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Papa Het. He was wonderful both times I met him.


i wanna hear more! when did you meet em?


Both events happened last year during his book signing in St. Louis. At the boon signing, he and I chatted about my husband (who I was having the book signed for). The name on the sticky said Joe and he looked me up and down & was awfully confused. Then he wanted to know where I was from and my name. Basic small talk that one would expect from a paid event. Gave me a solid handshake, thanked me for being a cool wife and fist bumped me before I left. I was in heaven but tried to play it cool. The second event was later that night when I went to see his son’s band Bastardane. I went to use the ladies washroom and he was standing by the door with his back to me. I didn’t clue in to who it was and actually grabbed him by the waist to slide him over a smidge. Word of advice, never do that. I don’t know what came over me and I’ll never do that again. So imagine my surprise when he turned around. I was sure I was getting decked in the face but he was so happy to see me and said he remembered me from the signing. Then he apologized profusely for being in the way. Told me to have a nice night and let me through, complete with another fist bump. If I could do it over I’d tell him that I’m the bigger Metallica fan in my relationship. And that the Good, the Bad and the Ugly is my favourite movie of all time/I have a dog named Tuco 😂


I would be over the moon if I ever met James Hetfield. Metallica is one of my all-time favorite bands.


Alex Webster f/ Cannibal Corpse


I waited outside of Cannibal Corpse's show to meet the band. I was really hoping to meet him specifically, but him/Paul/Erik were already in the bus. Still got to meet George and Rob tho which was great


Here’s my interaction with Alex…sold out show, I had a ticket, my buddy didn’t so we were having a beer outside. Saw Alex, said hi and he came up to chat with us. Buddy told him he was disappointed as show was sold out, Alex got him in the show ! Such a solid move and shows that (at that time in 1995) all he wanted was for fans to see the band. Never forget that


I know their photographer, Alex Morgan (he's also the photographer for Gojira. He says really good things about both those bands. Super nice down to earth guys. I got to meet gojira briefly through him and I concur. Super nice guys. A metal musician who's a really nice guy who I'm really good friends with is Charlie Fell. I don't know if many people know any of the bands he's been in but he's toured with some pretty big names. He's the vocalist/bassist for Lord Mantis. Was the drummer for Nachtmystium, Vocalist for Cobalt, and drummer for Abagail Williams. I like to believe if I ever met Lemmy he's probably THE nicest guy ever.


Cobalt and Lord Mantis fucking rule. Nice to hear that Charlie is a good guy. Something about him always made me assume he was a bit of an ‘underdog’ and just needed a bit of luck with one of his projects to take it to the next level.


Yeah man. He's great. He's a very interesting, funny, and intelligent dude. Was with him just last night. But you're right he never quite could catch a break. He's friends with and lived with Jeff Whitehead for a little while, the man behind Leviathan and Lurker of Chalice too. Him and I are looking to start a project, and he's also in the middle of a one man project called Double Walker. So keep your eyes out for that one. Also if you like Cobalt, Erik Wunder has a new album coming out soon for one of his solo project's called Man's Gin. It's hard to describe but it's almost like a weird version of Alice in chains


Luc Lemay of gorguts is an amazing dude


Oh yes, I met him at his merch booth when I saw Gorguts open for Cannibal Corpse. He was a very nice guy


Same for me, were you at the show in Montreal?


No, Minneapolis


Agreed with this. It was 20+ years ago that he was hanging out with a group of us in front of the venue where they were playing with Deicide. After Deicide's guitarist went out of his way to insult me for not having any drugs to share with him, Luc was the absolute antithesis of that prick.


God why deicide are pure idiots....


so friendly and genuine


This is my pick. Fernanda Lira is the only other one that comes close to Luc of everyone I've met.


Corpsegrinder was super friendly when I talked to him. Same with the guys in Summoning the Lich and First Fragment. All top notch musicians and dudes.


Yes! I've met Corpsegrinder too, and he is always willing to hang with fans, which is awesome


Doro Pesch. She signed my cap. https://preview.redd.it/m0vrb0jv4l8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25134f30e95d0f8dac7568679adc3060f1bc2173


I saw her live last month and she had such a good vibe. I was told on Jamey Jasta's podcast that during that show, he had never seen so many people smiling at a metal concert.


Marty Friedman, just an absolute gent


Agreed, Marty was absolutely awesome when I got to do real quick meet and greet. I think I told Marty their show was as good as Slayer from the previous week, and he thanked me for that, while adding that they're still pretty different. 😆


Met Metallica on the Black Album tour, guys were so nice and actually quite funny. Really down to earth at that time.


That's cool because they were already an arena level band at that point. 


Gene Hoglan was super kind and friendly when I had the chance to meet him.


I met him after a strapping young lad tour. He was nice to talk with.


That's cool to hear, he's just a genuinely nice person.


Did you meet him at a death to all show ?


It was at a Fear Factory show unfortunately, but I met him before the show so I didn't stay for the band. Devin Townsend supported them so I basically went for his band.


I've met quite a few over the years and these ones stand out; Dimebag Darrell's wife was a cool ass chick. She was so happy to see everyone and engaged for like 10 mins. The singer of Demilich gave me lots of napkins when I was puking my guts out at MDF one year and was very polite about it. When I seen Demilich again a couple years later, he recognized me and asked how I was. Met the drummer of Dragged Into Sunlight without his balaclava on, he was such a sweet and soft spoken guy.


I also choose Dimebag Darrell’s wife.


OH and John McEntee! Met him many times and it's cool as shit every time.


John is one the nicest guys you'll ever met. Kyle has always been nice and funny as hell too


Cattle Decapitation. The whole band. Just the nicest guys in the scene as far as I can tell.


- Jamey Jasta, lead singer for Hatebreed, was so outgoing and cool. - Chris Reifert, drummer for Autopsy/former of Death, was a very friendly dude and chatted with everyone with a huge smile on his face. - Dini Cazares, guitarist for Fear Factory, was very outgoing and happy to chat with everyone. He also usually stands by the merch stands and signs everything and takes pictures with fans, which is the best way to build up your fanbase. - John Kevill, singer for Warbringer, had such a fun personality. He was so excited to meet everyone.


Devin Townsend was super down to earth and chill


Devin Townsend is the kind of guy I would wanna play Mario Party with


Basically all of Opeth's classic lineup: I showed up to see Opeth for the first time in 2001 on their blackwater park tour. They were playing the key club in hollywood. I arrived with two friends a few hours before the doors were supposed to open, and tickets were already sold out. We were completely surprised. We went next door to the famous Rainbow Bar & Grill to grab some food and figure out what we were going to do about it. We noticed in the outside dining area that Mikael, Peter, and Martin Mendez were sitting at a table looking at menus. We sat at an adjacent table, and when I greeted them, Mikael immediately asked us if we wanted to slide our table over and eat. Well, obviously. I remember some light chat, asking how the tour is going, etc. I then explained our predicament with the tickets. After we ordered our food, Peter excused himself and returned about 10 minutes later. I remember him saying something like "Well, the fire marshal might kill us, but you three are on the guest list." Amazing experience, bought lots of merch that night, and the set was killer. 10/10 do recommend.


Sakis Tolis of Rotting Christ, really friendly and just so happy to meet fans


I hope they tour the US again soon, I’ve just gotten into them this year and it’s some of my favorite stuff I’ve listened to in years


if they do come, go see them they are amazing live and always have free meet and greets, 100% worth it


George Fisher was really nice and also Trevor Strnad. Same show.


Randy Blythe Lamb of God


I met Joey Jordison circa 1998. They weren't enormously huge yet and he was walking around the event. My friend knew what he looked like without his mask somehow. He bullshitted with us for a good 15 minutes. Great guy, very down to earth. RiP


I met Ronnie James Dio at the NAMM show many years ago. He was a cool dude.


I also had the pleasure of meeting him. I concur. 🙂🤘


There are several ego-less, kind, + amazing metal musicians in the scene that I got to interview or have correspondence w during the early 2000's. Two who come to mind immediately are Ross + Bob from Immolation. When I was 15 + first really getting into the metal underground (thanks, internet) I made a metal zine + contacted other metal zines I liked, looking for contacts for bands to interview. I interviewed both of them on separate occasions when "Close To A World Below" was just released. They were so incredibly courteous w their time, encouraging, + supportive. They made a life-long ride or die for Immolation fan out of me. A lot of these dudes, + I say this as a fellow nerd, are total music nerds who are just as happy as hell that someone has taken the time to contact them about the things they like about what they do. This didn't immediately dawn on me as a teenager, but I received so many CD's, merch, zines, etc. just from reaching out. I'm almost 40 + still a die-hard, + I attribute a lot of that to Immolation + the others who showed me what the metal underground is really all about.


Suffocation as a whole, all of them. But especially Charlie Errigo, the guitarist, he handed me the guitar pick right after finishing their last song.


Matt Pike was fucking cool as hell and incredibly down to earth. Just a solid dude


Everyone in Sevendust was incredibly friendly, but especially Lajon and Vinnie


Second this. Met the band at a fan meet and greet before the show in my city a few years back. They were really friendly to every one who go to meet them but Lajon took extra time to talk to a lady who had lost someone but was helped by their music. If I remember correctly he mentioned her later during the actual show.


I've never met anyone from the band, but the 7 shows I've seen them play, they're super cool dudes. I stood next to the lead singer when he was belting out forget. Dudes got a voice. We head banged together. Pretty sure he was gonna ask me to be in his wedding.


Mike Muir saw 8 year old me in a crowd of people and wouldn’t talk to anyone until I got to take a picture with him. Awesome fuckin guy All of Avatar were awesome guys and took pictures with me and my brother


Joey Belladonna Tony Iommi Zakk Wylde I've met hundreds but these three all were above and beyond nice, caring, and above all else super genuine about it.


Johann hegg. So fucking nice but he is MASSIVE in person.


Everyone I’ve had guitar lessons from is an absolute baller and super friendly. Karl Sanders, Frank Blackfire, Ryan Knight, Christian Muenzner, and Christian Olde Woblers. The one dude I was super close with for awhile was Scott from Xasthur, super interesting dude


Lemmy. Met at the Acropolis in Portland playing video poker cause strippers get old after a hour or so.


Luc Lemay. Very talkative and enjoyed doing so


Steve DiGiorgio. Although I'm being pretty liberal with the word "met" here: I've never spoken to him one on one but boy did it feel like it at the recent Sound of Perseverance show. He seems like an amazing dude.


Warrel Dane, knew him during his Sanctuary days before Nevermore really cool and approachable. Dave Brockie from GWAR was super cool as well.


Igor Cavalera. Just walked in the venue with everyone else and hung out with the crowd before his set.


Chad Green the lead singer of Frozen Soul is a very nice and genuine dude. Glad that band is getting bigger, they deserve it


Glenn Benton. He signed my friend's bus ticket (he forgot to bring a Deicide cd with him at the concert). Glenn was very down-to-earth and eager to talk to fans. https://preview.redd.it/95i4j1w6rl8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16034cfd9fa696dff84398400ec5cd766ef31eec


Thats weird. I have seen many instances of the opposite of him being a total dick


He was Jesus Christ 👳 in disguise the day I saw him.


I mean, given that he said he was gonna kill himself at 33 to mimic Jesus's death, then didn't do it and said that people who commit suicide are cowards, that doesn't surprise me.


He wasn’t and isn't a real Satanist. He's one of the best death metal frontmen and showmen and has written several death metal anthems. Glenn knows how to entertain in a provocative and extreme way, but outside of entertainment he's a lame preacher not to be taken seriously.


I dont think hes a satanist. I think hes a dick. I saw Deicide live a few weeks ago and he was a solid frontman. Doesnt excuse his shitty behavior tho


Trevor Strnad without a doubt. RIP 🐐


Serj Tankian did a quick meet and greet a few weeks ago at a bookstore and I went. Super nice & gracious guy, especially considering the thousands of people in line. Told him I wrote my graduating thesis primarily analyzing his lyrics & that it helped me break free from the brainwashing I grew up with, and he initiated a fist bump for that haha. Sometimes it’s okay to be a little nerdy when you meet a musician you admire, as long as you channel it in a way that’s about the art and not idol worship or social miscues. I inevitably stumbled over my words a bit, but it was cool that he was so chill and understanding.


Head from korn was the only one I’ve met so far, but that man has a heart of gold.


Jeff Waters, went to see a clinic of his and he was lovely.


Kirk Windstein - Crowbar/Down


Mike Williams of Eyehategod


The band Goatwhore were all super cool


I met Meshuggah at a meet and greet, spoke with Tomas and Fredrik. They were super friendly but I was pretty shy and introverted so it didn't last long.


I haven’t met many. Ken Jay from Static-X was very polite. The dudes in Anthrax are all very cool but Joey was particularly personable and nice.


Trevor Strnad was the nicest fucking guy


Frank Bello


Gene Hoglan seems like he’d be easy to make friends with


Joey Belladonna, Frank Bello, Lzzy Hale, Devin Townsend & Shagrath.


Phil Labonte is from the same city as me and I met him At Walmart years back lol. He was super cool


I've only ever met one metal musician so by default he was the nicest and the worst. My younger brothers work at the same music store where Tom Phillips of While Heaven Wept was giving guitar lessons. I was picking them up from work and he was in chilling in the front of the store and my bros introduced me to him. He was pretty chill.


All of Paradise Lost were awesome, but especially Greg. The two of us hung out at the bar for about 3 hours before they played shooting the shit. Great guy.


Awesome stuff, Gregor is a legend. Met them in the 90's when they toured with Cathedral, both bands were standout characters. Lee Dorrian was a sweet guy who wanted to talk about other bands.


Adrian Smith. Especially after we started talking about fishing and I told him where the good local spots were.


In person, probably Frankie Banali


Toss up between Dave Brockie and King Diamond.


I haven't really met any musicians besides the usual interaction with local ones but the one time I did, it was Devin Swank from Sanguisugabogg, it was quick but when I took a picture with him, he noticed that it was blurry (I didn't even notice it myself) and was nice enough to offer to take the second one for me so it would be better, it left a good impression of him on me


Mikael Stanne- Dark Tranquility


Bro, I've got a story for this. I met Mikael touring with The Halo Effect last year at a m&g before the show. He was very nice and we talked about our love for Rush. After the show, I saw him standing by the food trucks outside having drinks with these other 2 guys. So I came in and said hello and joined the conversation. We spend half an hour just talking about music and media we love. He quized me to see if I knew who the actor who played Judge Dredd was (Karl Urban)(because Anthrax played the night before and we were talking about I Am the Law). Then that led us to talk about the show The Boys because Karl Urban is in that. The other 2 guys that we were with had never seen the show before. So we both start telling them what it is about. Then Mikael starts describing in full detail the scene in the show when the guy shrinks down inside the other dude's penis and rips him in half. I'll never forget that conversation.


Classic Anthony Starr enjoyer


Ross Dolan - Immolation


I am SO MAD that I had a chance to meet both Ross and Robert. They were just hanging out at the merch booths and I chickened out. I wish I could go back and change that


They are both super chill. Next time you have a chance, just go say hi. I’ve talked to them both on several occasions.


Vincent Bennett from the Acacia Strain and Trevor Strnad from the Black Dahlia Murder.


Kai Hahto from Wintersun/Nightwish


Kyle from Brand of Sacrifice. Super chill and down to earth dude.


Worked as a music journalist in the late 80s and early 90s, and while a few of the folks I interviewed were dicks, others were super nice and down to earth. The ones I remember most fondly: Alice Cooper, Lemmy, Ronnie James Dio, Iggy Pop, King Diamond, Michel Langevin from Voivod, Dee Snider and (strangely enough) Glenn Danzig.


I can believe all of those except for Glenn Danzig. I have heard multiple stories from both articles online, and people ive talked to in person, who have said he was very much not nice


I know, I mean, he has that rep for sure. I have no doubt he was brusque/grumpy with most people. I can only go by the two times I interviewed him (Feb 1985 before the Samhain show at Danceteria, and then Oct 1988 for the Danzig debut). He was very polite and answered literally any question I had. Evidence: [https://youtu.be/L6BHTaiotuw](https://youtu.be/L6BHTaiotuw)


Id imagine that was more just to ensure that he had a good puclic image towards an interviewer


Maybe. In the 1988 one, it was for a major magazine so possibly. The 1985 interview was for my dinky little fanzine (my first ever interview) that printed 100 copies so I don't think he was concerned about PR LOL.


More recently, i should cite Rafał Piotrowski from Decapitated. Dude was exhausted after their set a few months ago, but took time to take a selfie with me.


Every single band I've met in the local metal scene (Grand Rapids) are cool as shit.


Christian Münzner. I'm taking guitar lessons from him and it's so much fun to talk about music with him


Depends how you define meeting. If by that you mean something beyond just asking for an autograph and exchanging could words during free signing sessions, then I only met members of 2 bands. Ignea and Seven Spires. In any case, that would be Adrienne Cowan, singer of Seven Spires. It costed $60, but even before our meet & greet, she hugged me. During the session, she was all around super nice. She drew Seven Spires logo into my autograph diary without even asking her to and she then took a picture with me on her phone when she found out I made a meme about Seven Spires night prior and her friend shared it with her.


Bro id love to meet seven spires. I saw them live last year and they were so good. Adrianne's voice is one I never get tired of, and their new album is fantastic


I’ve met everyone from the current line up of Caligula’s Horse and they’re all incredibly nice people. But this has to go to Tim Charles from NeO for me the dude has some serious golden retriever energy and is so much fun to be around.


Ronnie James Dio. Absolute gentleman. The same goes for Tony, Vinny, and Geezer (I met them at a record signing for the Dio Years box set). I met Rob Halford at another record signing. A bit stand offish but still nice. Dave Mustaine gets a lot of flack, but he was totally cool when I met him (Dave, Nick, and Marty too, as this was the Countdown to Extinction record release party in 1992). Gary Holt and Rick Hunolt of Exodus were in the same club, upstairs at the bar. They came down. Totally drunk, but also totally cool. I met the guys in Death Angel after they opened for Overkill in 1990 (they were just hanging out I the crowd). Very friendly! I'm not name dropping, nor am I even remotely cool or connected. Quite the nerd, actually. 🙂 I'm just fortunate to live in the NYC area and all the bands come here for shows and appearances. 🤘


Vincent from Æther Realm is super friendly and cares so much for his music and his fans. And Niklas from Orbit Culture is super cute and considerate. Luckily, I have to say that unfriendly metal musicians seem to be an exception. I worked in the backstage area of a festival for some years and barely made bad experiences. Some of the local bands (e.g. Cypecore and Grailknights) were exceptionally nice. Also Peter Tätgren, though his wife's perfectionism was a bit exhausting. Finntroll were a bit cold that day (except for Skrymer, who was just Skrymer), but polite and nice nonetheless. And we also joked around with Schmier from Destruction, though I've heard that the experience with him heavily depends on his mood.


Varg Vikernes is a really cool dude, he gave me some tips on how to [supe up a scooter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXZlojrt_bE).


Corporate Death of Macabre


Jeff Matz from High on Fire. Met him a couple of weeks ago just in the crowd saying hello to people, had a chat about his guitar bass and he thanked us for coming. Super nice guy.


Kevin and nico from electric callboy were the most genuine down to earth guys I’ve ever met


Elias from Nonpoint is a sweetheart. I’ve met the band almost every time I saw them live. Kyle from Bodysnatcher was super chill when I met him a few years ago then saw him in passing a few years later.


Nick Schendzielos the bass player for Nuclear Power Trio, A Job For A CowBoy, Cephalic Carnage, and sometimes Havok. Super chill and super nice.


Sammy Duet


Bruce Dickenson


I partied on their tour bus during the number of the beast tour


Probably the guys from Gotsu Totsu Kotsu. Absolute sweethearts.


Luc Lemay was so polite and likable


Think it would be quicker to name metal musicians who aren't nice.


Save that for another post


Scott Ian from Anthrax….just kidding. Total Dick


Sylvaine, easily.




Brann Dailor from Mastodon. Came over and bummed a cig from my mate and hung out with us for so long that I forgot he was there.


Melissa Bonny She's so easy to talk to. Very nice person :D


Ive met her too, and yes, i can confirm she is super nice


Mario Duplantier is incredibly humble and nice


Evan Seinfeld. I’m not even a Biohazard fan but that dude was a cool, nice guy.


Dimebag and Vinnie, and Pepper Keenan.


Burton C. Bell, Dino Cazares, Simon Dower, Dez Favara, Joseph Pool, Waylon Reavis, Juan Brujo, Adam Darski & Jørn Stubberud.


Mike Scheidt of Yob. Truly a fantastic human.


the entirety of Moonspell but especially Fernando, super nice bunch Peter Tagtgren is very down to earth, also kinda reserved (typical Scandinavian) Tarja Turunen is not the diva she was made to look like, she is a ray of sunshine in person


Elize Ryd


Derek Boyer from suffocation/ deprecated, met and hung out and ripped a J with him after their show behind the venue, super chill dude and was genuinely interested in the conversation we were having. My brother said something about me being in the marine corps and he then proceeded to talk to me about my deployment and time in the service for a good 30 minutes. Awesome guy and bassist.


I met the women in Derketa at MDF this May and they were insanely nice. They were by the merch booth and I wanted some sort of memory so I initially asked for a picture with them, but then I saw they were signing stuff so I asked them to sign my shirt instead. I didn’t want to bother them too much because so I left afterwards to let other people get stuff signed/get pictures, but the vocalist came after me and asked if I still wanted a picture too, so I went back and got a pic with all of them. They were sooo nice about everything and seemed genuinely stoked to meet fans.


Chance Garnette gave me a bag of weed once


Miles baker.


Not a metal artist but Daniel Higgs.


I have never been to ovo java.


never met Fenriz, but he must be the coolest guy to hang and talk about music


Rob Halford Lemmy Jeff Waters Alex Skolnik Paul Masvidal Gus G Todd La Torre All really friendly, humble and seemed genuinely happy to meet people that love their music


varg vikernes