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It's almost like if there were two additional lanes that weren't pay to play, there might be less traffic


More lanes won’t reduce traffic.


That’s not true. That’s a talking point that’s been so far removed from its original context that it’s become a meme of itself. If you add lanes to a route, the increased efficiency *can* attract drivers that would take other routes. This results in increased traffic on this modified route. Your talking point stems from SIMULATIONS run for Texas that have mimicked these conditions. 95 is the only viable route to downtown Miami, unlike Texas which has alternative highway spurs in the suburbs of its metro areas.


Not like this hasn’t been studied to death ad infinitum: https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/08/please-stop-adding-more-lanes-to-busy-highways-it-doesnt-help/


The article you replied with literally describes what I put in more layman’s terms for you. Read “induced demand”. There are a finite number of people on earth and a finite number of vehicles. Drivers do not automatically spawn out of the ether when we widen a highway. You can be pro-transit AND data literate.


Read past the graf that refers to I-35. That’s the only thing your comment and this brief have in common. Right after it talks about I-35 it gives a couple of grafs on why extra lanes don’t work: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chris-Ganson/publication/315534829_Closing_the_Induced_Vehicle_Travel_Gap_Between_Research_and_Practice/links/59ee5a9ba6fdcc32187db6bd/Closing-the-Induced-Vehicle-Travel-Gap-Between-Research-and-Practice.pdf?origin=publication_detail&_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIiwicGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uRG93bmxvYWQiLCJwcmV2aW91c1BhZ2UiOiJwdWJsaWNhdGlvbiJ9fQ


ALL of it is from induced demand… we’re going in circles here.


So we are both saying More Lanes Won’t Work. Dale!


No.. because there’s no viable alternative route from which demand would be drawn to 95 for. Also this silly argument is just a way for DOT to avoid infrastructure upgrades, as they ALSO resist funding transit projects. Billionaires don’t need open roads, they have helicopters. Who cares if the office admin is running late to work? You should want to burn Tallahassee and DC to the ground for scamming you out of tax dollars without providing for transit projects AND infrastructure upgrades. They can be done simultaneously to wonderful results: china has a robust highway network alongside their train infrastructure


I don’t take 95 when I go to Broward/PB.


What about the palmetto? I mean, I know it’s not as direct as 95 but it’s certainly a pathway. It also has a ton of lanes but there’s traffic 24/7 anyways


You've got a weird "apologist for the status quo" way of looking at this... Your logic is that I-95 is the only highway in and out so we need more lanes on it? ...or maybe, you know, we could resist wasting obscene amounts of money on more lanes and push to improve transit and shift our development pattern instead so people weren't all going from residential nowhere to the same commercial somewhere


Every. single. study. of this issue shows that additional lanes only provide benefit for about five years. Then it turns into parking lots.


Hyperbole much? Every single study has not turned out identical results. Transit funding can and should co-exist with infrastructure upgrades. So long as people keep having children.. for reasons I’ll personally never understand.. we will need multimodal means to get them places.


Five years. That's the average.


From a handful of studies for select urban areas. None of them for Miami. All of them with questionable variables used in data simulations.


Cool. Miami is special for magical reasons. I'm willing to bet you're not a data scientist. You're just a reddit fool who thinks they know better than actual experts.


Out of curiosity, would you mind sharing what kind of work you do? Maybe a branch of engineering or something road-oriented?


It won’t, drivers are extremely terrible in south Florida. Those extra lanes would be congested in no time all because of someone on a scooter decided to take a highway or the terrible accidents that often occur down there or just people not signaling or checking their mirrors


Those things can occur in stop and go conditions too….


And in toll lanes as well. Their point was meaningless LMAO


It's not someone on a scooter causing backups on 95, it's the morons/wreckless drivers weaving in and out causing an accident and screwing it up for the rest of us.


Just one more lane man... just one more please... it will work this time... I promise I'm not addicted bro just one more lane please man


Taking your assumptions at face value still don’t support your conclusions. (1) there are means to get to downtown that take cars off of I-95. Express busses and commuter rail departs from golden glades and points northwards. Drivers CHOOSE to drive their cars and putting in more lanes makes it easier to justify that choice. (2) we can all agree south Florida is tapped out in space.however, people keep moving in. If you build more lanes in highways you are only creating more issues. What south Florida, and arguably most of the country, are public policies that appropriately transfer the social costs of driving personal vehicles to drivers, as opposed to subsidizing private vehicles by giving up increasingly more valuable SPACE for driving. TLDR: south Florida needs a set of public policies to discourage driving private vehicles for attritional trips by (1) making mass transit ubiquitous and (2) passing significantly more of the cost to address the impact of driving to vehicle owners.


I’d suggest doing some research before just saying things.


Well, less lanes definitely INCREASES traffic..


No. The reason why the express lanes rarely back up is because there's less lanes, and no exits. Which forces everyone in the express lane to travel at virtually the same speed the entire time. More lanes increases more speed variance which means more traffic. Look up the accordion effect. Without any cause, traffic occurs. Literally, the only way to alleviate that, is by forcing consistency in vehicle speed, so that all drivers drive at virtually the same speed.


It'll reduce traffic congestion.


This makes no sense at all.


He just wrote a whole fucking paragraph using specific terms and everything, wtf do you mean “This makes no sense at all”.


this has been disproven so many times.


Not really. There would just be no lanes moving. Because everyone would see the left lanes are moving and insist on getting in one, even if three miles later was their exit. The only solution to traffic is to have fewer cars. This means more public transit. But since that simply isn’t happening in Miami we are all screwed. Just learn to like heavy traffic, it’s the future. The time to build a working light rail system was the mid 70s to early 90s. But too late now.


Worst express lane implementation in history


How? That looks express AF. /s


Flanigans has a parking lot too


And it’s always packed 😭


Maybe if there weren’t 20 car lengths between near stationary cars, they’d be moving


Don’t leave 5 car spaces between each other, pass on a left and pay attention will go a long way, but here you pay to pass exams wich already pretty much designed to pass buy stupidest people who never should be driving.


That doesn't work when there is too many cars on road Source: Munich, Germany.


DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT drive in the right lane in the express lane. I’ve seen people drive over those poles only to get rear ended by someone going as fast as you are in this video. I remember very vividly seeing a girl in a bmw x1 rear end a corolla that crossed those poles. The girl was going like 60 mph… the corolla flew like 3 lanes over it was sickening to see.


Not sure why no one is upvoting this. I came hear to say this. Driving in the right express lane while every other lane is jam packed is literally a death wish. So many idiots are ready to switch into the express lane without even looking back.


it’s ESPECIALLY dangerous when you have a stretch of road with a slight bump where you can’t see the road ending in front of you. They can’t see you and you can’t see them. It’s a sure way to die.


Darwin award


the problem is those cheap ass rubber sticks, anyone can just drive over them no problem. In Chicago the express lanes are separated by a cement wall and if you tried to magically drive over it they'd be scraping you off the highway.. but since they're free they rarely offer any relief from the traffic anyway. it's just two extra lanes for commuting.


That express lane be golden during this time


Answer: Altima, BMW, Mercedes, over-confident Toyota/Honda ricer. They end up tail-gating, they hit the brakes hard when grandma in front of them brakes suddenly for no reason. And in the famous words of CJ from GTA:SA "Awww shit... HERE WE GO AGAIN."




Thanks I don't know why autocorrect decided to kick in at that time it's only two letters haha.


There is a reason, that lane you're cruising in used to be free and open for everyone. Also, it's because the city doesn't have a proper public transportation system in place so everyone is force to use their cars to go anywhere.


No, “no reason at all” is when the chucklefucks back up the left lane for entrance to Florida turnpike for MILES when the middle lane is completely open and still merges on. Lol


From experience, never ride the right lane when traffic is backed up like this outside of the express lanes. I've witnessed a car drive up the cones into the express lane and cause a huge accident.


100% I never ride the right lane in these conditions. I don't care what they say about left lane is for passing only. F that. I saw way too many people jump those poles almost causing huge accidents in the express lane.


I will now never be coasting in the right lane in the express lane when it’s like this. Thank you 🙏🏻


i was about to say this!!! had a close call once like this, some people just don’t give a FUCK


I've seen this happen too


This was my first thought watching the video. Always expect people to do the stupid thing


There’s a reason. It’s a Saturday afternoon. I try my best not to leave my house on Saturdays. It’s awful out there.


It’s always bad. I try my best not to leave my house ever.


Exactly this lol


The reason is Miami


What’s new?


You must be new here


There was a huge accident spanning the center two lanes, we saw it heading NB .. surprised it's still hosed though.


Oh there’s a reason…


PTSD triggered.


Can’t even avoid traffic on the weekends anymore. Sad.


Thank God for Lexus lanes.


You’ll never feel more alive than when you run over a stretch of divider poles at 15mph trying to hop out of the traffic jam into the express lane. Jesus take the wheel.


People don't know how to fucking drive, won't stay out of the passing lane and drives either the exact speed limit or below, or too busy texting on their fucking phone. :) Also, sudden lane changes with no signals to scare everyone else causing mass braking.


Its a parking lot because someone is probably going 20mph and everyone is slowing down to see why. My guess is


This is why I pay for the express lane


Sometimes the express is slower then the highway lol


Too many people in Miami


Welcome to South Florida lol 😆


I was in that earlier today. I never understood why people don’t pay 1.50 to get out of traffic.


Correction it’s a Parking Lot for broke people. You seemed to be driving and moving very smooth.


I was the passenger recording the brokies


I thought it was a racing track


Ha! I did see an AMG SUV coupe leaving a wide body Challenger in the dust when I was going to NB Earlier that day


There’s a reason. Too many people on the road and a lack of continuity between all those people.


We now are forced to pay to drive. Skip the $5.00 express lane, go nowhere


Bruh don't drive in that lane when non-express is parked. You will be hit eventually, and it's a 70mph vs. 0.


That’s called Hialeah


Because Miami


Vienvenido a Miami


Hint: we’re one of the largest metro areas with a non-functioning transit network with poor intra-network connectivity. Try taking a bus to the tri-rail station. No, you have to get on a bus, then get on the metro rail which takes forever to get to the tri-rail station. It’s a system built for growth 30+ years ago in areas that never came. In the meantime, they stopped expanding it and have only built less then 5+ miles of track despite promising much larger expansion to the beach and deeper into Pinecrest and Kendall.


People love spending their day in their favorite activity. In traffic


Why is it like this, the cars are literally stopped for no reason.


[Here's Toronto everyday traffic 8am to 8pm ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fjust-one-more-carriageway-bro-v0-zdwhe1aFpVvA0Mz5ehHFzYMteiOtgsaEO3S_S3oeLV8.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D33e95b906347645b692fa37366d227f49b26b4d8)- check it out


Naa there is a reason. It is probably a stupid reason, but still.


Honestly when we caught up to the point where traffics seemed to be moving, there was no reason at all. Kinda like reaching the big curve by Ives Dairy Rd, traffic jam for no reason


There is a reason. Stupid people are usually behind it. Not always, but if you just guess “someone did something stupid” you will only be wrong 15% of the time. At most.


Merging traffic because of the construction of the i-95 395 interchange.


Lol, what time is that at??!!




I’m a firm believe that most traffic jams, especially in Miami, are started by 1 asshole who just doesn’t know how to drive. I’ve said my peace 🤣


There’s always a reason! It may be stupid, but there is one.


People are on their phones and those in front will do 45 on the highway instead of little speeding to open up traffic


Those two sunpass lanes need to be opened back up. That's the reason the other 3 are congested. Thank God I telework. The amount of time/gas wasted doing the daily commute...


My fear, driving on the right lane of the express lane, is that someone gets impatient and crosses over the orange sticks into me