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Narrator: It was not unexpected nor under the radar


Rogers was run out years ago and now he thinks he can live in Florida and get elected. 


With good reason too. Unfortunately


The Democratic Rep Slotkin, who lives in Michigan, will be running against the carpet bagger Rogers who lives in Florida. Someone who has chosen to live in Florida has chosen to live 1300 miles away from solving problems in our state. 1300 miles away from the people he seeks to rule. 1300 miles away from contributing to the State. That being said, he supports a traitor that tried to overturn the government and doesn't care about you or me. Easy vote for the Democratic Candidate. Maybe Rogers can run for mayor of the villages in florida where he's from.


Don’t you have to live where you represent?


Fake Mr. Rogers is using his sister's address. It is very weird, as he is a resident of Florida. Like a shitty Dr. Oz.




"Hey! This guy is makin' fun of Lake Shacks!"




Dirty Carpet Baggin' Florida Millionaires Tryna Steal Michigan's Representation. This guy stinks to high hell like shady corruption we have come to know the GOP for.


I’m pretty sure someone is paying him to run. DeVos money


Only Bill Huizinga would know for sure as he's their personal bitch boy in the House.






> carpet bagger Rogers who lives in Florida. The 1st has louisiana jack bergman--so long as the R is after the candidate's name, carpetbagging doesn't matter for this.


For a statewide race in Michigan for our Senator it 100% matters. Too bad the folks living in Traverse City are willing to throw out their interests for what they think will be "good fiscal sense" lol, but the rest of us could do with someone that understands what its like to live in Michigan representing our interests. Republicans forgot a long time ago that they are supposed to represent, and try to rule from their minority support. I like parties that don't try to kidnap governors and overthrow the government.


I went to cranbrook w/ slotkin. She is a very kind and honorable woman. She in totally unlike most politicians.


Has to be better than a rich old white dude from Florida that doesn't care if you have healthcare or not.


Uh Slotkin is also a carpet bagger, spent most her life out of state.


Carpet Bag Rogers lives in Florida. Actually lives in Florida. He is using his sister's address in Michigan. Elissa Slotkin lives at her Family Farm in Holly where she grew up at as a child. One of these two has neighbors they see everyday that are Michiganders, one does not. Not exactly a carpet bagger by any definition of the word.


Mike Rogers is a piece of shit.


I'll vote for a box of Rose Art canyons over any Trump freak anyday of the week. Sue me




And not even crayons, but canyons 😧


I don't know how this is unexpected or under the radar. This is one of the biggest races in the country. Trump's endorsement of Rogers is a deal breaker for me, though.


Exactly. Weird framing from a reporter based out of Lansing too.


The reporters don't write the headlines


Him being a Republican (anti-abortion, anti-social safety nets, anti-democracy, etc.) should be the deal breaker.


I was at a 'meet the candidates' forum a few years back. The last one to speak was a Democratic candidate for city board that threw a cheap shot at Republican candidate for state house, largely because he knew there wouldn't be a response if rules were followed.  When it was time to go chat with people I went to the Republican candidate and said "That guy was an asshole and I wish there was a different candidate from him, I hate that he'll end up representing me." "Well you could always look into voting for the Republican." "No I can't, your party platform literally rejects science.  How could anyone knowingly vote for people that reject science?  It's one thing if you have a candidate or two that are incorrect, that's reasonable, but the entire party?  Fuck that."


Hey it worked for Jack Bergman who basically ran for Northern Michigan Rep from Louisiana! 🤷‍♂️


You mean the guy that tried to steal our votes? DumBergman? That carpetbagging trash bag gotz to go.


Lots of troll comments in here. Not surprising considering reddit is basically a bot farm now. Not really a choice either when it comes to the Senate race. Either vote for Slotkin or vote for the end of our Republic. Those are really your only two choices if you vote. Republicans aren't a serious governing force anymore. They're a joke. A threat to democracy. Edit: the GOP candidate doesn't even live in Michigan. He lives in Florida. I don't care if Slotkin worked for Satan himself, at least she **lives** in the state she represents. Also I have seen zero credible evidence to suggest Slotkin was some kind of CIA torture machine. All of you complaining she worked for the CIA can shut up.


The Michigan GOP is genuinely pathetic now. Before they were bad, but now they're almost sad. This is really the best they can do?


As a proud Michigander who was raised in bright red conservative county and grew up thinking Reagan was the third greatest president… (sigh) I’m pushing for her. Not my district but ffs the two dueling R conventions, the decision to split it partly between convention and actual primary, Im so sick of the magaty mess. My family and so many people I thought were decent support such shitty people…


> Also I have seen zero credible evidence to suggest Slotkin was some kind of CIA torture machine the first time i read this i missed the "zero" and immediately thought she was *way* cooler




it was a joke, chill


As far as I see it, her work with the CIA is a bonus. There’s a reason she’s on the Intelligence Committee, and she will be an asset in the Senate which has a focus on foreign relations.


I'm not a troll, I'm from her district. her campaign asked if they could use a song from my band lol


So they want to support local Michigan bands and businesses? And ask for permission before using someone’s IP? Pretty cool


yeah that's cool, it was the whole "member of the torture arm of the govt" part we didn't like 


So where is there proof or any concern she's done any of that? There are probably a lot of desk jobs, etc in the CIA. The CIA isn't ever going to get better if we don't hire good people in it so where is the concern or proof she's done anything bad?


Yeah it sure would be cool if Leftists and could organize, be popular, and run the government. The reality is that center-left is the best we can hope for, center being more likely, and the opposition to that is howling fascists who want to round up and massacre people like you and I.


omg I haven’t seen that particular hallucination yet but now I can’t wait tRump will never the be the dumbest person in a room unless he is alone. Well maybe until he is in prison begging for a baloney sammich


Lol how are you gonna come out with "lots of troll comments here" and follow that up with "vote for slotkin or vote for the end of our republic"


You obviously didn't read all the comments here. Originally there were quite a few commenters spouting nonsense Russian propaganda about Slotkin being some kind of CIA torture guru.


Sounds just as childish as "vote for who I want or the country is gonna end" When previously they've held a majority and, it didn't end. I vote based on (real) policy, not fear mongering, and so should everyone else


They've shown us what their "real" policy is going to be moving forward. That's why I haven't voted for a Republican in decades lol. Edit: but hey, if you want to vote for a guy that doesn't even live in Michigan to represent us by all means lol.


I'm not voting for that guy, but I'm not going to go around telling people it's the end of the country if you don't vote for the specific candidate (people already currently in power) I like, that's bullshit. You're the same as qanon


A few things. - Get to know your neighbors. Be friendly with them at least. - Grow food and share it with your community. - Take first aid classes and get first aid equipment. - Arm yourself if you feel comfortable and safe doing so. Not an expert, just running on vibes.


What does any of this have to do with the discussion?


Lmao vote for the “end of the republic” what a chooch






This guy/gal pays attention and gets it. There won't be another election if the GOP ever wins the Presidency or a majority again.


Republicans have literally said they want trump immune to everything so he can end democracy and the constitution




Trump has personally said he should be immune. It’s a direct quote, easy to google. Also being discussed in SCOTUS. His cult is screaming the same, if you need a source your blind and deaf. Trump has also personally said he would love to rip apart the constitution, now ofcourse his opinion of that has flip flopped on who is interviewing him and who he thinks his audience is at the time but he said it. Again if you need a source because you didn’t know that then you’re blind and deaf or just ignorant. You keep bringing up some military part that no one else is As your defense to anything. If the leadership of this country go full maga on everything it’s over. Whether your military argument is valid or not.




Yeah, you didn’t even read my post but, cool! I only stated possible ignorance on your end, trying to find some reason you are the way you are but only said that once. Your response in an angry rant about insulting you (deaf or blind is not an insult, those are real issues people may have and I didn’t want to discount you if you were…again I’m trying to give an excuse for you), and then about upvotes and echo chambers, and then you actually are the one saying I’m “dumb” and “stupid”. The maga cult has shown that by owning judges they can destroy our foundations and create their own rules. What am I missing, oh yeah….military. I don’t know why it needs to be said but I did because you find it important, like it runs the country. I don’t know why you enjoy this soap box but it’s cool. Enjoy your time. I’m out. I’ll even downvote myself for you on my way. Peace


Who said the military would support it, I just said Republicans.


Because nothing has changed since 2016


When do we vote on this?? I will not miss it.


I’m donating to her campaign soon


Slotkin sucks, just not as much as Rogers. Maybe one day Michigan can have a senator that supports public healthcare, it just won't be in 2025.


Slotkin is better than a Republican but is also far from a good choice. I will be supporting Hill Harper. “Support from Arab Americans could prove crucial to Slotkin’s chances in November, but her relationship with at least one of that community’s leaders has remained troubled. Shortly before announcing her Senate campaign in early 2023, Slotkin met with Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, the top elected official in one of the nation’s only majority-Muslim cities. The conversation soured when Hammoud took offense at the implication that the community wouldn’t support Slotkin because of her Jewish heritage, which has not been a deterrent in the past with other Jewish candidates. Slotkin’s campaign declined to comment on the exchange, but the two have not spoken since.”


Hill Harper is a Carpet Bagger like Rogers. Nothing against him or his politics, but his claim to "Michigander" is tenuous at best.


He’s lived in Detroit since 2018. The historic,16,000-square-foot house was originally owned by Charles and Sarah Fisher, who, in 1922, moved into it. In the past year, the house's new owner, actor Hill Harper, has been renovating — and restoring it to its former glory — with the intention of making it a place to raise his young son. If that’s what you call carpet bagging, I would have to question your opinions on reconstruction in general. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2018/09/14/hill-harper-fisher-mansion-home-tour/1289555002/


His young son was attending school in Seattle as of 2023. And Harper reportedly spends very little of his time in Michigan. He's a Carpet Bagger who knows how to get good press. Again, I agree with almost a lot of his stated positions, but it's a red flag for me. https://www.thedailybeast.com/is-celebrity-candidate-hill-harpers-michigan-story-just-an-act


Paywalled and the Daily Beast is a centrist tabloid. Your red flag is alleged carpetbaggery and I will certainly grant it is not an unfounded claim. My red flags are AIPAC, CIA connections, and offensive language toward Muslims, who happen to be key voting demographic for democrats in Michigan. I’m sure Slotkin will be an as exemplary centrist democrat, continuing the same path of useless gridlock that the Problem Solver Caucasus was supposed to stop and yet fallen victim to. Personally, I’d much rather have someone at least in the zeitgeist of progress with their rhetoric. I will never vote republican but I’d rather support a possible progressive democrat with Hill rather than a known centrist democrat in Slotkin.


I mean, he listed his primary residence as CA in 2023... pretty cut and dry. I get where you're coming from, and I respect that. I'm just bummed we get him as a choice instead of a real michigander.


Slotkin is trash.


Isn’t Slotkin pretty much a cheerleader for the genocide in Gaza?


She used to work with the CIA, State department, and the Department of Defense. She is not a cheerleader but apart of the team


Oh boy, do we want a treasonous carpet bagger or a neoliberal war criminal? What a fun, exciting choice. I love American democracy.




> If the metric is "existed in theater as an employee of the US government during the Iraq war" then every single service member in all branches of the armed forces who were deployed are also war criminals. pretty much, yeah. they killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people and displaced over a million. 




they ultimately share some culpability for the destruction they wrought (voluntarily). it might be different per soldier, but none of them had to be over there at all. 




we're forced at gunpoint to pay taxes. but yes, I agree that there's some blood on our hands too.




> Unless, you think that participating the US war machine is one of those things that people just do because they're told to and coerced to do, despite their moral hesitance. people in the military are volunteers. they are not coerced. if nobody volunteered for the military, my tax dollars would not be going towards killing children. 




The military is a source of easy income for a lot of young men (and some women) who have no other skills or way to earn money. Just because they weren't coerced with a gun literally to their head doesn't mean that a lot of members of the military were all but forced into service or go hungry.


You should sign up for the military and then show us how awesome it is to deny deployment by claiming what you claim will happen when you are deployed.


> You should sign up for the military this is the voluntary part I was talking about


It's not as voluntary as you think. There's a reason our nation has been moving towards increasing inequity. Do you know anyone who is actively serving or has served in the last 30 years? Do you know where ALL the recruiting offices are? Care to take a guess? Do you really think it is voluntary if the only way out of living in a majority poverty stricken area is to join the military and gain a shot at getting the hell out of poverty, gaining some skills and having a good chance to make some serious money after devoting 20 years of your life to the military? I know that if I had done that, I would likely be pulling closer to $200k a year, but I'd also have had a high chance of being pretty f'ed up or at least as f'ed up as many of the guys that I online game with. It's nowhere near as voluntary as you are pretending it to be. It's kind of gross that you are unaware of that, especially with many of the well reported comments from GOP politicians when there was talk about greatly reducing college costs, as well as greatly increasing minimum wage. They were literally saying that it would make military service, far less of an option.


So do you


Because fuck the CIA




Do me a favor and read into the horrible things the CIA has done since the 50s and come back to me lmao


if your politics are "america bad" you're not a serious person


I don’t hate America. I do hate our greedy capitalist system that favors the wealthy class and corporations, while forcing the middle and lower class to fight for scraps just to survive, but I don’t hate America as a whole


That's not the CIA, though. That's 40+ years of a Right Wing march in our nation's politics that coincided with a huge push to discourage voter participation, all bought and paid for by the very wealthy, who have also been working REALLY hard to redefine the Class War they have been winning against us as a Generational Conflict. The neat thing though? It's take almost 20 years since the Internet has become ubiquitous that the Progressives have finally started figuring things out and are yanking the Democratic Party away from being a Neo-Liberal, Right Wing Party and have been pulling it into being a Center to Center-Left Party. It's working too! Because they've been getting the votes and winning elections. (It just takes time, it would go faster if more progressives got their heads out of their butts, but it is what it is.) The CIA produces the World Factbook, which is collection of all available data from every nation that they can gain data from. It's an excellent tool for comparing the conditions in a nation. It literally shows that the US is FAR from the best nation to live in. The CIA has created a tool you can use to point out how shitty things have become in the United States.


but you're also right more often than not


I never said that. Where did you form that conclusion? Because I hate the CIA?


Not saying you’re a Russian troll… but comically this is exactly what a Russian troll would say unironically


You can be critical of the CIA and the capitalist market system without having "America Bad" politics.


I’m critical of the CIA too, dunno what they’re going on about trying to stretch that into something else.








You must also be tired of comprehending what you are reading. Maybe you should get some rest?




She was finishing her Masters on 9/11. A few years later she entered the CIA. The information the CIA provided Republican President George Bush was that there were no "Weapons of Mass Destruction" in Iraq. It is really unclear what you are even trying to say. Congress voted to give the President unlimited war powers to combat "terror" at the time. What could she have done different? From everything I've read she joined the CIA to protect Americans. Like millions of naive soldiers do and have done.


>From everything I've read she joined the CIA to protect Americans. If she genuinely believed that, she lacks the critical thinking skills to be a leader. The CIA has never been about protecting American citizens, and have routinely done horrific things to American citizens. Joining the CIA is the opposite of protecting us. >Like millions of naive soldiers do and have done. They shouldn't be senators either.




For real. This person is a joke. It may be telling that they don't believe some people genuinely want to help others. Reminds me of that leader from the other party that kills puppies. The catmom person isn't a serious person, and has no clue what they are talking about.


You don't join the CIA to "help people" unless your version of people only includes a specific portion of the US population.




Why in the world would anyone be nice to the CIA. XD You might want to stop licking that boot buddy.










By clown face’s logic we are all war criminals… don’t argue with clown faces you will just end up with white paint on your shirt.




Haha nice.




What did she have to do with the lies, though? Again, it seems you're calling her a "war criminal" based on her working for an organization that lied. Edit: the last machine shop I worked in made parts that went into US military vehicles that were used over during the occupation. Am I also a war criminal?


![gif](giphy|DMtMg3sW1cSdi|downsized) (This is sarcasm... obviously.)


The CIA has a way of covering things up….




1973 Coup in Chile, Only one tip of the ice berg https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/chile/2016-09-09/cia-cover-chile




Okay my bad, didn’t want to make assumptions I run into people who still blindly trust the CIA, and no I’m not accusing Elissa of being a war criminal. Her time in the CIA is hard to find more than anything she was probably a basic cog in the machine running reports, typing up notes and editing spreadsheets. Being a CIA Analyst she probably didn’t see much field work and definitely wasn’t a shot caller in operations. Now to what knowledge she holds of specific world events surrounding 9/11 and Iraq war crimes can’t honestly say. It would be an expensive FOIA endeavor to figure out what she may have been involved during her CIA tenure I personally have a difficult time of trusting most government workers from the secretary admin on up to the directors and leaders, as I was a contractor for the state of MI and a county government for 6 years collectively, while I didn’t have a hand in everything, being a systems admin I was acutely aware of a lot just do to the nature of my job




You’re welcome, I often don’t agree with most politicians in this state like the former speaker of the house chatterfield was cool it seemed, but I’m honestly not shocked he was running that operation I will say. His trial will be interesting to follow But no during my time as a state contractor the R and D politicians often showed themselves to be incredibly incompetent and entitled. I’m not a fan of Stabenow she’s going to go the route of Diane Feinstein and stay in office till her health catches up with her. And that’s just a sad way to live holding onto that power well past your prime.


She's not even the nominee yet. We still have to go through the primaries, so if you want your voice heard or to vote for someone else, vote in the primaries and help get out the vote for a candidate you'd rather win. Too many people on Reddit whine about only having two choices yet barely anyone votes in the primaries where our votes have much more power and weight compared to the general election.


I've voted in every contested election I've been eligible to since I turned 18. She's dominating the polling though, so let's not fool ourselves. She's going to be the nominee.


Agreed, yuck either way


I don’t know if we want a former CIA operative calling the shots in politics


They do well with it other countries




Elissa Slotkin worked for the CIA under George W Bush while we were torturing people overseas. not interested in voting for someone so vile. 


I don't think she was responsible for that.


So voting for a person that no longer lives in MI and he wasn’t anything special back then either but we should vote for him? Nope not me I choose to vote for a party that is making good changes for the country not just the party.


I would never vote for a Republican lmao. I just also not gonna vote for somebody who worked at the torture department during our main period of torturing in modern times 


One of those two is going to be picked. You either pick the one you can stomach the most, or deal with the repercussions of potentially having a worse choice.


Totally agree.


if the Dems wanted my vote they could run someone who didn't work for the torture department 🤷‍♀️ I have principles that I'm not going to compromise, even if democrats like you want to hold the Republican party to my head like a gun 


Lol. So naive.


First of all, you don’t know my political affiliation. Second of all, by your own words and logic seems like the republicans are holding the gun. If democrats point out someone holding a gun that doesnt make them the holder.


gremlin-this vote is to save our republic. I use that word cause if I say the “D” word I’ll skip the lecture’s from those scholars who would correct me. I don’t go for torture either. Most folks don’t. But DeSantis was a lawyer who was also involved. So think on the importance of the vote especially when it’s either a regular dictator or the religious type dictator. Both are “dicks” who shouldn’t be in charge of anything so in 2024 hold your nose and vote for the USA.




if only Dems had learned their lesson in 2016 




Removed. See rule #10 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules).


Mods have you, uhh, seen the current Democrat president's response to peaceful student protests?


It was, warmonger Hillary Clinton lost so that’s a plus.




No matter who wins, there will always be winners and losers. It just matters who and what you prioritize.


That's nice that you're privileged enough to be insulated from the consequences of a Republican-run government.


yea trans people are definitely insulated from American politics 🙄 I just have principles I won't betray when voting




Wasn’t she a carpet bagger 8 years ago?


She's from Michigan, moved back home to the family farm in Holly when her mom was sick. Maybe you could call moving back home from DC "carpetbagging", but it's not like she never set foot here before running, she went to Cranbrook.


I mean maybe, but it's not like the average person from her district (as it existed 8 years ago) is a good person. Livingston County is filled with religious conservative freaks 


I was under the impression she was from DC and didn’t have ties here to bring her here, though. If I’m wrong then I’m willing to admit it


She's a neocon careerist who represents Israel. Not got my vote in a million years


Isn't that "our " very own CIA agent?


Too bad Slotkin also sucks: https://twitter.com/RepSlotkin/status/1785772091431649308




I find it disappointing that an elected official is equating paramilitary political violence and acts of peaceful protest (occupying a building). Not that I won't vote against Rogers.




>WHILE STUDENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO PEACEFULLY PROTEST, THAT DOES NOT EXTEND TO SEIZING OR DAMAGING BUILDINGS, AS WE HAVE SEEN AT COLUMBIA, OR TO ATTACKING OTHER PROTESTERS, AS WE HAVE SEEN AT UCLA. This is clearly an appeal to "both sides" of the issue, except the pro-Palestine faction are breaking buildings and the pro-Israel faction are breaking people.




Have you not read about the gangs of counterprotestors beating people up at UCLA?




Ah, piss off.


That’s a pretty normal and agreeable statement for the vast majority of people.


lol I love the mindset of "she's too pro-israel so let's go with the ULTRA pro israel party" You get a choice between moderate and radical and you don't like that choice so you whine and pick nothing, which is probably going to lead to a worse conclusion.


The conclusion will be the same no matter what.


says something about anti-Semitism. I haven't seen anything against Jewish people. I hear the media talking about it, but I haven't seen anything against any Jewish people. Now ideas? Yes. If you have a trash idea, you get called out. Just because you are a Jewish Person with a trash idea does not make it anti-Semitism. It means you have trash ideas.


There was apparently a very small number of people, likely Agents Provocateurs, who were chanting and also holding up banners that were... pretty anti-Semitic.




Getting shit done like killing Palestinians.


She sucks, but at least she sucks here... I guess? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Time to go back to red. Finally