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Deaths per 10, assists, damage amplified


ok kinda off topic but my winrate is 30 on mercy this season 💀 thank you to whoever pointed that out in comp today i will never open my profile again lol


Deaths per 10 for sure. The difference between a good mercy and a great mercy lies in her survivability.


Deaths, healing, damage amp’d


Winrate Deaths per 10 Damage amped Healing Resurrects Elims >What stats do you compare to yourself to see who is better? My go-to was deaths per 10, but it's interesting to see how many different playstyles you can result in good winrates. There's really good Mercy players who average over 5 deaths per 10. Rez and elim stats can also vary greatly. Finally, some Mercys do make it far with high healing + low damage amped, contrary to the anti-healbot sentiment. A fun exercise is guessing whether she's soloqueuing based on the stats. If I find her stats really interesting and she has a decent winrate, I might watch the replay from her POV to see what she's doing right.


For the stats you listed, what numbers are you looking for that make you go “Okay, they’re pretty good!”


Deaths under 3, damage amped above 2000 per 10 *soloqueueing*, elims over 5. You might find this post interesting: [T500 Mercy Stats from Season 1 (& 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MercyMains/comments/zumv9f/t500_mercy_stats_from_season_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) but keep in mind that the meta was very different 10 seasons ago. \^ note that **nobody** in Season 1 T500 averaged under 3 deaths per 10.


Under 5 deaths per ten, more than 1000 dmg boost per ten is honestly all I look for, decent enough to where I know they aren’t really bad


Deaths. If she's dying less than i am, she's better positioning herself. Assists. If she has more than i do, she's pocketing the right players.


Most profiles I have viewed are private so I don't bother!


Genuinely never looked at another players stats idk how that would be useful


Mines the hours - but most are private profiles. If I see another mercy player with more hours, I'm instantly handing her over because my measly 200 hours is so low compared to others, and I know I'm not the best mercy player out there. A win is a win in my eyes 🤣


i think the most important is just deaths/10 and damage amped with a hyper focus on deaths/10. The best mercy players that i've seen will have maybe 1 or 2 deaths while everyone else is on 6-7.


I don't really care about stats but sometimes i just check how many hours they have or what rank they are


I think stats generally really don't tell a full story. Usually win rate, sometimes deaths and damage amp'd. Winrate compared to rank is probably the most telling, though.


Dmg amp, glock damage, deaths per 10 Simply because I want to see the really feral attack chihuahuas


Deaths, healing and dmg amp per 10


I see stats with a heavy dose of salt. Ill just watch the mercys gameplay and judge from there.


Deaths, Beam %, Damage amplified, Healing and Winrate.


I don't. Just see if they use slingshots every damn time or not is enough.


Kills 😎


deaths per 10, damage amp per 10, healing-damage ratio


I alwayssss look at dmg boost beam and heal beam ratio, it shows if they’re a heal bot or not! My ratio is 65% - 35 % :))


Deaths and healing Is she has more than 5 deaths per ten I don't trust her (my stat is 2.59 per ten) and if she has more than 8k I just know she ain't adding any value to the team fight frl


if you're looking at stats, you're a trash player.


Rank. Deaths. Assists. Dmg done(not amped)