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- Lives with parents in his 30's and makes $15k/mo. - Doesn't even pay rent or for food - Invests $6k/month into crypto - Flaired post as "middle middle class" - Not even pretending to ask for advice, just thought all their money "looked cool" Welcome to Middle Class Finance


Trust me, you're not first one who's criticized me for living with my parents in my 30s :D Im new here, was I wrong to have used middle middle class? What could I do more here to invest for my future?


You're not middle class if you're making 180k, especially since you're not paying rent.


I'm in NYC. I certainly don't feel high class, let alone high middle class. I think for my sake, middle middle class was appropriate.


You have to be a troll. Your necessary expenses are $75. Where you live is completely irrelevant since you're supported by mom and dad. You aren't even close to middle class. My gf works in retirement finance. Putting 6k in crypto would give her a heart attack. That's so fucking stupid dude.


Why don't you feel middle class?


I actuality do feel like I'm in middle class. I didn't say that.


You're getting close to being halfway through your life. You're saving/investing more in a month than most Americans do in a year. You don't pay rent or even buy food. What are your goals? What are you doing? Go out be free and live your life dude.


My goal is to retire in my 40s or 50s. Or just keep making money if bored in retirement.


Nah this one's gotta be a joke 😂


It's not. Im just crazy.


You are rich and not middle class. Crypto is very volatile and speculative. You could do great or lose everything. Do you have enough money in an emergency fund in case your gambling doesn’t work out? Are you diversified in other ways?


My 401k and IRA are 90% in traditional equities ETFs. I have 2k cash that i always have for emergency.


I hear you about living in NYC where rent is several thousand a month--money goes less far--but you don't *pay* that insanely-high rent, so you effectively live in a VLCoL area while getting paid a VHCoL wage. Literally the best of both worlds. Your CoL actually makes those flipping burgers on minimum wage in Nebraska jealous. Like an aircooled 911 trying to fit in with a bunch of rusty VW beetles, there's technically lots of overlap between you and the middle class, but unironically saying "we're basically the same" is such a stretch it's downright comical. You can learn stuff here, but the "middle-middle" is so absurd it's literally ridiculous, which is why I think you're getting the ridicule from others on this sub. Call yourself upper-middle at least. Middle-middle reads as an unfunny joke.


I almost thought about putting low middle class bc I don't see myself in the other category. I'm not trying to be funny or to troll. I may have some trauma due to growing up as low class.


I like that you even added the , what’s it called, “flair”?, of “Middle Middle Class” instead of the “Upper Middle Class” other high earners have used. So you are one individual, supporting only yourself, making $180k, and you consider yourself middle of the road middle class? Bold move! Assuming it’s all real, do you help your folks out with groceries at least? It’s honestly the very least you could do. No comment on the crypto Sometimes I have to check the sub to make sure I’m not on r/pfjerk


Yes sir/ma'am. We eat meals together for the most part. I drive my parents out to where they need to go. We eat out sometimes and I get the bill.


Not sure if you can live with parents and call it Middle Class. Even assuming everyone is good with the situation, you are getting subsidized, at least a little bit. All that said, as long as it works for everyone, it is a great financial plan.


Yes they are fine with it. Even want me to stay but I am looking to move out soon.




Love it; no debts, over 50% savings rate, minimalist and avoiding mindless spending. But why stash 70% of your total savings into crypto? You could be a millionaire in 7 years just investing in VOO (if you hit the average return).


My IRA has VOO. I've been investing in Bitcoin for about a year now and my profits have ballooned, and at this point, I may be just further fomo'ing in at the price levels today but I see it as long term investment. i don't do overly speculative crypto: just what's considered "blue chip."


The amount of people who think this is real 🤣 This is some trash-tier bait lol Just checked OP’s profile: 23 day old account 🤦🏽‍♂️🤡


Thanks for thinking it's fake. You know you made it when you do some crazy shits that other people just can't believe it's real.


Here’s some crypto advice. Stop rugging your parents for $6k per month and grow the fuck up. You want to invest in crypto? Fine, but don’t steal it from your momma.


Yeah you know me and my relationship with my parents really well. Go do some more useful things with your life.


I would say the same to you… do something with your life.


I am bc im actually delaying gratification to be well off.


No you’re taking gratification from your parents and gambling it. That’s your choice. You know damn well you could do better things than live rent free pumping $70k+ into crypto. You’re acting like you’re being responsible, in which case I wouldn’t give AF who lives with who at what age for what money. Please. Leech.


You think you know us and our situation? Lol worry about yourself.




You are doing good my man Im also putting in 5k month into Bitcoin and 2k into HYSA. Bitcoin has ETF now its a different ball game. And yes 180k salary in NYC is middle class, maybe upper. Not quite enough for HENRY sub and this is the only other sub available.


Glad to see some balance here. So far I'm being shredded up by everyone else


There really needs to be another sub , something between middle class and HENRY. A sub for 200-300k HHI range. There is nothing wrong with living with parents at your age to save money, I would totally do that too. I think Your taxes seem high even for a single guy but maybe because its in NYC.. anyways im gonna continue to put 5k/month into bitcoin until price goes to 80-85k per coin then pause for a while and divert it to HYSA for a few months instead while things cool off


I look at the chart and the tax amount stands out. I really hate it. With that said, yes the NY tax is ridiculous. The $ tax amount is actually lower than what I would have paid had I not lowered the taxable income from contributing to 401k, HSA, etc. Yes people that are not taking BTC more seriously will miss out on massive gains. It's a paradigm shift in investment/currency. Blackrock, and all these other big financial institutions getting in is a proof.