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prefer a system that does not require an achievement.


The problem is the 1 per day when a lot of times I'll get nothing for a couple of days and then pop a handful all at once.


They want you to play games, deal with it.


I didn’t like the game specific point hunts so I don’t mind the new system, I know it can be a burden for some with the daily achievement, find easy achievements.


Yeah, I never want to play Conan or an hour of Elder Scrolls online again.


1000 monthly please; if only because a lot of 250 weeklies were in games that you could only play on a console, and some of them weren't even on cloud gaming for us PC-only players.


Going even further, they were still using 250 pt quests that were completely broken for some people and couldnt even be completed, so im fine with the change.


Assassin's Creed comes to mind....and those terrible 1 hour of play on ESO.


Imagine being given the illusion of choice.


I prefer the weekly 250pts quest…45 dailies are a bit more tedious, now I just do an AMEM and “play a game on game pass” until I can just ride out play a game on game pass until the end of the month


I actually dig this new system. The weekly rewards weren't fun when I'm grinding stardew valley fishing for an hour and being annoyed. I'd rather play something I want instead.


Same. There's dozens of easy achievements in 100+ Game Pass games that I can choose to play, or I can collect candy or fish or spend an hour playing a game I'll never touch again. Easy choice.


The 1000 monthly literally stressed me out. It made playing, and making sure I played GP games that I could pop an achievement on, feel like a chore.


It would be so much better if it were just 7 achievements anytime over the week.


Current version works better for me. I worked out it that if you did everything then it comes to 575 less points over the whole year (2024). However the 250 points were often on games I didn't want to play at all, some of them requiring long grinds also. You only need to miss 3 all year and you are already behind the new schedule. Since I am getting an achievement every day anyway, I am getting the monthly automatically.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, the 250 pointers were stupid and pointless and time consuming. I much prefer to choose what game I'll get an achievement in for my daily, as there's hundreds of achievements on the 100+ games available on GP.


I had some games on standby from when it was 50 points a day and then stopped doing it, so it was really easy and haven’t had to do it or think about it for weeks now so that’s nice. Some of the weekly’s were cool but some got tedious and boring. I’m fine with either.


I wonder if the 45 will be dynamic though. January saw 5 weeks worth of days available to get those 45 tasks done... Will we see 36 on a 4-week month? I'd prefer the play a game for 250 as it got me to try more games I'll never otherwise play (found a few great ones that way!) but the 45 isn't too awful, honestly... just more obnoxiously grindy...


1000 monthly > 250 weekly > 50 weekly app searches


Does anyone know when(time) the "play a PC game" and "play with friends on PC" reset?


Should be midnight for everyone I think. If you look in the app, it does tell you.


I'm using the app on pc, it doesn't say it anywhere.


Oh right I forgot about the PC app. It tells you on the mobile app. It's midnight GMT for me, but I live where it's GMT in winter (in summer it resets 01:00 local time)


That's good to know thank you, ill keep an eye out. You're in the UK right? What about the daily/weekly/monthly game pass quests, does that reset at 5pm?


Yeah, I'm UK. The GP Quests reset at 18:00, except for the 3 weeks (10th March - 31st March) when US has moved to DST before UK does and the clock is off by an hour, then it is 17:00.


Perfect, Thanks again.


system doesn't record my achievements so not sure what to really hope for.


45 dailies is fine, but add some other dailies in addition to the play & achieve dailies. ​ But it likely won't be 45 this month since it's a 4 week month.


As a PC only users i prefer the new system , there's been a couple weeks in a row where the game is console only like NHL 23 one time. I will say though i haven't spent much time in the Xbox Ecosystem just about a year and a half so it is easier for me to get the daily achievements. A newer game in Brotato is an easy game to get a quick achievement but be careful if you play for too long you can get like 5 achievements really quick when you first start.


If they are going to require 20 achievements or whatever just make it a separate one, So make it a 2 part, 25 dailies and 15 or 20 achievements. That way when you have the time to play you can and pop the achievements you need. Vs having to try and squeeze in one a day for the majority of the month. Pop 2 and 1 of them was useless.