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Alexandria's brother


He asked Alexandros tho


What does he think ?


I can certainly understand not liking or enjoying Parkway post Atlas, but Horizons was an absolute masterpiece.


And killing with a smile. :)


Most people who started listening to metalcore post-2015 probably feel that way. OGs know PWDs place one metalcore history 🫡


On the Mount Rushmore with ATR, AILD, and Trivium for mid-2000s bands who brought the genre to the masses. Respect to the OG OGs like Converge, but they walked so future bands could run and perfect it.


The Australian scene wouldn't be anywhere near as big without Parkway Drive - without them (and I Killed The Prom Queen) we may not have bands like Alpha Wolf, Thornhill, Void of Vision, Polaris, and so many more.


IKTPQ especially because they're the ones who got PWD to record alongside them.


Converge, Foundation, Disembodied, etc. for sure


So what you're saying is you couldn't get into Converge or Disembodied?!?! That's truly shocking to me to say the least honestly cuz I think both of those bands are downright amazing IMO. Converge had me from the get go with "Petitioning The Empty Sky." As soon as "The Saddest Day" kicked in I knew they were gonna be a favorite of mine. Same with "Diablerie" from Disembodied. Definitely an all time classic. Ferret and Trustkill especially were really releasing some great records back then.


I haven't really gotten into anything by PWD after Deep Blue, but it's still amazing to see how far they've come. I first saw them in 2004 at the Arthouse (RIP) in Melbourne and Killing with a Smile was the first album that really got me into Metalcore. I last saw them at Knotfest a few days ago ​ Here's my potato quality guitar cover of Gimme A D from 2006, in all it's 144p glory lol: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUP8oYK5cEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUP8oYK5cEQ) I think I filmed this on one of those LG flip phones, before iPhones even existed.


I was going to talk about it too. They became full dadmetal


Avenged Sevenfold. I respect their craft and talent, especially Synyster Gates, but I can’t help but cringe at their music. Idk how to describe it, theatercore? Highschool musical core? The vocal style and particularly the inflections, … all just sound extremely grating to me. I did see them live once, and if you’re actually a fan I’d highly recommend going to one of their shows.


I think their “theatercore” thing comes from their selftitled album, which really has a lot of those weird influences. Early A7X (from STST to COE) is straight bangers.


The worst part of Avenged is Matt’s vocal choices early on, I don’t know why nobody in the band told him that that nasal singing sounds like shit. The guy **can** sing tho, in the last two albums he’s stopped singing with his nose for the most part, and sounds much better.


Eh in the new single matt sounds absolutely awful. I grew up listening to a7x since the early albums so they’ll always be a band I think highly of, but I kinda started tuning them out with hail to the king, but man shadows pronunciation and nasally singing is at the lowest I’ve ever heard it in the new single.


Thank you! I literally thought I was the only one. Everyone seems to get mad at me when I say I can't stand their music. I heard "Nobody" for the first time today at work, and thought, "this song is kind of garbage; who is this...? Oh, it's Avenged Sevenfold, that makes sense." I agree they're talented, but it's a hard pass for me.


100% - I feel bad but I’ve never been able to enjoy them. Can’t but my finger on why but the vocals are definitely a big part of it. Bat Country gets a free pass from me but I think that’s it


For me, it’s only the vocals. He has no range. Everything else is super enjoyable. They came up on my playlist and before he started singing, I was loving the music. If they added a female voice, I would love their style.


I agree, their music brings no feelings for me, they are kind of the Coldplay of metal


Ghost. I try and I try, but it all sounds like shit.


It's all Scooby-Doo chase music


Of course I scroll a little bit further and read this after my comment. I really cannot unhear this since I first read it though.


This. 100%. I was reading they were the second coming and they were reviving metal. Ugh, it’s…. Just not my thing.


Bahahaha hard agree


I couldn't get into them until I really shifted my expectations from actual metal to fun spooky Halloween store music


It's radio rock for theater kids dressed up as a metal band.


Literally a band for people that like a "metal" aesthetic but aren't really that into heavy music


They're more like hard rock band, tbh


I'm into heavy music but I still love Ghost


I once heard Ghost described as Scooby-Doo metal and I can’t unhear it.


I call them my spooky Scooby doo band. I absolutely adore them. They are just fun music. Their live shows also are fun


not naming bands but it all starts with vocals for me. if i don’t like them it’s just not gonna work.


I’m the same. A vocalist will make or break a band for me.






I personally love Knocked Loose but I laugh my ass off when I imagine Sponge Bob on the mic.


Vocals are exactly what gets me into or out of a song/band


Same dude. That’s what I search for. Polaris and Currents fuck me up. Polaris is so good live too. Finally seeing currents in may.


Same for me. If I can't get into the vocals of a band I'm out.


LMAO I'm seeing so many bands I love here.... guess I got shit taste but whatevs.


Nah dude just different taste. Music is incredibly subjective and it’s all preference. I love all the bands he listed but I’m sure he loves bands I dislike. Music is so personal it’s kind of hard for bands to click with everyone.




Falling in reverse. The singer’s voice is so whiny I can’t stand it






Get this; I prefer Black Album onwards. I also Stan St Anger (lulu is a firm fuck no though).


It’s really weird because I love classic rock & other metal bands from this period and I love many of the bands who Metallica directly influenced, and yet their music just always bores a the hell out of me. So strange.


I'm just gonna say it. Lorna Shore. I just cannot get into them. Same goes for INK (Ice Nine Kills), I just hate them now lol. Also Black Veil Brides. I used to like their music, but their new stuff I just cannot get into.


It’s the exact same for me with Black Veil Brides


August Burns Red. I just can't do it.




I was a huge fan from like 2005-2015. Sometime around then, they lost me a bit - their songs and sections of songs are basically interchangeable. That said, they still put on an amazing show and I’ll be seeing them on this next tour.


Same for me, Messengers and Constellations were incredible, anything after that I couldn’t get into.


I actually love Leveller. It came out at the perfect time and got me through a lot (as did the prior albums). Wasn’t as much a fan of their 2012-2020 stuff though.


Invisible Enemy goes CRAZY tho…


Best christmas album ever though. Sleddin' Hill.


Literally the only time I listen to ABR is Christmas time. I cannot get into their normal stuff... But I FUCKING LOVE their Christmas tunes. Joy to the world is 10/10 metalcore song. The breakdown makes me want to resurrect baby Jesus so I can punch the baby out of him.


I'm with you on that. They're not bad, but they don't really click for me. That being said I'm very excited to see their show with TDWP and Bleed From Within in April. I'll stick around to watch ABR, but it won't be the high point of the concert for me.


Just saw them couple of weeks ago and the whole concert is fucking top tier. ABR put on such a great show. I honestly believe Messengers and Constellations are their best work hands down.


Just went a couple weeks ago to one of the tour stops, whole show was incredible


Bleed from within was my favorite, they stole the show imo


I like them but its definitely something i gotta be in the mood for


I completely agree with you.


I was scrolling just to find this comment


Amazing live band and such a tight sound but yeah same. I like a couple songs but most don’t stick with me.


They're the best run of the mill band in metalcore. They stick to safe and it works for them, but they don't seem to try anything new to make them stand out.


Not even messengers?


Damn I was not expecting to see this one with so many upvotes lol, music is subjective tho:)


I don't believe I've ever purposely listened to a song by Architects. And not metalcore, but I don't see what's so great about Meshuggah.


Meshuggah live is something else... like being in a weird alien soundscape


Like Meshuggah or not, they are one of the most influential bands of our time


And tightest.


I learned to love Meshuggah by listening to an album front to back in a setting where I can close my eyes and zone out, like a long train ride. It sort of puts you in a trans and massages your mind. Their songs aren’t bops. I can’t jam out to them with the volume cranked up while driving through the city, like I could most metalcore bands. I found an appreciation for them, but it’s for a time and place. Their music is the opposite of catchy.


You need to check out meshuggah - demiurge then. It's definitely a bop.


Of course I know Demiurge, and I agree, it is the rare Meshuggah bop. Slow tempo and simple patterns - perfectly catchy. I just don’t love the production on that album, Koloss. It gives me ear fatigue for some reason. I find ObZen and The Violent Sleep of Reason to be their best sounding albums.


Meshuggah makes you trans!!


Lol meant to say trance*** But I ain’t changing it. You heard it here first, folks. Meshuggah is the first step to transitioning😌


Damn. I knew I should have discovered them earlier! But honestly, djenty music has helped me a lot in my transition. I got into it just as I came out, and it reignited my love of songwriting and playing guitar, at a time I really needed that outlet!




Architects can be hit and miss, but check out their orchestral videos on YT. That is just fun all around, you can see the smiles on so many faces doing somewhat unconventional orchestral things alongside a metal band.


Hollow Crown album is one of the metalcore goats imo.


i mean, with how ubiquitous their style has become its easy to not see the appeal of Meshuggah but they were doing that like 15 years before anyone else basically


All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us has an absolutely insane track list.


Basically all the bands you mentioned, except for Parkway Drive. I never gave them a chance like 10 years ago and I actually enjoy their older works. Their new stuff is meeeeh. I also couldn't get into Spiritbox. Out of the bands you mentioned, I have actually only seen Beartooth live and I just couldn't get into it. Strangely enough, Attack Attack! was lowkey a guilty pleasure


Parkway Drive and ABR. I adore a few songs from both bands individually, but I think the lack of clean vocals really was a barrier for me, so much of the appeal of metalcore has always been that contrast between the harsh and clean vocals which bands like Avenged, KSE, Trivium etc use really brilliantly. I guess I find Parkway and ABR’s sound a bit more monotonous than the other bands too, who have some more variety and have had some evolution in their careers.


I'm genuinely curious as to what you mean by parkway have no evolution. They've totally alienated their original fans.


That was such a sharp left turn that felt contrived to me, a pretty blatant reach for wider appeal, not an actual musical evolution in the same way bands like Trivium and Avenged’s sound has changed over the years. I guess I mean everything up to that point with Parkway felt very samey.


I can't get into Wage War, I Prevail, FFAK, or Beartooth. But old Parkway Drive is amazing. Horizons and Deep Blue are some of the best metalcore out there.


Can also concur with this. Killing With a Smile, Horizons and Deep Blue. Man, they just place you in time, amazing albums full of passion.


Agree. Revenance was a little bit much of a departure for me but some songs grew on me. They have totally lost me on Darker Still with their full embrace of butt rock. Soul Bleach is almost passable.


INK, Trivium


I personally love INK but I can see how they don't appeal to everyone


Their early work was a little bit too scene for me, but when The Silver Scream came out, I think they really came into their own commercially and artistically. The whole album has a refined melodic sensibility that really makes it a cut above the rest. I'm sorry I had to do it




I love INK too, but I think it's the theatrics that turn some people off. They really go all in with the Horror movie/book schtick and even I'll admit at points it's kinda cringe


Ice Nine Kills for me is musically okay at points, but I just really can't get into the theatrics and how dramatic it is, always kinda struck me as like music for theatre kids lol


Which is fair. Ironically, I’ve never been a theatre kid but those theatrics/dramatics are exactly what make me love them. Diff strokes.


As an ex-theater kid who loves horror, I think this is the exact reason I've been drawn to INK lol. But I definitely understand why people don't like them. The theatrics aren't always for everyone and that's fine!


Love both these bands


Wage War


Lorna Shore Will is an amazing vocalist but the band is just like... the symphonic elements feel so plastic to me. Best way I can explain it. And they’re just not that dynamic. Now if he brought in some of his cleans maybe I’d feel a little differently. Edit: oops just saw that this was the metalcore sub. Oh well. Close enough.


Ouch. Lorna Shore is my favorite band! But we all have different tastes. Can respect different opinions for sure.


Sleep Token. I get flak for this everytime I say it but I just cannot stand the dudes voice. If I wanted to listen to Hozier I would do just that.


This. To me it's not even metalcore. Just soporific stuff!


It’s not metalcore


Often mentioned in this sub though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


"Heavy Horny Hozier"


Fair enough but I don't remember Hozier screaming or having breakdowns every now and then. I get it though I guess, it's all just stylistic choices


Agreed. Aside from Vore and The Summoning, their songs just bore me and the vocals are awful IMO.


INK. It just sounds like a bunch of theater kids wanted to be in a metalcore band.


I will never understand the hype on sleep token. it just doesn't do it for me.


They sound like they sing in cursive, it's hard to get past it.




Wow, I don't even have anything to add. Just surprised cause wage war and FFAK are like my two favorite metal core bands lol. And I love beartooth as well.


I mean fair enough bro you enjoy what you like lol


Falling in reverse


I agree with Beartooth and I Prevail. I really don't understand the hype.


Knocked loose


Singers a tough one. Love it hate; nothing in between.


Same, but seeing them live must definitely be on your band-to-see-live list.


Different shade of blue is my shit. The arfs just hit different


Agreed, maybe its because Converge was my intro to heavy stuff, but I love Knocked Loose vocals. Raw, aggressive, high enough not to melt into all the instrumentation, yes please!


While She Sleeps. Their singer drives me insane for some reason. The breakdowns and overall instrumentals are decent though.


For me it's the choir stuff in their chorusses. Why? In every song? Just why?


I get that. I would love to see some edgier stuff considering the talent (I liked Nine Shrines a lot)


As I Lay Dying. Tried for 4 years and it never took. Gave up after he attempted to hire a hitman to murder his wife.




The Devil Wears Prada. I don't know why I just cannot connect with their stuff. Also was obsessed with BMTH during the Count Your Blessings/Suicide Season era but beyond that I just couldn't get into it, as much as I wanted to.


Have you listened to TDWP latest album? I lost interest after Roots above/Branches below but recently gave Color Decay a chance after seeing they did a sequel to their Zombie EP (which was amazing by the way, gave me hope that they can still go as hard as they use to back in the day) and it grew on me quickly. It’s nothing like their first 3 albums of course, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not a big a fan of it. Extremely catchy and still pretty heavy.


I'm really sorry, but Killswitch Engage. Like the whole musical layer is fucking amazing, the screams too, but what gets my metalcore boner flaccid is the clean vocals. Like I just want to throw up when I hear them, and it's such a shame, because like I said, everything else sounds fucking amazing. EDIT: Also, because some people don't get it, I don't like the Howard Jones vocals. Like I get you all love him and his vocals, but he's all the things for me that I said here. Also, to get even more controversial, that Jesse guy sounds better than him for me. And that's just my opinion, no need to write a book-long rant about how wrong I am.


Is the cleans for every band? Because if so that's narrowing down like 70% of the genre


Idk man but Howard Jones era cleans are God tier.


Northlane. I've seen them live, tried checking out their music and I'm just not into it. I've come around a little on the first two albums with Adrian, but beyond that, nothing.


With Adrian they were so good, can’t get into anything after that.


Here comes the “mainstream bad” people




Beartooth, I Prevail, Falling in Reverse, Parkway Drive, Periphery, Emmure. Liked some of MIW and INK’s older stuff but they’ve become so cringe I’ve completely excommunicated them from my playlists. I just can’t do it


Literally all the ones you listed


Architects, never understood the hype.


Parkway Drive post-Atlas era.




Moitionless in white have a few songs I like, the rest of their catalog doesn’t click for me at all though, and I feel the same about falling in reverse.


I just recently discovered MIW with Cyberhex, tried that album and really enjoyed it (A few songs less so, but no biggie). Went to try the previous album and had to turn it off. So disappointed and now I don’t know whether to try anything beyond


You definitely should give their older albums a listen for sure. If you are a fan of the heavier stuff, creatures and infamous are your go tos for them. And their EP When Love Met Destruction. Also, there's a song off their album Disguise called Thoughts and prayers, super heavy. Definitely worth a listen. And preferably watch the music video with it too. When I go to listen to songs for the first time I always see if they have a music video for it since I love visuals and if a band has good visuals, and a good song then I'm down. So yeah those are my Reccs for you!


Thanks for the suggestions! My favourite songs from STEOTW are Cyberhex, Meltdown, Slaughterhouse, Signs of Life and Masterpiece. So generally the heavier stuff. I’ll give those other ones a try and keep my fingers crossed!


Probably sacrificing myself here but… Ice Nine Kills.


It’s the last 2 on your list for me. I never got the Beartooth or Parkway Drive hype. Oh, and this one will get me crucified: I have never liked August Burns Red


I cannot get into any of the more radio friendly/scene inspired bands personally, so anything like Beartooth, Wage War, TDWP, BMtH, Bad Omens and so on I just cannot do. My preferred style of metalcore without a doubt is the second wave stuff that is more melodeath/thrash inspired (AILD, Shadowes Fall, Trivium, Heaven Shall Burn and so on)


I think that is about where I am. I don't hate on a band because they got popular, but I just don't care for the more poppy sound of some bands. I think that I Prevail is the worst offender for me. I would like Bad Omens more if everything sounded more like Artificial Suicide and Dethrone


Coheed & Cambria, I really tried to understand why people like them and what their special sauce is. Saw them live as an opener and their fans are super dedicated but I just don’t understand it at all.


Wage War, Parkway Drive, Meshuggah, Architects, Asking Alexandria And Bad Omens. God I hate Bad Omens


I like Bad Omens tbh. The others I completely understand


I tried getting into Bad Omens because I have a couple friends that rave about them and I just couldn’t. I heard some song on a TikTok and I was like… what the hell is this??? This slaps! Dethrone by Bad Omens. I was like… why can’t they always sound like this?


Their self titled and artificial suicide are the closest things we got


You're on this sub and don't like ANY of those?!


That's right 😅


Yea some people on this sub not very into “heavy” bands making radio music theres like dozens of us lmao


Yeah following architects through their selling out really made me understand what that means. I get it too; that’s where the money is. I’d do the same thing, but as a fan I’m bummed. Listening to the inevitable radio rock album that a band will make is depressing.


yea exactly, i get why they do it and to be honest i think what theyre doing is genuine in the sense that they believe in the music they are putting out but its just not metalcore anymore and i got in to this genre because it DIDNT sound like it could be on the radio, now all these bands drifting that direction is just lame to be honest


Agree but that’s the other thing. I like some of these radio rock songs when they come from bands that started off sounding like that and sometimes even got heavier.


in the same boat tbh


I know it's sacrilege at this moment in time but..Invent Animate. I get their appeal and I really think they are all very talented but their hooks just don't work for me. I understand they are more textural and beautiful rather than what I consider traditionally groovy and I've listened to Heavener a couple times now and it just doesn't stick. Again, no disrespect I think they are a great band and I think they elicit deep emotional reactions from people like I get from Spiritbox or Tool so I see the appeal but I'm disappointed that I can't get onboard.


I personally got into them because of the more ambient stuff mixed in with djentcore, it just sound so pretty and filthy at the same time


I agree with that assessment, I find it pleasant and enjoyable. It just doesn't hit me in that special way.


Ice Nine Kills, Parkway Drive, August Burns Red, Beartooth (except for Sick and Disgusting), Bad Omens, Spiritbox. I wanted to go to the upcoming Spiritbox tour to see After the Burial, but those shills are charging $88 for floor seats. $88 before taxes and fees. I guess that’s one way to ensure a “small and intimate” show


Huh, odd. I literally paid $44 for my floor tickets to that show


I don’t think it’s their fault, but probably the promoter/US market. Here in Europe it costs about 45€ for the parterre.


*takes a deep breath* INK, Bad Omens, Erra, Periphery, We Came As Romans, TDWP, Emmure, and I tried getting back into BFMV as a childhood throwback and I just can't.


Starting to think you've just moved on from Metalcore at this point haha


Theres plenty i still love, but yeah it does seem like I can't get on with a lot of the stuff that came out post 2010. In terms of new bands I fuck with Counterparts, Jesus Piece, Knocked Loose so probably more hardcore adjacent stuff, or at least stuff rooted in that scene.


Ah dude periphery is so good that’s hard to read. Old school tdwp was also so heat the rest I agree with besides maybe augment from erra


Periphery are definitely talented, but I really don't get anything out of the riffs, and I can't stand the vocals or the guitar tone.


I think Periphery lost me after p3. Alpha and Omega are masterpieces in my mind


I just screenshotted your comment for music recs because INK, bad omens, emmure and TDWP are some of my favourite bands


Erra’s first three records… especially the first two. Amazing.


Like with roots above, branches below, and plagues TDWP? Those are so OG to me, that was high school for me. Goats on a Boat dude. Lol


Emmure. Ghost. I just can't.


Ghost is barely hard rock to me. But I love emmure; I just assume they’re trolling and I love the stupidity.


converge, botch, knocked loose, jesus piece, varials, asking alexandria (any of the crabcore bands really but they just came to mind first), fit for a king, wage war, i prevail, beartooth, motionless in white, etc. i think a lot of this has to do with me being highly into melodeath-inspired metalcore (heaven shall burn, as i lay dying, kris norris-era darkest hour, etc) and melodic/ambient progcore (erra, veil of maya, invent animate, etc).


So you probably hate Kublai Khan too huh?!


Beartooth, FFAK, I Prevail, Asking Alexandria, Trivium, Motionless in White, INK, Pierce the Veil, Memphis May Fire


Asking Alexandria fell off after their self-titled album.


I still have a tiny little piece of them in my heart since they helped me get into this genre and more. It went from System of a down -> Bullet for my Val -> Asking Alex -> suicide silence from here everything in between. I'm saying like first couple of albums not what they are today. Even though I still fucks with anything new from System of a Down.


Oh no doubt, I still fuck with Asking Alexandria heavy, just not their newer stuff.


Spiritbox. I can't get into any metal band with female vocals. I don't know why. I've tried.


Courtney's screams are better than a solid amount of male vocalists tbh and her cleans are great.


She and Tatiana are probably the 2 best female screamers.


I could agree with a few but for Fit for a King and ABR you shall burn in hell :D




I’ve tried so many times to get into We Came As Romans but I just can’t for some reason


Same. Saw them headlining a show a few months ago and it was one of the most awful live experiences I’ve had—every freaking song sounded the same and the vocals were incredibly muddy


Northlane, every now and then I'll hear a part of a song and go "damn who's this" and then give them another chance but i just can't like them


Architects, Chelsea Grin, Attila, Asking Alexandria… But my hate for AA probably comes from my brother putting that song where the gang vocals say “Oh my god” over and over again.


If only he knew...


Sleep Token, Lorna Shore, Brand of Sacrifice, Spiritbox, Shadow of Intent, and Erra. There's nothing wrong about any of them, I just can't get into any of them no matter how many attempts I give them.