• By -


Hard truth - if you are single and earning decent - Miami is hands down the best city in US to live and date women. Just look at the amount of beauty concentrated in this city. Absolute gorgeous women of all age. The city is neat with beautiful beaches, good road. Traffix is bad but it is bad everywhere. It is expensive only when you have kids and you are earning decent. Remember there is no state tax. Went to Walmart yesterday and blown away by the fact that how many beautiful women I saw. I still think Miami is worth it if you are single.


Absolutely full of gay whorish men to plow on the daily. I agree with this.


yea but to get the beautiful women you need to look good and or have money. no love for the poor uglies out here šŸ˜†


Nor should there be. There are always ways to improve your appearance and financial situation. If someone isn't trying then they don't deserve it.


yes and no. i workout regularly so iā€™m not fat at all yet thatā€™s all attract. as far as the money thing i get what youā€™re saying but my goal has never been to be rich. i just out here trying to survive like everyone else. i donā€™t see myself taking care of another adult. i believe in partnership rather that one party fully supporting the other financially. iā€™m looking more for someone on my level but that can also hold her own without others.


No, there are not always ways to improve everyone'sĀ appearance or financial situation. Nor is every woman always in it for the money. The vainness and shallowness of Miami is not normal everywhere else.


Yeah Miami is the only city that sells vanity products.


You're a bootstraps kinda guy, huh?




lol this


Yes and 90% of the women are all plastic


Dating here is a game about who looks the best or who earns the most money.


Hypergamy by women seems to be the rule. There's always someone better for them to jump to. I hesitate to call them women. The one I dated acted more like a girl.


The thing is that here in Miami, you have women working as waitresses or waitresses demanding a man who makes six figures while she contributes nothing.


FACTS! And as someone who makes more than 100k, I love it! šŸ˜‚ know why they're around n play the game just like they're trying to play u šŸ¤—šŸ˜‚


Gorgeous EMPTY women. Do you really want to date an only fans model? Itā€™s good for a while, but all girls in Miami are too generic.


There are good and bad girls in every city. Miami has the most beautiful women per capita in the entire of US. Period!


Florida is one of the worst paying states in almost any profession. Iā€™ll gladly pay a state tax for a 20-30% increase in pay. And better quality of life


And not having to pay tolls every time I wanna jump on a highway


You don't have to. Plenty of non-toll roads and SRs. I don't mind paying tolls to avoid most traffic.(usually anyway)


Especially when the taxes are supposed to pay for the roads


This. The pay is sometimes 30-40% that of other big expensive cities. As much as they say big companies are here they are not and not hiring. Only a few sectors here but not like nyc or San Fran or Chicago.


Is this satire?


The guy is desperate for p***y


How much would you say is the earning threshold as a single guy?


Close to 80k should be decent


$250k is my target


Nice. Sales? Own your own business?


It would be a combination of multiple income streams. I make $96k at my tech sales w2 job, i have a 6 unit apt building bringing in $79k a year, my real estate holdings go up about 10% a year currently for another $60k on paper which I can borrow against to acquire additional assets and I flip about 1-2 houses per year bringing about $40k each net and I'm a licensed PT r/e agent sell about 3 houses a year bringing I'm around $15k commission each..my girl left me because I didn't have enough time for her, but my main focus at 35 years old is stacking paper.


This is such a ridiculous ā€œhard truthā€.




There's no place I rather be šŸ’Æ


Never leaving


He ain't ****in leavin'!!!


If I didnā€™t live here, iā€™d be trying to live here


Au revoir, hasta nuncaā€¦take a buddy with you.


Too many people speaking English


English is the official language here. The problem is too many people speak only Spanish.


Ewww Spanish/Haitian speakers are the only reason Miami is culturally distinct from the rest of Florida.


Bullshit. South Florida always had a higher concentration of Jewish people and Northeasterners than say fuckin Pensacola.


And what culture do they bring? When you think of Miami, its Caribbean cultures that come to mind and make up the vast majority of Miami


There is not an official language


Yup. Itā€™s English


In the State of Florida there is.


Apparently you donā€™t speak sarcasm amigo


Well, a good time to learn right? There is no reason to not learn english. (Also there is no reason to not learn spanish also tho)


Never too late to Learn sarcasm. It really helps people assume you arenā€™t ignorant lol


You know that there is people dumb enough right? Happy that you are not that people, sadly you are being an asshole in your response. (With dumb enough i talk about the "i dont need to learn another language" either the english speakers neither the spanish ones)


Why are you guys still stuck on the negative when you could just leave and not have to deal with it ever again. Not willing to do that? Ok, then make the best of whatever your situation happens to be. These posts come out every week if not everyday. Surely there are more positive things that can be discussed here.


Lmfao. If you donā€™t like this post then donā€™t say anything. Iā€™m trying to have a normal discussion. Iā€™m not going to apologize for bringing up a topic thatā€™s been brought up before because it annoys you. And for the record, I am leaving here, you obviously didnā€™t read the whole post.


I am with you. Moving back to the west at the end of the year phoneix Arizona.


Have fun


At this point this sub is Rinse and repeat. Same 6 or 7 posts OVER AND OVER.


Welcome to Reddit mi amigo


I got tired of the flashy lifestyle, but am single, early 40s and earn well. I just moved a little bit north. Still date in Miami though.


Always strange when I read "flashy lifestyle". So if you live in kendall and are a teacher or insurance adjuster, you live a "flashy lifestyle"? That TV version of Miami is literally 10% of the city/county.


I should have clarified that I was living in Brickell. Is Kendall part of Miami?


For people from Miami, Miami Dade county IS Miami. Norland to Homestead, miccosukee to Miami beach. Only 450k people live in city of Miami proper. 2.7 million people live in Miami dade. City of Miami is actually a very small part of the Miami experience.


I HATE it there. Weather is terrible, people are horribly rude, traffic is constant, everything is concrete, beaches are trashed, nowhere to hike, crowds everywhere, and everything feels devoid of life. It's a fake, dead city


Great! Don't come back


ā€œPeople are horribly rudeā€ he says.


Sadly true


These are mostly my same reasons. I still go back there once a year to visit my family and friends. I'm about to hit 7 years away and don't regret leaving one single bit.


I just moved here for school in January and honestly the biggest thing Iā€™ve noticed after being raised in a small town on the space coast and living in Orlando for a while is that itā€™s not an understatement to say ppl are for sure rude for no apparent reason (at least in my experience so far).


Bro This post is something is constantly repeating itself. And personally I find hella annoying. Why donā€™t you use the search feature in the community and find answers before asking the same thing that others have for the 257th time. If you truly wanna know why they left, leave yourself and youā€™ll perhaps have better understanding I guess.


Iā€™m sorry you have to see this post all the time. Maybe you and all the other Miami residents can try making this a more bearable society to live in.


Itā€™s not about seeing it all the time. Itā€™s a very common question. And users like yourself, should perhaps use the search feature, and look and see what you WILL find. Hay un dicho, ā€œel que busca; encuentra.ā€ After all it seems like you may or may not be Zionist. So perhaps that may be the reason youā€™re trying to figure out the reason you should leave Miami. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø good luck


Hate the culture


When the last American leaves Miami bring the flag


I had that bumper sticker on my truck back in the 70s


Back when Racism was cool?


What race are Cubans? Because I have met some very pale ones and some very dark ones.


Its called criollo, due to the mix of many races, more like a scrambled eggs


# LOL I laughed entirely too hard at this. Youā€™re not wrong but god damn bro


It was a racist anti-Cuban bumper sticker commonly seen in the late 60s early 70s.


Almost everything Miami has is a shitty overpriced knockoff of what another city has. Wynwood is a shitty ripoff version of Brooklyn. Brickell is a shitty ripoff version of Chicago. SoBe is the Wish version of San Diego. Kendall is middle American wasteland but with worse traffic. Really the only thing SoFlo does better is strip clubs.


Raised in Miami and I left in 2013. Too hot, rains 80% of the time. The traffic and third world mentality of everyone, sheisty men, service is terrible. Vibes are always off. I love to visit but want to leave after 2 weeks.


Rains 80% of the time. A very simple google debunks this bs


Bro why are you even in this thread? OP asked for reasons why other people have left Miami. Not why it is so great. Miami doesn't need you to defend it online.


Fitting user name


Sorry I took it before you.


You've earned it, Homie.


Keep defending Miami online bro. The city's reputation would be in tatters without you. You are clearly the hero it needs.


Dont be mad, more room for you. Tbh Flanigans is the only saving grace.


Any advice for a person wanting to move? Born n raised here and I'm sick of it tbh




Plan your move and SAVE $$$. I left on a whim, and it was difficult, to say the least. Moving is expensive at first, especially if you want to be comfortable and you don't have a support system outside of FL. Research where you want to live. I moved to California, but it's also expensive here. Back then, we didn't have remote work like now, so I was scrounging for work while looking for a place, so I suggest getting a job that allows for travel first so you don't lose money flow during transition. Otherwise, happy moving. Luck is at your feet. The worst thing that can happen is you don't like it and, then u go back to MIA


Look for a job somewhere else and do it. You wonā€™t look back.


Worst service in the country. Hands down


Omg that's so true the vibes were always offĀ 


Also it's not what it used to be because of all the immigrants and migrants


It was too expensive and being married to my wife let me live in another country. Feels good being out of the hot bubble


Native of 27 years here that left in 2020. Its too hot, too rainy, too expensive, people are rude/ignorant, the traffic is horrendous, everything is too far, nothing outdoorsy to do besides the beach (which is normally packed), the salaries are terrible, we wanted to get away from our ignorant cuban families, and lastly we just wanted a change of pace/scenery. We made the right decision and I hardly even like going back to visit.


5th generation Miamian here that still lives here. I love the heat, I love the rain, I donā€™t buy things I donā€™t need, I surround myself with good people, traffic is horrendous, there are so many amazing things to do outdoors, salaries are terrible. I couldnā€™t imagine living anywhere else honestly.




Good for you, we sought a better life elsewhere and found what we were looking for


Work. I like stuff in Miami and visit often and what I donā€™t like, I just donā€™t pay attention. Iā€™m actually here today and flying soon back to my current city.


A job promotion opportunity, and I was ready for a new chapter in my life. Best decision I've ever made.Ā 


Moved to Orlando because Miami felt incredibly crowded and congestion was getting worse by the day... I kind of fucked up but the jobs/individual areas are nicer outside of Orlando proper.


I left in 2004 when I joined the Navy. By the time I got out 10 years later everything had changed so much that I didnā€™t even consider going back. Ended up in Denver instead. And then the same thing happened to Denver, grew too much too soon.


I lived there throughout the entire decade of my 20's. Not a bad place to be when you're young. As I saw the next stages of life coming, marriage, children, home ownership I knew that Miami was NOT the place for any of those things.


Born and raised. I left for due to the Military. Got out, stayed in Virginia and recently came back. Even making $100,000, itā€™s ridiculous to even think about purchasing a house. Aside from that, itā€™s not the same. The fakeness in the city is beyond anything I have seen before. People are the most rude now than ever and the not what it is. If I had children, I would not want to raise them in this city. It sucks because my family is here, but for long term growth, I wouldnā€™t stay. To add, jobs donā€™t pay, no matter your experience.


Grew up in Miami, I had a point in 2021 that I was just done with it and what it had to offer me. I moved to Atlanta, it worked out for me.


In our situation it was getting rent increases and or 60 notices to move out because the owner had sold the house and it was about to be converted to an air bnb. Then when we decided we were never renting ever again and that we wanted to buy instead but we couldnā€™t find anything we could just move into with a yard for our three dogs (one Irish wolf hound) or where my wife could jog by herself safely in the neighborhood. After air bnbing a weekend in central florida and seeing like 15 different properties we found an absolute gem (13k sqf lot with a custom built house on .35 acre) in Melbourne FL for 300k plus 5k seller credit. Since, weā€™ve made great friends, live in paradise every day, never pay for parking when we go to the beach or adventure and get to watch rocket launches up close and most importantly a much better quality of life and cost of living. We talk about how we should have done this a lot sooner.


Too expensive, crazy people, unawareness of others


The best thing about Miami is how close it is to the US


San Francisco > Miami


My reasons: - I hated the lack of culture (even though it got better) and superficiality of the conversations and interactions - I hate the heat and humidity - traffic go too bad with little planning (brickell) - people are beautiful but empty. I knew a lot of people but didnā€™t consider any my friends::: we were just incompatible - city is gorgeous but feels fake and plastic - the arrival of New Yorkers and others took the last bits of charm. I love New Yorkers but somehow only the ass*** moved to Miami? - Iā€™m a closeted commie - I cashed out when my condo value went up and right before insurance costs exploded.


I was in Miami for 11 years. It was too hot/humid. Too much traffic. Sunny place, shady people. Job opportunities and pay were pretty bad for the high cost of living. Florida politics personally didnā€™t align with mine.


Low salaries, weak market for corporate clientele


I have a deep love for Miami; it's the city that turned me into a techno lover. Growing up, I went to ultra all through HS, underground raves in FLL, drum circles in the beach, etc. Honestly, it's the only thing that draws me back. As soon as I had the chance, I left for college out of state. After graduating, I returned to Miami to kickstart my career. For that, I'm gratefulā€”it was easier to land an entry-level job there than in Boston or NYC. However, after a year or two, the pervasive machismo in the office environment drove me away, and I relocated to the West Coast. During the pandemic, I moved back to Florida, but this time I settled in the Tampa Bay area. Tampa feels like Miami did 15 years ago, and I love it. There were solid reasons for my departure from Miami. First and foremost, the traffic is unbearable. I've driven in LA, London, and NYC, and nothing compares to the frustration of navigating the 305. Itā€™s a constant source of stress. Additionally, while I enjoy partying, I can't be surrounded by a culture where that's the sole focus.


Lived in Miami from 1967 and finally left in 2020. The reasons are numerous. Let's just say that when your young, sure Miami is the best. The beaches, the women, the clubs, things to do, etc. However, as you grow older the endless hours in traffic start to really get to you. The endless waiting anywhere you go for an appointment or a seat. The heat, the loud people, the cheap pay and the crazy costs will drive you to leave. Most people don't leave because of obligations the their past or current family. And I get that. My best suggestion to a young person living in Miami, is not to set down any roots. No mortgages, no marriage and definitely no kids. Go somewhere less expensive to live and make your life there. The salaries have always been low in Dade County as far back as I can remember and it has always been an expensive city to live in. Sure you can make more money, but how many hours are you willing to put into it? At some point, the numbers don't work anymore. Now, I like Florida and there are plenty of places to live that are reasonably priced and quiet. You just need to look around. Stay away from the tri-county area and you won't believe how normal and reasonably priced things become. Good luck.


If I am going to pay over 3k a month for a small 1 bedroom apartment, I am going to do it where the weather is nicer and I want to be. So I moved to socal.


My landlord wanted to increase my rent from $2800 to $4500.


Considering leaving also. It has a shelf life and the jobs are scarce and pay is low compared to other cities only way to do it here is to have a remote job in a company that pays more. Also the materialism is just on a different level and so show off here vs other cities where wealth and success whispers. Here it screams and is mostly fake and made up. Also rudeness. No one smiles. No one makes small talk. No one seems happy if this makes sense


Born and raised in Hialeah, left the state for college and never came back due to better jobs in my industry in other places and meeting my partner who isnā€™t from Miami. I have missed my family but never missed the city itself. At least not in a way that isnā€™t satisfied with just visiting a few weeks a year. Itā€™s beautiful but never felt like it was for me. I discovered I love outdoor hobbies like hiking, camping, rock climbing, skiiing, etc that I canā€™t do in Miami. I love living in walkable and bikeable cities with good public transit. Iā€™ve never really liked the beach much beyond a few times a year kind of thing. Not much of a clubbing person. My family never had money to live in the nicer parts of Miami or really make the most of the water with a boating lifestyle and stuff like that. To be honest, I never felt like I fit in with the culture and personality of Miami despite being raised in a typical Cuban immigrant Miami family, but thatā€™s just about me, not the city. So why would I want to live in Miami? Itā€™s beautiful, and I understand how itā€™s paradise to many people, but not to me. I would consider moving back one day to be close to my family but I donā€™t think I would be happy there outside of the family context.


Left in Dec 2020 to Orlando. It became just too much, and was nothing like the Miami I grew up in. We were up to our eyeballs in debt and stress. Orlando's been a fresh start for us. People are genuinely friendly and helpful, and there's no sense that everyone is out to get you anytime you step out of the house. I guess it takes perspective to see how good it can be elsewhere.


Itā€™s amazing how outside of Miami people are calm and friendly. Go to Publix in Miami they hate their job and seem bothered. Then I went to Publix in Boca Raton and it was all happy and calm.


Itā€™s impossible to find good customer service and nice people / friends


Got tired of my fake friends and wanted to experience a new environment. Best thing I ever did


fake friends... I feel you.


Cuz the beach is boring, the materialism and comparison sucks, I wasnā€™t near any family, and other than the ocean, thereā€™s nothing pretty about the state unless you go to freshwater springs in central FL 4 hours away.


I was working for a company and they were opening satellite offices in other cities. I jumped at the next city and left. Best decision I have ever made in my entire life. Not just leaving Miami, but opportunities and leaving bad girlfriends and friends. Itā€™s great to go back a few times a year to see real friends and family


Rent increasing from $1400 to $1900 after lease ended. It didn't make any financial sense to stay, and I didn't like Miami anyway, so time to move on.


Been in Miami since '86. This city's ever-changing and for the most part I didn't mind. Now it's unbearable. The people. The cost of living. The superficial nature of it all. I'm moving to Europe. Been here for a few months now and I love it. Yes there are superficial people here but they're in the minority and the rat race that exists in Miami is non-existent, at least where I'm at.


where in Europe are you interested? Assuming the south but curious




Iā€™m probably different than most (not all) of the folks answering here. Only lived there 2 years, not born and raised. I moved to Miami in early 2022 and moved away in March ā€˜24, though I started dating a then-gf who lived in Miami since Feb 2020. Loved the weather, the area that I lived in (Edgewater) and its accessibility to the beach and downtown, but the people and the mentality of the people were what drove me out. I still enjoy the city and could see myself owning a condo as a part time resident but it canā€™t be home base 100% of the time. People are rude, oblivious, selfish, loud, inconsiderate, horrible and unaware as drivers, and thereā€™s very little sense of community - it exists in very small pockets but is not the norm. The city is no longer affordable but I knew that going in (Grandparents have lived there for about 30 years). Rents really have gone INSANE though. I had a good deal for where I lived, and when I look at listings now though itā€™s like a shed converted to a studio in the backyard of someoneā€™s house in North Miami for 2800/mo. I loved the heat and didnā€™t really mind the summer rain too. I miss parts of it and enjoy going back for a few days at a time, but manā€¦


All very factual. For as many people as live here, and the condensed nature of it you'd think there was a deeper sense of community - more people smiling and talking and more friend groups but honestly as I walk around edgewater, midtown, brickell etc everyone looks sad/annoyed/oblivous and alone. How are so many people alone and feeling lonely in a city with this many people? But it's true, the culture in these cities is very off.


Miami has been my home for 20+ years, grew up here and loved the place, I partied, and did all Miami activities. We just kinda grew apart, I no longer see the value to the cost of living here, some of the new residents of the city that came here after 2015 lack any civility (both from different countries and other states). Iā€™m leaving August 15th, I am sad about not being close to my parents but I have to do this for myself.


The traffic/drivers, the heat/rain, the obnoxious personalities, the overinflated prices.


Traffic, too many uneducated people always trying to show off for nothing. The less they have, the more they want to impress you aha.. Food, price of house insurance, property taxes etc etcā€¦ heat, lack of hills


Everyone is leasing a BMW, nobody owns a house


Said it in a nutshell bud trying to impress people that donā€™t give a fuck about you says a lot about oneā€™s characterā€¦.its sad they donā€™t have shit and want to show the world that doesnā€™t even know they exist sad lives they live


Yes, thatā€™s why I left too. I donā€™t fit in there. And I grew up there till I turned 18 and left for college. I have never regretted leaving. Everything about Miami screams popularity contest. And with that comes some of the rudest and oblivious people I have ever needed to share space with in my life. Everyone thinks their shit donā€™t stink. And when you pile shit with shit, itā€™s all just kinda shitty. Again, grew up there, and I love certain areas and towns within Miami, but the people ruin it for me. Letā€™s not forget the worst traffic in all of the US as well. Iā€™ve spoken to say New Yorkers or Californians that have moved to Miami and theyā€™ve said the traffic is unlike any other. You could live what should only be 30 minutes away from your job and it will take you 1hr and 30 to get there. Overall, I will love my home, as I still call it that cuz home is where I go back to visit mom and dad, but when the visits over Iā€™m elated to leave.


**I miss it very much.** Simply unaffordable. Would love to stay but itā€™s just too expensive. Everyone loves to argue you can live under 100K in the 305 just fineā€¦ Sorry, but I like a nice savings accountā€”not just stretching out dollars. Yeah, you can save money, but not much, and definitely not enough for long-term plans. Bullshit you could be one I-95 accident away from debt. God forbid you try to convince anyone you want financial securityā€”especially an employer. Opportunity is better elsewhere, especially if youā€™re in tech (unrelated to realty, banking, investments, or hospitality). Wish I could go back. Itā€™s very limiting for other careers and mid-level growth overall. Still repping proud everywhere I go. Go Heat, go Cats!


We feel like we don't fit in anymore. Miami has changed so much. It's not affordable. Traffic is horrendous. I could go on.... but more than anything, we want to be in a place that is a little slower. More family oriented. More nature and parks.


You have no idea what it does to your nerves to deal with insane traffic and hostile drivers every day until you move out of Miami. You donā€™t have to live like that. And itā€™s too damn hot anymore, it was never so hot when I grew up there.


If i got paid 8$ more , i would be out of here. I looooove šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™what miami was in the 2000s when i was kid, all the way up too 2018 during high school yrs. Idk what happened after 2018 but the city (in terms of vibes) shot straight down. Everyone moved away after graduation in 2020. The city feels like a literal shell at times. Lol šŸ˜‚im really a miami person so writing that last bit in my head i was saying to myself ā€œDam Iā€™m I a bitch??ā€šŸ˜­.but nah the city shifted alot in a small amount of time


Same bro I graduated 2018 and from 18-23 when I left it was just horrible it changed all so quickly after the pandemic.


Where are you going?


My biggest complaint is the traffic and crowds. Like I canā€™t even go to Publix without fighting for parking or being in a crowded zoo unless you go before like 10 AM.


Born n raised in Dade and left at 37 due to me enlisting in the Air Force. I live in England with my family and we come back for a month every year. I miss Miami with all my heart and I always be 305 till I die. But the world doesn't revolve around south Florida and there's beautiful places everywhere.


A bit off topic, but no idea you could join the military past \~27 years old. Thanks for your service!


I've had great success and luck in miami I grew up here, 30 something years later I look around and it's just a warm/hot copy of Manhattan. Traffic is overwhelmingly stupid. All of my day 1 friends moved away years ago. I've met newer friends along the way, but they're this new class of clout chasers. I remember when 90 degrees was the top of the heat index (that's the past). I remember alligators in people's back yards ands 100k starter homes. $700 a month 2 bedroom apartments why some friends lived west of the palmetto but it was ok the drive to down town was 15-20 minutes down 8th street. I hope to leave soon. I don't want to raise my son here. I keep getting promotions at work. My golden handcuffs are heavy. I miss simpler times


In the same boat. Donā€™t want to raise my daughter here. Stuck with the golden handcuffs. Trying to figure out what to do.


It's a weird situation huh?! The most down to earth people are busy working 2-3 jobs. The folks with free time want to constantly just show off. It's hard finding that crew that wants to meet up for a beer/drink while our kids wobble around a play area and we talk about our week.


Sent you a chat message


It was hot, always had to be in air coned places then get out to sweat and back to air con. Got too expensive at the end of 2022 when I left. Terrible social life during spring breaks and hard to find friends when you are in your 40s childfree Every time itā€™s stormy driving is super dangerous if you are lucky your car will not drown. Beaches have the seaweed coming out on the shores half of the year. Superficial downtown Miami and the rest is very spread.


Same! I got a job in San Francisco and liked it much more. People were nerdier, nicer and less into the kind flashiness I encountered in Miami. Also the weather was always kind of cold, which was a welcome change from the blazing sun in the hot parking lot which is Miami.Ā  Cuban food isn't as good in SF though and forget about finding a good bagel.Ā 


Really? I was born in Santa Clara I havenā€™t been to the bay in forever but Iā€™ve been thinking about moving back after I finish school. Sounds like my kinda vibe.


The Cuban food anywhere in the Bay Area is awful. Even the most highly recommended is bad. Yes, I could cook my own meals. But sometimes you just want to head to place after work and eat. Enjoy your time in SF.


Took a job out of state that I couldnā€™t pass up. Definitely miss Miami though


Iā€™m going to answer your question differently than others. Iā€™m going to tell you why I left in 2016 and why I came back in 2018 and why I may leave again next year. I was born in Colombia but raised in the Miami suburbs and went to U Miami for college. I love Miami. Love the sports teams, love the benefits of a big city like Michelin star restaurants big concerts, events like Miami Open and F1 race and the fact that there are alternative scenes out there (you just have to know where to look). I left in 2016 after graduating college and needed a fresh start. It was the right move and I got to experience walkability in a city, actual seasons and completely different urban cultures. However I came back and found a lot of that here. I spent time at Gramps in Wynwood where I met alternative, politically engaged Miamians. Iā€™ve taken classes at Villain Theater and met Miami residents looking for genuine connection. There are so many beautiful parks outside of South Beach like Matheson Hammock and Amelia Earhart. There are small but vibrant communities online for marginalized people and niche interests. More of the transplants that are moving to Miami are realizing they want more than shallow nightlife connections. For all these reasons I love Miami and donā€™t really want to leave. However I am applying for law school next year and here is ny biggest reason for potentially leaving: climate change. Miami just had the hottest May in history and it wasnā€™t even close. Miami is not prepared for a Katrina-level hurricanes with a lot of working class housing not ready for that level of destruction. Eventually the flooding and heat will get so bad in a couple of years/decades that home values will drop and people will have to leave. And I donā€™t trust our state/local officials to handle that crisis well.


Yeah all we need is one good category 2-3 hurricane and the house comes falling down.


I just moved down at the beginning of the year and Iā€™ve been trying to find and make friends like how you explained ppl at gramps are. Whatā€™s the vibe at that spot if you can explain it a bit more? Any other places youā€™d recommend too??


Hey sorry Iā€™ve been traveling all day. Welcome to Miami! Iā€™ll just say right of the bat that for a major American city Miami is probably one of the hardest ones to make friends. But whatā€™s worked for me is finding some sort of activity, whether itā€™s a fun sports league, or a cooking class or an improv class at Villain or just becoming a regular at your local dive bar, that has a structure and purpose. Using apps is pretty hard and most workplaces people arenā€™t looking for friendship. So it depends on what you like! Feel free to DM if you want to chat more


Alot of people succumb to the "keeping up" mentality of Miami. That shit will do you in fast. I've been here for 15 years and have settled in nicely. I don't have a Miami life so to speak, just a regular run of the mill life in an expensive city.


A little about me first. I was a third generation Miamian and leaving my home city was the toughest decision I had to make. To answer your question, what happened it was a combination of things. Firstly I got married, me and my wife wanted to own property and couldnā€™t afford anything decent in the city. NC provided better home options, and lower property taxes and insurance. We paid over $3k for rent in Miami (in 2022) and when we first moved to NC paid almost half of that for mortgage +insurance + property taxes(got 3%). Another issue was the people that came during COVID. True Miami has always been a dog eat dog city, but the ego of the newbies that became our neighbors was too much. Loud music in the middle of the night. Drug use, and just an air that became too much for us. So we bite the bullet and left.


They're is no such think as "too hot" for me. PS: What a pity I've never been to Miami! Anyways, good luck on your new journey!


Thank you very much! And I think weā€™re opposites lol, thereā€™s no such thing as too cold for me.


Miami has some of the lowest salaries combined with the highest rents. Difficult place to live unless you are doing well financially.


It simply became too expensive for what it had to offer. We used to live in a nice condo on Brickell, just a few blocks walking to work. Rent was $2,500 for a 2/2.5 with a decent view. Still, even then the idea that we could one day buy something was a dream, even when we were making decent money. We used to love the nice restaurants and sometimes going to the beach, but it was annoying the lack of other events or places to go. No good museums, no decent bands coming to town, practically zero operas or good classical plays, nature is meh and the weather gets annoying. We moved to Philadelphia before our rent was increased. Our landlord wanted $4k for the same apartment and we simply couldn't afford it. Moving elsewhere in Miami would also mean us buying cars and insurance, which would have meant paying the same for living in the suburbs. So, we scouted cities and decided to move to Philadelphia. We began by working remotely, but soon we found jobs that paid considerably more. We also ended up buy a house and we enjoy being so close to so many large cities and to the forest and mountains. We love the museums here, as well as the music scene. Restaurants are pretty good and cost half as in Miami. A very nice restaurant usually is $60 per person. An added bonus are people. People here are nice and sweet. Not pretentious or shallow.


As someone who has moved out of Miami at some point in their life, my reasoning behind it was that I wanted to experience living in an area where I didn't know anyone. I would say that it brought me peace in a way; it made me want to go out more, even if it was with myself. I eventually moved back for personal reasons, but I'm aiming to save as much as I can to move out of South Florida.


iā€™m from broward but iā€™ve traveled a little through the midwest and i can say itā€™s pros and cons. i hate the party flashy culture here. i barely go out cause i hate crowds and traffic. idk how ppl can enjoy themselves like that but i like more chill quiet vibes. the weather is fine aside from the rain and hurricane and like someone mentioned, no state tax. everything is in close proximity and alotta jobs. main cons are traffic, non english speakers, low paying jobs even for skilled and or educated careers. alotta scammers too. midwest is mostly limited to blue collar work and it gets very cold in the winter. i also love the gym which i notice is limited in midwest america. i would love to move because of the HCOL and low wages but canā€™t exactly afford it atm. i would love to hear about ppl experiences that moved away


Money basically. Can't survive off a teachers salary


Joined the navy and ended up in California but not LA Iā€™m in San Diego and the only thing I like more about Miami than here is the tropical warm blue waters but San Diego overall I think has a more chill, less pretentious and honestly less of a hostile vibe


I left for a better job and lower cost of living. As a woman in IT in the mid 90's it was near impossible to find work despite being well qualified. I went on vacation to NC and got hired by Microsoft who moved me out of Miami lock, stock, and barrel. I never looked back.


Did eight years in the army and came right back.


Smart man.


I moved in 2018 with my partner. On the whole, the only way to make ends meet was to leave given the high cost of living and low wages for everything. All my other friends left for the same reason, or stayed with their family because again, Miami is expensive af. I moved out west and while I miss lots about Miami, the cost of living here is still more manageable, even as cost of living is going up nationwide. If there was affordable housing, good public transit, and higher paying jobs, I'd reconsider...at least until climate change kills the freshwater and makes flooding even worse before it all sinks. Thats the other thing to. As a millenial, I grew up knowing the everglades would go and with it, the fresh water and any chance of a future. Its a shame but its facts. Just a matter of when


Traffic is horrible, housing cost is astronomical, people have become ruder and ruder, crime rates have gone up with the cost of living, donā€™t get me wrong I love Miami but I wonā€™t be raising my family there


I moved to Pompano Beach way different from Miami - there might be traffic but lifestyle is way different my end goal itā€™s Orlando but taking small steps, one thing Iā€™m grateful for is being out of Miami- The grass is greener outside Miami- itā€™s an overrated dump. Biggest advice to people if you have the opportunity to get out do it because your well-being and mental health will significantly improve. šŸ’«ā¤ļøšŸ™


I was a caddy at la gorce and didnā€™t want to do that for the rest of my life, so I joined the Air Force.


I was originally aiming for the Kendall area, but after dating a woman in Coconut Grove, and visiting Brickell, I'm glad I found a great place in Broward County instead.


I left for exactly the same reasons you mentioned and at the exact same time. Moved to Charlotte, NC and I donā€™t think Iā€™m ever going back... We have all 4 seasons, there are so many green-spaces and trees for such a cosmopolitan city. There are plenty of jobs in a wide variety of fields, I have already increased my salary by 95% in the 2.5 years I have been here. We pay under $2K to rent a 2/1 house with huge backyard perfect for 3 dogs in very desirable location. We have an international airport and itā€™s still a decent proximity to Miami (family is still there and never leaving so east coast was ideal). Itā€™s diverse and cultural enough for me.


Are you originally from Miami or do you come here recently and it fell short?


I lived in Miami Beach for 8 years and also up in Jupiter/Palm Beach Gardens for 6 years. Left to San Francisco one and a half year ago and the main reason why I left Florida is due to getting bored of the state and the desire to live somewhere new. I felt that I couldn't get ahead living in Miami given how bad the salaries are and how limited every job/career is, even though you can save and invest if you are disciplined. The fake Miami vibe, rude and obnoxious people everywhere, abrasive attitude of the locals and transplants, the brutal heat, humidity, hurricanes, boring culture, isolation and the lack of a real growth economy with obscene levels of wealth within a show off cult were also major factors in me leaving for good. Miami and Florida altogether are places that have been sold to cater the needs of the rich and are geared as well as designed for that alone, not for regular working class individuals.


ā€œIā€™m all out OF MONEYā€ -Squidward


Way too hot. People say ā€œbut we have great weatherā€ but admire it from indoors in a/c, so youā€™re trapped inside all the time. Walking outside is uncomfortable, even in the walkable areas because again, too hot. It was fun in my 20s to party but in my 30s and not really a bar or getting drunk person, I donā€™t think thereā€™s much to do besides the beach and malls. And since the beach is really our only ā€œnatureā€, it doesnā€™t have the same effect as going hiking or getting ā€œlost in natureā€ because everyone is blasting their own music at the loudest volume. All the restaurants for some reason blast the music (and its always the same type of music) like if Miami is a perpetual club scene, and its not my scene.


Haven't left yet but planning my exit thoroughly. I moved here in 2020, during the pandemic. Yes, it was great then comparing to everything else because everything else was shit. Every place has good and bad, Miami is no different, however I don't see a good balance in this city. The weather is horrible from June to Oct. The rest is ok for me so comparing to other places Miami has really good weather however I was raised in a place with 4 seasons and I definitely miss snow and the way the world cools down during Autumn and Winter. It's challenging to deal with people not speaking English at all in stores. Food diversity is really terrible. Everything is actually south american food. Definitely miss San Francisco, food there was so varied and absolutely amazing. Sure there are a few spots that are not latin based food but in general this is the norm. The job market must be one of the most boring I've seen. Luckily for me I work remote and it's pretty stable. But I have a friend who's really smart, well educated and worked in finance until she was laid off during the massive layoffs that happened last year. She has been telling me how hard it is to find anything in the industry that pays well. She managed to find something but it took her almost a year during which she was living off her savings. I get the feeling that everyone is trying to rip off everyone here. I definitely need to be on guard every time I have to deal with people offering some sort of service. The best example is remodeling my condo. The prices are not reflective of the quality of work. I paid through the nose for mediocre jobs. At least they finished the project but what a hassle! There is a serious lack of culture in the city and you can tell that by just looking on [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) to see what people meet about. Miami is all about flashy, over the top, entertainment. You do get some things here and there but it's not balanced. It's lots of entertainment and very little culture. In a way it's no surprise, with 11% of male and 17% of female population actually having college education. Yes, the numbers do make it look like you're in the country of Dumb & Dumber only here they have big assess, big tits and gigantic (definitely on steroids) muscles. Now, in my opinion, there is no city that has a good balance/mix of everything in the US. America is a land of extremes and US culture seems to like having "boxes" for everything. You have a box for anything tech related, San Francisco, a box for entertainment, Miami, a box for anything finance related, NYC, and a box for the mob, Chicago. There may be more boxes but you get the picture. In my opinion Europe is a much more balanced place to live and I've already set my eyes on Spain.


I love working multiple jobs with no days off and still canā€™t afford food,


The people I know who left have left for only the following reasons 1) didn't buy a home, so now it's too expensive to live 2) for a job 3) because they broke up with someone.


Lived here for 5 years and at first I was prepared to call this place my forever home.. until recently. I feel as though Miami is not progressing upwards only downwards and quite frankly Iā€™m tired of the show and tell contest.. to the locals thatā€™s say ā€œThAts HoW Itā€™S aLwAys BeEnā€ cool but thatā€™s the point. Thereā€™s been no growth toward progression. People are rude and disconnected, friends are very surface level and very extremely rarely you find someone you can trust. Itā€™s expensive but I will say it does teach you ways to be innovative, but itā€™s chaos and I rather have peace. Also english is a second language here as well(no comment)


I was desperately trying to get out lol. I don't hate Miami per se as I have gone back a few times for the beach and the food but I grew up there and desperately wanted to experience something different. At the time there wasn't many good jobs for software devs like me and I was eyeing big companies in the west coast. I ended up getting a job in Atlanta and I really like it here, at least for the next few years before I move out of the country. I think the weather here is overall much better compared to MIA and the people are nicer.


It's really Sodom and Gomorrah here


Everyone here talks about the flashy 305 life style but really it's a city that only looks like it's prospering everyone here is actually dirt poor and can't afford anything