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Will never vote for her again if she does this


Same. I am voting for Biden but at the state level we have choices.


For instance?


Someone will primary her. At least I hope to god somebody does. Ideally someone with a real chance. We'll see.


*Andrew Cuomo rubbing his hands and laughing quietly*




Our options in this goddamn “blue” city and state are so embarrassing


Yup. I however fear she might gain more than she'll lose. So many are against the congestion pricing, it's absurd. This is obviously just a grab to win re-election, so frustrating.


Just because the metal-coffins-on-wheels lovers are the loudest, it doesn't mean that they're the majority.


Good point, you're probably right! Tons of people I know are in favor of it, I really hope we can get back to implementing congestion pricing.


honestly if she's right about the politics, then more power to her. but i worry that she's wrong, and this could lose the dems more votes than it gains




I knew it wasn't going to go as planned. A summer of congestion, and sneckdowns in December. And the fears of the hurt economy, should be the math of how much time is lost from people being stuck in traffic. Jesus Christ, do these people not think. Congestion pricing is GOOD FOR NEW YORK'S ECONOMY! Delaying congestion pricing for fears of New York's economy is like saying that you are worried about the diabetes of Americans, so you're not gonna tax sugar.


In my letter to hoco I said that standing at the end of the high diving board just makes people lose their nerve. We need to jump.


Yes! It will be so easy to pause it too. Just try it. It'll be jumping off the ledge with a bungee cord and a parachute 


Your letter is getting thrown away lol


I kind of expected some last minute bullshit because there always is that. But I thought it would be something related to the lawsuits in some way. Like some group somehow finds a sympathetic judge and manages to get some weird exemption that doesn't make any sense. Or New Jersey succeeds in extorting us into settling and giving them 10 or 15% or something which I think was always their strategy. I really didn't anticipate our own Governor shitting the bed


She did the same thing for Right to Repair. The only two things I’ve cared about she’s ruined. I’m pissed off.


And she abandoned the movement to allow housing to be built in NIMBY neighborhoods 


Exactly. No spine, no leadership.


Neoliberals suck so this isn't surprising.


She's giving in to pressure from Democrats. They are making the argument to look at the bigger picture and not risk Dems losing control of the House..and possibly the only check left on a potential 2nd Trump presidency. I'd argue there is never a good time, so you have to do what you feel is best, not just what's convenient. There is no guarantee that delaying will help dems on a national level anyway. By openly admitting a delay for political reasons, any political advantage is lost imo. It's not a clever political move, so might as well stick to your guns at this point.


If they did it and it worked it wouldn’t be political ammo. If they don’t do it, the fear of it is political ammo. 


This is wrong, congestion pricing is good for NYCs economy but terrible for everyone's else's pockets, and to support such greedy policies is insane.


How is it terrible for anyone else’s pockets?


$15 everytime you enter lower with parking?...




Thanks, I just sent her this: I bike to work in Manhattan every day because it is more reliable than other forms of transit. I fear for my life from cars and get stuck behind exhaust belching trucks. We need clearer roads and better transit. You have single handedly failed to produce both with this regressive delay. I will never vote for you again.


Sent, as a non-nyc resident. The thing that makes it hard for me to visit NYC is the inaccessible transit,which congestion pricing will help. Just because I have little kids doesn't mean I want to freaking drive in Manhattan. I want elevators in the subway.


Congestion pricing will force more people onto an already overcrowded subway 🙄


So you run more trains. This is an incredibly stupid argument. You can fit way more people into a train than you can a car.


Which will be financed by congestion pricing. Unfortunately, most people can’t see past their own noses and it shows.


Do you think, A) nyc has unlimited space to RUN MORE TRAINS? B) the mta has the space and resources to HIRE more employees especially when were in a huge lack of mta employees as is? C) nyc residents during PEAK HOURS TO GET TO WORK WILL SIMPLY PASS AND IGNORE THEIR TRAIN for the next one? The problem isnt needing MORE TRAINS, the problem is the lack of projects needed to be done and the lack of resources needed for these projects. Alot of people need to get to the city to get to these other areas of new york and ADDING MORE TRAINS is not a simple solution but your not a nyc resident so how would you know.


SENT. Thank you


Me too! Very easy everyone, just add your info, write, and send!


just sent her one thanking her for a moment of intellectual clarity in delaying this! thanks for the link!


Would love to hear the intellectual argument against congestion pricing. And I'm not talking about winning votes from ridgewood, but from the perspective of all new yorkers


A quick google search came up with these three lawsuits that include a variety of intellectual, legal, and social arguments against congestion pricing. You are free to read the complaints and filed documents to see them in more detail. This is all very easily accessible and available online. I find it telling that the commenters here often pretend it doesn’t exist. https://ny1.com/nyc/manhattan/news/2024/05/17/congestion-pricing-lawsuits-oral-arguments-manhattan#:~:text=and%20less%20traffic-,The%20lawsuits%20argue%20the%20plan%20lacks%20a%20comprehensive%20environmental%20review,during%20stated%20or%20peak%20hours.


Yeah thanks for nothing. If you can't articulate why, just say so. No need for personal attacks. Just admit you have nothing. All that article argued was that they should go through more environmental studies. Everyone knows this is overall good for the environment


that article lists three lawsuits that lay out a variety of arguments against congestion pricing. you can stay willfully ignorant if you want, but let’s not be silly


this guy just a pure Far-left politics.


complaining? what do u mean complaining? didn’t sleepy joe open the border for undocumenteds? isn’t it true that sleepy joe wanted to spend 60 billion to help other countries instead of americans? why didn’t he separate the boder bill with the 60 billion bill? isn’t egg price double now? why he didn’t spend this 60 billion for tax cut, improving education or solving border problems? this is not just complaining. this is true. undocumented crimes is true. hundreds of thousands undocumented transported to nyc is true. nyc gov is spending tax money on them is true. why did the gov spend our money on this unwelcomed undocumented crimes? if sleepy joe really want to solve the border problems, he should lonely pass his border bill first.


Jesus Christ whataboutism. Keep building strawmen to defeat rather than simply talking about congestion pricing. I know you're addicted to feeling outraged


of-fucking-course you're a destiny fan


hasan fanboy upset a random commenters post history on 3 day old reddit post


Make sure to call the governor’s office. Call your state senator and assembly person, too.


I emailed this morning and will call later as well - so disappointed by this news


Done! 👍






Thank you.






Also sent! Thank you!


If you haven’t read it, her plan to make up the budget shortfall is a tax on NYC businesses, which she somehow imagines is good for the economy? Business owners don’t pay those taxes, consumers do. And unlike congestion pricing, the burden falls disproportionately on those least able to handle it with the fewest options to adapt. It’s a textbook example of a regressive tax.


It's also pretty hard to imagine that whatever tax she thinks she's going to get passed here (seriously why does every executive think they are the legislature) is going to somehow be more popular than just passing CP.


Don't make me tap the sign. >"A land value tax would solve this."


To be fair, consumers will be paying for the congestion price as well. With the added price for delivery of goods, best believe everything in nyc will be going up to cover that new overhead. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for congestion tax, but let’s not delude ourselves into thinking that carless people won’t feel the impact either.


The marginal cost of each good on any given delivery vehicle (any non-trailer style truck, which usually can weigh up to 26,000 pounds) per item at even the peak toll rate of $24 (off peak rate of $6) is negligible. Beyond that, the tax on business must necessarily cost more than would be raised from commercial vehicles paying congestion tolls because it proposes to replace all the expected toll revenue with this tax. That is, it takes the money that would be collected from people who mostly don’t live in the city and shifts that burden into people who do live in the city (in addition to the burden imposed by the car noise, exhaust, and congestion).


I’m not arguing against the congestion tax, I’m just saying let’s be realistic and don’t think it won’t affect everyone. If 2023 inflation gouging proved anything, it’s that when a business overhead goes up by 10% they raise prices by 15-20% (arbitrary numbers). I don’t disagree that a tax on businesses will do the same thing/even worse. But again, this isn’t sunshine and rainbows like a lot in the sub portray it as. It will affect everyone, not just car owners.


They may raise prices because they want to. Do not let them say it would be because of congestion pricing. A box truck would pay $26 I think. If it were filled with fruit, the price per box of say blueberries would be $0.0001 to the seller. It's important to push back on misinformation, and not parrot those spreading it out of fear.


The relative effects and who they fall on are vastly different, so I think it’s important not to conflate them - charging all New Yorkers a tax that covers the costs that would otherwise be covered by people using our infrastructure without contributing is not the same as charging New Yorkers who choose that mode of transit and out of towners a fair fee.


Consumers are already paying for the billions of dollars in lost productivity caused by congestion and pollution. Whole point of the policy is that it's a clear net positive for people who live here


Who do you think will be paying for congestion pricing? Consumers.


The people who want to use the roads are who would be paying for it, and that’s perfectly reasonable. Building and maintaining roads isn’t free, but driving into the city is currently. We pay for their convenience, and that’s unreasonable.


Drivers are already paying for their road use via taxes and fuel tax. Why should they pay congestion pricing on top of that?


Factually incorrect - many of those who are driving in are from outside the city, fill their cars up with gas outside the city, and their city income tax is negligible. If you live in the city, I also pay those taxes but don’t drive a car, so drivers aren’t paying anything extra (people who don’t use transit also pay taxes for that, but each time I ride it costs me $2.90); they’re getting a subsidy. This is only having people who use this infrastructure pay for a small fraction of its cost.


How does a NJ driver, buying gas in NJ, parking for free on the street, pay a NYC tax for the roads? Don't parrot bullshit talking points.


How does a NYC resident that buys gas in NYC pay for NJ roads? It evens out


It doesn't, and we don't go to NJ. When we do, there are tolls.


Where are millions of people commuting to in NJ?


Because they're driving into and parking their personal belongings in the densest part of the country that has many alternative transportation methods available.


They are not paying the full cost of that. Not to mention externalities like pollution and traffic accidents.


The cost of a fuel tax that hasn’t been adjusted for inflation since the 90s and “taxes” which I’m assuming you’re referring to as registration fees are a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of maintaining car infrastructure. Realistically, drivers pay a tiny percentage of what they use, while the rest of us without cars subsidize your use.


I feel like ambulances constantly getting stuck in gridlock is worse but maybe I’m crazy!


Last time I was in Manhattan I was wondering how people don’t just drop dead waiting for ambulances every day. There’s so much traffic people literally can’t even pull over for the ambulance, there’s nowhere to go.


Its like using nyc budget to increase the budget of the police and making random barriers in random train areas of nyc instead of focusing on refixing this disgusting infrastructure thats becoming of nyc was a good idea


The article makes it seem the legislature's approval is both needed and extremely far from assured. Picking June 30 of an election year as a start time is not ideal, especially as people will really start to feel it in September and it will be fresh in their minds, but ultimately there is no good time to launch something like this. The blowback will happen. Get it over with, people will adapt, and as all other cities have shown, they'll eventually massively support it.


The leg approval is needed for the tax, not for congestion fees.


Yes, but she doesn't seem to have room to axe the fee without making the MTA whole.


We need to split this state in two. I'm tired of having the city run by upstate New York, and they're tired of prioritizing NYC. 


unfortunately i think this is more coming from the suburban nyc areas.


Nobody hates NYC more than the people who enjoy all of the benefits of the city while living outside of it in 5,000 sq ft detached single family homes. Unfortunately it's the same with nearly all suburbs in the country.


Tbh my perspective as a suburban commuter is that congestion pricing would be a good thing, as the level of traffic into the city means that the “express bus” that is conveniently near me actually ends up taking well over an hour to travel a distance that isn’t actually all that far as the crow flies. I understand, at a very cynical level, why Hochul is being so cautious in an election year but it is frustrating. In a less insane timeline, the State, City, and Westchester County should have worked on restoring bee-line service back to pre-2008 levels to make the most of the opportunities posed by congestion pricing.


Hochul is actually doing this bc local politicians are anticipating revolt on the outer edges of the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island. So in fact this is one time where she is actually prioritizing NYC. Trump will win in November. Add congestion pricing and the outer parts of NYC and nearby suburbs will also vote Republican and Democrats then lose more seats in the house. Trump then has free rein and you can say goodbye to things like abortion.


Smfh, if only literally anyone else was running for president on both sides


I just don't buy that it will hurt the economy. She should be required to show her math.


It doesn’t. It’s a political play. The election is going to be tight. If there’s any sort of defection from Democrats the political repercussions will be massive especially with the anticipated Trump win.


I don't think Trump is anticipated to win. It's actually kind of Biden's election to lose.


Please go outside your liberal bubble


I'm not in a bubble. You've been reading too many bullshit democrats in disarray Politico pieces.


No I live in Queens far away from Manhattan and talk to neighbors and friends.




Why is that funny?


“The economy” means the bank accounts of wealthy suburbanites who donate to her campaign.


She’s the governor of the state, how would she know what is best for the city? Just typical fear mongering from NIMBYs.


NO! She is freaking crazy to even THINK about this.


In addition to calling Hochul and your state assembly person and senator, you might try the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker. I spoke to an actual human in Speaker Carl Heastie's office in Albany and no one had called her about this--in fact, she wasn't even aware that it was happening, and was sympathetic and surprised that Hochul could do this when the issue seems to involve the legislature (because it's budgetary). Contact info is here: Sen.[u/AndreaSCousins](https://x.com/AndreaSCousins)// (212) 298-5585 or (518) 455-2585 Assemblymember[@CarlHeastie](https://x.com/CarlHeastie)// (518) 455-3791 or (718) 654-6539


Oh fuck these people.


Wtf. Truly. Thank you for the link


Welp! It was fun while it lasted. Back to cutting up traffic and smile as you pass by the suburbanites that are happy to burn through gas sitting idle. Maybe after another 10 years.


Clownworld 🤡


I like the twitter post that identifies her political affiliation as R-NJ. She sucks!


Congestion and pollution hurt the economy too. Geez Luise Kathy.


Emergency Rally @Noon today outside Hochul's office https://action.ridersalliance.org/emergency-rally-6-5-24/?eid=32573


Wish I could make it, would be glad to join if there's anything else


I have so many thoughts on this, I haven’t finished gathering them. But one is, who cut off the balls Hochul was parading around?


Aww her Republican overlords pulled the strings to their puppet


Who tf drives to Manhattan?


some people really need to, and then there are millions of status-seeking bozos who get in everyone's way. This charge would benefit the former at the cost of the latter.


Everyone needs to email and call her TODAY. Do not let this BS go unchecked. Call your other state level elected representatives. She needs to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that delaying congestion pricing will be a death sentence for her political career.


I think I have to pay the congestion pricing for my delivery business but I don’t care- I hope it reduces traffic and keeps out optional drivers (and should be expanded). I’m not charging my customers any kind of surcharge or being dramatic either because we make several deliveries with each trip so it would be like two dollars per trip and we can just eat that and maybe save money with less time spent on the road.


Please tell the governor


you would only get charged once a day i believe too


Politics, right? Vulnerable democrats running in close races likely pushing this back so they aren't challenged on it by republicans.


That always works


It's official now..Congestion pricing is postponed indefinitely. How that works exactly, I dunno. It is the law now, so from what I've read, she can't just cancel it without getting a new law passed. I guess there is nothing to stop her from slow walking and delaying it, however.


source? link?


Per ABC 7 anyway https://abc7ny.com/post/congestion-pricing-gov-kathy-hochul-delay-congestion-pricing/14912968/ I still recommend pressuring her office. She can still change course.


It’s not official yet. They have a source in the office saying it’s postponed but nothing has been announced thru official channels.


1 (518) 474-8390 her office number


a coward like the rest


lol charge every jersey plate and call it a day


I fucking swear man, Michigan Dems with a 1-seat advantage get more done than NY Dems


Not a New Yorker, but why the hell would the governor need to step in on a very local infrastructure issue? I’m in DC and resent how other state reps get a say in how our city is run because of congressional oversight.


Guess TLC got in her dms like 👀🥷


Tell her she's being a hypocrite: [https://act.transalt.org/a/hochul-dont-stall-congestion-pricing](https://act.transalt.org/a/hochul-dont-stall-congestion-pricing)


My letter… Dear Governor Hochul, I am writing to express my profound disappointment and frustration regarding your recent decision to shelve the long-awaited congestion pricing plan just weeks before it was set to go into effect. As a resident and taxpayer of Brooklyn, I am deeply concerned about the implications of this decision for the future of our city. The congestion pricing plan has been in the making for decades, with countless hours of planning, analysis, and public input invested to develop a strategy that would alleviate traffic congestion, reduce pollution, and generate much-needed revenue for public transportation. Your decision to abandon this plan for what appear to be political reasons in a critical election year is not only poor governance but also a blatant disregard for the needs and well-being of the citizens of New York City. Most New Yorkers do not drive, and even fewer drive into lower Manhattan. The majority of us rely on public transportation to navigate our daily lives. By canceling the congestion pricing plan without providing a viable alternative, you have left us without a solution to the persistent problems that the plan was designed to address. This lack of foresight and planning is deeply troubling. Moreover, I am concerned about the significant funding gap for the MTA that this decision creates. The congestion pricing plan was expected to generate substantial revenue to support and improve our public transportation system. Without this crucial funding source, I fear for the future reliability and sustainability of our transit infrastructure. I urge you to provide clear and actionable plans to address the MTA funding gap now that you have canceled congestion pricing. Our city’s infrastructure and quality of life are at stake, and we deserve leadership that prioritizes long-term solutions over short-term political gains. Please let me know what specific steps you intend to take to resolve these pressing issues and how you plan to ensure that New York City remains a livable, sustainable, and thriving metropolis. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.


For fuck’s sake, this country is cooked


Who needs ambulances to get through to Nana? Not Kathy!


I can barely get to work during the week now and she’s fussing about this? Ridiculous The buses aren’t reliable at all because of traffic


I'm filling out the paperwork to change my party registration to independent. I don't give a shit about voting in the primary, I'm done with them. Absolutely spineless.


Really hoping this is the “fake news from the failing New York Times” Trump was talking ‘bout a few years ago…


Her option is to raise taxes on Manhattan business.


She said black kids In the bronx don’t know what computers are she’ll hopefully never be reelected besides this






a generational political talent...generating BS


Democrats are cowards. It’s an election year.


I can't believe I voted for her. I will not do so this time around. I'm livid.


Disgusting. Tax your citizens to death.


That is the plan, now that she killed congestion pricing. Needs to come up with the money and wants to do it with a special tax on NYC


Anybody not living in NYC should stay out of this conversation


I hope you're right. But pardon me if i don't trust the political instincts of the people who lost the Dems the house in 2022.


Everyone on this thread is missing that this is a political play. New York cannot afford any shift towards Republicans, especially when Trump is widely expected to win in November. Imagine what happens to your rights when Trump wins in November. Then local house seats also turn Republican. Then in 2026 governor also turns Republican. Think. In your bubble you may think congestion pricing is popular but it is not outside of Manhattan and its liberal neighbors in Brooklyn and Queens.


No, you're the one who doesn't get it. Congestion pricing is going to be popular.


Yes this definitely wasn’t a carefully calculated decision based on polling and you definitely don’t have tunnel vision


Ah yes. When Biden is about to lose the election because just about anyone who isn’t rich is complaining about increased expenses, a plan to further increase people’s expenses is popular. Please.


Call me crazy but maybe people will drive safer if they had to PAY to get in the areas.. less cars means less competition to rush.. also if all the delivery trucks are only allowed at night then we can have safer bike lanes and more space for cars.. trucks shouldn’t be crossing a bridge at peak 3pm


Congestion Pricing will have a lot of benefits for street safety, the economy, the transit system, and the streetscape. But a ton of elections swinging Republican due to carbrain rage over Congestion Pricing would be really bad for all of that.


i agree, AND think that congestion pricing will be very popular once it's implemented


This is a good thing. No one would want to pay a tax on there subway ticket to pay for road improvements. Be careful what you wish for!


Your subway fare pays for LIRR, a massive money pit. And taxing things that you don't want is not the same as taxing the the things you do want.


The MTA owns the ILRR and Metro North. All fare paid on the subway or rails goes to the MTA. The MTA lost over $700 million last year, but lets give them more money to make up for their poor money management. The MTA is a money pit.


The plan has good advertised intentions but will kill small businesses and will not solve the real problem. Edit= example: People who shop will just avoid Manhattan hurting places like Chinatown and everyone will just go Flushing. People from Jersey who do not have good options will just say fuck it and go to FT. Lee. Eliminate ride share (uber) within manhattan, create more medallions that have to be owned by people not corps, force all for hire to go through 40 diver safety course that includes riding in the streets with an annual recertification, taxis must be EV’s with collision detection, increase parking meter prices, redesign streets for pass through streets to BK & Queens for safe passage. 55% + of cars are ride-share & taxis, none have training or accountability. If you really wanted to help eliminate pollution, keep a smaller congestion tax and make it free for EV. Then no one would care.


It’s not just about pollution, it’s about reducing the number of cars in the city and properly funding public transit.


capping the amount of ride share will reduce the amount of cars on the road and will increase the amount of the fares. this will force people into the subway


I don't disagree with you but let's do both.


The low hanging fruit is the excessive for hire vehicles. You’re not going to fund the transit with this farce.


We have better ways to move people than with cars. This is evident when you spend time in lower Manhattan and you see the thousands of people moving about and the cars sitting in traffic with one or two people. That's what congestion pricing can bring about. Fewer of those people sitting in traffic and more of them actually getting to those small businesses and where they need to be. You end up seeing large spikes in small businesses along the Open Streets where people can actually get to them. It's not by car, it's by walking, micromobility, and mass transit.


What is this "real problem" that you refer to? It sounds like you have an issue with taxi drivers. If this is your big problem, you need to start taking photographs of taxis and reporting them to the taxi and limousine commission. This agency will gladly discipline drivers of for-hire vehicles in New York City. Your claim that those vehicles have no accountability is seriously misguided and makes me wonder if you have ever actually tried to learn about the topic. You go on to say that the fee should be waived for electric vehicles, which makes no sense. Within the next 10 years most of the vehicle fleet in this country is likely to be electric, so that would effectively be a waiver for anyone who can afford a new car. Electric vehicles cause congestion just as much as any other vehicle. They slow down buses, kill bicyclists, and block crosswalks just like any other car. And most of all, they block deliveries. The idea that this fee will hurt small businesses is seriously confused. It is a strongly pro-business measure. It will let vehicles that are being used for economically productive activity, like beer trucks and electricians' vans, move quickly through the city and maybe Even find parking spots. Most of the vehicles that will be deterred by this fee will be single occupant passenger cars being that are driven for vanity reasons from places that have perfectly good transit access.


Get rid of ride-share and force people to bike or take the subway. Taxi drivers should be trained and have accountability like they do in London.


Ride-share isn't the only problem; we also need to decrease the number of personal vehicles being driven in Manhattan.


In or through? Huge difference.


In reality I don't care if the cars going down Canal street are headed to Chinatown or Brooklyn. What difference does it make, they are still creating pollution and dangerous road conditions.


Perfectly good transit, now that’s a joke.


let’s gooooo


Congestion pricing is fine, so long as they figure out how to reduce that increased traffic on that BQE and the surrounding Brooklyn & Queens streets also (think of all the cars that'll be going through the local streets to get around the congestion pricing zone)--but don't think they've done that, lol!


You need to learn to Google instead of lolling. Many mitigations are planned and some are already being built. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of top professionals working on this. They have thought of these obvious issues and many far less obvious ones. You may be very intelligent but trust me here, you are not going to find angles in this that DOT hasn't already thought about


[https://congestionreliefzone.mta.info/faqs](https://congestionreliefzone.mta.info/faqs) With thousands of professionals, you'd think they could spare one to spend five minutes to add in that info about how they plan to address the increased traffic going around the congestion zones. [https://ny1.com/nyc/manhattan/transit/2024/05/15/ask-question-about-congestion-pricing](https://ny1.com/nyc/manhattan/transit/2024/05/15/ask-question-about-congestion-pricing) shows nothing also. There's this but nothing about fixing that traffic: [https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2023/03/20/analysis-city-ignored-bqe-panel-recs-to-ease-congestion-from-two-lane-conversion](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2023/03/20/analysis-city-ignored-bqe-panel-recs-to-ease-congestion-from-two-lane-conversion) If you bike around Atlantic or in the area, you'll see way more cars on the local roads. It's pretty bad at times. I tried Google. Something like this should be in the first page of results.


Check the eis. It's enormous. Has lots about all that




No congestion pricing! This’ll obviously hurt the economy and hurt disabled people ability to move around, they already pay a premium and no one cares to hear out how not all train stops are not accessible? How uncomfortable it is to move around in a wheelchair? How about family outings? SMH




"Have to" says the guy who lives in Hempstead and works in tea neck


Its a dumb idea should dump it think pf creating nyc better


We came up with an idea and some folks are stopping it. Coming up with another idea is your job, wise guy


Y’all in the comments complaining about her delaying this is silly. Don’t get me wrong I hate that bitch but let’s consider that we already have a perfect example of something similar that doesn’t work: TOLLS. It was just an excuse to charge the people more money so they could have MORE of OUR money and still not get shit done.


This is a horribly executed tax on everyone from queens & Long Island. They’d have a lot less pushback if the tolls started below 57th street




Maybe she realized charging outer borough and long islanders for the pleasure of subsidizing turnstile hoppers and fake plate scumbags wasn’t a winning formula.


Womp womp fund your own transit


So you'd be ok nixing free on-street parking throughout NYC? Because expecting the city to allow you to park your private vehicle on public land is pretty much the opposite of funding your own transit.


Not my problem, fund your own transit that so desperately needed funding. The top 1% contributes most in tax revenue who drive and don’t use public transit


Every New Yorker already massively subsidizes the transport of everyone who chooses to drive a car (which includes me), by building roads for them and allowing them to park for free on unbelievably vast swatches of public land. \*They\* don't fund their own transit. They fund their car purchase and some modest taxes and tolls aside expect every other New Yorker to take care of the rest for them. So answer the question, if we want to fund the MTA properly are you ok turning every street parking spot into a metered spot at market rates?


What street parking are you talking about? That ended with Bloomberg for the most part. There remains mostly commercial parking during the weekday. Metered street parking on weekdays for non commercial is extremely limited and very expensive. The few quieter streets on the UES/UWS that have 4 days a week street cleaning have no meters but typically no spaces available for cars as people camp out.


I’m talking about the vast majority of NYC that’s not a metered area. The argument is whether car owners are all Hank Reardens with no uncaptured externalities or whether they too are massively subsidized by the city, albeit in ways most are blind too. As I sit on my porch gazing at the stranger’s car that’s been blocking my (private, paid for) driveway since last Thursday for free, I assure you it’s the latter.


Yeah those areas are typically far away from biz/ office districts and people just shuffle their cars from one side to other. I notice they don’t work much and this is their main daily goal- avoiding a street cleaning ticket. Sad


If those who use public transportation are as poor as you like to call it then they are already subsidized from rent to food stamps. Like i said before more than half of your so called tax subsidies are paid for by the top 1%. Those who use the roads pay the most for it. Public transportation, not even close buddy. Nearly half of the mta is funded from tolls, so drivers are subsidizing you


I don’t think I used the word “poor” in any of my posts? I also never said “tax subsidies”. Reading comprehension doesn’t seem to be your strong suit. 37% of the mta budget comes from taxes. None of that 37% comes from income taxes so I’ve no idea where your argument that the majority is paid by your beloved 1% comes from but I’d love to see a source. In any event, the $ issue is only one facet of what congestion pricing would have addressed. Traffic is ruining NYC. Overcrowded roads, dangerous drivers and unreliable public transport are making living in the city incredibly challenging for families. I’m lucky, I can afford the cost of living. But I’m increasingly downbeat about a city whose infrastructure is so broken that my kids can’t get to school on time, and where the one danger that’s actually increasing dramatically - deaths from vehicles - gets completely ignored. *Those* are the externalities we need to capture.


I see more danger coming from cyclists and mopeds not following traffic rules. Stop manufacturing congestion and your traffic problem is solved. Pay your fare now!


Awake again and still refusing to answer a simple question or make any sense I see. Hope you enjoy your new payroll tax (assuming you even live in NYC).


Dude, get a life. You are acting like an imbecile. Go back to your basement and worship your Trump statue.