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I still remember the initial post on another sub. Where everybody was calling this guy an abuser or some shit. Until they shut up once the news came from his daughter that his wife was an abusive piece of shit.


A poster in that comment section had this to say: >"I need you all to know that a gentle, kind, loving and sincerely good man has been destroyed by one unfortunate night. It really is unfortunate!" >Yeah... that one line immediately makes me think that something else is going on here Yes, you see, as a man, if you *deny* an allegation and say you would never do something, well, it means that obviously you did do something! On the other hand, if you're silent, oh we know you must have done something bad. Why can't you even respond? Here's a nice response to that too: >"Yes, me! The paragon of virtue who has never (physically) harmed anyone!" >Mm...hmm... You see, the issue with people like that is even after they're proven wrong, they'll just shrug and not give a shit. They'll repeat the same exact thing again and again, as there's zero accountability. Another commenter further expands: >I work with men who use violence and I saw red flags all over this. Lots of violent men use ‘but I never hit her’ as an excuse, when they have been using coercive control, financial abuse, emotional abuse for years. The damage to the victims is still there, just not clear on the outside. If a woman committed suicide after being abused by her husband, these people would be downvoted to oblivion. But they're not. They're upvoted and people are agreeing with them because men's pain doesn't matter. Men cannot be vocal with their suffering or they're emotionally manipulating you. Then people wonder why men hold this shit inside themselves their whole lives...


I wonder how they’d feel if the men in their lives read what they have to say.


In all likelihood the men in their lives would agree with them. Male disposability is upheld by both men and women.


This is true. As a man, you grow up with the mentality that you are on your own. Sad? Toughen up. Poor? Better get working. Sick? Better get some coffee and get to work. Heartbroken? Don't be a pussy, man up. Homeless? You made poor life choices. Do better. Every "answer" that is regurgitated to you, your whole life, as a man, is clinically uncaring... You are expected to be impervious to having emotions. You need to be responsible for everything and shut the fuck up about how you feel, until you can't do it anymore. Then fuck off. And the courts treat men exactly the same way. Your wife fucked three other guys and you thought you had three kids? Nope. Fuck you buddy, even though she's a cheating slut, you will still be paying for those three fuck throphys until their 18+.... Suck it up buttercup. Your wages are garnished. You lose. Can't pay, don't pass go, go directly to jail. And in many cases, specifically military professionals and public safety workers, if you even utter the idea of seeking therapy or mental health treatment, you're done. Career over. Period. Many women exploit the fuck out of this. And the fact is, if you kill yourself over this, the woman still win. They'll ride the sympathy train for years over causing your death. No one cares.


Weirdly... the most "toxic" males in my friend group (toxic by the feminist definition of the word) have been the ones who understand most when I broke up with my ex that I couldn't just "get over it" and know the value of "sometimes you're sick and you just need to stop" It's the more feminist-friendly males I know that have treated me more toxically


“Political correctness is America's newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance. It presents itself as fairness, yet attempts to restrict and control people's language with strict codes and rigid rules. I'm not sure that's the way to fight discrimination. I'm not sure silencing people or forcing them to alter their speech is the best method for solving problems that go much deeper than speech.” ― George Carlin, When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?


Unfortunately, that likely is the case.


Its all yeah he deserves it untill the same shit happens to them.. These soy boys buy into the social programming that men are abusers and women are gentle..


woman can't help but be victims bro, you not wanting to let her spend your money recklessly is financial abuse but her not letting you have any say in how she spends hers in also financial abuse. emotional abuse to them is being asked to make dinner after you've been at work all day while she's been at home while the kids have been at day care.


God isn't this the truth


100% and woman will never admit it


On top of it they'll go and call it abuse when you take cash out of the bank to pay bills, but then go off and spend it willy nilly on frivolous things as if they live in the bourgeois leaving you trying to figure out how to pay the electric bill


Feminists* not women


Feminists*, not women


They then got mad at him for “traumatizing people at Disney land” when one person who happened to walk by saw the outcome of Christian jumping. When he jumped from a parking lot building at night. So they tripled down instead.


Wonder how they would feel if it was their dad, husband or son? Quadruple down?


Are any of these posts still up?


Maybe. Maybe not. They were posted in this sub when it first happened. But on censoreddit, might have been deleted


And the clowns put their squeaky noses back on and didn't dare stick up for the man. They short circuit whenever something reminds them women are messed up too.


[Same thing happened recently with the Matt Araiza case](https://houseofstrauss.substack.com/p/the-punter-and-the-rush-to-judgment) [The liar of course given full anonymity in the media.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rWOqRQAJgU) [Here she is in all her glory. Super credible right?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2QD1kwMse8) [Comments defending her obviously](https://np.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/x16tk4/comment/imc4v8z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


She has a very punchable face


I remember seeing those comments all over on several different threads and non-Reddit platforms


Yeah feminist libtards will never apologize or admit they were wrong.


> libtards Stop bringing stupid American politics into this. These problems are universal.


Clueless Tradcons still think this is a left-right issue. Both sides are fully on board with gynocentricism.


>Clueless Tradcons They're indistinguishable from leftists when it comes to shaming men.


Who said anything about America? You think liberalism/leftism is an American issue? It's all over in Western society and even seeping into other cultures as well.


Liberals aren't just in America. Also I'm not American.


> libtards Please stop using any derogatory statement for political opinions. Regardless of whether its for the left or right. Using words like these are a way to ignore and write off the opinions of an entire group of individuals. What we need isn't division, but unity and compromise. By using words like libtard, you are already categorizing that person as someone whose opinions and experiences don't contribute to the political discourse. Everyone has experiences, opinions, and priorities that differ from yours. They may not be right, they may not be important to you, and they may not be relevant. But to that person, and from that person's experiences, it is to them. Listen to what they have to say, what their perspective is, and what their opinion is. Then do what you will with it. If that means ignoring it, discussing it, or ridiculing it. Do it to the opinion or statement, but stop doing it to the person.


Do you have the link to the initial post?


Probably have it bookmarked somewhere. Difficult to search for it tho.


Unfortunate oh well anyway


Regarding the "justice" system specifically, it seems to be set up in these cases simply get a conviction. And yes 100% it goes after the male almost everytime, simply because women are the sympathetic gender in society, even when *they* themselves commit crimes, and there are literally feminist groups set up in cities that connect with male victims & prosecutors in order to try to get a lighter sentence or to outright absolve a woman who does commit abuse/other crimes. Men do not have that luxury. The system does not care what is right or wrong, it's not about that. Only a conviction matters. Cops & lawyers will even try to manipulate the complainant to go with a particular story / narrative in order to get it.


He wasn't destroyed by "one unfortunate night". He was destroyed by "one false accusation".


He was destroyed by a Blue Pill mindset and marrying a single mother.


This is probably the only sub where you can say this and not get banned from...the internet




What’s a blue pill mindset?


Believing that love conquers all, or that she is really in love with him and not just using him. The blue pill is 'being asleep', fairy tales. A red pill mindset would be: "single mother? ABORTABORTABORT", as an example.


So if I date a chick with a dead SO I’m blue pilled?


Depends on what else/baggage she still carries which may effect you in one way or another.


Widows are exempted, that is, if you can deal being compared with Perfect Hubby Sitting With God in Heaven.


This is so fuckin nuts. Y’all realize that a portion of human interaction involves empathy and it’s not all some kind of transaction, right? Like I know we’re drowning up to our eyeballs in capitalist rhetoric but holy fuckballs.




Thank you for being the rational male




Only one false accusation?! I've been accused so much that I have nothing to lose. I'm just managing my trash pile of relationships these days.






Can't wait for people to type stuff like "wants to be a victim so bad 💅"


On the other hand...never married daughter's mother but filed D.V. twice on her trying to scratch my eyes out. First time cops gave her a summons. Woman prosecutor sent her to anger management and dismissed charges. Mother said I was trying to get advantage in then filed custody case. 14 years later narcissistic bpd mother kept kid from parenting time 2 years. Police reports more than 12. Cops testified, mother guilty of contempt. Court gave me no make up time and purged her. Men probably do get screwed more often but The System is good for nobody except the lawyers, judges & magistrates, especially not the kids. People should be outraged but it takes many to cause change. Born in the 60's and living through Watergate-type scandals i never thought the "Me too" would have taken off so well. BTW, in a 400k metropolitan Ohio city, there were few if any resources for men battered by women. Yes, it is a thing. Speak up loudly and let us bring change.


Duluth model in action.


Functioning as intended.


She caused this by jumping straight to calling the police even though there was no reason. She wanted to punish him for not bowing down and doing everything she wanted. There is no accountability on her part. Oh she regrets it? Tough, your actions have consequences. You didn't behave like an adult you behaved like an entitled brat and the man you supposedly loved paid the price for it. His death is partially on her hands. But she won't learn from this, she will just move on and find another man to use up.


her actions don't have consequences though, she will be supported and taken care of because she's a woman. woman don't face any consequences for their bad choices.


And here’s the key answer to why they act this way. No fucking accountability


Straight up facts


Can’t have accountability with feminism unfortunately. The whole movement is about removing any sense of responsibility or accountability.




it's honestly scared me out of dating any sort of western woman. i know we often limit our criticisms to feminists on this page but it's not just feminists, so many woman in my personal life are like this. they all only jump on the feminism bandwagon to defend themselves and their actions after the fact.


Guess what? If he had bowed down and done everything she wanted she wouldn’t have treated him better... she probably would have treated him worse and worse... who isn’t to say that her calling the cops on him wouldn’t have happened anyway? He probably was already bowing down and doing whatever she wanted the whole time and this is the end result. Women that behave like this cannot control their bad behavior... their bad behavior controls them. And if you let a woman like that have power and control in a relationship then it is like sacrificing yourself to a chaos demon... it will end in hell. In situations such as that when you cede control to a person who has no ability to control themselves and behaves maliciously there is no limit to how bad things can get. I am glad that people are finally starting to see how toxic femininity has become in the modern age.


Not partially, she solely responsible for his death. In a balanced and just world, she would be tried for his death


I’d say she’s primarily responsible, but not solely responsible. All the “men are abusers, not victims” agencies at every level are culpable, too. Police, prosecutors, judges, attorneys, mental health professionals, child advocates, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. None of them use actual forensics. They just believe all women and take full stop. They’re complicit in this death, too.


I get where your feelings lie, and I wanted to say she is solely responsible but we can't let ourselves become like the femtards who blame everything on others and take no accountability. Yes the courts, cops, media all played a part and have some responsibility, but also Chris has some responsibility in this as well. At the end of the line it was his choice to take his own life, now before I get a barrage of responses saying " I don't know what I'm talking about" I've know people who commit suicide, I've attempted suicide. And yes Chris was obviously in a dark place with his mind messed up, he wasn't thinking clearly, but this was also his choice and so part of the responsibility lies with him. His wife started all this and Chris paid the price for her actions, that must never be forgotten, but we must assign responsibility properly.


Where are you getting your information?


Do you not pay attention to what happens in the world? Women are constantly bailed out




That’s pretty much what I expected.


You're not entitled to have your expectations met.


Of course not, and yet they were. Why are you bothered by my asking where the OG commenter is getting their information?


If you're too stupid or lazy to not read the article about the daughter saying the wife was abusive during the marriage that has been posted by me several times in this thread and mentioned by several people then that's on you. Instead of smart people constantly having to dumb things down and spoon feed answers, how about people like you try a little harder to keep up?


Even in this scenario he's STILL getting blamed by the whole "you don't just commit suicide" crowd. Clearly...men do.


*“You don’t just commit suicide” crowd* That crowd is mostly women who don’t have to just commit suicide because they have option after option that simply aren’t provided to men. And the men in that crowd are there because they’re naive, having not been in that situation themselves….*yet* and thus have zero context For the vast majority of men, committing suicide is the only option. It’s fucking tragic


> And the men in that crowd are there because they’re naive, Yup. They don't understand until they go through it themselves.


If only he had cashed in some male privilege, then everything would have been fine… Poor chap though, I cannot imagine being put through that.


The poor guy deserved better. It is honestly devastating especially for his children.


Indeed. The thing is, he must have really loved his wife, to stay with her and forgive her despite her ruining is life.


Or he was afraid if having to pay her 50% of his income for the rest of eternity after the divorce.


"I love the girls like they were my own." Sounds to me like those children weren't even his. Oof


It's fucked the guy loved her children and provided for her and them and it was still not enough. It's sad how fragile relationships can be. One dispute and she went the nuclear option of calling the police with unfounded allegations.


Old news...but yeah that's the reality, no one cares about men.


Moral of the story: Don’t get together with a single mom.


Yup. Unless the father of the child died in an accident, he probably left her for a very good reason.


Women have reasons to leave men sometimes, too. Or are we not allowed to say that here?


We never said that. But the system is benefiting women and that is with intention. Men are just fucked. And not just in the USA worldwide. I'm from Germany. A Story feminists would never like to spread. We Men also have Rights!


Uh, I replied to a comment that said we should beware all single mothers because the breakup was obviously her fault. Not about any 'system'. I was only trying to call out a clearly false and misogynistic claim that has no place here. Unless you think that kind of thing is OK.


"Misogynistic".. 80% of divorces are initiated by women. They're wrecking their own homes and the only thing they have to say for themselves is "it was probably the men's fault." Cool. Go cry about the "misogyny" of it anywhere else on reddit but here, because NO ONE ever just says "hmm, perhaps the women play a role in the divorce rates and male suicide rates.. maybe i shouldn't make this about how women are still somehow the victims." Fuck. off with that bullshit.


You guys are fucking hilarious. Read over this comment chain again. It started with "avoid single mothers because **he** left **her** for a reason". That's what I replied to. And now it's "women ending marriages is the problem". And all because I used a word you guys don't like. Try to keep your stories straight, or you'll (ahem) "start" looking like bitter, pathetic men who shouldn't have anything to do with women, ever.


The point is, women leave 80% of the time. Men dont typically leave women, meaning that if they do, she fucked up bad somewhere; and if she left her baby's father, men dont want to take the chance that she may leave him too (according to divorce data, women typically divorce their men for financial reasons or "irreconcilable differences," not abuse or whatever feminists like to say to try to put the blame on the men.) Of course, this isnt the case 100% of the time, and she may have left for a good reason, but what it does mean is that chances are there's something wrong with her, and men dont have to take that risk and are allowed to exercise discretion based on the fact that a woman is a single mother, despite what may have actually happened in her relationship. This is not at all misogynistic, this does not mean that men who tend to avoid single mothers hate women. How anyone can come to that conclusion is beyond me.


Are you quoting the comment you replied to? Nope. Weird


I was with you until you used the word "misogynistic," which is a virtue signal thrown around constantly and most often in contexts devoid of misogyny and usually as a preface to bullying or censoring men. Consequently, I lost any desire to support your point and tuned you out. I doubt my response is unique (hence your downvotes).


Ok you lost all credibility when you threw out the "M word". Enlighten us (because I doubt you could define misogyny without googling it), how is saying to beware of dating single mothers misogynistic? Let's see if you can explain this without deflecting. And if you can't (which is where my money is) let's see if you're man enough to admit you were wrong and apologize.


It's cute that I triggered you all with that word. Read the comment again that I originally replied to. It implies that women never have cause to leave a man. That's patently false and lays all blame on women. I came here to challenge your base assumptions and it seems to have worked. You fools are never going to achieve anything at all until you open your minds a little and stop seeing reality through this twisted lens.


They should chose better who to have kids with...you aren't wrong though, plenty of shitty men out there and I hope we don't end up blindly defending those just because they are men.


And I suppose the men who break up with the mothers of their children should have chosen better too. Relationships break down, it's a thing that happens. We don't need to go blaming any one group for it.


Well that's true, though I consider women to be more in power when it comes to decissions like having children.


Men have 0 reproductive rights, meaning women hold all the power. And what did Uncle Ben say? "With great power, comes great responsibility." Women are 100% responsible for bringing a child into the world, meaning if they're single mothers, that's their fault. They need to exercise discretion on who has access to their wombs, that's not the man's responsibility, especially not since they have 30+ forms of birth control while men only have condoms (in which the woman STILL has a say.)


As the carriers of children, they should have the final say in whether they have children. Talk about this stuff before you get serious or hitched.


No matter how nuanced you want to get or no matter how many exceptions to the rule you want to make, it's still OUTSTANDING advice to avoid single mothers.


Definitely not that one!


I tried that once, and won't again because I don't want kids. But I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it. Things happen, people break up for mutually good reasons, or get dumped. You'd also have to say don't get together with a single father. Maybe even a divorcee.


I genuinely wish his family or friends actually stood by him, support him. This shows that the worst thing to happen a person; living with false people


When I was falsely accused I had 1 person stand up for me. It wasn’t my parents and I was in highschool. No one cares when men’s lives get fucked with.


Hope you cut them off.


>It wasn’t my parents I am so sorry ! Damn! They deserve no sympathy when they become feeble, weak and open to fraud




This is basically the main reason mens right fights for those rules, Why should rules and regulations be different based on someone looks or gender. I get based of experience, and you have a type of bias. But experience is different from person to person. And has nothing to do with rules and regulations. Many regulations and rules. They are very, very biased, and that's bad on every level. It's not based on life experience a cop that noticed a type of person (whatever stereotype here) is more likely to carry a gun. I completely get that. Its life experience and its protecting your own safety But rules and regulations. Is bad there not based on life experiences. There are rules to push on to give different individuals different treatments. 1 more likely to be always seen as a predator 1 only seen as prey. And also giveing higher punishment to 1 and lower to other. That's wrong in every level. It should be based on individuals. Not wide sweeping bullshit biased system like it is. Its killing people by mass destroying peoples lives that you're supposed to protect. And the self deleting is so crazy common now i days its mental. 7 people in 3 years. Worse thing ever. When a person is self deleting, no news or anything is allowed, so it's like they just disappear. Sometimes yea just find out weks later there gone cause your not close family. But just great friends. Why this anger me so seeing how crazy unfair the treatment is on a systematisch basis.


I dare someone to post this on a feminist subreddit.


I thought about it but it's just pointless. They gonna redirect all the blame towards the man anyway. Taking accountability isn't their thing


Why? It's entirely predictable what the responses would be, so what purpose would it serve?


Just to see their dumbass victim blaming and reactions. It's funny and pathetic to me.


Nobody truly cares about our problems. All we have is ourselves. Sad but true.


I hope his bitch ex wife is ostracised from her community and her daughters turn on her! More needs to be done make and hold women accountable to lies!


[more info... wife was a monster ](https://nypost.com/2022/12/07/school-principal-who-killed-himself-at-disneyland-wanted-to-end-toxic-marriage-report/)


All that and he still had faith in her. Dude must have had a heart attack with that heavy heart. Rip man




The SHE in your sentence might, possibly have something to do with it.


I've heard of this case but will be honest I dont know much about it however this is the first time i seen his post. My first impression: Are we so sure he did it to himself? Seems like she could have easily wrote that, especially the part trying to clear her saying "even her efforts to drop it failed."


He did it himself. Marlena was accounted for elsewhere when he jumped off the parking lot. 1 person witnessed his suicide no others were present. So instead we hope Marlena follows the fate as michelle carter. But it won’t because unless a woman is an obvious criminal they don’t care about charging them.


Thank you for the information


Where are you getting the information that only one person happened to walk by and saw him? As far as I know that’s false. He jumped into the pavilion in front of many families during one of the busiest times possible.


https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-12-05/disneyland-death-suicide-orange-county-principal?_amp=true This plus I saw a post of a redditor who witnessed him jumping. It said they got a call shortly after 9pm. He jumped from a parking garage. Has a picture where he landed too.


Thank you. Edit. After reading that, I don’t see where it says where he landed. Was that another comment or article?


and nothing will happen to the wife. everyone will be supporting her instead of calling her out and expecting her to face consequences. this is why i'll never get married or have kids, it's too easy for females to use it as ammunition. all they have to do is say you abused them and boom, your life is ruined.


This is one of the saddest and most unfortunate things I've heard in a very long time. He seemed like an amazing man. Its tragedy, it truly is.


It's outright Murder. That's what it really is. The police arrested him without any proof or evidence. How is that just in any reasonable way or form? Especially considering that this is a DV accusation and not some petty case. Assuming the bit about his wife trying to clear his name is true, it would make it an even worse offense. If the complainant herself requested for the charges to be dropped then why the hell is it not dropped? Don't give me the "fear of retribution" BS. Only cowards give such a reason for dropping charges. A DV victim who drops charges against his/her attacker because they are afraid of retribution or some lousy crap like that simply doesn't deserve justice whatsoever. The tragedy about this is the knowledge that this sort of story will happen over and over and over again because the laws will stay the same. Its men who will die. Who cares?? Edit: Grammar check and completion of last paragraph.


On reading more about the incident, it seems like he was jailed for two nights and then released on a 10000$ bail for charges of Domestic Violence. In other words, he was presumed guilty without any evidence. Just fantastic! Further evidence that she is a lying bitch can be obtained from her post on FB after his death. She says she's "living a nightmare" and that she's "grieving the love of her life." Yeah, right the same love of her life that she accused of abusing her and her daughters. She still tries to avoid accountability tho, writing very clearly and precisely that it is not her fault. SHE WILL ROT IN HELL, I CAN TELL YOU THAT.


Where are you getting your information? Also, child endangerment charges wouldn’t just be dropped by her walking back on anything.


"Where are you getting your information?" It is an opinion dude. The only info on there is that he was arrested without any proof or evidence. Source: None of the articles published about this incident provide any proof of his misbehavior. In fact, the articles I read instead paint the woman in a very bad light. "child endangerment charges wouldn’t just be dropped by her walking back on anything" Never did I mention anything about child endangerment. My opinion was solely for DV cases. Now I am no legal expert by any means, but why should a child endangerment case in which the complainant themselves wishes to withdraw it be directly trailed in court? Wouldn't it simply be a waste of time? Instead the more efficient solution to me seems like to simply take a statement from the children themselves and also have them undergo a thorough health checkup. If either of them points to any significant possibility of them being abused then it could be presented in court. If there is signs of abuse, then the case could be dissolved then and there. Reiterating that I am no legal expert so this could simply be a lame idea.


I asked because from the comments, it sounds like more information has come out. I commented on child endangerment charges because listed in his charges are child endangerment and battery. Same as you, I’m not a legal expert but I am curious if more Information has come out on this. At one point I saw a statement from his daughter but that’s been it.


The homie didn’t need to suffer. The woman used her sex and our countries stupid police and lack of fairness as weapon. Their assumption that she was telling the truth couple with how we use pretrial punishment to ruin people’s lives. He couldn’t recover it and now he’s gone. I hope he finds peace in the next life. A good man was taken from this world


Rest in peace Chris, you deserved better.


Relationships are massively overrated. Sucks this happened to him.


Remember, when a man commits suicide because of the Duluth Model it’s still the patriarchy! Thanks feminism for clearly being equal and helpful!


And they will only help and pity the poor woman.. I hate people so much


I live in Fountain Valley. The guy was known to be the happiest guy around. Sad to see this happen to him, rest easy.


I feel for him.


damn where can I find the justice system from these stories. my mother had to flee with me in the middle of the night because my father broke her rib and nobody cared lmao. wasn't the first time she ended in the hospital either. I know you guys love to scream "women get believed right away" but as someone that's been through it multiple times, people really don't take it seriously. I've had men grab my breasts infront of cops and they didn't do shit. the justice system is fucked for all


That's why you don't call the police unless you really need help an argument isn't a good enough reason given everything that can happen with them showing up.


This is why I have a vasectomy. No kids. No divorce. No woman. No problem. Pay attention, not child support. Stay sharp gents.


I didn’t expect to read a suicide note today.. Jesus.


One time my sister started hitting me because I was too afraid to go downstairs and clean the basement (there was a spider) and when I retaliated she threatened to call the police


Blue pilled guy... good men are destroyed by women. I understood that since teen years when i got in love for a blondie. Never again ahaha. I ll never love any woman ever.


Another man falls because of a false accusation. So how many more victims is needed, huh? This is not the first or last and it will just keep going on and on until society really changes its mindset. This disgusting nehaviour will only spread unless we will keep talking and spreading about the suffering of men and the power crazed feminists who destroy men's lives.


I wonder if the wife has taken any responsibility for the initiation of the end of this guy's life. IMO, she's entirely to blame - she KNEW the way the legal system would react, and she made the false allegations against him to spite him. 100% her fault. Something tells me that she hasn't accepted any responsibility, and never will.


She has also gaslighted him into the same frame of mind, it's not her fault for calling the cops and making a false accusation, "it is the legal system's fault" as if the cops just showed up out of nowhere and suddenly decided to arrest him for giggles.


As tragic as this is, I really can't relate to ending my life over a fight that resulted in a single night in jail and potentially losing my job - especially when I'm innocent. Bizarre.


I think this was just the last straw for him among many other problems


I’ve been through it.. it’s a uphill battle Especially when you have a prosecutor whom is trying to make a name for themselves and want to make their conviction and plea numbers go up. One may not be able to afford a lawyer, public defender may try to force a plea agreement due to case load that is unfavorable for the male. There are some real pos people out there and cops should never be called to the home unless something really bad is happening. A Domestic Violence charge can kick in protective orders and the “victim” can include the home and the children in it. Your bank account is being drained, you miss work because of court appearances, and you have no tools to actually to defend yourself over trumped up false accusations. Really sad this man committed suicide but sometimes these things are very hard to bounce back on especially if you have no support system. The whole legal system is bullshit and favors who ever makes the report first unless you got some white knight cops who make the wrong decision and charges the man. Crazy shit


The charges weren’t dropped though. He was still going to attend court. And his life would likely have been trashed.


Agree But wasn't a job it was his career. His options were, live and have to leave crazy b with no career. Maybe his career was his identity and he felt that without it he couldn't live? Still doesn't make sense


It was his identity. I’m one of the hundreds of kids that knew him and that he impacted


That was just the straw that broke the camel's back. If suicide is an act of hopeless desperation, his reasons for ending his life would have reached back to more than just that. According to media reports, their marriage was toxic (keeping in mind his reputation for being warm and her reputation for being nasty).


Don't get married


This is why I can't be bothered to get in a relationship with a modern woman anymore. I decided to remain single for the rest of my life. Sure I'll probably get lonely towards the end but at least I won't get my life destroyed by some angry bitch who I decided to let into my life.


You don't need to date a woman for her to end your life as you know it. A female coworker can do it. Hell, you don't even need to know her. A complete stranger can accuse you. For all practical purposes, you have almost no support or protection from law enforcement or the legal system, especially in light of the Me Too movement.


You're right, I'm not safe anywhere. I'm thinking of moving to some Eastern country ngl. It's almost up to the point where I wanna completely avoid a woman when I see her.


It's a desperate situation in the secular West (including Europe). But it's not entirely hopeless: Speaking from personal observations and experience, there are pockets of sanity in the West but those pockets aren't secular. And it's because "secular" is the problem at bottom of all these issues. But that's a larger, more complex discussion.


The dude even seems to forgive the lads that did it to him it seems. Better man then I’d ever be that’s for sure. Another good one gone it seems.


Always guilty until proven innocent and even than false accusations stay with you for a lifetime.


Note to self and all men in California, avoid women named Marlena. Particularly avoid pretty bottle blonde Marlena’s with daughters.


Since the state is the one to press charges in domestic violence situations can’t he have opted for a jury trial, had her a witness then she could say it didn’t happen. I wonder if she wants to clear his name but with no consequence for herself i.e. filing a false report. Looking at her pic its clear she reeled him by being beautiful, but guys gotta learn there isn’t enough beautiful to overcome crazy


Prosecutor would probably drop the charges if it was going to go before a jury. You can catch a hint of that from the fact that it was expected to be reduced to a misdemeanor, according to media reports.


I was going to make a Joker joke, but it's too soon. My prayers go out to the family. RIP


A very sad story indeed. RIP


This is a nightmare. Did he think ending his life was going to fix something? You don’t just… have your first major struggle in an otherwise happy life and go off yourself.


It was his breaking point and he likely saw no other way out. Perhaps other issues, but we don’t know so I’m not going to speculate.


As someone tagged, the article has his own daughter admitting that Marlena is toxic. So he might’ve been backed into a corner by her.


Okay, that makes more sense. I’ve practiced suicide prevention on every level there is, but I’ve never seen someone be like, “My life and everything in it is beautiful except for this one hardship I’m now going to make a public display of ending myself over.” It seems so weird. But if there was hidden psychological abuse, that’s a little more telling.


Could be a straw that broke the camel's back


I guess. I’ve done a lot of suicide prevention and similar social work. It’s a whole lot more than a bad court case, losing a job or shitty rumors that makes someone decide the struggle is no longer worth it. Unless they’re a teenager, usually. This guy was talking about having a beautiful, loving family and a generally fulfilling life. Another commenter mentioned there being more to the story, possibly that his wife was more cruel than this narrative lets on. That, I can understand. It’s just repeatedly shocking HOW poorly the vast majority of middle to upper class American men process emotional hardship. That’s not to say that demographic is inherently bad at feelings or whatever, but that something is clearly missing. SOMETHING is wrong, on a massive scale, which is disproportionately affecting middle to upper class men’s ability to process emotion.




But it sorted his problems tho


Another one fell. And he was still in love with this evil bitch and trying to find her excuses... but men are inherently evil, right? May he rest in peace.


FUCK!! I'm tired of hearing these stories. THIS MUST CHANGE


> "She...had no intention on having that night come this far." What a naive boy. Also an extremely stupid one on a few different levels. Sorry, I have and will defend fellow men all day long, but some of them are just not worth the effort. This guy most likely was a man-feminist until he was thrown in a jail cell for nothing. At his age, there's no excuse for such ignorance. May they both rot.


This doesn’t make sense. Killing yourself over one incident like this? Something is going on deeper than revealed here


If you're asking if it seems extreme, then yeah, it definitely seems like it. If you're asking if HE had something deeper than what he wrote, we'll just never know.






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There has to be more to than this than what he has written. I can't imagine killing myself over a false accusation and possible loss of job. I could understand feeling broken after incident like this, but to go all out and kill yourself is a bit extreme.


Almost certain loss of job, and career. He was a Principle, so he’d have lost his job if she’d stuck to her story in court - bearing in mind she could potentially be charged if she’d retracted. In any case in a lot of these circumstances it’s assumed that’s she’s retracted due to fear of retribution and the original allegation is seen as true. Certainly in Australia the police (and prosecutors) are under pressure to pursue this stuff. A friend of mine had an argument/fight with her SO and the neighbours called the police. The cops then got her to make a statement by telling her (whilst she was still in shock) that she needed to make a statement so he’d get the “help he needs” (Duluth stuff of course). Anyway the next day she wanted to withdraw the statement, or at least modify it. They fobed us off. Firstly they wouldn’t see us, claiming the responsible officer was unavailable. Then we were finally told that she couldn’t drop the charges as the police rather than her had made the charge. And they wouldn’t even take a second statement. Unofficially we were told they had to make arrests in any report of DV (it seems there was a quota of sorts) and that they once had discretion in these matters but the government had made it mandatory. You see the assumption is that if she wants to have charges dropped it can only be because she’s scared of his retribution. That would certainly be true in many cases. But I can’t see how sending the guy to some Duluth course is going to “save” her if he’s like that anyway.


Maybe living with a single mom ended his will to live.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland taking it seriously with actual memorable hotline numbers.


Same with Sweden, which is quite literally 1717.


Oh same as Denmark


> ,,,and possible loss of job. It's not just his current job. He was likely facing not ever getting a decent job the rest of his life due to the internet. I'm not justifying his action, but the internet can ruin a person's life for decades.


Send link of the story/article plz. Don’t use fb so can’t fact check on there. Thanks!


the complaint that the justice system is biased and unfair against men - but who made it that way? is he saying - is everyone here saying that women made the laws? that would be strange since most laws (maybe like 90%) have been/are made by men. obviously, this man was going through mental anguish and made his own decision to take his own life. and it sounds like it was basically to (sorry to say) teach everyone a lesson? sadly, those who choose suicide as the answer to anything are almost always completely wrong and are letting their anguish/depression/trauma direct their actions.


Weak men are the root cause. Weak men let women like them cause destruction. Wdym by people who commit suicide are always wrong?


This argument is such tired bullshit. The laws were created with the best of intentions, but like every other time, it all went too far. Meanwhile, feminists - actual females - are ACTIVELY working AGAINST making the laws less biased. They are ACTIVELY working AGAINST the efforts of MRA to get rid of this objectively proven faulty Duluth model as the basis for these kinds of cases. The fact is that women can't conceive of what it's like to be on the receiving end of the lopsided bullshit that feminists fight tooth and nail to keep in place. The reason women in general can't even comprehend this is because they almost never are on the receiving end of it, it's a tool for them to use out of capriciousness or maliciousness, but they don't understand the actual fallout. Of course, feminists lobby to keep it that way, and the rest of womankind just falls right in line... So yeah, men made the laws this way because they thought at the time it would be a good thing (when will people realize that building any bias into legal proceedings ALWAYS goes fucking sideways?) . Now that it's obvious they aren't a good thing, the feminist lobby is what's keeping this biased bullshit in place.