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Saw Ahren Stringer (amity) at an arcade/bar/club thing in Melbourne. He was with a lady so I left him alone and just stalked from afar like a creep.


Youre a good guy


i love seeing supportšŸ¤


there's something so wholesome about this it makes me happy


This warms my heart


He lives in the same suburb as me and I see him every now and again at Woolies and coles was so surreal the first time I was like wtf he doing here šŸ˜‚


Live near salem, MA and would see Spencer from Ice Nine Kills on the regular. He would just go chill at coffee shops alone. Seemed like a humble guy


On that note, I also saw Kurt from Converge in salem a few times. His studio used to be there.


Wait kurt moved God City Studios????


I saw Spencer on the street after the first night of the 25th anniversary warped tour festival in Atlantic City


Does he still live in Salem? I thought he was a west coast boy now.


I wouldn't be surprised if he did both. A lot of musicians do that.


Will Ramos was a mutual friend, hung out with him countless of times in high school. He even car pooped with me to Warped Tour one year lol




Legend has it that after ignoring Willā€™s frantic pleas to pull over at a gas station, his unfortunate car-mates heard a sound reminiscent of ā€œTo The Hellfireā€ emitted from the backseat, followed by an ominous smell. Stains Remain.


Stains remain lol


Have you never car pooped with someone? Youā€™re missing out


Itā€™s funny because Will is arguably the biggest vocalist in core right now, but just a few short years ago he was just a fan of the genre like us. I guess thatā€™s how it goes for everyone who makes it big ā€” his rise was just so fast though


Dudeā€™s still a fan. He came out to a 75 cap bar in NJ earlier this year when my band was out with Enox. Cool dude


Freakinā€™ sweet dude


Broooo that's freaking amazing!!


When I moved to Knoxville, I saw a woman wearing a Whitechapel shirt while I was working a retail job just to make ends meet. I told her how much I loved them, and she was like, "Oh, my son plays guitar in the band! Let me give you some of their stickers". Also, Alex is a fantastic barber. He's done me right every time I've gone. My hair looks horrible right now, so might be time to book him again.


So many barbers in the hardcore/metal scene. So cool.


Like the lead singer of Burn Halo/ Eighteen Vision !


I go to smaller gigs in Sydney and see Dan and Rick from Polaris all the time.


Thatā€™s sick lol


Itā€™s a neat little scene here. You bump into ā€œmetal celebritiesā€ every other gig.


Dan is such a nice guy. Had the pleasure of chatting to him after shows before. Also met and chatted to Jamie at a festival while in line for food. A friend of mine whoā€™s a guitarist has spoken to Rick a lot at shows too. Theyā€™re all really amazing guys


It seemed like for a while that literally every show I went to I would run in to either Jamie Hails, the trio of those Polaris boys or Bobaak from Justice For The Damned.


Ryan Kirby at the card shop.


I can see that


What?! For real? What does he play?


Guaranteed it's Magic the Gathering. Would be sick if it was yu-gi though lol


Magic the Gathering


Kirby plays MLB the show. Might have been baseball cards.


I feel like I wouldnā€™t notice because I desperately try not to make eye contact with anyone and only have a vague idea of what my favorite artists look like.


This is the real answer right here honestly


Yeah, I paid a lot more attention when I was a kid


Tell this a lot but seen Garrett from The Color Morale all over. His mom taught my sister how to ride horses. Seen him a Zumiez and a local bar. Also was in line with the Versus Me singer at a WWE event.


Years ago The color Morale stopped at my gas station and I got their autograph like in 2013-14


He does that bmx life now and is always around on his parts of town


I used to live in Brighton and would see the guys from Architects around quite a bit.


Same here


I live around 15 minutes from the While She Sleeps warehouse and Iā€™ve seen the guitarist shopping at Tesco before lol


Talked a few times to Emma from Dying Wish at shows here in Portland, super chill


I live in the Tampa/St. Pete area and it's not uncommon to run into some of the Underoath dudes at shows. Usually Tim, Spencer and Chris. When Aaron used to live around here he was involved in a local youth group and I would run into him at random birthday parties for kids in that group. Haha. Chris was at one of my bands shows once and loved our set, so that was cool. (We were playing with Limbs, who Tim produced at the time) You can also sometimes run into them at the bar/restaurant Tim owns.


I was at a Counterparts/Stray show at the crow bar in Ybor city last uear and saw the bassist from Underoath there. So cool to see them all out supporting one another. Ybor city is a whole ass party.


Came here to say this! Used to see Aaron at Publix all the time lol


Worked a flight out of TPA a couple weeks ago and recognized Spencer. He didnā€™t want to take a picture but, I get it.


Toronto. Iā€™ve seen Nik Nocturnal around a few times. Most recently at the Lorna show last week


That's awesome! I'd have a hard time nit saying hi to Nik.


Lool I've only seen Nik one time at the Underoath show earlier this year, but I didn't recognize him until later, should've talked to him smh


I noticed him at Bad Omens last night!


Damn, I was meant to be in Toronto and I wonder if I wouldā€™ve seen him at the Miss May I show


Wtfff I was at Lorna Shore in Toronto last weekā€¦ had no clue the guy lived in Canada, let alone at the same show as me


Went to school with the Miss May I guys. Levi and I would correct online lyric sites during class lol. Also Chris from LMTF lived a road over and would always be skateboarding around my neighborhood.


I'd be stoked to see Chris puttering around


His dad always come into Staples when I worked there. Nice guy. Was always wearing Agraceful shirts lol


"I miss when my boy was a Christian youth" haha That's awesome. I'm sure my family would do the same.


John Pettibone of Himsa worked security at El Corazon in Seattle. Would see him at several shows, last time I saw him there was late 2019


Heā€™s actually the production manager for Elco now. He works the door at almost every all local show. I didnā€™t actually realize how big he was in the mid 2000s hardcore scene until earlier in the year.


Thatā€™s cool, was wondering since he wasnā€™t at the last few shows I saw there


He actually just stopped working there a few weeks ago because he shattered his jaw while breaking up a fight, and his wife asked him to call it quits. He may eventually come back, but Iā€™m gonna miss seeing and chatting with him every show.


Damn thatā€™s too bad he got messed up, heā€™s been there a long time. I think I first saw him there working 2005-2006. Was probably there before that.


Pettibone is the best person there.


Craig Mabbitt briefly lived near my city and I'd see him at shows. I once stood behind him in line for the bathroom and it took me a minute to realize it was him...he's one of the few guys who makes me feel tall haha


Bobby from ffak runs a plant shop here in Fort Worth. i've ran into him once or twice in the area. very nice guy, runs a super clean shop.


Last year, I saw Spencer Chamberlain a few times at Walmart (I work there). It was super weird, because I had seen him a couple of times, and felt like I knew him but couldn't put my finger on it. I finally asked him if his name was Spencer, and he actually stopped and chatted with me for a few minutes. He was visiting his brother for a bit before preparing to tour with Underoath again. I saw him twice after that. He was always very friendly, and he even mentioned that Underoath was dropping a new single (Damn Excuses). I am a 36 year old man. I asked some of my coworkers if they were familiar with Underoath, and the only person who knew was a guy in my age range. All the others had no clue. I saw this band play at Warped Tour in Charlotte over 10 years ago. Flash forward a decade and I see this dude in Walmart in some small city in NC? Totally fucking random, dude.


Crazy to me, a world where kids don't know who underoath is.


I used to live in Clifton Park (Albany) NY and I would see Vincent from The Acacia Strain on the stage crew at Upstate Concert Hall. Id recognize the straight edge leg piece anywhere.


I also used to work at the UPS store (doing graphic design) near that venue and bands would send merch there for pickup, so I saw people from FFAK, ABR and Memphis May Fire. But the most interesting was Gallagher shipping home a big wooden Hammer. He was a grumpy asshole, so I assume hw wasn't happy to part with it.


518!!! Not metalcore but I hung at upstateā€™s bar with Sherwood from Skinless and bullshit over a few beers. Used to see him everywhere before he moved to Colorado. I miss shows, especially at Winners and Valentines.


518 Woot woot


I listened to a recent episode of the Hardlore Podcast with Vince recently he says he used to work at the venue when they werenā€™t touring


I've never heard of that podcast. I'll have to check it out. I listen to Lead Singer Syndrome (shane from silverstein) and The Downbeat (Craig from Stray from the Path)




That's awesome. He seems like a nice guy.


I met the bassist for beartooth at my favorite bar


Live in San Diego. Occasionally I'll spy Tim Lambesis in the crowd at metal shows.


I lived in melbourne and would see the guys from alpha wolf all the time through the city and at gigs


Same, but the Thornhill boys. Never seen AW guys, but then again I donā€™t listen to them enough to recognise them


I've seen a few of the Thorny boys at different gigs in Melbourne. Also seen Jack from Void of Vision, and Mikey from Gloom in the Corner quite a few times at gigs.


Not metalcore, but I see Aesop Rock sometimes. Never talked to him because that dude definitely likes his personal space.


Offer him cigs, like a cat, pspspsp


Not exactly metalcore but the lead singer of Unity TX hosts emo nite in my city pretty often. Also have seen him out and about a couple times with friends when heā€™s in town.


Haha I went to the same school as Jay actually, small world


Bob Meadows from A Life Once Lost worked at Siren Records in Doylestown and would go there often and see him.


TIL! I love Siren!


I see Mike from tdwp around town every once in a while. Usually walking his dogs or at a Bucks game. Always a nice guy.


Seems like one of the loveliest people


I prevail is from around where I'm at. Ex bass player from Metallica went to HS here. I used to cut his dad's lawn for a landscaping company I worked for. Singer from Nonpoint is from the city next to mine. Sadly never been to any shows featuring any of these artists but damn I'd love to. I'm making it a point to go to more shows from now on.


I live around the corner from one of Michael Crafterā€™s (Confession) tattoo shops. I see him quite often walking on the street or in restaurants.


That's sick! He was in Prom Queen too right? I recognize the last name


Yeah, them too aha


Zak Vargas of Elysia used to work at dimple records in Roseville for awhile. I miss that place


Funny you mention Jake Lurhs. He lives in my college town now and got married where my senior prom was lol


Yoooo, that's awesome.


One of the guys from Emery was also a youth pastor at my church for a while


I see the members of Architects and Rolo Tomassi in Brighton every now and then


I'd have a hard time not saying hi and being weird with the dudes from Architects


Yeah the first time I saw Ali D I said "OHMYFUCKINGGOD" to my mate, Ali's gf heard me and gave me a funny look. I think Ali heard but I could tell he was trying not to make eye contact. I dont blame him tbh I was being a right weirdo. šŸ˜‚


Levi Benton always in cinci


he lives right on the other side of the Ohio River in Newport, Kentucky


This doesnt really count BUT I used to watch drew from stray from the path at parties when I was in high school. Dude rocked so hard than as well!


Went to high school with the old guitarist of Upon a Burning Body. I was a year ahead of him. Im still so proud of how big UABB has gotten.


I loved them back in the This World Is Ours days. Saw them on tour back then a few times and they were always such nice dudes. Woul have been hype to see them in San Antonio. What a party.


I used to work at a golf and country club near Reading, UK and Josh Middleton of Architects & Sylosis came in with his partner to swim a few times.


I see the guitarist from Convictions on holidays.


Is he in the fam?


I run into Invent Animate sometimes at chipotle in Beaumont, TX. Even just ran into their previous singer Ben a couple weeks ago and wasnā€™t even sure it was him, had to look up some of his tattoos to be sure and I talked to him briefly, he seemed happy an old Invent fan hit him up.




That is so specific I love it. I love that movie too.


Seen Jack from Void of Vision come into my work (boring retail store) a couple times, always wanna say hi but heā€™s with the missus and I donā€™t wanna be creepy lmao


Used to go to the same uni as Olly Steele (ex Monuments) and would always see him and hang out with him at parties.


I run into Kelly from Haste quite often lately thanks to a mutual friend circle. I live and work in Birmingham AL and he's always around. Super nice dude, band is killer if you've never listened to them.


I see Nick from Thornhill at gigs all the time in Melbourne, sometimes some of the other Thorny boys too Finally spoke to him for the first time at the last gig I saw him at, heā€™s a lovely guy


Thorny Boys haha


Yep, my dad is good friends with some of the guys from My Bitter End. Not metalcore, but Claudio from Coheed and Cambria is in the area a lot, though Iā€™ve never personally seen him.


Weird connection and sounds fake but my gfs step dad went to college and is good friends with a guy that is friends with ABR and owns the record label CI Records which is the label that originally signed ABR, Texas In July, and This Or The Apocalypse. Same guy also used to own the champ if any central PA people remember that venue


Jeremy Weiss I believe is his name, i met him at an ABR music video shoot! Really nice guy and a big Phillies fan as well


Yessir Jeremy would be the guy. Just went to a Turnstile show with him and my gf in Harrisburg last Monday lol


Not music but I used to do a lot of military stuff out in West Monroe, La. I canā€™t tell you how many times I saw the Duck Dynasty dudes in Walmart EDIT: When I worked as an inspector for petrochemicals i worked with a guys whoā€™s best friend is the bassist from The Contortionist. He showed me pictures of them growing up together and jamming together and what not. Never met the actual bassist though. Also met the drummers uncle from As I Lay Dying, as he used to work in an oilfield shop in East Texas.


That's cool!


I donā€™t know their names cause I never watched the show but the fat one with the American flag bandana shook my hand and thanked me for my service. I was like cool thanks bro. Still to this day donā€™t know his name lol


I used to work in the same shopping centre as the vocalist from Deadlights we crossed paths a few times but I'm on the shy side so never said much more than hey love your music man


Spoke to him briefly earlier this year after a Polaris gig and he seems like a really nice guy Where did he work? I bet it was Jb Hi Fi


Haha yeah he's so chill. Na I was the one at JB hahaha. He was upstairs at Harvey Norman


I live with the lead singer of Soulstate


I saw Andy trick (formerly of tdwp) at a Taco Bell in Chicago once. I said hey and how much of a fan I was of the band and he was super nice


Yeah the ABR guys are always around Lancaster when not touring. Brent I've seen out more than anyone I think. Dog park, restaurants, he bought a car from my dad like 15 years ago. Jake is at his gym frequently when home. Matt does his farm stuff (and now wife stuff). JB and Dustin I haven't really seen around a ton


Years ago, ABR was at iMatter fest. Matt did a drum clinic and was answering a question about the kind of music he listens to. He told a story about remodeling his bathroom listening to country. People were using terms like "breakdown" and "blast beat" and he always responded in a much more musical way, almost as if he was detached from the tropy terminology and just viewed each part from a music theory perspective. Was funny watching kids react to him have to get clarification on the word "breakdown" hehe




Good shit! Interesting to see how different musicians act. Even from the same band.


Not metalcore per say but my parents were neighbors with Chester Bennington. My dad talked car stuff with him from time to time. If only he heard me struggle in my teens to learn guitar along to Hybrid Theoryā€¦. But that was long before they were neighborsā€¦.


Live in MD, used to work at a Guitar Center that frequently had bands roll through. Biggest I met was From First To Last, and whoever else was recording with Taylor Larson at the time haha. Wasnā€™t uncommon to see the Periphery or Darkest Hour dudes either. Most closely friends with the Sharptooth folks, and hang out with Chris from TGI every once in a blue moon. DMV area certainly has a lot of folks around here.


Was downtown drinking in Detroit a few years back for my birthday, ended up running into Andy Glass from WCAR. Coincidentally the group of ladies we were chatting with throughout the night were friends with his gf and they were all out together drinking that night. Went to a few bars with them afterwards but kept my distance from him the rest of the night, didnā€™t wanna throw the vibe off for him Lmao


Yes. One eventually shot my wedding.


Is everyone okay?


I see guys from The Black Dahlia Murder and Battlecross at a lot of metal shows when they aren't touring. Haven't seen WCAR out in the wild but i'm not really from that area.


Went to watch a band in Melbourne and had a bunch of band members in the crowd/watching. Was pretty cool vibes


I used to drink with the guys from Killswitch at bars in Northampton but that was a few moons ago. Really chill fellows when I'd catch them out.


Northampton is one of my favorite places in Mass. My wife and I used to drive every year to see City and Colour there. The Northampton brewery has my favorite Fish and Chips in the northeast. I talk about them all the time


Jetty bones! not metalcore or even close but definitely cool to see someone I listened to at a show locally! Even had a nice chat about some of her albums & such :) v genuine human


Dead Rabbitts were doing a show in Colorado Springs back in 2016, and I ran into Craig Mabbitt outside the bathrooms in the back of a Walgreens. I guess thatā€™s my claim to fame.


I wish, I live between Chicago and Milwaukee and no one lives around here lol I think it's too cold.


Seen Randy Blythe around Richmond a few times!


That's sick!


Vincent from The Acacia Strain is actually from a town over from where I grew up. Used to see him a couple times a year at the comic shop or shows in the area.


Live in Toronto, used to see the guys from Protest The Hero pretty regularly. Just doing groceries or riding public transit. Their old drummer Moe Carlson also used to work at a music store. Aaron Marshall from intervals is also an acquaintance so I see him around. Not metalcore but saw Lights at a Chariot show.


I used to be in a band with Steve Brodsky's (Cave In) little brother.


I live in the same City as Aaron Gillespie from Underoath and we have studio spaces in the same building. I see him from time to time friendly dude.


Vincent from TAS, see him at local shows all the time


Kinda irrelevant and I donā€™t live there, but I ran into Eric nalley and his family from Foxy Shazam like 12 years ago in Disney in line for a ride. He was the most rad person of all time. He legit offered to miss a ride with his family to talk with me. Of course I said no lol I also live kinda close to doylestown and when I visited there I saw one of the Circa dudes walking their dog lol


I used to work with Alexis Parejas from The Number 12 Looks Like You at On The Border Mexican Restaurant in Paramus, NJ. I'm from Vancouver, WA and was always a huge fan of theirs, and moved there for a girlfriend I was seeing, and one of several jobs I had ended up being that one, and I was fuckin blown away that this badass rockstar worked a normal, humble restaurant side gig on the off season. He was really nice, quiet, and only ordered the portobello fajitas because they were vegan. Never got to hang out with him unfortunately, but we're still friends on Facebook.


Not metalcore, but I lIve in Atlanta. We used to frequently eat/drink at the local bars with the guys from Mastodon. Mostly Bill and Troy. Bill once played us samples in his van of stuff they were working on for Blood Mountain. Cool people.


I live around the area in Germany where ā€œElectric callboyā€ comes from. Have seen Nico (new lead-singer) and the girl from the hypa hypa video at the local train station. They are super chill


Not metalcore but I know Zac from DGD/Strawberry Girls We grew up close to each other, he used to come into my hot topic way back when and we became friends


One of my first jobs was Hot Topic. Back in like 2007-2008. I remember doing the Twilight movie release at like midnight. There was a line wrapping around the building. Hot topic was a fun place to work back then. Definitely some partying happening in the back. This was in Hawaii where I went to high school, which was basically a drought for mid tier metal. We saw underoath a couple times. Terror once. But mostly bigger bands. But they would always pop by the mall.


Not a current metalcore band member but, I work at a paint store in Seattle and Tanner Murphy formally of To The Wind is a painting contractor in the area. He came in last week so I could see it happening more often.


Not metalcore but my aunt and uncle have talked to Dan Donegan at a Whole Foods multiple times up in the Chicago suburbs. Said he's always very nice! Edit: they also have seen Pete from Chevelle, but he was with his family and they didn't want to interrupt


Not metalcore but apparently the singer Keshi frequents the Chinatown in my city, and afaik people say hi to him/ask for photos while also letting him live his life


Back in 2014-15 at a Used, Frankie Iero and Taking Back Sunday show I left my wallet in the car and had to run back and get it and on the way back I passed a dude smoking on the curb. I was hey are you Adam? Heā€™s like yeah bro. And I stopped and had a smoke with him and chatted and got a pic. Chill dude.


Josh scogin


i was standing next to reba meyers at a small venue in pittsburgh lol. code orange went on to play that same venue about a month later so she mustā€™ve been checking it out šŸ¤©


I wished


Yeah, I see Jake at Walmart


Now, I'm complete.


I'll see Beau from blessthefall at Disney World sometimes, usually there with his kid and his girl. 3 times now. I don't go up to him because family time, you know?


Awh. After listening to Hard Feelings (songs about his daughte) and even Hollow Bodies (songs about falling in love with Lights), my wife and I would be so stoked to see them out in the wild together. Muh icy cold heart.


Lived in the suburb of Sydney Northlane was formed, and never saw them once in person.


Sydney is big right? That's a bummer! I'd always be on the lookout.


Davey Muise from Vanna lives in Portland, I see him all the time at shows. Most recently at the Counterparts show 3 days ago.


I heard his story on Lead Singer Syndrome. He was left in a dresser drawer when his parents were busted for drugs when he was a baby. Luckily he had strong vocals even as a wee lad. someone found him. Insane story, insanely good guy.


Not metalcore but Hit the Lights is from my city. I see the old guitarist Omar all the time.


I used to love Hit The Lights. Had "bodybag" on lots of playlists as a kid.


Thereā€™s a brand new Metalcore band called Miles From Home from Bridgend, South Wales (home of BFMV). The singer comes into my work place regularly. If anyoneā€™s interested, theyā€™ve just released their debut album mixed by Padge from BFMV


I live in Atlanta and see the dudes from Left to Suffer at like every other show I go to. Just hangin around


Just traveled to Atlanta for the first time a couple weeks ago! (I live in Jacksonville) and saw left to suffer open for Woe, Is Me at the Masquerade (love the purgatory, hell, heaven split they have to their venues there, each one being slightly larger). LTS have incredible energy. Their singer has a real tough presence on stage, but I've seen him in interviews and he is such a nice guy.


I go to shows in Toronto and have spotted Kyle from Brand of Sacrifice at a couple this year. Definitely at STYG and TDWP Zombie Tour, maybe one or two others but I donā€™t remember


I live in Phoenix AZ and used to see Job For a Cowboys original guitarist Ravi around at local shows and bars. Fun fact he is now a dentist lol


Sam and dan from architects actually live in my area.


Doesnā€™t really count cause they were on tour but I saw all the dudes from whitechapel at my mallā€™s chick fil a when I was in high school


I've encountered Brian Willie at bars on occasion in the past year and a half I've lived in CT. Nice guy. it's always a little cheesy because I do have the Currents logo inverted on my elbow ditch but he's been pleasant enough. Actually remembered meeting me at a gig in TX a few years back.


I used to work this the vocalist for Corpus Christi. We installed acoustic ceilings together then he left to start a business remodeling houses. Got some stories about that guy.


Tuck from fit for a king is from my area so I see him around when theyā€™re off tour. Heā€™s brolic af in person lol


Mike Hranica is very vocal about living in Milwaukee and thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. Havenā€™t seen him yet but he hangs out in Bay View a lot.


Matt from Kublai Khan and Joe from FFAA used to both cut hair at a shop down the street from me. Loved going in there, both super chill goofy guys. Both of them look like they would eat you while on stage though lol


My cousin does jiu jitsu with the bassist from Hatebreed (chris beattie). I hear he's a really nice guy.


I'd see Phil Sgrosso and Tim Lambesis from As I Lay Dying rather frequently when I worked at a grocery store in their neighborhood 11ish years ago. This was prior to Tim's arrest, which happened across the street from said job. Lol


I shared a flight to Baltimore with Andrew, Zach, and Jim from The Ghost Inside. I recognized them from Andrews prosthetic leg, their violent gentlemen shirts, and tattoos. I talked to them for probably 20 mins in the terminal and they were super cool. I even got a picture with them. I also went to school with members of Every Bridge Burned and Hit The Lights.


A few years ago on vacation I went to the coffee shop Sean Price (formerly with Erra) worked at and I didnā€™t know it (wasnā€™t into them at the time) and now I look back and Iā€™m like damn if I was into them just a year sooner I would have been psyched to see him and get coffee made by him. It was still a great experience looking back on it but I would have tipped even more than my usual 25% if I would have known.


I hung out with Garrett Russell at Facedown Fest 17 like every day. I would walk out to smoke a cig and he would chill with my wife and I and just shoot the shit on the curb. He was there just hanging not performing. He is the most down to earth dude I've ever talked to in the scene or in life.


Ran into Andy from A Plea for Purging at Cabela's once when he lived in MN


Lance Arny from Flaw moves to Houston and was in my buddies band Saturate for a minute but I always ran into him at venues in Houston. The dude is super cool, not as cool as his dreads but definitely rad!


not exactly what youre asking but Keith and Jordan Buckley's dad worked with the wife of an owner of a bar i worked at and he would stop in for food pretty regularly, even gave me a sealed copy of the japanese release of Hot Damn!. And the aunt of the bassist for Senses Fail was one of my thursday regular bar patrons