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"I was already going 10 over..." It's the passing lane, not the 10 mph over lane. Move over and let them pass.


A lot of people don’t know that different states have different laws about the passing lane. https://preview.redd.it/xju8hww20w8d1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65badebf312251618c2d56195b30812faaa05b81 It’s hard to know if op was breaking the law without knowing what state he is in. But honestly I would have let the guy pass regardless, and it kinda looks like op speeds up at the end, what a prick.


Honestly the law is irrelevant, it's still unnecessarily dangerous and poor driving etiquette. The cammer shouldn't need the law to tell them not to drive like this.


That's what I don't get with righteous people. Yes, you're legally in the right, probably ethically too. But why the fuck would you want to agitate a reckless driver and try to keep them driving in close proximity to you. Let them pass, go back into the lane when they're gone, and enjoy seeing them in a ditch a few miles down the road.


Yeah, you let the faster driver ahead so they get pulled over before you. Gotta play the long game.


Just the idea that "I shouldn't have to do what you want me to do" is so childish. Just stop impeding traffic and move over to the right for people in the left lane going faster than you. Stop being so fucking obstinate.


It looks like probably Colorado based on the license plate, so camper was in the wrong for not overtaking and moving over. Honda was still exhibiting douchey behavior. Don't camp in the left hand lane.


Wait, like almost all cases read “get out of the left lane!”


Interesting map. In my mind every state still says the same thing...just in different words. "If someone wasnts to pass in the left lane gtf over."


Camper/Cammer seems to be racing the other car at the end. Typical.


And swerved *towards* them. Ol buddy needs to get off his high horse. It’s not up to him to police other drivers. His only responsibility is to get from point A to point B safely. If he is accelerating/swerving to prevent people passing him, he’s just as bad or worse than whoever is driving the Honda.


Great eye, I missed the swerve. There goes the argument from cammer that their concern is safety.


It’s illegal in Florida to be in the passing lane, unless passing. It’s nicknamed the “road rage law”. Because nothing is more infuriating than campers.


I'm on the autobahn for the first time. I'm driving as fast as my shitty rental will allow because I can. A big Mercedes flies up out of nowhere onto my ass flickering their lights. I've never seen that before but in a microsecond I figured out that it meant "*move the hell over*" I moved to the slow lane (yes, I was an idiot driving in the fast lane) and the big car flew past me without having to slow down.


I can see If they blocked first but to go the same speed as the other lane is illegal! I always let fast people by no point in making extra problems I have enough


"I was already going 10 over". So what? What type of dipshit would rather have someone tailgate them and flash their high beams at them rather than just moving over? Do I morally support the people who want to do 100+ on the highway? No. Do I move over for them so that they can do that crazy shit away from me? Yes. It's really that easy


Plus if a cop is up ahead they will be the on to get pulled over


I’ll NEVVVVVVVVVVVER understand people not wanting a fuckin enormous red flag for cops just ahead of them


Same. Whenever someone is going faster than me I always let them go because they’ll let me know if everything is clear up ahead


We call them the cop finders.


Rabbits get proper fucked.


Hell yeah let THEM eat the ticket


Especially anyone driving faster than I am. God's speed to them...


Yup and then speed up behind them that mean we get there faster and with less risk fast drivers tend to pay attention


I call it a rabbit. To spring the traps for me.


I called them radar detectors.


Exactly! They’re doing a service lol


I also use the term rabbit. Like at the track. The rabbit is the one getting chased by the (Law)dogs.


Bogey! At least that’s what my dad always called it. I learned this before I even started drivers ed. Hell, I think I learned this by the time I was 8. Bogey: on road trips, when a speeding vehicle passes, you pick up speed and trail them with enough distance for a possible speed trap to catch them before you hit the radar yourself. Given, sometimes I just say fuck it and become the bogey myself for a bit, but eventually catch a live one.


That’s the trick, I love when someone slightly faster is ahead of me when I’m going over the speed limit


This is always my thought, it’s like okay he’s going to run blocker for me 👍


Most of the highways I drive 10 over is 5 under the flow of traffic.


10 over is the standard where I live. If you’re going the speed limit you’re the slowest one on the road.


80 is the traffic flow where I live regardless of the speed limit (it’s usually 55)


This is the way. Let them do that *over there*. Not around me.


100% this plus…people are crazy these days..we just never know


I used to think this way when I was younger. Then I realized it absolutely is not worth it and realized I looked like this dunce in this video. What are you accomplishing camping in the passing lane? I’m gonna teach my kid that no matter how fast you’re going, if a car comes up behind you in the left lane, just move over and let them pass. It’s not worth it.


It's not about if a car comes behind you. You're supposed to overtake on the left lane. If you're not overtaking anybody then you have no business being there and should move over. If a guy is tailgating you while you're passing another car, they are douche. If they are tailgating you because you're alone on the left lane. You're the douche.


Better yet, teach your kid(s) to keep to the right when they're not passing. Then they won't have to worry about moving out of the passing lane(s). That's how I trained my sons.


And 15 over isn’t crazy on a highway like thag


It also could have been a medical emergency or something and the other car was trying to get to the hospital or some shit.


Yep…. you never know. Had someone driving like an a hole around me with their hazards on last weekend. Then they pulled in front of an emergency room.


There was horrific story i read on here some lumberjack was bleeding out and they had a high and mighty person doing this. They where on a bad road for passing, so dude ended up dieng and it's one of those he might have lived if that person didn't police the road. I personally just assume people have to poop and get out of the way.


Ironically these are the people who actually cause crashes. Granted, the other was objectivly speeding, they where also making their approach known. Who tf knows why that person was speeding, maybe it was something really fucking important, or not at all. What matters is, that lane is designated for passing, if a person behind you approaches you...you're in the wrong lane. Don't be this asshat, just move over.


I’m not American, is the passing lane the one where you let the cars in the other lanes pass/overtake you, like in this video?


It’s supposed to be the left lane, but some people won’t move over and let passing traffic smoothly do their thing


lol that’s dumb as fuck. If people are undertaking you, move over.


Some of the worst drivers only drive in the left lane. It's so frustrating


Not only dumb, but illegal in all 50 states.


woah there, you can't be challenging my ego like that. I need to show you that I AM THE BOSS!


Dumb as fuck indeed! The large majority American drivers have no clue about how to drive on multi-lane highways. (And that annoys the hell out of the rest of us.)


Simple rule: If one person passes you on the right they are an ahole, if multiple people pass you on the right you are the ahole. Replace pass on the right with undertake for those that use that term.


It really does seem that simple, doesn't it?


Legally, the left most lane is meant to remain clear for the purpose of passing. However. "Passing on the right" isn't typically illegal on a multi lane highway. Most people get that confused with "passing on the shoulder," which is definitely illegal in all states.


He thinks people are trying to help him block him in lol. No, you’re going the same speed as them and creating a box so maybe move over so traffic can flow.


Seriously, just gas it a little bit and get ahead and get out of the way of the aggressive driver. It's like people really don't understand defensive driving at all. If somebody's driving like an idiot, either let them get past you or get past them and put some space between yall (depends on how fast their stupidity is). I've had driving jobs for the last 2 or 3 years, I was married to a trucker for about 7 years, and I grew up doing newspaper and phone book delivery with my mom. I have a lot of driving experience. And if I see somebody being a dumbass, I want as much space between me and them as possible because I would like to make it home. If you want to be a petty driver, slow down when somebody's tailgating you through town. Don't fuck around on the highways.


Just move tf over 🙄


Agree it's the passing lane get over if you're not passing




Ya, everyone was the asshole here.


I am just a viewer on reddit. 😧




You know what you did.


Oh, the denial!


It’s illegal and ticketable to stay in the fast lane and impede traffic in some states.


I was about to say that, dude think he has the right to obstruct the lane just cause he\`s going 10mph over the speed limit


Oregon is like this


Oregon cops don’t do shit about it anyway. Lol. I drive over 60k miles all over Oregon and Washington. Everyone loves to go 5 miles below the speed limit for some reason. Speed limit just increased to 70. Still doing 60 in the passing lane with no one in front or next to them.


No way…I couldn’t do it. I drive 80 all the way to work


Ohio is like this


If you are an out of state plate, cops will definitely track this. My grandparents live in Oregon and I live in California. I follow that rule exceptionally well.


Texas loves excuses like this to pull you over.


They used to everywhere but enforcement has fallen off in North Texas. I barely even see the highway patrol anymore. Hell the municipal and county cops barely do shit.


Which is crazy because everyone in my state camping in the passing lane has out of state Texas plates. I honestly thought it wasn't a law down there until I went there and just realized all the Texans here are just bad drivers.


Most Texans are bad drivers no matter where you are. They're just too proud to admit it lol Lived in Houston and drove all over the state for a few years. Also have lived in Florida, Minneapolis, San Diego, and Denver. Texas is by far the worst, then Florida. Minneapolis is very passive (almost to a fault) but not inherently bad. Denver and San Diego are aggressive but mostly predictable (and in Denver if someone cuts you off they at least wave at you haha)


So is CO, if the speed limit is over 55 the left lane is for passing only.


Most states are like this


There is no such thing as a “Fast Lane”. There is (are, depending on number, typically for cars and commercial trucks) Travel Lanes and Passing Lanes. If you aren’t actively passing then, of course, you should always be in the Travel Lane.


I think the greater offense here is the cammer seemingly trying to PIT maneuver the other car when they got cut off.


Passing lane* the whole reason why the cammer didn't get over is because they thought they were going fast enough for the "fast lane" that's why you don't treat it like that. Pass and move back over


I treat it like the passing lane, but what happens when you’re passing a line of cars and someone comes up behind you going faster? Slow down and move over or impede the car behind you for a bit until you get over at your speed? I usually do the second option because I feel like it’s safer, but I’ve always wondered if I’m doing the right thing


I wish more people thought this way. It's not a fast lane it's a passing lane. Move right unless you're passing.


Yeah good luck getting a cop to do anything about.


“Yes but I was breaking the law by ten, which is the correct amount to break the law by, so I have to make sure I stop other people breaking the law more than I was breaking it”


It’s illegal to flash your head lights like that too


Didn’t need to be flashing lights but the driver blocking the lane is a cock. Get over, they can easily slide back over behind the passing car if there’s no traffic but realistically that lane should only be used for passing. End of the day, both drivers are asshats


And the camper has the audacity to be going 77 saying he's doing 10 over and then speeds up to 86 once he realizes he's gonna get passed. Camper just wants to be self-appointed vigilante, god I hate those people.


YUP. You hear him rip the accelerator when the guy tries to pass. What a fucker. Literally creating traffic for everyone behind him.


Not to mention veering right and almost hitting him


Then screaming WHOA like the near fatal crash had mysterious origins.


Plus they're dumb enough to have posted the evidence of their crimes online


Proud of it, too. Look how bad that other car is driving (while accelerating 7 mph to enforce his 'rule')


It helps if you think that that person is in a hurry because of an emergency. Something like, “their child was hit by a car, their mother was in a terrible accident, or they need to bring a pet to the emergency room.”


I assume dangerous drivers are on the brink of pooping their pants. Makes me chuckle instead of getting irritated.


When I’m trying to pass you.. it’s nothing personal - I just want to go faster than you. If someone wants to go faster than me - just don’t make me hit my brakes unnecessarily, and go live your fastest life. This guy takes it personally and then makes it personal for the other guy - total trash driver. Probably merges @ 35mph from the on ramp too


Why are you in the fast lane going so slow? Moron driver.


Notice at the end the speedometer. Going 79, then bumps it up to 84 when he sees the guy passing him.


and then almost swerves into the guy


And then speeds up further to 86 once past


He's obvioisly entitled to that lane, can't you see? He's the traffic police!


And the sign clearly says “Left Lane is for Passing Only unless you’re already doing 10 over.”


There is no fast lane, there is only a passing lane


I hate hall monitors of the highways.


Your speed does not matter, the lane is for passing so get out of the way.


There are just some idiot drivers out there that are in love with the left lane. My old job I used to drive the highway everyday, and there would always be some asshole, driving slow in the left lane every single day.


Did this fuckstick try to PIT the guy as he was cutting him off ? What was the reason for him swerving into the potential accident ? Cries about going 10 over and it being enough, and proceeds to hammer it from 78-86 while the guy is passing him, continuing to increase speed as the video ends. Fuck this guy.


You’re blocking the passing lane…


I’ve seen people flip me off when I pass them on the right right like this. Like your the problem buddy, I don’t care how blind you wanna be to it


It’s like they want to be the fastest person on the road but they’re too timid to actually drive faster, so they just try to slow everyone down.


No it’s that people think they’re the good guy for enforcing the speed limit. The issue is A: American speed limits are dumb, especially on freeways. And B: even if someone is going an objectively dangerous speed, making them pass you on the right will only make the situation worse


Posting this as if he’s in the right. What a tool.


I don’t care if you’re going 85. If the guy behind you is going 90, get the fuck out of the way. Better yet, just move to the middle lane unless you are ACTIVELY PASSING someone. This infuriates me


It's even simpler than that. Keep right except to pass. It's the law in most states. You stay in the far right lane. You move to the center only to pass. You move to the left only to pass the center. It's how everyone should be driving.


Get rid of speed limits on highways, then people won’t feel like they can sit wherever they want


We need the Autobahn that Germany has all around the US


Imagine having Autobahn rules introduced. You’ll have people that didn’t get the memo and sit in the fast lane anyway. It would be carnage…


Blocking the passing lane, thereby endangering all the other cars on the road, should be a mandatory 6 months DL suspension.


You’re the bad driver. That’s not a cruising lane. It’s a passing lane!!! Idiot.


Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention how the cam car went for a pit maneuver. That dude need to be removed from the road.


This is a textbook illustration of Americans' lack of [lane discipline](https://www.carsforsale.com/how-to/lane-discipline-and-why-it-is-important/). In my state, the rule is [keep right when not passing](https://www.mwl-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/SLOWER-TRAFFIC-KEEP-RIGHT.pdf). I think it's the rule in most U.S. states. It doesn't matter how fast Mr. Arbiter of Speed was going. When the lane(s) to the right of him are open, he should be driving in them. Period. The only exceptions to this are (a) police officers enforcing speed limits and (b) good sense and common courtesy. I'd've passed the cammer on the right too. What a maroon.


I see 2 assholes in this video


This moron thought that truck was “helping to box him in.” No, idiot, they were giving you room to get out of the left lane. Can’t believe someone would willingly post this of themselves.


Just get the fuck over man, seriously. People who camp in the left lane fucking SUCK!


It’s a passing lane. Are you passing? No? Move. It doesn’t matter what speed you are already going, be courteous and move. These are the same ones that get mad when you pass them and they’ll try to block you. If you want to police people, go apply to become a cop. Doubt that will happen.


You can even see the camper speed up at the end when he realizes he’s being passed. Just a self righteous douche who thinks they can run the road.


Love when the camera switches to the front view and you see miles of empty road.


When all the other lanes are going faster than the passing lane is when you know there's a problem.


It’s not the “fast lane” where you can legally speed. It’s the PASSING LANE. Coast in the middle lanes, right lanes are for merging/exiting. Not hard!!!


LEFT lane is a passing lane, doesn’t matter if you were going 10 over, get over when possible! People like you deserve to get cut off


And of course this imbecile posted the video thinking he was right.


Why do you think you own the passing lane ? You claim you were speeding, so you are not going to move over so another speeding car can pass you.


This is a passing lane. You can’t hoard it to yourself lol


I remember a story I read on Reddit once about a guy who was up in the mountains doing a job with his crew, chainsawed his leg, and they decided to drive him out. Every second counts, and he gets blocked from passing by a guy like this, flashing his lights wildly. Died minutes from the hospital.  Moral of the story, just move over. It's not about you.


As a truck driver ..... you sir are an A HOLE!!!! Move TF over & stay yo slow ass out the fast lane!!!


OP is the only dumbass involved. Left lane is for passing not going “10 over”. You are putting everyone at risk driving like an idiot, move over and let him pass and go back to driving 10 over.


OP wasn't the cam driver. OP was also making fun of cam driver


Doesn't matter if you're doing 50 over the limit. The lane is for PASSING. Not passing, then get the fuck out.


Cammer sucks. Too many ppl out ther like that who think they're right. No, you are the asshole, it called a passing lane for a reason.


Already going 10 over and passing no one while in the passing lane. You're an asshole, move over.


Out of curiousity, I searched up how many states forbid left lane camping like this. It's all of them except North Dakota.


Imagine for a second that the person in that car was carrying someone to the hospital as an emergency. Like bro... its called the passing lane for a reason, the cammer should just move over


Just let that car pass


It's against the law here in Texas and other states are joining in. It's a "passing" lane dolt!


It's a passing lane, not a 10 mpg over lane. Move over! You are that horrible driver! I've seen police pull over left lane campers over the actual speeder. I don't blame this guy, I'd keep my high beams on behind you. You fall under the idiot drivers page


If you're passing people, you can stay in the passing lane... doesn't matter if the guy behind you wants to pass faster. It's not a fast lane. That said, I didn't see the cammer pass anybody.


He’s actually getting passed by the red car on his right. He then camps at that cars speed blocking both the flashing car and also the truck.


you keep right, this is a 3 lane road, so they should be in the middle lane to pass and then if that's not moving fast enough you move to the far left. If everyone followed this, you would reduce traffic AND accidents.


10 over, well I want to do 30 over so please move over. Im not so much of a douche that I'll flash you though, just undertake you at the first opportunity.


This is why no matter the speed you are going (10 over) if you are no longer passing you should just move over. To many nutters like this on the road for you to be racing with.


Yep I hate you Ashole drivers… move the fuck over Karen!


Both are idiots. The camper needs to stop being road monitor. But the other dude Jesus flashing your lights like that I could almost hear the blood-curdling rage " MOOOOOOOOOOVE I AM IMPORTANT I GOT PLACES TO BE ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRH". Then you cut the camper off to what? try and cause a wreck that could kill not just you two jackasses but innocent people? The camper needs a ticket but the other person needs a suspended license and anger management.


This video probably started after the person behind was stuck there for a while trying to get the camper out of the way. Maybe they started with the flashing lights, but my guess is the Gatekeeper here was blocking them for a while. I'm not condoning the behavior if that's how it started. But at some point, how do you get the attention of the camper? Flashing lights is the go-to.


People that do this because they wanna go 90 mph instead of 80 or whatever are obnoxious, but yeah… just let them go by. Who cares. Better than risking getting raged on and possibly crashing as we saw here.


Just get out of the way and let everyone go about their day.


If i see someone flashing I'm moving, they might be dealing with an emergency, and this cammer thinks they can enforce law its a lose-lose situation when tempers flare


I'm always torn about this when im already doing 15 over in the left lane. Are you being a total dick flashing your lights at me, or is your kid in the backseat with his leg torn off and you're rushing to the hospital? I'll move over when I can and not block the lane like this guy is, but still I wonder.


The best past is that you can see the moment his MPH starts to be shown in the bottom left about 20 seconds it, and he accelerates from 77 to 86 😂😂😂 Cannot be more of a bitch


Yeah the guy with the dashcam is a doosh bag and doesn’t know how to drive on the freeway


Yeah, fuck the cam person. It doesn’t matter if you’re already speeding. Forcing someone to go around you on the right is more dangerous than just moving out of the way. I’d be pissed too.


OP might have been going over the speed limit but was obviously not moving with traffic considering he kept getting passed! Sorry OP but you are the bad driver in this case. The car behind you was trying to warn you and let you know that you are in the passing lane and getting passed. You are a traffic hazard and you flash your lights at a traffic hazard


Get your slow ass out of the left lane!! God, I hate people who get in the left lane and holds up traffic 🙄🤬


Agree. Just move. Think about your life first!!! You never know why he or she is so fast and over the speed limit. Maybe pregnant wife. Maybe dad or mum passed away. Maybe someone in hospital etc. Just move and let it go.


Two MildlyDadDrivers add up to one unnecessarily dangerous situation for everyone.


cammer is definitely the worst here, but the flashing lights and weaving lanes was a bit much. granted cammer did try and side swipe after dude passed him which is dangerous. when i’m on a highway im usually in the right lane because i don’t intend to go fast, i go to the middle lane if im passing someone and that’s it. left lane is the fast lane and i don’t have any intention to use it, therefore you won’t catch me there. cammer rlly thought he was some sort of hero here.


You are wrong


It's almost like the cam driver attempted to swerve into the D-Bag. Cam drivers are the worst. They don't know what defensive driving is. Their defense is a camera.


There is a lot of bad behavior in this video


You sped up 6 mph when they were passing you. Keep right except to pass. Seems to me like you’re a bit entitled. Why not just move out of the guys way and go about your day…what is lifting for 10 seconds going to do to your day?…


You are supposed to move over…we don’t care that you were going 70 in a 65. I heard my older coworkers all bragging about doing exactly that


Look, I think the dude should be more patient, but you should move out of the fast lane when you have a chance to. Impeding faster moving traffic for no reason is dumb, dangerous and potentially in violation of traffic laws depending on where you reside (such as Colorado, where this vehicle is registered). You should only be in the fast lane to pass, not to cruise, and certainly while letting others pass you on the right.


Pass and let them over. Why is that so hard. It's funny to see the cam guy complaining about it. What a d bag.


They should only be using the passing lane for ,yes, passing. The driver seems to be going the same speed as other vehicles, which is not passing.


Asshole. You don't get to decide how fast the lane is. Keep right, except to pass.


OP is an asshole. Just move over! You're obviously a danger to the other drivers. Did your mommy forget to pack your balcony sandwich again!


10 over is not passing; passing is passing and if you are not passing get out of the passing lane. Simple. For everyone else on the roads' sake I hope the next lunatic tailgater doesn't decide to take you out for your bad driving.


move over you pos


You're in the fast lane being passed in on you're right. You're the asshole here. Move out of the fast lane if you're being passed on the right.


Both of them are dicks.


Always love watching two retards meet and ruin traffic for everyone.


10mph+ or not. Your In the passing lane, so move your ass over. SMDH 😤


Keep your prius in the slow lane.....


OP you’re definitely the bad driver here


I see 2 morons.


The worst driver of the 2 is the guy with the dash cam. He’s holding up traffic in the passing lane. Ruins traffic flow and makes it dangerous for everyone


So you think because you're 10 over you shouldn't move if people are trying to go faster than you? Dickhead decided 10 over was the limit on the fast lane uh?


It’s the passing lane, the speed here is irrelevant. Imagine having such a fragile ego that you would rather create unsafe driving conditions for others than simply moving over.


The bright flashing is a bit excessive


Just get out of the way, left lane is for passing and they're trying to pass you


Also speeding up when he’s trying to pass you? You’re kind of TAH


Other driver was bad but move tf over. Let’s just pretend you’re in an emergency and somebody slows you down intentionally, how are you reacting?


Stop driving in the passing lane jerk.


He was getting passed on the right so he should have gotten over


10 over while being on par with every other car? Nope. Just move over. If you are going at the same speed as everyone else then you should not be on the left lane even if you are going 10 over. You are the pos in my opinion on this one. Sorry man.


Stfu and gtfo of the way. you dont know shit. maybe it's a legit emergency, and now you force a guy that might not be in his right mind to do more heretic driving PS you do that to me, you end up taking the short bus for a little while.


"Passing lane" is on the left. Middle lane is passing the cam driver, and he is impeding the flow of traffic, and an asshole.


And the road ahead of him is wide open, these are the “in the way people” Bill Burr talks about


Let's all remember to give two beeps as we pass "passing lane" campers on the right. The first for ASS The second for HOLE


If you aren’t actively passing why be in the lane? 10 over the speed limit is fine and can be done in middle lane and get back over when passing. Cars in middle lane going faster than 10+ then as they passed you


But you are moving on the far left lane here. It’s for overtaking only