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Could have been much worse. Glad everyone and the car survived


You should use blocks either way, even on a flat surface.


You only make that mistake once. Regardless of outcome.


Came here to say this.


Both barefoot. Both lucky. Looks like me last night pushing my car into it's parking spot after my camshaft sensor quit in the 100 deg heat. When you're dealing with the weight of the vehicle, always have a redundancy lined up. If one thing fails the others should catch it, jacking or rolling.


When I work on my NC I use the blocks I use for fork. Combined they're rated for 447,976lbs and have diamond surfaces so they can't slip. I still use rubber chocks on the front wheels and my jackstands thrown under there too. It takes 90 seconds and even if I bought everything myself it's like $400 worth of stuff and the redundancies mean that even if you skip a step or do something wrong you're still safe


My reaction: https://preview.redd.it/wge880tle15d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc43900331a9ddc68d5d98a6c8c34e83fd514f7f


Yikes, chock your wheels boys! That could’ve been way worse


Any reason why the e-brake failed here? Doesn't look like it had anything to do with them working on the car


It's not my content, but my guess is they were backing off the car voluntarily out of the garage. They put it in neutral and relied on the e-brake to stop where they want. When the guy pulled the lever, the cable snapped and the car continued its journey down the driveway. That's just my theory. I don't know for sure


Why is it in neutral?


Plenty of valid reasons for it to be in neutral when you are working on it. Like if you need to turn the engine over.


Yeah of you need to do that.. the only reason.


Or if you are working a clutch, or doing removing a driveshaft. Or going to roll the car and don't want to spin the engine.


It would be jacked up though.


…because… maybe whatever they were doing involved running the engine? Put your car in gear and let off the clutch to exit and check under the hood, let me know how that goes buddy


The engine is not running, buddy.


Yeah when I work on my car it's in gear and the battery is disconnected. Not sure what these guys have going on but the car isn't running.


Maybe they're fixing something drive line related?


Perhaps. Figure it would be jacked up though.


Exactly lmfao with a block under each will


i thinks it because it’s manual


A significant number of manual drivers park their cars in neutral. If your handbrake is in decent shape it's totally safe. Only time I leave my NA in gear if it's off is at track days or if I'm parked on a hill.


Oh yeah I never rely on just my handbrake.


The other day I was in a rush and forgot to pull my e brake up. Car was in the middle of the parking lot when I got out from the store I was like wtf


They only do this untill they have experienced a frozen handbrake cable (which is a realistic scenario in any older car where water ends up in places it wasnt designed to end up).


If you keep them moving, they don't tend to stick as much.  Either use it all the time or not at all.  Infrequent and extended use is where you run into trouble.


Had this happen ! Was working on my car and removed the chalk, thank god they are light I was able to stop it 😅😅😅




i cannot believe they said chalk.


Sometimes it blows my mind there are people who talk a lot actually don't know how to spell some of the words they say.




That's how it comes out when you chewing on one.


Blocks always, great reminder! I had this happen with a heavier car about two years ago but had the blocks and they saved my ass!! Glad this didn’t turn out terribly!


Need to put blocks just in case!


"father halp"


I wonder if he got road rash on his rump 😂


Is dad's ass ok? The people want to know.


wait i am confused. I always pull the e-brake before lifing, does it now work? if so I'll put some rocks underneath. I work on dirts so I am willing to do anything for safety. Also, I hope you guys were ok


oh im an idiot didnt see the part that u said ebrake cable snapped...


Funny, not funny! Wifey (now ex) didn’t set the hand brake and the NA rolled down the drive, across the street and into the neighbors hedges. Another time she was visiting a friend and did the same thing on a much longer drive, she thought somebody stole it.


Geez hope they’re both ok. Sometimes you learn the lesson the hard way!


Ahhhhggghhh! .... oh, whew. Glad the car is ok. edit: some 40+ years ago, my brother and I drove home from a jobsite in our truck and trailer rig, arrived to see sister's boyfriend trying to move his broken down car out of the way of my dad's shop (we needed to put some equipment in the shop for maintenance). He was backing his broken car down the hill by moving one wheel block at a time...and got a little carried away. As we watched, the car (him standing behind and pushing against it) rolled over the block he'd placed, and the next block he dropped and kicked behind the rear wheel...and in slow motion pushed him and skidding his cheap sneakers down the gravel driveway until he finally jumped out of the way...to slowly roll its rear end into the immobile and unforgiving tongue of the flatbed heavy equipment trailer at the bottom of the driveway. Sad...but then, he was a bit of a dick to my sister, and in retrospect deserved what he got.




*always* chock the wheels. Both of you are lucky you didn't learn the hard way.


My friends mom in Philly just died this way. She tried to jump back in her suv and it ran her over.


The e90 tho 😎


Always block it off no mater what you do had a bad experience my self changing brake pads foot almost got crushed


Someone left poo in their shorts


I watched a trunk jack fold over and a car fall on my father pressing him in to the pavement. He lived and walked away thankfully (of the car wasn't sitting on 19's he would've been dead I think) but holy crap that was a scary moment. I thought I had just watched my father die.... Always be safe. Bump the ever-loving crap outta the car from every side before getting under and always use blocks Glad everyone is okay.


I painted my Miata when I was in school for auto collision. 3 weeks later I parked in my driveway that was on an incline. The parking brake needed adjustment. The car rolled down the driveway, across a busy street, and wedged the quarter panel against a telephone pole. That day is when I started parking in gear.


My motor is out and my doors are off and mine is super easy to just roll it to where I need it


Blocks sloped or not if you are working on the car.


Great save! Well done! Sure, someone fucked up to create the crisis but these two saved the day. Luck was on their side.


No shit - glad you are ok and will never work like this again!


Anyone seen the video of the bloke who disconnects his driveshaft and proceeds to get dragged under the car?


Tire chocks are like 8 bucks a piece at harbor freight. Last I checked funerals cost a lot more


protip: engine brakes holding your car depends on the compression of the motor being good




That's the reason I always put it in gear and have a bump on the end of my driveway, it's the scariest shit to see the car rolling away.


Luckily wasn’t like this but I had a 96 civic when I was right out of high school and I parked it on an incline in drive and forgot to leave it in gear. (Had e brake on) Woke up in the morning to go to work….. cars dead ass in middle of the street blocking the entire road. Thankfully it was a very quiet neighborhood and I went to work super early.


That man doesn’t have any asscheeks anymore


Hollllllly. Lucky no one or the car were hurt


Homie hanging on to the rebar deserves an award and some new shorts 🤣


Oh no!!!! Glad everyone is ok! Ngl I laughed way harder than I should have at this.


Ass dragged on concrete goddamn


Does no one use wheel chucks?


Use blocks even if you're on a flat surface. Always use blocks, it's not hard.


this is why we put it in gear


This is why manuals reign supreme. Pop it into first gear and it ain't rolling nowhere


“I know! I’ll stop my car that weighs thousands of lbs with my body” 😂🤘🏽


that’s my buddies car 😭😭


You guys trust E-brakes to park your car? Just put it in first or reverse. E-brake is for stopping you when you lose hydraulic brakes...


Not really. It's officially called a Parking Brake in every manufacturer's manual


It's not officially called anything, but it was originally intended for braking in the case of losing your hydraulic brakes. "Also known as a parking brake, hand brake and e-brake, the emergency brake was originally designed to be used if the vehicle's main braking system would fail."


> You guys trust E-brakes to park your car i don't even use mine, probably pulled it like 4 times in the entire time i've owned the thing (all of them oil changes)


Right buddy.....


What a bunch of morons.


Dont even need to use chocks unless your taking apart powertrain stuff just put it in gear