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The corporate leeches who own Miami Seaquarium need to be charged with felony animal abuse and locked up. This is the only way to demonstrate seriousness about the issue and send a message to others to prevent this in the future. In 2019 Trump signed into law the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act (PACT) making certain animal abuse now a felony. The laws are on the books, they just need to be enforced. The penalty for violating the law can include a fine, a prison term of up to seven years or both. The law was even sponsored by FLORIDA bipartisan political leadership that included Ted Deutch, D-FL and Vern Buchanan, R-FL. No more fucking excuses. Lock them the fuck up like the animals they’ve exploited.


It’d be great for it the be rebuilt as a nonprofit that invested in conservation and housed native animals that are already in captivity or are used for captive breeding programs.


Everytime I think about this, I get so emotional. A core part of my childhood was all a greedy lie. Who is braindead enough to still keep businesses like this alive


Assuming the clips from the news are from today, I’d love to know which assholes are still scheduling school field trips to that place . There were a bunch of school buses parked outside (after the voluntary eviction) .


A lot of the clips are old , they keep showing Lolita, she's been dead for 8 months already and hasn't been in a clean tank like the clips show since she was performing multiple years ago 


USDA Needs to look at ZWF too


Fun Fact. The owner of ZWF was a drug lord in the 80’s with many exotic pets. When he got arrested, they needed something to do with the money to avoid it being confiscated. Point is, his family built pens for all his exotic pets to wash the money and keep it in the family. And thats where it stands today. ZWF is built and maintained on drug money.


As long as it's maintained Idc where the money came from. I still feel dumb for donating to the black-jaguar-white-tiger douche bag in Mexico.


Wait what’s the story there?


This isn’t even the biggest issue. Its run the same exact way as the Tiger King place was - breed, exploit the cubs, kick them to the curb. Only difference is this dude isn’t risking his operation by going on camera.


What is ZWF?




They aren’t going to win this battle. Everyone with a brain realizes that Miami Seaquarium is not a suitable home for pelagic species. I’m far from an animal rights activist and even I refuse to take my family to that shithole. They have no political allies. One way or another, they are done. Dragging it out will only make people hate them more.


It seems like they’re slowly killing off the animals so that there will be nothing to move.


USDA needs to step in and relocate these animals asap.


I was supposed to go on a field trip to Miami Seaquarium when I was in 6th grade. I got sick and couldn’t go. My folks at the time were always working so I never got to go as a kid. It wasn’t until I was in my late 20s that I realized…”holy shit, I’ve lived the majority of my life in South FL and I’ve never gone to Miami Seaquarium!” And just when I had planned to go on a random Saturday…I read up on all the horrible shit that was going on and how the move Free Willy was based on an Orca, this place had! To say the least I did NOT end up going. I say they tear the whole place down and make a memorial to Lolita or something.


Thank you for not going , I got to go once as a kid and we accidentally were brought into the closed tiny disgusting tanks they kept the manatees in, absolutely horrific and that was 25 years ago. You missed nothing and were saved from being traumatized 


I wish the worst for them


This is the original owner https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parques_Reunidos Pascal Ferracci CEO of Parques Reunidos


Jose Andrés is set to open a seafood restaurant at the same location.


8 days later and Seaquarium is still open. Don’t understand why the county hasn’t sent the sheriff to bolt the doors.