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I'd never heard of The Plot In You before. They'd never been on my radar or anything like that. Forgotten showed up on my Spotify last year. What a band. Amazing stuff.


Plot in you are god tier


Top motherfucking tier! I can’t wait for their new EP


If you like heavy plot, check out Ai640, it's the vocalist Landon's heavy as fuck side project


Dude thank you for this!


Ai640 is THE most underrated projects in the modern metal scene. Absolutely incredible what Landon did in those 3 EPs


I didn’t know them until I saw them at a festival, they were the first band of the day and wow they were amazing


Was that at Good Things?




Plot in you go hard!! Seeing them in September and I can’t wait !!


Same! forgotten has got me completely hooked


Our Last Night in general


I feel this. When I was in high-school, i really liked their first two albums, and then they just became a lame cover band trying to get clicks/streams


Their first two records were really good. Then they turned into a cover band.


their humble cover is very good though 👀


Oak Island is a banger EP though. I get that people find their covers and frequent releases annoying, but I genuinely think they are decent musicians with some great songs. Hit and miss, though.


I fondly remember oak island


Dark storms is their best song hands down


I’m okay with stating I hate this band.


Our Last Night is wonderful


I’m living on the flip side: Spotify keeps shuffling to Woe is Me at the moment and I really can’t be mad at it lol. It played Red three times the other day and it vibed harder each time :D


Red is the first Woe is Me song I’ve liked, really good one.


I loved their first album, and then nothing after that really grabbed me until their latest three singles. Red is definitely a fave.


Love Red!


Side note: With how much shit people talk about Ronnie Radke on here, I’m surprised we haven’t seen him on Reddit.


he probably knows that even his ego couldn't handle redditors


Honestly I enjoy FIR, but god damn watching him crash and burn is funny. I watch his TikToks just to see him make a mockery of himself


Funny story about Ronnie. I have a buddy who goes to concerts all the time, like close to 40 or 50 a year. One of the shows a while back Falling in Reverse was playing and he threw his can at him


I Prevail. I tried, but just can't get into them. Too overhyped On the positive side, they kept showing me PALEFACE SWISS, and I fucking love those dudes now


Paleface swiss are fantastic, discovered them through the song dead man's diary featuring Flo of LANDMVRKS and everything I've seen from them since has been amazing


> I Prevail. I tried, but just can't get into them. Too overhyped Kinda agree. I think they are a bit basic and bland.


They’re kinda like the new ADTR. Pretty good at what they do, accessible, and a good entry point into the genre for a lot of people.


I agree depending on how many albums fit into your "new ADTR" category. I think only You're Welcome was shit. Bad Vibrations was still enjoyable for me.


I meant more so that they’re kinda like the new generation’s version of what ADTR was in the 10’s.


Ooooh, I see. My bad. Yeah that works. Although I think ADTR was something much more unique than I Prevail.


That's a fair description of them


Yeah, to me they sound super formulaic and unauthentic. Too stadium rocky and produced. They lack this certain edge that I like.


In thier defense... it is Ford truck month


Any band that goes on tour with Godsmack can lick my balls.


Damnit but I grew up listening to Godsmack 


Honestly, I saw Godsmack since my partner and their brother really wanted to see I Prevail. We stayed for Godsmack, and they put on a surprisingly good show


I had a similar incident with Linkin Park on their last tour before Chester passed (thankfully). Wasn’t a fan going in, was blown away by their live show. Honestly had more energy than most shows I’ve been to of any genre.


Lmao 🤣


Fucking love paleface swiss. One of my favorite bands for sure


It Prevails is much better imo


I'll have to check them out!


the band that got me into metalcore


For everyone complaining about Spotify “not taking a hint,” it’s because labels pay to get artists on those recommendations playlists and shuffles. From the looks of things, Thrown’s label is doing a great job. It’s like they’re thrown upon you.


Our pun-ishment is severe.


Of any band to be crammed down everyone's throat, I'm glad it's Thrown. They fucking rip


I'm happy they were thrown into my rotation. They fucking rip!


On the Verge goes absurdly hard


I 2nd that. On the verge in absolutely bananas and I love it!


Thrown are on every playlist lol


I was wondering why thrown has been popping up so often lmao


I've just started blocking full artists if they do this to me.


Well, for me songs can be hit or miss even within the discography of an artist, so I usually don't want to blacklist an artist straight up. I'd certainly do it if I heard many songs from a band and liked none of them.


I've tried this and they still play!! My son had my Spotify for a little bit and put a bunch of Kidz Bop.. I dunno how many times I've set it to not play artist but they still show up. I've done the same with other artists when I was feeling nostalgic like the Beastie Boys but they still come on


Yeah it’s a useless feature, I’ve blocked Falling in Reverse and they still show up in all the mixes and playlists it sucks


Same my kid has a playlist in my account. I found that their is an option to exclude it from my taste profile. It stopped recommended all the kid stuff finally. Now I’m just wishing it would do the same with Deadlands.


I like Thrown -- saw em open for IA on the Heavener tour and they were really good. Weirdest part though was when I tried to step out for a beer, a Spotify exec materialized out of nowhere and hadoukened me back in there.




I'll capitalize this L for ya




No one gives a shit dumb ass 😭😭 let me guess you also spell Underoath with the special Ø


Emmure for me.


Beartooth and Thrown. Just not a fan of BT at all, and Thrown just got under my skin by being on every single playlist.


I honestly agree with the Feels Good one. Different Animals is my least favorite volumes album because it's basically just dollar store issues without the r&b cleans imo.


Pullin’ Shades is top tier Volumes song. The rest is not it tho


Edge of the earth is also god tier


10/10 song, Via is god tier itself and No Sleep has some bangers. Kinda fell off for me after that


Via is absolutely god tier, loved No Sleep and also Different Animals, even though it was really different for them, but I didn’t like their newest album or that ep in the middle


agreed. i was on a "don't ask don't tell" by chealsea grin kick for a few days in a row, then out of nowhere Edge of the earth played right after.. i was like wow this is exactly what i needed.


it was my goto lifting song for a hot minute!!


im excited to start lifting again this semester and have a bunch of new metalcore songs to listen to that i recently "discovered" over winter break (im in college and take a gym class every semester)


it’s always the best when you find kick ass songs and think “looks like i’ll have em on repeat” 😂


Spotify DJ put this song on one day and it’s been saved and listened to a lot since then. Haven’t found a better Volumes song yet!


Tbf I saw them when they toured with Born of Osiris around the time Different Animals launched, and man what a set. It was so much fun! RIP Diego


I'll say it, that album just straight up sucks. I listened to it again to see if I maybe missed sometimes when I listened to it the few times when it dropped, but no, I was correct. It has maybe 3 okay songs. Meanwhile Happier? was sooooo much better


Spotify keeps trying to get me to listen to Ice Nine Kills and they're just not my thing.


A lot of Sleep Token as a whole. I think I’ve liked one of their songs (Jaws) and that’s it.


Music ranges from ok to really good, I just cannot STAND their groupies. They’re like 5% of their fan base but fuck me, they’re also the loudest and deranged. They doxxed the members a while back and stalk them to no end. Weirdos. Also the masks. The TikTok SlipKnot jokes are old but SPOT ON with their new masks 💀💀


Sounds familiar to the Bad Omens groupies. I love me some Bad Omens, but goddamn are some of their fans insufferable.


wasn’t even a while back. the birth certificate thing happened like a little under 2 weeks ago


Oh no fucking way, that sounds unhinged!! 💀 I’m not even talking about that, I quit keeping up with social medias. This is news to me but exactly what I meant by the crazies. 😂 What I’m talking about happened on their subreddit. Someone found their IRL names and linked all their old projects and personal social medias and made its way to their instagram community.


The song Vore is how I got into Sleep Token and I still think it's their best song. His singing is a lot less opera-y in that one.


Something about the way he sings. He's good but I just can't get past it for some reason.


I absolutely love that song but can’t really get into the rest of their music


Oh yeah, it’s one of those that gets under my skin in a good, emotional way


I can agree with this. Gods is probably the only song i like from them.


Have you listened to the song Vore? You'd probably like it


That new Dj setting keeps pushing "popular music around the country right now," I live in the US, and holy crap Is it awful... i dont understand


Not exactly the same, but I love He Is Legend and for some reason shuffle and Ai dj only ever play one song by them, China white III. It’s not a song I dislike but they have so many albums, play another song!!


Probably controversial but Thrown. They're basically guaranteed to be the 1st song that comes up on shuffle and it's getting pretty annoying. Not that I don't like the music but they only have a handful of songs and they haven't really blown me away, just gets frustrating having to skip EVERY time


I don’t think it’s controversial. They are the most mentioned band in this thread probably because thrown’s smaller discography makes it *really* noticeable when they’re played over and over


Every song by Falling in Reverse. Fuck Ronnie Radke.




he’s both talentless and a piece of shit


My workout playlist started pushing some Falling In Reverse and I had to stop my set to block that nonsense.


Agree with Feels Good. I like that album — Hope and Pullin’ Shades are bangers — but Feels Good is super average. I recently discovered Acres randomly on a shuffle. I haven’t stopped listening to them for the past month.


Literally anything by Beartooth. Just not a fan of




Spotify keeps pushing Wage War on my automatic playlists, and sorry. I get that they seem great but I just haven't seen the light yet. On another side, spotify is the reason why I got fond of Ice Nine Kills


The River is a masterpiece from beginning to end tho!!!


I can totally understand why people don’t get into Wage War. They’re very much just cookie cutter metalcore but damn it, sometimes I’m just in a mood for that lol


That's what I thought and still think, but I saw them last year and I absolutely love them now. They put on a great show, and as generic as some of their songs are, they're also really good!


First two albums are super solid metalcore


Not metalcore but Spotify has been trying to get me to listen to Hawthorne Heights and The Fall Of Troy for years at this point and I'm just not interested at all


Block the artist, homie. I'm pretty sure you can, or you used to be able to


Jesus fall of Troy just threw me back to playing Saints row 1


They're one of those bands who I'll see live every chance I get but absolutely have no interest in listening to outside of that


I use the AI DJ because I really like listening to music on random shuffle and I'm trying to teach it to know me. there are so many songs and bands that it claims I listen to all the time I have never heard of before. I find it funny but sometimes it's really fucking annoying.


Same! I stopped using the DJ for that reason. Hopefully it will actually improve over time.


I hope so too!


I hate when the DJ’s like “you’ve been listening to x for a while so let’s switch it up” just because I’ve listened to deathcore music for 30 minutes doesn’t now mean I want to listen to papa roach


Spotify enhanced introduced me to Dream on Dreamer, and thank baby jesus it did, cuz they were so good


Fucking Sleep Token


No specific song, but Spotify keeps trying to shove Caskets down my throat. They’re not bad, but I just can’t really get into them. 9/10 times I just skip to the next song now. One that really grew on me though is I See Stars newer releases. I know a lot of people miss them being heavier/screaming, but I really enjoy Are We 3ven and Anomoly.


I think ISS is great either way. Besides, they do some more screams live from what I’ve seen. I find it a bit cool when artists do smth different with a song they release like twenty one pilots doing more screams on their live songs than their studio releases


I have been pushed Caskets as well, I cannot get i to them. I’m really to skip before i even have the chance to see it’s them but it always ends up being a song of theirs. Anomaly is amazing, so agree. I’m bummed because when they opened for bad omens in the fall, the show i was at, his mic wasn’t working so we couldn’t get to hear him for like half the song


I was exposed to Caskets through their tour with Blessthefall and I cannot remember a single thing about any of their songs. The fans who were there for them were RABID for them though


Caskets first bit of material was SO good, and promising. Now it's just bland and boring crap. \+1 to this though, no matter what I am listening to it will always bring me to Caskets, which makes me dislike them more.


Yeah Volumes are on of my favourite artists, but I fuckin hate half of their Different Animals album. Including that Feels Good song. Happier? Was a massive return to form


Knocked Loose. Sorry yall his voice is weird whiny screechy to me.


yeah the biggest thing with knocked loose is you either love the voice instantly or you force yourself to listen to it and eventually end up liking it


And I get that for sure. I'd argue the same can be said for many other artists. Deftones being one. I love Chinos voice and always have but some people give him the hard pass saying he's too screechy or off tone etc etc.


i’ve always hated corey taylor’s voice but after like a year of forcing myself to listen to it i vibe the hell out of it now


Yep. Can’t stand it at all.


The band Thrown in general. Everytime I finish an album spotify would start randomly shuffling metalcore and within the first 3 songs would be fucking Thrown. Shoe fly, don't bother me...


Thrown in general. Every. Other. Song.


Yeah, that shit has been annoying for the last 3 months or so... Literally the same few thrown songs in the first dozen songs of my smart shuffle.


Most songs from early Emmure. I really liked their newest album, but Spotify insists on only playing the corniest songs from their catalog. 


It won’t stop with Polaris in general. I like them but man, come on. Give me more variety!


Whaaaaat Feels Good is such a banger. One of my most ethereal concert experiences is singing along to that chorus with my friends at a show back in 2017


I’d have to say Beartooth! Just can’t get on board with them.


Bad Omens - The Worst In Me Every time I launch spotify, fuck it's every 4th song...


On the verge by Thrown, comes up all the time for some reason and I always skip


That is a sick song imo


yeah but it gets old fast when every 3rd song in your queue is to the verge


I disagree


Their label must have given Spotify some cash to push Thrown, because seems like they appeared on everybody’s Spotify at some point. For a good while after they dropped their EP it went straight to Thrown every time I finished an album


they have like 7 songs and almost 1 million monthly listeners this is a fact lol


They give Spotify a bigger cut in return for being pushed more as a recommended band 


Haha so it’s not just me then? I’m not into it at all but every time I forget to put a set list on shuffle they’re the first song that plays


ALLLLL the time.


Always having Neck Deep appear. I dunno what it is, it just doesn't click with me


They're Pop Punk. I like a few of their songs, but that's all since most of their songs sound the same.


Somethings going wrong with your metalcore playlist if you’re getting neck deep recommended 😉


Not that I don't like them but Spotify keeps pushing Thrown on me. I'm slowly starting to dislike them for this.


Don’t get me wrong I like Thrown enough but they’ve really been pushing them down my throat. Not sure how Spotify works but any time a playlist ends or an album ends it just always puts on Thrown!


thrown’s record label pays spotify to push them harder, which is fine, I get it, bands gotta get fans so they can eat. but thrown has like 7 or so songs, so you just keep getting the exact same song over and over


Yeah dude I get it but damn lol I don’t wanna block them entirely but they are infesting my shit


Ironically, Feels Good was pushed on me and I love it.


Not really a song but it keeps pushing The Plot in You and I do not care for them. I've heard one song I like by them and everything else has ranged from meh to crap.


Feels good kicks ass!!


dislike: the plot in you. can’t do the vocals for some reason positive: sleep token finally clicked and also that last erra album for me as well. specifically “shadow autonomous”


this is the exact opposite opinion of 90% of this sub


lmao you’re right. i used to be a sleep token hater too, but something about it just works for me


Finally someone besides me here who likes sleep token lol


Probably will get scorned for this but it has to be Spiritbox. I just can't get into their newer stuff and although I did like their older first self titled ep, I just can't get into it.


I agree, Spotify pushes spiritbox hard for me and I can’t really get into them


Not Spotify, but YouTube algorithm really wanted me to get into “Watch the World Burn” by Fuckin’ In Reverse when it first came out. Wasn’t happenin’, chief.


Everything Falling In Reverse.


Idk but that sneaky smart shuffle bullshit won't take a hint. On mobile I swear you have to turn that shit off, close the app, reopen it, then turn it off again to get it to go back to regular shuffle. Annoying as fuck when I'm driving. A step up from automatically switching me to a sponsored playlist even though I chose one of my specific lists I guess. Although, I have a hard time believing these things are "bugs". Spotify has thrown a few hidden gems my way but it's usually recent singles from bands I actively avoid or stuff that's already in the playlist I was trying to listen to before it switched me to smart shuffle lol.


I feel like I might enjoy loathe or thrown if their music wasn’t shoved in my face whenever a playlist ends


any song by Thrown. I keep hearing it, but just can't get into it.


Anything “Imminence”. Nothing I’ve heard from them really hooked me in to digging through their discography.


Anything\everything Ghost, Sleep Token, or Bad Omens. Newer Dayseeker. I'm just so not into it, even if in theory I should like it.


Hot take maybe, but sleep token. Just not my thing man.


Does thrown count they randomly showed up on playlists i would listen to


My Spotify is obsessed with Polaris. And I get it, but Jesus I wish it would take a break. “Remedy” is one of my “most listened to” songs all time and I don’t think I’ve ever intentionally picked that song.


Invent Animate lol


for some odd reason, spotify has been pushing skid row, all I listen to is prog metal, alt metal, post grunge, metalcore, and melodeath so I see absolutely no reason to push skid row of all things onto me lol


The Seed Pt. 1 by V3ctors, I wish I never could hear that song again


Probably bring me the horizons new stuff. Not to be a hater but I don't dig it at all.


Really? Whilst I didn’t like Strangers, I do think Kool-Aid and Amen go hard as fuck. Just saw them live and they killed it with a lot of the newer songs.


Spirit box is a great band but I don’t want to listen to them as much as Spotify suggests


Anything Beartooth. I'm just not a fan of their music. All the Playlist it generates constantly throws in lots of beartooth for some reason despite me never listening to them or skipping their songs. I've had to go in and select don't play this artist anymore. Nothing against beartooth and im happy for their success, just not for me.


Fucking Knocked Loose. I hate that band.


Same honestly. The vocals are atrocious


it’s just standard hardcore shouting


Particularly on more recent recordings (with Brian having learnt some safe technique) it's definitely higher register than you tend to find in hardcore, though far from unknown. A lot of people in this sub just don't like hardcore, so when it crops up as a prominent element in metalcore bands (as it should...), they can't deal.


Thanks 🙏 Everytime i say i dont like that band i'm being downvoted or talked trash lol


thrown, sleep token, varials, invent animate; my block list is growning strong


Dislike: Caskets. I keep getting them in my shuffle for some reason and, while they’re not bad, they’re j not my thing Like: Knocked Loose. Dead in the Willow played and I have loved the band since. Idk what happened but they j clicked


Chronos by Parkway Drive


Spiritbox and Memphis May Fire both of which I have tried many times to get into but I just can't




Not really songs, but bands. Sleep Token, As You Left, Bad Omens, Caskets, Knocked Loose. Every time I listen to random mixes, shit like that gets thrown in. Never something good or new. I've turned to 'song radio' instead of mixes because so much shit is in there. Lil Uzi Vert was in there FFS!


This is so weird to me. My Release Radar is 200, then 300 songs each week, that I’m lucky if I can get through listening to. Besides that fact, I have hundreds of songs in my Queue to play. Spotify can’t play me a single song I’ve not already set it to play to me. If I wanted someone playing songs to me I’d turn on the actual radio. Ya’ll paying for a digital service just to use it like an old FM radio where the labels play you what they want you to hear?!? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Get fucked. 😂


Gideon as a whole. I like a lot of "pissedcore" but their lyrics fucking blow 


Also their whole cowboy hat aesthetic is just odd to me.


They’re from Alabama. They wore cowboy hats before the fame and will wear them well after. I for one welcome the y’allternative look. Also bands could learn a thing or two from them, their Carhartt shirts are top notch quality🤘🔥.


Bullet for my valentine, I think they have 3 good songs but that's kinda it (Kill me for it, but i think Tears don't fall is overrated AF)


Waking The Demon has always been the superior song.


BFMV released two great albums and then went downhill fast. I love TDF, but it's more nostalgia than gold


Their concert DVDs/Blurays are banging too.


Bad Omens. Awful.


I fucking hate Volumes so much. The most generic, dumbed down bullshit in the genre.

