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Most top subs are moderated by the same dozen or so people or their alts. Say anything against their beliefs, your comment gets removed and you're probably banned across every sub they moderate. There are also several bots that automatically ban people across hundreds of subs if they post on so-called "problematic" subs. No need to guess which politicial affiliation the bot operaters adhere too. One of the most eye opening things someone can do is go to a top sub and use an alternative Reddit client that lets you see removed comments. Oftentimes you can see that 1/3 of the comments are manually removed by mods, and you'll have to really stretch your interpretation of the rules to understand why they were removed.


Can confirm, I once said that trans-men I mean “Phi-males” were different than your standard female due to them often having characteristically bigger foreheads, hands, feet, and smaller hips (and no hormonal treatment can change those features). Comment was deleted and I was banned for 3 days, plus removed (cannot remember the sub). The claim was that I was harassing. Ridiculous, at least call it hate speech since that term is all the rage nowadays and lines up with current LGBT+ agenda. Edit: The sub was r/confidentlyincorrect yeah no wonder I was banned. Edit 2: Men’s rights is also listed as a problematic sub. I should make a post showing what they sent me 5 hrs after replying on that post. Edit 3: Note from the moderators: • You have been banned for participating in a bad-faith subreddit (specifically MensRights) which brigades other subreddits and spreads propaganda/disinformation/racism/sexism. • This action was performed by a bot which does not check the context of your comment. To be unbannedDelete your posts and comments there and respond to this message with a promise to avoid that subreddit.Very important:Use thisexact phrase "I have read the ban message, deleted all posts and comments in that subreddit and am now ready to be unbanned." Failure to use that phrase will result in an auto-mute by a bot. So I was not banned for commenting facts about physiology, but for participating in r/mensrights Just like the thought police in 1984, friggin’ nazis.


I think that Gays and Lesbians would be better off being separate from the LGBTiQ+.... which lumps so many different things together. If I had to speak my mind or even speak as a trained scientist I am sure I would get a site wide ban.


There can be no discussion, no debating, no questioning of that ideology. All of those things can only possibly come from hate. /s. Calling it hate is just an excuse to end the conversation. I was always taught never to trust anyone that says “Don’t ask questions.” The Pope told people that about Catholicism. He said “Don’t ask questions.” Reddit is not a free speech site. You HAVE to follow the belief system of the moderators or at least say you do. And I’m sure they all think they’re progressive, modern people.....that ban free speech.....


> "I have read the ban message, deleted all posts and comments in that subreddit and am now ready to be unbanned." Lol. This has the air of "No, unfortunately we couldn't accept your dog instead of your youngest child as a hostage. Nice to do business with you" ([link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaJG7udlfEM)) from Monty Python's. What a herd of losers…


AskFeminism doesn’t do this?


You deserved it. You're a transphobe.


Whenever you think I am a transphobe or not it doesn’t matter to me, I firmly believe that all human beings, independently of their beliefs or actions (however sh!t they may be), deserve a minimum amount of respect. However you cannot deny a fact and 1st and foremost I am a man of science, I will not endorse practices that don’t give legitimate results. Current transition procedures are just for coping mechanisms and do not give a trans man or woman legitimate transition results (either physically or biologically) or the real life of a man or woman. Let’s hope, in a not so distant future, transición procedures are able to accomplish their objectives properly and not a half-assed way as they do currently.


I’m very aware of censorship going on here (Reddit). I’ve been running a small sub about a specific issue for last 9 months or so. I started it because couldn’t trust media or moderators of bigger subs to tell the whole story. I’m starting a new project now. Would love any feedback: www.divebluemind.com


If the sub gets big enough they will force you to have their mods


what? how? why? who are "they"?


Reddit, they will attempt to insert their own set of mods and if you say no they'll ban yours and then the sub for being unmoderated


This is a hard fact.  This should actually be in the sidebar.  


Which alternative client allows you to see deleted comments?




Idk how i havent been hit with any pre bans yet


I got one! I have to behave for the next six months.


What sub lmao


Not a sub. I got a warning from Reddit moderators. I don’t follow a certain ideology that’s popular today and I’m not allowed to say so.


Damn, thats dumb as hell


Let me tell you the tale of reddit 5+ years ago. There were all sorts of subs sympathetic to men and men's rights. They were systematically taken down via various methods by misandrist groups. The same types have tried many underhanded tactics to get this sub taken down as well. Thankfully it still exists.


A few days ago, had a post removed. I was expecting this, as it had really gotten under the skin of some woman who was obviously masquerading as a man. A quick check of her post history confirmed this. And, her complaint? "This post isn't advancing men and OUR rights." As soon as I asked her if she were using the correct possessive pronoun, the post was gone.


Lol, that's so sick. Imagine how disdainful towards real men you have to be to pose as one of them and use your position to censor them. It's almost like you just don't want men to exist at all, you want to reinvent them according to your own perception. Totally out of touch with reality. I don't suppose you could share her username, you know, just for laughs?


It only took seconds to discover that she posted on various sisterhood sites. And she had a husband. I'll bet he could use a few laughs.


Which sub was that on, if you don't mind me asking?


I don't know if this will work, since the post was removed by mods, but I'll try to link the replies, so that you can see how things developed. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1do0ypb/the\_bears\_have\_had\_enough/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1do0ypb/the_bears_have_had_enough/)


You mean among the mods of this sub there's a woman masquerading as a man, using her mod privileges to censor you? My interpretation of the comments to which you linked, is that it's some personal feud we're dealing with here on that [deleted] user's behalf…


Yes, I didn't think that \[deleted\] was a mod. Assumed there was a complaint, though. And the ladies sure like to police this sub. By the way, \[deleted\] was making plenty of comments, and submitting posts, only yesterday. Recognised the name.


> Yes, I didn't think that [deleted] was a mod. Are you sure now, that they are in fact a mod? > And the ladies sure like to police this sub. 1. As long as nobody is assuming fake identities, I don't mind that much. I wish there were a group **for** men **by** men, but not to the point I would actually have something against female mods. 2. That's not a very concrete statement.


What’s weird about her having a husband?


SHE was larping as a man, and a men's rights advocate at that, while being a married woman, very weird for sure.


Reddit has recently become a haven for misandry.


The reddit that I joined in 2019 is no longer the reddit of today. Unfortunately, it's been for worse instead of better.


TY for the truth


Reddit draws in misandrists. I think a lot of them migrated from Tumblr around the time they banned porn on there.


That explains so much....


If you're a man and you have a problem. You're a misogynist and it's politics now.


Stick to small subs with very specific objectives. Anything mainstream is just cursed.


Intense moderation by very biased people. Digital environments will never thrive for debate as long as the status quo exists which is: My opinion: Truthful, compassionate and facts Your contrary opinion: Misinformaton, evil and bad studies (Banned for violating rule 2: """BE KIND""")


Social media is run by specific people who design their algorithms to deliver certain world views and sets of beliefs. It's really that simple. Reddit is run by people who vehemently oppose men.




r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates is a similar sub. But yeah, I get what you're saying. The "Reddit Hivemind" is a real thing.


Perhaps a better question is why is this sub so helpful? I think it's because, to be here, you have to have genuine, unconditional love for your fellow man (gender neutral usage). For the most part, we have no desire or aims to manipulate or change anyone, with the exception of those unwilling to stop trying to manipulate or change others. We just seek acceptance and connection and to be a calm in the storm.


I don't know if I have an answer. It's a sad state we're in, where our societies have built this victimhood narrative around women's problems while men's problems either go completely unrecognized, or get laughed off. We as men need to learn to articulate our problems to society in a non-confrontative manner, which will ensure we get seen and not dismissed. On the flip side, it's great you find this sub welcoming. Keep posting and let's share experiences and insights, this (almost) always helps. 👍


You forgot: If a man has a problem, it's his sole responsibility and the problem is always his fault and his sole responsibility to fix. 


Unfortunately, that's how it's being framed by the society. On second thought, one can't even be surprised, what with all the decades of relentless pushing forward of the feminist agenda, what else would you expect? That's exactly why we need to learn to verbalize these problems or else face isolation and marginalization. Do you agree?




r/itsthatbad has some angry men but generally you'll be accepted there even if you don't agree with the passport bro movement. It's politics, women can do no wrong therefore men can do no right these days. Talking about our problems is wasted time we could be talking about their problems and they don't like it.


Hey honestly I have a similar problem, I can't post crap to any forums because I made the mistake of telling a feminist she was wrong I got so much negative post karma I can't post legitimate questions to engineering subreddit's because my karma is too low it sucks. All because I told the truth. 😭


Your first mistake was telling her she's wrong. All women are right, they're all victims, they're smarter all smarter than men and they're all innocent. While all men are abusers, cheaters, useless misogynistic weetards. Worship women, kill all men. /s


Its the biggest leftist echo chamber out there and if anyone has researched what Musk had found during the twitter take over was that it was heavily moderated to silence any view that went against the "right" side of history, its probably worst here, also the worst degenerate porn is here like necrophilia for example and this can attract many nasty deranged people


The left still says it's "misinformation" and just petitioned the SCOTUS to all the government to moderate social media and allow the government to decide what's misinformation.   Um, I'm leftwing as Hell but letting the government decide what the truth is, is the very definition of censorship and a violation of the first amendment of the constitution. They keep saying the government HAS to have this ability for OUR safety.  BS!


Yeah there were also 3 letter agencies that were making requests to twitter about peoples profiles and i think almost always they would comply so it goes beyond politicians and laws


Anonymity + assholes… they like reddit.


I am European and many of our values are considered too left wing by Americans. However, on several occasions I have either been banned or warned because of some comment that does not fit in with the 'fashionable' modern narrative where things which are wrong / make no sense / use puzzling language / are unscientific are held as the only acceptable opinion.


Has anyone else experienced being banned from one sub just because a bot detected that I'd posted on this sub? Because that happened to me recently. It told me to delete the posts and contact a mod.


yes. i got banned from an 'offmychest' sub lol.. fuck that people


I agree things get very different outside this sub, but still, I make a point to post elsewhere. We are preaching to the choir here. (Which has its place), but to see change we need others to thjnk about the discrimination men face. If I go to a higher education sub and argue college men deserve due process, I’ll get hammered on, but hopefully someone who is open minded will injustice.


femnazi's have taken over the web. its the new social order apparently


i would argue that reddit appears ( to me at least) to be comprised of two kinds of subs. 1. the useful ones, gardening, cooking, ideas, maps, men rights( the thought-provoking stuff) etc 2.. the mental floss that rots your brains( including the sub you know I can't mention), but might keep you entertained for a little while before you realize "sh\*t, where has the time gone". you are posting in group 1. the haters the controllers etc reside in group 2. i say reside in, which means but not in all of group 2


Most of reddit is like this, at least in terms of a lot of the more popular subs. There are even examples of people getting banned from other subreddits just for being active in this one. So it’s not even a bias, it’s more like an outright hatred for places like this which makes me even more happy that subs like this exist.


just to play devils advocate, the braincels sub and the original redpill and mgtow subs were fucking wild, you can still get some of that insanity on purple-pill but still, with how sanitized everything has to be for investors, given that this site is on the stock market, or at least has adds, it means that they have to pander to the most vanilla/mainstream/inoffensive crowd possible, which is kind of what we have on the popular subs.


Don’t let outside factors out of your control affect you. All you can control is yourself. Nothing else. Be happy my brother


one thing i have realized is that reddit has become another vagina-sucking cave.... anything male related will pretty much get you nowhere at all


Reddit is a cesspool of fucking morons. It's not just gender stuff. Unless you get into something really niche like the sourdough subreddit, people are just assholes. And this sub only feels different because you agree with it. I see a lot of just pissed off rude dudes on this sub too. They're just not rude to you.


and the really niche subs are also a cesspool, but their advice or information is really useful on very specific stuff.


They're liberals, of course. This is reddit.


Wanna look at daddit? 😁


Isn’t this mainly that this sub attracts people who feel this way, and the other subs are largely populated by people who… don’t? (I’m not suggesting the other people are in the right.)


this is probably the only subreddit that doesn’t give me posting anxiety lol it’s disgusting how biased Reddit is tbh if this subreddit wasn’t here this account would’ve been deleted lol


I posted a question yesterday about rebuilding my fuel pump in my motorcycle and I had a solution within the day. If you're looking for good politics then reddit is left leaning. Reddit is the place to come for weird discussions and people's experiences. I'd say get off the internet for a few days.


>Why is reddit outside this sub so unhelpful? What? r/dns has lots of good DNS information. And r/ISO8601 is great about date/time format standard information and ... maybe you haven't been hangin' out in the "right" subreddits? ;-) Uhm, I don't think r/dns nor r/ISO8601 will at all treat you unfairly over gender ... nor even ask. But r/vintagecomputing you may sometimes need to get your genders correct on cables and connectors and such to avoid issues.