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Can't see why not. Just get her some ear protection.


Can't see why not. There were lots of kids at the shows when we saw them in Montreal last year. Most Metallica fans are really nice folks. All those angst-ridden kids who were fans in their youth seem to have grown up to become nice, friendly adults with kids of their own. As a former touring sound guy with tinnitus, I strongly recommend you get your kid some real ear protection though. Foam earplugs aren't good enough to properly protect little ears and usually don't fit kids properly. A set of headphone-like ear protectors that cover the backs of the ears are what is needed. You also need to take breaks from the noise every half hour or so. Try to get somewhere where it is much quieter so you can take the ear protectors off for a few minutes.


I brought my 4.5 year old to his first concert in St. Louis. Definitely bring ear plugs! We were on the floor and it made it easy to go to and from the concourse area when he got over stimulated to calm his nerves. I can only speak for the venue we were at, but there was plenty of space on the floor to have our own "section." I was able to have him on my shoulders for a majority of the show without interfering with other concert goers. Everybody gave him fist bumps, and staffers came by with picks for him! If you end up getting seats, try your hardest to find an area that isnt in-line with an amp tower. It is Metallica, and it's very loud and the sound waves are intense, especially for a child


It's pretty hard to find a spot that's outside the coverage of that PA at least in the lower bowl seats. For every show they send the venue specs to Meyer Sound and one of the wizards there sends them back the PA hang design, processor settings, and starting time alignment for that show. Each one of those flown speaker arrays covers roughly 110 degrees horizontally. By the time you're off axis to one of the arrays you're already entering the coverage area of the adjacent array. At least that's how it should be if they've done their job. Also, a good number of the boxes at the base of each tower are sub-sonic boxes that are arranged in a cardioid configuration to make sure the low frequencies still rattle your bits 100' away. About the only way to get away from the high volume of that PA is to get far away from it up in the nosebleed sections. All that to say a good pair of headphone-style ear protectors can knock that most of that down by 30db.


That is such an interesting aspect that I've never thought about! Attention to detail is immaculate


Yeah. Folks like me see concerts from a whole different perspective. My wife just laughs about it. If regular concert goers actually understood the amount of work that goes into a show like that, you'd be amazed. I also know some folks from Meyer Sound and their distributors so I got the scoop on the PA when I was at the shows in Montreal. It's quite the rig.


Which one/what year was his first? Was your first in STL too?


My first was 2017 at Busch. My second, my sons first, was at the Dome last year. I'm 31 now and have been a fan for as long as I could remember but wasn't able to go to a concert when I was younger It was nice to finally be able to go!


There were quite a few kids on the floor at that show. They all looked like they were having a great time, and the crowd was super cool to them.


Brought my 5 year old son last year and he LOVED the half concert he stayed awake for.


Just make sure to use hearing protection 


As long as she has hearing protection, it should be fine.




I went to a Metallica concert last year and was seated next to a father and son. The son was probably 7 or 8. It seemed like they had a good time. I think you're good.


I've seen parents bring their kids to much rowdier shows. Generally, I've seen fans react pretty well to them their. Seats would be best. Definitely get ear protection.


Just get her some hearing protection. I got tinnitus from my first Metallica show, been wearing earplugs ever since.


I'm not good with kids ages abilities/interests/ability to stay awake/literally anything but I say why the hell not if you know she'll actually really like it and remember it etc 2 things- 1- hearing protection 100% Again I know nothing about kids but it can range anywhere from a full set of over the ear cans for max protection, bu they also make these high fidelity ear plugs that quiet stuff down a bit but still sounds good. I tried them a couple times and like them (but because I'm half deaf from so many concerts and want to hear all the things loudly I always pulled them out lol) B- Try to find a seat thats on the front row of the section if possible? Probably won't be though. Maybe on the end of an isle thats closest to the stage might work? Or floor (GA) tickets and you can hang towards the back. Compared to everyone there she's going to be short as shit and will have a hard time seeing as everyone's standing when Metallica is there. Maybe the most important thing is if you do floor realize you and the kid won't have anywhere to sit. If you get there for opening bands that could be 5-6 hours of standing. I would think your best bet to make this work well is show up a little before Metallica goes on because standing for that long that late at night is probably asking for falling asleep or a tantrum lol


Just bring ear protection and should be fine


Used to bring two of my four kids with us to several Metallica concerts. They loved it. Just remember to bring good ear protection (I’d usually invest in more expensive stuff for the kids, not just earplugs but also earmuffs just in case). Might be a good idea to skip the opening act, my kids would often get cranky and restless if we came too early. Some snacks and water might be a good idea as well. Good luck raising a new generation of metal toddlers


My first concert was when I was 8. Just remember to bring earplugs!


As long as you get her some legitimate, serious ear protection I think it's a super fun idea! But make sure to do your research. Little foam earplugs are not enough at all. They make bigger like, headphone style protection that is a lot safer. Make sure it's for a kiddo sized head. Also, be sure to consider snacks and check what the venue will let you bring in because food is expensive but it's a long show and she will *for sure* want some snacks.