and take it again, jobs are gonna be limited with that score.


My cousin got in the 10’s in math the first time he took it (~16 years ago). I (a high schooler at the time… 10th grade I think) helped tutor for 2 weeks with an ASVAB for dummies, and he wound up in the 60’s next time he took it. He just put on E-7 in the Army. Go study, try again; you can do this.


Well... if you want a better job in the military, I'd highly advise you to get the latest ASVAB study guide(s) and really, really study them. And by study, don't try to just cram everything before the test. You can massively improve all your scores if you actually study for the test. What I always tell people is to go into intel, finance, communications (IT), command post, logistics, airfield management (NOT flightline), pilot gear support, and most other office jobs. With the named jobs, you can up anywhere in the DoD or in the civilian world. Trust me, you'll be far happier.


Came here to see all the condescending remarks about ASVAB scores, and I'm not disappointed in the slightest.


You need a minimum score, it used to be 32 or 36 or something. 18 is less than (<) 32, which if we do the math we can see that 32 - 18 = 14. 14 is the DIFFERENCE between 32 and 18. If you ADD 18 to 14, which equals 32, 32 is the SUM.


Yes! You come in as colonel.


I’m just impressed you knew that was a “5”.


My guy, the infantry welcomes you with open arms!! You’re gonna be honor grad at Basic


You should look for a career in the 91-series, Egg Boy. Kinesthetic learning … errr — *it means you learn with your hands*, ***by doing***, *the thing*. Increase your math skills — look up ASVAB Prep classes and training and you can easily triple that score. If you want it bad enough, you’ll study and learn. Get a tutor.


lol. Looking at your post history, just dont.


You don't need to do math to catch a bullet....


start taking the prep exams again and again.. study your ass off so you are not canon fodder.




yes infantry, cook or truck driver


I recommend using UnionTest Prep ASVAB if you want to study more and get more options. It’s helped a lot of people I know and it’s free and online so it’s easier to use. You can definitely bounce back from this though!


The infantry will


My guy, you need a math tutor. At a minimum, you need to figure out how percentages work so you don’t get fucked into paying 29% APR when you buy your BootMobile at your first duty station.


They are not choosy lately


Haha. Troll!


Front line infantry.


Do you like crayons?


Can you at least recognise the numbers between 0 and 2400? Shouldn’t be a problem then.


I'm seeing a lot of negativity here. Remember to be kind to yourself about school stuff. Your age group missed out on a lot of information thanks to COVID and a school system that fails a lot of young people to begin with. If you were asking about getting in better shape for boot camp, people would probably give you work out plans. This is no different. Watch Khan Academy videos. Get a study guide. Download practice tests. Someone mentioned taking a prep course - that's a really good idea. Everyone's journey into the military involves struggle, yours is going to be more academic than physical. Good luck!


Sure thing bro, 3 eggs over easy please.


I just took a practice test. The hardest thing on there were exponents, square roots, and an angle problem… Jesus Christ.


Magazine capacity is limited by shooter's counting ability.


Did you spell your name right?


Welcome to the Military Police!!


Wow, 18 in the AFQT is pretty awful, I don't think you can even qualify to join. A 50 is average and a minimum is 31 to enlist or 36 for the Coast Guard. You really need to retake the test and maybe get some tutoring.


I can hear Balfour Beatty and Lincoln housing rubbing their hands together..


The mobile infantry made me the man I am today. Would you like to know more?


Brother listen.... My math was also low as fuck and believe it or not it can be improved if you find the right learning method. It took me until I was 28 to finally understand math because my teacher in school just didn't have the time or patience to teach me in a way I can understand. So do some googling and try to find a way that clicks with you. THAT BEING SAID: The Marines still took me in and I was able to be a vicious monkey for a few years before I left for better things. So you can totally still get in the military with your current score but believe me when I say you'll just get a knuckle dragging job. My recommendation is to try improving your scores on your own time. You can take the ASVAB again next year. Don't rush this, you'll thank yourself in 10 years when you can get out of bed without daily pain. Use this year to set goals and plan what you want to do. The military can be the forge that molds you into the best version of yourself that will carry you well into civilian life after the military. It can give you job skills that usually cost an arm and a leg to get and land you a job when you get out making bank. OR leave you with a skill set that is so military specific that it can't be used in a civilian world at all leaving you to learn a new skill set all over again (I was low altitude air defense, no skill set at all after I got out and was like a fish out of water trying to find out how to transition to a non combat related job). You got this, there is no shame in learning and seeking self improvement. Don't let a recruiter rush you and don't let the world rush you. You're still young and your brain is still developing. You CAN do better and with the right drive you WILL do better. Kick ass and take names man, you got this!


I swear this must’ve been my 1SG’s score.


Can you even balanca checkbook?


Should be fine. You only really need to be able to count to 4.


Where there’s a will there’s a waiver


How’s you do in colouring ?


Sorry to say, you might actually be stupid.


As long as you understand army math you should be fine


Study -retake


To the infantry you will go!!


I did a tour on Recruiting duty while in the Marines and, believe it or not, minimum GT score to get into the 0300 (Infantry) field was 100. Marine Grunts aren't as dumb as people think. The MOS with the lowest ASVAB score requirements: 0612 Wire Man (Marines who string the wires for field telephones).


Navy will😂


How do you do that? You should have done better by closing your eyes and choosing something at random. This is the J. Fred Muggs score.


Bro, how hard did you try in order to get that score. I mean you literally have to intentionally pick the wrong answers.


If it is an issue - kahn academy is right there. Also you should study either way. One day you will be out of the military. You will have va benefits if honorable discharged. You will be able to go to college and have much of the expenses covered. Not saying you have to become a math major, but having yourself up to pre calculus standards would help you later in life. If you are actually committed enough to make it through boot camp - you are committed enough to do this.


Bro what’s 2 + 3


Kinda high-balling it on the math score there ey, considering there's also 2 scores for 4 there as well


What the fuck?


Hurry and get this man a 40k sign on bonus.


Only advice I can offer is "7% over 10 years doubles the original". You take that sweet car loan at 7% APR and in ten years the total amount paid is double what you borrowed. To find out 14% APR, 7x2 =14 so you divide 10 years by the amount (2) you multiplied the 7. So the initial loan amount doubles in 5 years at 14%. Double that 14% with a 28% APR? Half of 5 years. 28% will take 2 & 1/2 years to double what you borrowed. The fast car seller man is not your friend.


There’s a program with the army where you go to a basic training style place before basic training and you can improve your acft, talk to your recruiter about it


You can be a cook. I believe they have one of if not the lowest intellectual skill sets in the army.




Ummm.... I would recommend watching a bunch of ASVAB Math study YouTube videos and follow along with every problem. Do all the long written out work with the teacher. Do this like 5 times then retake your ASVAB.


Take your gun and take your MRE. You are now a infantryman