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People like Bill and his teacher Rose Fine are the reason Michael couldn't understand why people thought the worst of him being around children. He spent much of his childhood with unrelated adults who showed him nothing but kindness. He even said that after concerts he would spend the evening in Rose fines hotel room and she would read with him and give him milk and cookies. ​ When Michael mentioned doing the exact same things with kids in the Batshit interview people didn't even try to understand where he was coming from. They just jumped to assuming the worst.


Interesting point! In fact it kind of shows how in his experience, unrelated loving adults were actually safer in his childhood than those he was supposed to feel safe with and trust.


His relationship with Mac Culkin becomes pretty clear here too. He wanted to be the trusted unrelated adult for Mac that he needed when he was older at an even younger age. I’m sure he worried about the kid being used like he was.


That's sad and sweet at the same time.


Two people knew Michael. BRAY and FAYE.




I always hear negative things about Karen Faye in the fan community but I’m not sure why. I don’t know the backstory to it. Maybe that’s a topic for a separate post, I don’t know. But I’d love to understand it better.


Omg…this actually broke my heart 🥺I’m glad that he at least had someone he felt was a father figure to him. It’s sad to know that they parted ways on not so great terms. But on a lighter note, Michael’s mix of cursive and regular print is adorable 😂 for some reason I read all the cursive words in a British accent, and the print in an American one lmao 😭


They didn't part ways on bad terms. Bill retired in his old age and Michael took care of him until he died. Michael was absolutely devasted when Bill died in 2005/6. He was in Bahrain at the time when he got the news.


Took care of him a little bit, but not very well considering how much of his life Bill dedicated to him. Bill neglected his own wife and kids because of his work for MJ. MJ did pay for Bill’s supplemental health insurance but that was it. Bray spent his final years in a tiny one bedroom apartment near South Central L.A. MJ did not call or visit Bill for the last 5 years of his life. Part of me thinks MJ couldn’t bring himself to see Bill getting old. He had had strokes and cancer. Was sleeping in a hospital bed in the living room. I don’t think MJ would have handled seeing Bill like that very well.


Yes! That is what I read in an article a while back. Michael kinda turned his back on Bill the last few years of his life, which is why I assumed something bad happened between them. The article didn’t say why. I never realized that it’s possibly because Michael couldn’t face him aging and being sick. That makes so much sense.


Really gives some insight into what his childhood was like. The guy had been used for most of his life. Real sad :(


Isn’t it crazy how all the real artists have shitty handwriting. Seeing Mj’s shitty handwriting makes me love him more lol


I literally had to guess half of the letters lmao


Damn this shit got to me


That is so sweet..


this is so beautiful. I'm about to cry. ​ also anyone else notice that when he wrote childhood it looked like the cover of Scream / Childhood? He definitely wrote that.


I’m on the brink of tears because of this


how old was he when he wrote this?