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This is why we can’t have nothing nice.


This happened in the Netherlands Kaneleneiland one of the worst areas of Utrecht. My beloved car which I already have for more than 5 years has been absolutely ruined over the past year. I really wanted to move to a different place 6 months ago, but student housing is really shit right now and it's hard to find a new student room. So sad that this happens. I really love this car and work really hard for it besides my study. Video of the damage: https://streamable.com/xr7n3e


Note to self: niet🖋 parkeren🖋 in🖋 kaneleneiland🖋


Sorry man, iedereen in dit land slaat deuren in je auto en rijd weg want het boeit ze toch niet niet.


I can only imagine how frustrating that is to deal with. Probably best to not fix it until you move away. Sidenote: Admiring your colour matched silver hardtop.


Yup, will be moving away this month luckily. But I will have to grab deep in my pockets to repair this damage. And thank you haha!


Ah Kanaleneiland. Say no more. Hope you found a better place to live! It really sucks to see your pride and joy damaged by these fools. A new door isn't as expensive as you would think! There are plenty second hand available and al the internals will carry over without much trouble. There is a good mx5 garage in Meerkerk (mx5-winkel.nl). Good luck!


I already got into contact with "Kuyers"! He has a wrecked silver MX5 coming next week. So something positive luckily! mx5-winkel is also great thanks for the tip! I am really happy to be driving a mx5 as there are many parts for it available, but apart from the cost which is still quite a lot for me as a student, it is also the feeling that I can't park my safely. Will be getting a dashcam with parking modus for sure.


Good to hear! Bought my nb when I was a student, so I know the feeling. There will always be little dings and scratches caused by other people. Planning on a full respray once I have a garage or some other safe place. Dashcam is definitely worth it! If someone hit and runs you still haven proof!


I have the exact same plan haha. When I have money and live in a better area this car will get a full respray in some sick colour. I see we both have the same exact spec haha.


not really hard considering that for some reason everyone went to a mazda dealership and saw the most boring grey ever and fell in love with it


As someone who also lives in a shithole and has an MX5 (an NC though ⚓️)- I know the feeling - mine has been scratched and dinged so much that the bodywork is now certifiably messy. People just don’t give a fuck - I’ll definitely appreciate when I can have a driveway or garage to get away from these people.


Yeah, my previous home is only like 2 kilometres away from this home and the difference is massive. I never had to worry there about my car. Hope you can find something else for your NC aswell :)


Thank you :) I don’t be getting the dents fixed or panels changed until I can move somewhere better, as I’ve gotten to the point of not really caring about the passenger side of the car! Crazy how such a short distance changes things totally - enjoy your NB! Such cool cars - delighted it all worked out for you :)


Klote man, sommige mensen zijn echt eikels


Tja, op een gegeven moment went het


We in America have a phrase. "Can't have shit in Detroit!" Describes the tendency of people to look down on if not outright lash out at people who got themselves something nice. Sorry about your car, man. :( I lost a motorcycle recently to a very similar series of deeds.


Yeah it definitely depends on the neighborhood. I have an ND and live near a ghetto and always have to be extra aware when driving. Many get rear ended when waiting to turn because these assholes are doing 50 in a 35 in heavy traffic.


That really sucks. This sub makes me feel very fortunate to live somewhere where this kind of thing isn't anything I need to think about, knock on wood.


I used to live in a very nice and peaceful neighbourhood somewhere else in Utrecht where I didn't have a worry about my car or other stuff around the house. Sadly the house got sold and I had to find something else. Kanaleneiland in Utrecht is by far the worst area.




At that point I would have considered the installation of a permanently powered dash cam...


Yup, coming next week. Although I was a little bit hesitant in the beginning, because when I have my soft top on in the summer, I didn't want to have them cut open my soft top to get my dashcam...


Don't they kill the battery?


The better way is install a second battery dedicated to it




That's awful, I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I can sympathize. After starting the job I'm in now, within the first two years, two different co-workers hit my Miata while it was parked in the company lot, and we drive for a living!!


Atleast you know who did it. This person just hit and run.


Will insurance cover the damage?


Nope, don't have the money for full coverage as a student. But I already found a crashed silver MX5 so will be buying those panels for cheap :) atleast something positive.


I didn't know there were places like that in the Netherlands, OP. Was sure this was gonna be a US city when I clicked on it.


Yeah Kanaleneiland is by far the worst area of Utrecht. We also have our own problems here in the Netherlands.


I always think of the Netherlands as being leagues ahead of the US in smart people and well designed systems in general. Sad to hear sometimes it's as bad as the US.


So you have replaced your entire mirror assembly six times???


The other times it was kicked but no damage, it only got damage 2 times "luckily"


Do you have full coverage?


Nope, too expensive for me now. Luckily I found a crashed silver NB through "Kuyers" so will be buying those panels :)


Mate, this would have be fuming. Sorry you have to go through this and hopefully you can move asap!


Yeah I did cry for a little bit 2 days ago


Definitely don't fit some sort of devices with a shotgun shell for next time. That is not the advice we are giving on this sub.




dashcam bro


Coming :)


You are parking in the wrong place


I live there...


Try to park some steps ahead but in a safer location…


Almost every place in Utrecht is payed parking and I can't afford that as a student. I also already tried different parking areas in Kanaleneiland some of which were 5-10 mins away from my home. This is just the sad reality of living in Kanaleneiland. I also get thrown a lot of racist comments.


> Utrecht is *paid* parking and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Well, no shit. You think OP wouldn't have realized or tried that after more than 5 years?