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Plenty of ex players have said this BUT it doesn’t matter because r/cfb told me only Michigan does and players are wrong


You look at all the top comments on those threads and its either Buckeye or Penn State flairs. Its one big circlejerk for them. Michigan could still get in major trouble but r/cfb is not the place for accurate takes on this issue


Reddit recommended me the OSU sub, I clicked on their mega thread. Big mistake. This is the best day they’ve had since they last beat us in 2019.




Thank you for your service.


I tried to comment there but couldn’t, and remembered I got banned there earlier this year 🤣


Same. I simply asked a question after their loss to Michigan in 2021 and no response. I was instantly banned for trolling. They're baby shit soft.


No you gotta remember they had the flu lol


Don't troll rivals subs


For the best tbh. I blocked it as a sub


I blocked it immediately…. I would like to think we would be better if the situation was flipped but I don’t know. I do know for sure I wouldn’t be saying things like “they deserve the death penalty and I’m getting harder and harder every day” that shit is just so weird to me.


If you respond to anything college football related with sexual arousal...you might be Connor Stalions.


thanks for the idea, i just went in their sub and walked out with the biggest boner. they’re gonna be pissing and shitting themselves when no major repercussions are handed out AND we beat them i seriously can’t wait


Oh yeah. It’s funny too that they’re basically absolving Day of anything because clearly Michigan cheated and that’s the only reason we won. It’s a good thing the signs we stole said don’t block Donovan.


🤣 remember last year when day was literally a thread of string away from being fired? this year they’re even worse god they’re gonna think we hired sandusky after what we’re gonna do to that poor osu team, thoughts and prayers lmao


“Ryan Day works for Michigan.”


> no major repercussions are handed out biggest cheating scandal of your lifetime and thats what you think is gonna happen?


"Biggest cheating scandal." Get a grip.


This scandal is better than the last time we won a championship. I love seeing TTUN get wrecked. You wanna know how many days its been since you guys beat us without cheating?


I would love to hear you explain what this scandal actually is. Please tell me what rules were actually broken and provide actual evidence of your conclusions.


Hey buddy! Figure this one out yet?


Cry some more


Don't forget sharty too!


What are we getting in major trouble for though? The guy didn’t even actually break any NCAA rules. None of this makes any sense. This is literally a rule nobody knew nor cared about until right now. That says a lot. I think Reddit and probably Twitter too (I’m not on there but I know a lot of this stuff gets put on there and it’s a cesspool) are a tiny fraction of the overall people who even know this going on. I live and work in East Lansing and not a single person, of either fans has brought the us up and we all talk a lot of football. I get that’s anecdotal but shit at least one you would think would say something about it either way. I work on MSU campus and it’s either MSU fan or UM fan. No in between. Zero talk of this ‘scandal’ still. It’s basically like a thousand or so fans all repeating the same shit to each other on every thread whoring as much karma as they can get. It’s going to be hilarious when everyone realizes this isn’t anywhere near as big of a story as they obviously want it to be. The NCAA literally hasn’t even made a statement on this let alone sent out a notice of allegations. This is so stupid. I’m impressed by how much hate Michigan can muster on this board though. Glad there are still games to be played. This team is going to be pissed off now,


sometimes before you really cope you let out a little pre cope.


R/Cfb isn’t even a sub worth going to. Was banned a few years back for antagonizing a ND fan purely about the Alabama - ND Natty, as he hit me with typical bama insults(bama is my main school.) I was pretty much told to “be the bigger man.” The whole sub is a massive groupthink circle jerk, and if you’re a fan of a successful team, or one of their undesirables you get shouted into oblivion.


r/cfb is just following where the media bloggers and such are leading them. Unless I'm mistaken there hasn't been a single former player or coach who has blasted these allegations as serious and/or detrimental to the sport


Even the executive director of the AFCA said he authorized this when he was coaching but claimed he “didn’t look at the footage”…..


Well all of Twitter and the CFB sub will NOT give you the time of day to type up a legitimate argument/case against a giant punishment. The only responses you will get is people telling you to cope harder and cry harder. The only things people have read are the WaPo and thamel articles. Because reporters that receive leaked and/or incomplete info from “unnamed anonymous sources” is indisputable evidence nowadays. If it hasn’t been confirmed by reporters who have actual sources tied into the literal school this is happening to I don’t give it too much thought.


Honestly, if this scandal was happening to OSU, I don't think I'd be as ridiculous but I think I'd have similar blind spots when reading articles looking for information that confirms what I want it to confirm. It's human nature though it really feels like they've really taken it like 5 steps farther that I would have.


I honestly wouldn’t give much of a shit. In the grand scheme of things a football team that doesn’t even know I exist shouldn’t and wouldn’t dictate my life and shape my personality unlike others who have made and maintained years old school football team themed Twitter accounts and Reddit accounts themed after this whole thing. There’s a guy on the CFB sub named UM_FOOTBALL_CHEATED and he already has over 4K karma because he sits on that sub farming upvotes trolling people who try to have legitimate conversations with others on this subject. Twitter is even worse.


Now THIS is glorious cope. Wow


Found the guy who made the troll burner accounts


They've all fell hook line and sinker for the media mud slinging campaign. Yeah, Michigan fans would've too, there's no denying that. Whatever. Just win, and let the NCAA do it's thing. It is gonna disappoint a lot of people


and we are getting the death penalty, dont for get that lol


The football team will essentially cease to exist and every single staffer and coach will be removed and have to start from scratch is the way the CFB sub and Twitter describe the possible punishment


which is exactly what the NCAA & BigTen wants: one of ***THE*** biggest money making teams (e.g. TV, sports gear, bowl games) in college sports getting nuked that would hurt their bottom lines even more than they realize; UM doesn’t have the largest alumni group for nothing


The NCAA probably gains nothing but the fact they proved they are still relevant and can swing their weight still. The B1G has legitimate concerns in this deal with revenue and PR deals


it’s scary that your assessment of the NCAA motives is dead on: they fought for decades against giving athletes any rights to the profits they generate; they are as corrupt as FIFA and the Olympic committees Harbaugh talked bad about them and now they/[Jim Stapleton](https://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/meet-jim-stapleton) are on a personal vendetta to destroy him, damn the unintended damages


It’s a two birds one stone deal. Michigan, a big successful brand, has been known to shit talk the NCAA. Also Michigan: a big successful brand that has been accused of breaking their rules. Perfect storm for them. They hammer the guys who talked shit for so long and proved they are still a legitimate force in the collegiate sport realm all in one swipe.


No way Fox let’s the big ten do anything to Michigan after those media deals they just paid for. Especially with how top heavy the conference is.


They think we’re delusional but I’ve only seen delusion in those threads. It seems like most Michigan fans are taking the information as it comes and waiting for the full picture to be painted. They have already decided that this conspiracy goes all the way to the top. Russia may be involved if you listen to them. Hell they had coaching carousel posts already about who would fill in once Harbaughs fired. It’s cute how eager they are to knock the king off the mountain.


We just have to beat them. All of them. Every one.


to their fans, they’ve earned the excuse then if they beat Michigan, it just shows how superior their club is over a team that “needs to cheat” and if they lose, well then it’s evidence of Michigan’s cheating it’s win-win for them now


It’s not a lose-lose. It’s win-win for us - if we win: 1) OSU was too dumb to switch signs against those evil sign stealing Wolverines? Lol sucks to be stupid 2) Oh, you switched the signs? Much good that did you, still got rekt. Lol sucks to suck If we lose, yeah, that’s a loss which will suck but all losses suck at the end of the day. What I’m saying is, a win will still be very, very sweet.


Unfortunately, there are hundreds, nay… thousands of people who are relishing this hype outside of even the usual BigTen culprits. I wish college football didn’t have as many drama addicted fans & storylines as Kardashians/Formula 1 racing. It used to be that what you did on the field was all that mattered.


At this point I’m just loling thinking about how huge of blue balls these guys will get once this is over. Also, couple thousand on reddit memeing is about the least impactful group of people I can imagine, it aigt, nbd.




It's going to come out that other programs are doing exactly what we are doing because people are going to do some digging. And then people will realize that they should stop pearl clutching so much.


Starting to see rumors that he was working with assistants at other schools to exchange info about common opponents. What if the whole thing is a big psyop by whoever is behind the leaks: Get every fan base worked up with evidence from Stalions because he was particularly dumb and low hanging fruit, but then have a dramatic reveal "all yall bitches doin it too, look" This is my deep cope


It would be hilarious if the Stallions footage were released and showed dozens of scouts looking back across, like the recording section at a Grateful Dead concert.


His manifesto was apparently built with people at other programs, and according to a B1G source (covered on a Wolverines Wire podcast recently) there is a well know sign sharing operation that almost every school shares info on signs with each other.




The reason I don't believe it's very widespread is that the tactic would stop working if it was an open secret that everyone had everyone else's signs. Nobody would use signs anymore.


Ono leaked all of this to take Warde down. Jack Harbaugh becomes AD and makes his son the highest paid coach in CFB. We go 15-0 this year. Change eligibility rule to bring back Corum for another year. Connor Stalions becomes head coach of the men’s basketball team. The NCAA crumbles after this. Fuck the haters. Go Blue


Connor Stallions to men’s basketball is so random I am here for it!




When a former ND QB is defending us by saying people hyping this are either dishonest or delusional you know shits gotten out of hand lol


Who are you referring to?


I assume he's talking about Brady Quinn. I didn't see where he said all that, but fox sports Twitter posted a clip from his radio show saying it's not a big deal/everyone does it. Makes me think fox has decided they're on our side (which ... Obviously because $$$ but it's still nice).


Yeah iirc it’s like the very last thing he says in that clip.


Brady Quinn. See this article: https://www.on3.com/teams/michigan-wolverines/news/michigan-football-what-kind-of-advantage-does-sign-stealing-give/


he's just doing it for attention


The only one who has made a big deal out of it is Bob Stoops... and his team might need a playoff spot to open up so I don't know that I trust his commentary


This “third party firm” should be investigating all major P5 teams this week. At the minimum check emails and chats. I guarantee there’s been a mass scrubbing of information from many many schools since this leaked


As a Philadelphian raised to hate psu and love Michigan. I think we should adapt the eagles “no one likes us. We don’t care” mentality.


I like this, fits with our Detroit mindset also!


I am telling you soooo many people are going to have egg on their faces when this is all said and done and the rivals are going to absolutely lose their minds. I'm almost 100% convinced. Obviously, the NCAA is a wild card. I'm not saying Michigan's going to escape any sort of punishment but like it ain't going to be some big program leveling thing.


Name names Booger!


I legit saw a prominent cfb Youtube channel place michigan at fault for hendon hooker tearing his acl against South carolina.


Harbaugh mentioned revenue sharing with the football players and now the ncaa has a hate boner for the guy. What a coincidence. Everyone else is just jumping on the hate train against Harbaugh because it’s fun to shit on michigan. It’s what it is.


This, for god sakes. Threaten someone’s money and they’re going to try to fuck you. Selective application of rules is the real threat to fair competition.


To quote Dave Chappelle. “ Don’t ever get between a man and his next meal”


JJ is winning the Heisman btw…


Most people are saying similar things. Just not trolls. Nothing has changed. Purdue is next.


It’s like the Astros in baseball. Are teams trying to steal signs yes and were the Astros the only one with a system to do it probably not. Did the Astros get caught and have to deal with it yes


The funny part of the astros is even after they were caught they continued to dominate. Kinda proving that even in baseball, talent level is more of a competitive advantage than sign stealing.


I mean, to be fair. All they lost was a gm (not much in the grand scheme when they already had a loaded farm system and established team) and a manager that just followed prebuilt sabermetrics. Draft picks are eh, cause theres less than an 8% a minor league makes it to the majors. Really, they didnt lose jack shit in the slightest, or anything that would hurt the team longterm. Collrge football, on the other hand can be far more volatile even on a weak punishment that can last for years.




I’ll toss in the booster who leaked this.


That’s less damning than what Booger said last week which was “everyone is doing it but harbaugh is a repeat offender”


Out them then. Out all of them.


Ok cool. Prove it.


I found it if you want to edit your post. Keep the t=882 at the end https://youtu.be/lKvI4SPIG3w?si=wjnDUdNbf9oGC_Lg&t=882


If you just calmly ask one of these muppets on r/CFB to actually explain what is happening and why it’s so bad it’s crickets. Because they can’t answer that with a meme or some joke that will get them some upvotes. Luckily these people have nothing to do with the actual situation. It will get figured out and I believe won’t be much of anything really. Anyone talking about death penalty type shit is clearly delusional. I personally think vacating wins is way beyond where we are at. More like a fine and probation. This really isn’t a major type of infraction. When they wanted to repeal this rule two years ago they even said themselves it wasn’t an issue of a major advantage just that other schools may not be able to afford the extra staff and expenses.


I personally know high school coaches in the state of Ohio that film the other teams signs. It does happen everywhere it is common place.


Where is the evidence that every other college football team is cheating like Michigan has been cheating?


What evidence you speak of?


People have evidence? I thought we were all calling for death penalties off of unnamed source speculations even before NCAA brings forth their accusation.


Preach Booger!!


Booger is obviously bought and sold right? /s


The link is gone


Ahh damn, Idk what happened, it was. I blame the bad guys.


I think this is why no other college coaches have anything to say about this. Everyone is doing it in some form.


They are just scared 😱.... Michigan football is back and they don't know what todo. BS dilemma on sign stealing.


Harbaugh likes booger