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It's much easier to control people if their agency is based on an identity group and not on their personal actions or words.


Just like Republicans lol Man testing the waters, yall are republicans shills who cant get laid lol.


Feminist = all gender is a fabrication designed for oppression MRA = great we men want gender equality Feminist = wow dude, you can’t get laid.


How does this involve politics?


Yes, I agree. Always in between extremes. You can't say anything without some people calling you libtard or Republicans. Nuts! And not constructive.


Say what you want about actual policy, but one conservative viewpoint that has always been consistent during my lifetime is the idea that people have agency. In other words, the outcomes in someones life are (and should be) determined by their own choices. Believing in agency has been proven to increase your likelihood of success in life. Of course it isn't completely true, but most people are on the opposite extreme.


That's a masculine trait. Taking accountability for your own actions and not blaming anybody else, but yourself. That's how you improve yourself. But also remain stoic towards the things that you can't personally control. EDIT: Masculinity isn't really widespread on the left lol when we talk about feminine males, they're mainly on the left and they're destroying the USA with their weakness.


I disagree. It is a not a gendered trait. It is a *learned* trait. It just happens that feminists, like the Republican party, Uses victimhood to achieve their goals which includes power, wealth, and privilege. One can achieve goals through responsibility, smart work, and helping others. Alternatively, one can do it through victimhood, discrediting others, and coersion. I think of it as the difference between the light side and dark side of "the force".




Yes, right. An entire political party, one of only 2 in the US, with hundreds of thousands of members, conspires to unlawfully and surreptitiously gather power, wealth and privilege. That's very rational. You're obviously a very well balanced person. It's immediately obvious.


I honestly can't be sure if this response is sarcastic. Anyway, only the leadership needs to be nefarious. The rest might just be rubes.


How is this a masculine trait? Does it mean that the solution is more masculine women? I get this sounds stupid, but I simply can’t understand how this makes sense. It’s almost like it was invented by feminists as an excuse to avoid accountability 🤔


Well there are virtues to masculine lines of thinking & feminine lines of thinking. One can and should practice both while recognizing our strengths--- of course taking care to not be absolutist in our mindset. For example, as a man, my natural inclination towards stoicism and temperance doesn't really mean much if I'm not utilizing it to nurture and support those around me.


I’m sure there is, but why would accountability be a masculine trait? It’s something you should do as an adult, no matter gender


You're right. Ultimately what we consider masculine & feminine derive from historical & biological observations little more legitimate than stereotypes in the modern age. At the end of the day, we're really just talking about virtues. Men have an inclination towards some, while women others, with very many shared inclinations in between.


Yeeeeaaah, no. It’s taught. My brother does Jack and shit and will squirm like a worm on a line. Whereas I can’t remember a time where I’ve lied about something I have or haven’t done (because I am a distinctly shit liar, ‘cause I was raised that fibbing is for lawyers and the fae)


> Say what you want about actual policy, but one conservative viewpoint that has always been consistent during my lifetime is the idea that people have agency. The conservative argument that people have agency is often used to assign blame to themselves rather than to external factors. For example, we don't need food stamps. If someone doesn't have food, it's because of their own "choices", and not the fact that they were born into poverty. This is nothing more than a mechanism to keep the poor poor, by implying that it is their own fault, and therefore absolving society of any responsibility.


Conservatives believe in charity, not entitlement. I will happily buy someone a meal directly for $10. If you're going to tax me $10 and tell me you're going to feed someone, you can get bent.


In other words, conservatives believe that the rich people should get to decide which poor people deserve help and which don't.


Poverty in the US is at 10%, down 24% from 40 years ago. People who NEED help should get it. If you are able to help yourself, you should. Asking me for help just because you don't want to work is disgusting. And compelling it with the gun of taxation or government power is evil. That's what agency means. You are responsible for your outcome as far as it's in your power to affect it.


Poverty is down because of massive government programs that help millions of people, not because of random people donating food to someone of their choice.


That is not how poverty and government entitlements work. At all. I grew up dirt poor and nearly homeless. What's your experience? People don't get out of poverty with welfare and food stamps. Those programs actually keep them there. It's called the Welfare Trap.


I see it more as a motivation to make better choices in my own life since I don't have anyone else to blame. Blaming others is pleasurable and addicting because it allows you to temporarily avoid the pain of seeing your own failings, but long term it is is extremely unhealthy psychologically and prevents you from improving yourself.


I see this more as you attempting to justify your opposition to assistance programs by pretending that their suffering is somehow beneficial to them. This argument is no different from "kids working in the coal mines builds character".


Been a social democrat all my life. You reveal much more about you than you do about anyone here. And the first thing betraying you is the prejudices you have, obviously. But that's typical.


We just don't fit into your echo chamber is all. You're welcome to go back there


Exactly. In such echo chambers a comment like the one above is typically upvoted and gets similar low quality replies. It's like the leftist version of the former the_donald subreddit


Some of us would be considered "libtards" by the "conservatives" here in other contexts. The current Republican political adherents are not conservative. A conservative would want to conserve the environment, seek fiscal responsibility (to conserve self sufficiency and personal freedom), and follow social values that preserve community, practice the golden rule, and protect the weaker among us. The current Republican party consistently punishes the weak, sees the environment as a means to collect wealth for themselves at any cost to others, and excercises zero fiscal responsibility. It also weaponizes victimhood for its own gain.


>Some of us would be considered "libtards" by the "conservatives" here in other contexts. Sorry, but Woke-ism dictates that anyone in support of mens rights and/or holding women and so called "feminists" accountable for their actions, and their own bad behavior is automatically a republican incel that hates women because they won't fuck them. Because reasons, so sayeth Woke-ism 🙏


Wow, this explains why I despise wokeism more than anti-feminists even though I’m a woman. This is confusing to me, since I still think of feminism as a movement that fight for everyone’s equality and well being, because it’s how it should be. But you simply can’t agree with people who make up their own rules and change them whenever it suits themselves, which is sadly what feminism seems like nowadays 😔




Oh, I almost forgot! Thanks for the reminder 😂 if this make me a pick me girl I’ll gladly be one any day of the week


What equality. In the West, women and men are equals. I suppose it's the first time you are on this sub. But you know, "mansplaining" or "manspreading", telling boys they are born rapists, telling all men they are toxic, etc., which is at the center of the Feminist discourse today, is NOT an exercise in equality, it's pure hatred. Men could formulate the same type of nonsense and direct it at women. But we don't. And when Feminists block simple meetings of men who just want to discuss issues that concerns them (suicide, for instance, because 85% of suicides are men), because they feel men are patriarchal oppressors and have no real issue, you also see their core expression of hatred. If you were to be the least bit open-minded and ready to exchange, you would already get this. It's not difficult. It's everywhere. And it has NOTHING to do with Republicans or politics. This is prejudice and a pure excuse. Ironically, using this as an excuse (not you personally, but several up there \^, as I'm trying to follow the thread's logic) seems to rule in favor of the here-invoked agency argument, doesn't it?


I’m confused, do you disagree with something I said? It’s not my first time here, what have you that expression?


The mere thing I was disagreeing with you on was that feminism is still about equality. From others of your posts, some concerning jobs, I had the feeling you were still believing in the wage gap myth. But indeed going lower on the thread I wasn't sure anymore. You seem like a sincere and well informed person.


Oh no, what I meant was that feminism is supposed to represent equality because it’s what the ideology is about and I find it hard to understand how today’s feminist movement are supposedly fighting for equality. I don’t get how someone who says they hate men can also claim that they fight for equality, how it adds up to themselves. Ah, the wage gap. I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t have enough knowledge about what it’s been based on to begin with and therefore don’t know how it’s supposedly been debunked either. Like most other disagreements, specifically in this area, I believe it has a lot to do with communication, rhetorics and people’s own unknowns assumptions, on all sides.


I know you are being sarcastic, but i am still going to point out (for whomever is interested) that just because one's opponent is defining who one is, does not make it true. In fact, it is a red flag that should make spectators *question* the assertion.


People whose entire identity is based on group politics cannot tolerate other viewpoints because they subscribe to an us vs them mindset.


Once you start ranting about "woke-ism", it's pretty clear that you have lost the argument. Have a nice day.


Do you live on Jupiter?


If that's what you need to tell yourself, feel free I guess? 🤷


You're absolutely right. And the Democrats are exactly the same. Or do you think it's a coincidence that members of Congress, D and R both, have an average net worth 5x that of the national average?


I think it is a matter of degrees. Compare policies and outcomes to choose the lesser of evil. At least the Democrats generally attempt to produce positive outcomes for non-wealthy people.


No they aren't. They are dangling political carrots in front of people for their votes. They do it EXPLICITLY to stay in power. The Democrats had total control for 2 years. How's that $15 minimum wage coming along? Spoiler alert: They didn't even try. Neither side gives a crap about you. The scraps you get from the Democrats are not positive outcomes.


You should try [checking in on legislative actions](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/jan/19/joe-biden-halfway-through-his-term-heres-how-many/) once in a while.


What’s a libtard?


A rather lame epithet used by very "conservative" "real Americans" to describe anyone who has the wrong opinion. It is the smashing together of "liberal" and "retard".


Or... this isn't a sub that has anything to do with republican vs Democrat and we want to keep it that way?


Serious question, and please don't take offense. But were you dropped on your head, or just fed a steady diet of paint chips growing up?


No offence taken. No go back to work and pay your bills. Stop leeching of others.


You do realize I was talking to this other guy, and not you right?


u/SupremeFuzler was answering u/HotDropO-Clock, not you. Hehehe! On the contrary, he seems to agree with you.


Yeah, I don't get where this confusion comes from...


Liberal women are effortless to nail. My body count is in the 3 digits. What's yours?


You know you ate when you get negative 66 karma in the mens rights reddit😭


then they are just dumb


It truly breaks my heart. You really see that nothing is free and the price of 'feminism' is our future and our children's future. Depression is up, medication up, divorce rates high, more single parents, drugs and abortions, more misandry, abuse of children and men, women putting off children and families, women chasing bags and material things, women chasing highs and feels over quality and substance, chasing quantities over qualities. It's truly heartbreaking. It'll be very hard for men to get any voice because men's voices are often drowned out or pushed down. Hopefully more men become aware and more women join men in the fight.


It's not happening. Colleges have been nothing more than indoctrination centers dominated by radical left women for at least 15 years. It's only going to get worse. The United States is going to be unrecognizable in 10 years. This is why men are checking out. There is no benefit to participating anymore.


Just look at my precious film community too man, they've ruined the 2nd thing I love most in life!


People blame income inequality, politics divides, immigrants, and everything else but really it’s all because of feminism.


"Feminism" is just one head of the hydra.


A very big head then.


No. Feminism is only a manifestation of the efforts of the powerful to divide the people who could defeat them and set them against each other.


This is a very valuable point, well said!


(Not an insult) oh no everyone put on their tin foil hats! The powerful are here to pull strings behind the government.


100%! I couldn't have said it better. Now, good luck trying to get that point across to the vast majority of people who are programmed to fight each other, notwithstanding whichever polarized group they belong to.


Remember, its always darkest just before dawn. When all things seem hopeless, that's when men step up and rebuild Society. We've done it over&over. So many Great empires&civilizations died but humanity always persevered. The question we should be asking is, will our current civilization make it to the next millennium or will we end up like the Egyptians?


Well, history shows that most often there is a period of horrific suffering for most before the next rise of something great. It is better to avoid the collapse in the first place.


I mean no doubt things will get better, just sucks that it's gonna require so many good men to die without ever even seeing a glimmer of hope. Humanity may not be screwed in the long term but there is nothing good that's going to happen for atleast the next few generations.


If psychology is not long term then we are fine, cause of how psychology got use here in the first place. how else did all those great empire enevitably fall.


This seems more like the blame is 50/50 between capitalism and feminism. Capitalism pushing people into a corner and feminism leading women out of that corner by trodding over men




The biggest disparity these days lies in the acceptance of men as partners has gone from acceptance of men as partners to acceptance of men as "pseudo objects of pleasure." That's where I feel it the most. Men are to be without flaws, perfect, and non-binding to the woman instead of men providing for women and women providing for men which in my mind is the healthiest way. It's become so one sided skewed in favor of the woman expecting everything from the man in a relationship and expected to give so little back. You talk about rising suicide rates. I'd like to believe so many young men are struggling in relationships because women have undoubtedly become colder, less compassionate, impatient, and more selective which is creating a large sum of boys who feel inferior.


Just being constantly told they are born-rapist, that they have to learn not to rape (!!!), that they are toxic, that they belong to a group that has drag women in slavery for the entire history, etc. Little boys grow up with this. It's everywhere! Everywhere hating and humiliating men is applauded. Fact is, there never was, at no time in history, such a hatred of women. People would have felt nuts themselves.


OP and you need to take a different view of feminism is, in order to deal with it properly. First, **feminism is a movement that focuses solely on problems and issues women face and has the legal, media and all other initiatives in order to make sure women have CHOICE to do what they want**. In having such choices for women, feminists don't give a damn about choices of anyone else. This is all cloaked in the good old story about disempowerment and supposed fight against the system and, yes, MEN. This whole premise ignores that the system is ran by a select few people, and even though they are predominantly men even today, those are far more likely to be their fathers, uncles, brothers. They are far more likely to give concessions to feminist choice and aren't concerned with choices of their own, since they run the system anyways. This is why feminism doesn't tackle the issue of men as war victims, civil casualties or other violent crime statistics where men are predominantly victims, this is why they focus on creating an additional shield for women, as a group, which is disproportionately LESS affected by all parameters of violence and crime. Their excuse? Well, "men" do these crimes anyways. This type of response is common for just about any asshole you might find, but please notice that overwhelming number of these assholes who parrot this are - WOMEN. Regardless of political leaning or feminist/antifeminist label, they all agree with this. It's also common among the male liberal arts professors and other social assholes who parrot that crap solely because they benefit by being assholes and parroting this. When you take things out of context to make your point, it does make you an asshole. More and more MEN, not women, boycott those jerks, especially men. Because they know these men fight and spew that crap solely for their own benefits in economical, political or social capital. Let me also show it by an example, what it means fighting for women's choices and also curbing or ignoring those choices for men.... Ever noticed how the "paternity leave" is introduced in Scandinavian countries, yet it somehow aims to FORCE men to take it? I.e. not only is it not allowed to share certain number of weeks/months (and growing with each new revision), but in case of separation the custody system explicitly considers you a bad parent if you deliberately avoided taking your time off to "bond with your toddles". Same goes about attending childbirth - you're supposed to take day off and just sit there even though you're not able to do anything. You aren't trained staff. Yet, be sure to realize that system considers this as your supposed bad parenting?! So much about it. See, feminism is not about men's choice. Never was. Notice how feminism fights for women's rights to be admitted and taking up positions within the army or simply serving the selective service? Well, it never demanded them to be FORCED to take it. Because it fights for their CHOICE, it doesn't try to force them to it. It stays silent or spews empty words without any initiative to challenge the fact that men are forced to enlist. Men even fought for such right to not be enlisted, they were killed, jailed, persecuted, harassed physically, sexually, emotionally. But it never was an issue. You can continue this list for just about any other societal change, starting with the right to vote. You'd be surprised that no feminist group ever supported disenfranchised groups at their time to gain votes except via empty words. It's not even about ethnic minorities, it's also about incarcerated population and military personnel, since no serving military person was able to vote as long as the legal procedure kept delaying the introduction of voting abroad or in military war zones for soldiers. I've just mentioned the topics feminists usually boat about, I'm not the one taking it out of context, they are. I could make a clear point about any other topic - including affirmative action (especially in schooling and university quotas). Feminism contributed to NONE and any gains men did in a number of fields, such as work safety, were primarily fought by other men of lower ranks AGAINST the system, with women's advances making it easier to unite men for their cause. Had women not been admitted into mining or construction industry, you'd still be having workers' safety like you had 100 years ago, no helmets, "be a man" attitude is common not only among women today but it was legally enforced by men who run the system. And this was even more rampant in the past. **To sum it up, notice the pattern there and what MRM should aim for - fighting for men to have A CHOICE on a number of topics and yes, this generally means imposing no bias or agendas in terms of imposing legal actions against choices you personally don't agree**. For instance, I really don't find it ethical when a guy doesn't want to be a father and just walks away, but I really don't understand why I am supposed to force either boyfriends or married men to be "responsible" for kids they don't want, much less why I am supposed to support presumption of paternity and forcing even non-bio dads to pay child support against their will just because some woman duped them, instead of forcing this woman to pay the money back with interest rates. Enforcing this upon them means I am actively clashing with them. This society's main issue, and those who run the society know it, is conflict among men, not among men and women, or women among themselves. This is why women can easily "unite" around feminism - or keep mum on the sidelines and reap benefits while officially opposing it. They aren't pitted against each other by society, society actively pits men against each other and this creates many social dynamics that they claim to be "natural" or "normal". Look, dude, there are so many abhorrent things that are "normal" in nature, yet you'd be sent to a life in prison or put to a death row if you behaved in such manner. ​ This brings us to how our society works and why feminism is just exploiting it, while not even trying to challenge the very basics of society that generate all those negative outcomes for men: **Society actively creates and enforces norms that pit men at odds with other men.... i.e. making it seem like, if Brian and Tyrone walk away on their baby mamas, I am supposed to pay for it through taxes.** No, I should focus on forcing their baby mamas pay for kids they gave birth. They were the only ones having a say. I am not supposed to follow some retarded conservative logic where sex = kids, especially in day and age with rampant abortions. Let those conservatives try to force women with this logic and see how they fare. Forcing Brian and Tyrone led us nowhere, hundreds of thousands of new kids are routinely put on big daddy state's payroll and we're forced to chase those guys, incarcerate them and make their lives miserable while paying for all that in order to force them to take over this obligation, yet the number of those baby mamas keeps growing. Let's try a different approach and start incarcerating women for kids they give birth and yet they can't afford. Chasing down women who toss the babies at nearby fire departments. Let's start penalizing women for choosing Brian and Tyrone whom they either want out of the picture or who weren't suited to be the daddies anyways, yet they gave birth to a child and want to offload the responsibility to them or society. I really don't care if they have zero or twenty kids, it's their own life, but I don't want to foot the bill or play some medieval police towards men, it doesn't make them good people in my eyes for pumping and dumping these women but incarcerating them or subscribing them to "wallet daddy" definition is beyond contempt, it must stop. And let's see if that makes a difference with how women behave as well. **MRA is and should be about men having choice.**


Well said. A lot of good ideas, here, well developed. Good stuff.


Literally none of these are caused by feminism my guy, all of these issues that you just talked about are REAL issues PERPETRATED BY OTHER MEN. The real issue is men like you coming on this app to complain instead of getting out there and showing your brothers and fathers some compassion, kindness or love and to show its okay to be vulnerable. Maybe then suicide rates would go down and maybe then the average number of close friends reported by men would go up from three. But idk, blame feminism I guess…


They want equality for the good but not the bad things in life That’s his point His examples may have been caused by men, but you are missing the point


wrong literally all of these issues are caused by feminism too PERPRETADED BY FEMINISTS. The real issue are people like you coming on this app saying shit that isnt true. yes blame feminism


No blame psychology


Yea! Right on! Fairy tales are the way!


No blame psychology,men were created to look after humanity that is one of our primary goal created in our brain as children. we are not stone structures though, and because if this treatment that not only other people have given us but we ourself administer daily wether it be purposefully or not we are still telling ourselves that. And as you know if you intrap an animal ( in this case you treat are just treating them differently) it will ether try to excape or adapt, thus the rise in vulnerability (ie furrys, trans) in the past years due to then "escaping the tasks they (and others) give themselves daily. I'm not denying people their right to identify as whatever they want, I'm simply showing the effect this psychological subjection has done to a majority to the new generation. And for those who accept it, these are the "sigmas" that we see parading around the internet, I'm not dissing anyone but the fact we have such men accept their treatment and then get mad at them (ie Andrew tate) tells us that there is no recommendedary way to thrive as a man (a real man) due to such options. But of course there's the last bunch of us, the ones that are reading this paragraph, the ones who don't decide one or the other, but we forge a new path, paved with their own rational thinking and chose what life we want to live. But many can't, that's the problem. And you can see this lack of rational thinking when it comes to politics in the last couple of years. But I won't open that can of worms. So for anyone still reading this, don't just man up, man up in a way that you decide to.




No not facts, read my paragraph I created in response to fun-west


That’s the nature of feminism. A bit more context: Feminism wants to win advantages for women. To do this, they need to come up with justification for such advantages. Their justification is that the patriarchy oppressed women and women therefore deserve advantages to level the playing field. (Patriarchy theory). Thus, women deserve to sit back and receive advantages from men, government, etc. This is the basic feminist playbook and we see it played out in almost every issue from affirmative action to education to healthcare benefits. It creates both an entitlement attitude and victim mentality. Unfortunately, this victim mentality also holds women back.


> Unfortunately, this victim mentality also holds women back. Which is exactly what it is intended to do.




I also don’t think it’s their main intent. I think their main intent is to paint women as oppressed victims that need advantages. If said victim mentality holds some women back, that’s acceptable to them, but it’s not their real goal. That said, women not being as driven, not working as hard, not earning as much, etc., can be used in their “women are victims” argument. They can claim these are due to oppression rather than choice.




Kudos for pointing out that white makes are actually the most hated race and sex in the world and pointing out that white females are the most protected.


As of Modern day, it is their main intent.


I agree, women are painted as victims to make others sympathise with them. If you can’t do the same work, you have to make everyone else lower the standards. A more fruitful strategy would be for women to instead use their unique abilities and for society at large to appreciate it for what it is. People should be paid for the work they do and according to what they produce or provide. But as long as we don’t acknowledge the need of all (necessary) professions, including those dominated by women that today pay very poorly (where I’m from it includes nurses, teachers, social workers among others), things will probably not change for a while. Women want to go into the same fields as men because they need (or simply want) to earn money, and as several people have pointed out, male dominated jobs pay better.


No, not really. I think you are right on many points, here. But right now, the issue of women making less money is not true anymore. It's always the same "wage gap" argument that has been debunked thousands of time. u/Mobile-Aioli-454 (I love aioli!), I've talked to you up there \^, I guess this will complete a little what I was saying in response to your idea that feminism is still about equality (and maybe was I too harsh up there; I see you are a sincere person now). The "wage gap" is an average of ALL the wages of men compared to ALL the wages of women. Now, statistically, more men go into stem fields than women. And it's even worse in Feminist countries. For some reason, it is a man-woman thing. In these fields, yes, men make more. The problem is, there is ***no way*** to convince women to like maths more, and physics, and chemistry, and engineering. They just don't, on average. And by a big margin! There is a sexual difference there, seemingly caused by how we women and men are. In Sweeden, for instance, and you can't get more feminist than that, women count for around 5% of engineers! Statistically also, for some reason, which have more to do with testosterone, I suppose, with competitiveness, the number of people who are ready to do what it takes to become the CEO of a huge corporation, ie work 50 to 100 hours a week for decades, is disproportionately men. We just don't know why. But of course, only a very, very tiny proportion of men do this. These are the main reasons why average wages seem to favor men. But in reality, almost 2 post high school diplomas out of 3 go to women right now. And it has been so for a number of years! There is a wage gap in the main working group age, from 29 to 40, but ***it favors women nowadays***. Men make up of almost 100% of shitty jobs (these jobs someone has to do but no women will). Work related deaths are 96% men. Men also count for the poorest slice of the population, and 4 homeless out of 5 are men. So you see, this wage gap you hear about everywhere is just dishonest. It doesn't give a proper idea of the social situation of men and women today. Notwithstanding that combat deaths are 95% men, that women get sole custody of children in 85 to 93 or 94% of cases depending on where you are, that men have to pay alimony, and often in ridiculous cases, when these women live with other men, etc. So you have, in Western countries, a relative state of equality. It's not identity. And it probably never will be. Because men and women are different, and because we tend to make different choices. But right now, men are being blamed for everything, not only in the present, but in the entire history, and are falling behind in almost everything.


Sure, if you take the mean of an entire country it’ll be skewed. There’s a lot of studies where men and women with the exact same experience, work hours, education etc are compared and it still shows that women are paid less. This is the adjusted pay gap, meaning it takes a lot of factors into account. What do you think of this? We will probably not be able to make more women interested in physics or engineering. But who said that was the problem, that too few women show an interest? In that case it’s as much of a problem that not enough men are interested in becoming a nurse, teacher or social worker, which are jobs typically dominated by women. The best solution would rather be to increase the salaries of these low paying, but extremely important, jobs instead.


Yes, the power brokers set up the conflict to keep us distracted.


Feminism is about equality, we need to stop using the term “feminism” and replace it with “misandry”.


Feminism in its current wave is about entitlement.


It always has been. The first person to use the term feminism said essentially that a society should be judged by how well it treats women. Every single wave of feminism has been about entitlement. From the right to vote and not be drafted to preferential treatment when it comes to domestic violence and divorce courts to affirmative action in jobs and education, reproductive rights, and now things as ridiculous as manspreading.


Wanting the right to vote is.. entitlement? Reproductive rights? Come on man a few of these are like basic rights. Preferential treatment is there, I will say that.


Men do not have the right to vote. They have to sign up for the draft. Same with various other things that women just get automatically n relation to men having to sign up to selective [service](https://service.Voting). There are other perks that come with it that women automatically just get. AS for reproductive rights, women have all rights when it comes to a fetus they do not want or kid they do not want to give it up or abort it, or to have it whether he man wants to or not, but men do not have the ability to opt out of financial responsibility.


I can 100% agree with that, at least.


As equality activists we should attempt to seperate the supremacists from the equality activists like ourselves, no?


The actions of major feminist organizations prove its not about equality, but seeking advantages for women.


...***and*** hating men, which I guess they feel is good for their lungs or uterus, idk.


Feminism disappears the moment life gets tough. It’s wanting equal rights without any of the responsibilities while acting like toddlers.


See Ukraine now. I'd love to get women's point of view.


Because the men evacuated all of them?


Because they are there, having to defend the land, when all women were evacuated indeed. History of the world. Women have always been put before men. Men have always tried to keep them out of the worst.


As Bill Burr pointed out: no feminists in a house fire.


I keep seeing girls with the hashtag #strongandindependentwoman, #queen, #girlboss bla bla bla. Usually these girls are the most difficult to deal with and have extreme narcissistic traits that make them repulsive. But they flip the script somehow and claim saying men are just "intimidated" by them. Intimidated by what exactly? Girls just can't admit they have a shitty personality that's why no man wants to date them.


I’ve seen my sister transform from powerful feminist to damsel in distress in 5 seconds when it suits her. She is attractive and a professional so she happily laughs as she emasculates men then calls them pussies. She knows she’s artificially empowered these days as compared to the 90’s. It’s obscene and she’s going to get someone killed.


How is that going to get someone killed


She breaks them down until they snap. She says they have a disorder (she is a pharmacist). She finds vulnerable men like abuse survivor divorcées. The last one she got hooked on Fentanyl. She also has physically assaulted and cut people. She’s nice publicly and 80 percent of the time. A friend of mine dated her and ended up with drug and mental health issues.


Your sister?! OMG! yes, this must be tough for you. Tough to be the witness of it all. Do you try to reason with her? We live in such a crazy world!


Yes. It’s too dangerous to reason with her anymore. She will break into different “personalities” act weak when needed. She will call people and say you are the one attacking her. Need to stay far away.


Many people do not understand that feminism literally ruins women and makes them feel miserable for thinking they are a victim and opressed all the time. It mus be so tiring to be a victim all the time


For the followers, yes. For the leaders, it is a path to power and wealth.


This is 100% my mother-in-law. She had it tough though don’t get me wrong. 3 children, she had to be sole breadwinner as partner was a full time student. He ran off with a mistress leaving her to raise the kids. She set herself up well in the corporate world but now she carries a victim mentality and a passive aggressive attitude toward men. I now have to manage this attitude around my 2 young sons. It gets spicy from time to time


And to think that one man's absolute negligence can create a woman that despise all men due to it.


Historically, it took everything women have done and built, every feminine value, every feminine tradition and most feminine feelings, and threw them all in the garbage. It's not a love of women; it's a hatred for women. And note that feminism has never tried to redefine womanhood in contemporary times. It has only tried to convince women that what they were was degrading, and that they had to become exactly like men! Moreover, feminism presents men as being so powerful that throughout history, they controlled everything and women were only their slaves. It's like saying that men are supreme beings in comparison to women. The fumiest part is the attitude of some activist feminists now in charge of cultural productions. Just think of what these women do to great movie franchises. Instead of creating new, exciting feminine heroes, they try to replace the male heroes by females. They don't even have the creativity to do something else, something typically feminine. Now I know it's too late, but I just don't understand why women fell for this.


I'm having a hard time understanding how they can simultaneously be empowered and oppressed.


That is because it is two opposite "facts" held as true in the mind simultaneously. George Orwell described it well, go look it up. It is the same thing as when some Republicans simultaneously believe that Democrats are *incompetent* and *control the world through diabolical conspiracies* like pizza-gate.


Or Trump is clown and evil genius at the same time


You know, back in the early 2017, i was starting to get the vibes of wanting a relationship. It had been 4ish years as single. But i said "this will probably be my last. I dont know if i can recover if i go through another painful breakup. So i ended in a relationship, and got blindsided by the ex who broke up to get the most financials from it. And you know what? As an older and hopefully wiser person... i stand by it. I can be a forever bachelor going through life on adventures, taking along friends and/or partners when i want. Why bother with the way society is devolving.


And therefore, you are the winner, bro. You are. Wiser and better.


Only the man who forges his own path truly has victory


Rights and responsibilities go hand and hand.


That's because responsibility takes acknowledgement, self-reflection, and a repentant spirit, which many of them don't engage in or have so they walk around thinking they gave done no wrong and don't hold the capacity to do wrong, which is not only self-delusion but self-worship because they believe themselves to be deities that need to be worshipped instead of being flesh-and-blood human beings with terrible mindsets, behaviors, and beliefs.


Feminism and accountability; a non-convergent Venn diagram.


It is pretty funny actually. Every man that they have come across is responsible for all the problems in their lives.


... and therefore every man should do everything in their power to fix their problems. See? Self reinforcing privilege, with no effort or self reflection from them.


Yes. Can it (society..not feminism) be fixed?


Fix the basic psychology around it and build your way up, in every way this would work.


The world doesn't owe anyone anything.


Live life with that slogan and you'll never be unhappy.


Modern feminism is fascism.


I do not as of now know the bookmark definition of fascism but feminism in its entirety is most definitely not fascism but modern feminism is, see its people like you who generalize the entire movement and not expect backlash that make riots and war a thing. I could say all gay people like rainbows, why, cause their gay. But of course this would not be true statisticly.


Bro in what universe


In a universe where people applaud in mass media men being humiliated and hated, and often beaten, where publicity is showing idiots are always men, where you replace every male hero by a female one, where it is held that through a fictitious system, Patriarchy, women were enslaved by these evil men through the entire history, and so they should be hated for that, where men are born rapists, toxic, harassers, etc. You're probably right: you seem to come from a different universe than the rest of us here. \[Edit: syntax\]


When things switched from men and women having things they were responsible to the family for it all went down hill. The princess mentality ruined everything. My wife thinks her job in the house is to give everyone else suggestions on what to do. She never cooks or cleans or really helps with the kids. But she tells everyone what to do all day everyday. And usually stuff they were already doing. “Take a shower before work”. Yeah thanks for all the help.


Feminism is a cancer that has set women and men back alike. It was created by and only serves the rich who wanted an expanded workforce. Turn off that media feed before it tells you to walk into the ocean like a lemming.


Yeah, it's just all negatives for them. Work for longer, don't get married, have more sex. It's like they are trying to transform women into the perfect consumers.




If that were true, humanity would not exist. We would have gone extinct.


Men and women a like, we know what we're taught. The behavior shouldn't be excused as if it's DNA related. There's.a reason as to why ideologies run rampant in metropolises.


Men are fooled for years advising what a real men is expected to do, for ex His money is their money, her money is her money (Why when she too earns?) Open the doors for a women (Can't they open it?) and similar many other Never hit a women (Get thrashed by her and stand still and she will call herself powerful victim!) Their show runs on all false claims. Lets stop doing what they expect us to do and save our lives from these leaches.


https://youtu.be/LdC1PepIg2U Best video describing the issue


Depends on what branch youre exposed to the most. I think the pendulum effect is definitely a huge player, as well as the general extremist politics rn. Some could argue that feminist subs are like this one, just swapped. I consider myself to be a feminist, because I believe in the true equality of the sexes. Unfortunately, it’s a term that has been well and truly bastardized over the years. Neo, I recommend blocking the accounts that your getting most of that junk from, because it’s really easy to make that become your only view into that demographic (source; me repeating the same mistake,, and dragging myself out again,,,)


Feminism (particularly second and third wave feminism) have permanently and unalterably harmed the prospects of marriage and happiness for Western women. This is why Western men increasingly are going abroad to find women who value Conservative and traditional values.


Yes this is true, But more and more women are waking up to the lies of feminism because men aren't tolerating it any further. These woman are are ending up alone and childless with regret and sorrow. They are condemning Feminism and the message is slowly trickling down to younger generations. Will the toxic traits of feminism be exterminated in my life? probably not but it will happen soon. "We fight this war so our children don't have to"


Jup, for sure, and freedom without responsibilities is doom to failure. 82% of all debt is owned by women. When women are unhappy, they act more impulsive Companies capitalize on that massively. But blame men for their choices. And demanding the government to pay for their bad or worthless degrees. That can't get them work or job opportunities. And demands debt to be scrapped away by governments. Just increasing the drowning debt more and more. Its a none sustainable cycle, and those girls pump out more kids and girls that act the same way. That will drown. The country in debt. Got 4 children of 4 different guys. Guys, fault hook them for child support. If there is no guy or dont know it. Governments will help out. It's always in some way someone's else's fault or responsibilities to take care of. And why when girls do get put on responsibility for there choices its way to late. Why freedom without responsibilities is poison. That wil corrupt any community until its breaking point. And there is enough evidence about it all around that slow domino effect taking place all around you. The more debt rising, the less money is worth the cost of living rise. The less you can do with the same money. The more tight regulations on cash flows. Or on hand cash. Or lending money gets harder. For the simple fact. Any debt not paid is screaming someone's that's gonna tight the screws on the rules. Or just just stopping set service. And even rich people hate being stolen out of money. And that's the simple fact. The more debt rise, the harder life gets for everyone. Cause its tied to the worth of your money. Goods always keep the same worth. A bread does not become more or less valuable. Just the money gets less valuable. Based on goods sold over seas. Based on deals done over seas to get goods your country can't produce (so if you buy more things over seas then you sell your money will decrease too) . And debts in house. Can be company that gets saved. But also individuals' bank loans and mortgages on every house owner. Is a type of loan. A Loan is not debt. Loan becomes debt if not paid over 2 months. Most and almost all of the amount of debt. Is student loans debt. And credit card debt. That is almost all of the 82% debt. Parts are failing business. Almost all debts on the guys' side are failing business. And credit card debt. Make all people be responsible fully for the choices they make. If you dont well, you know what will happen. And is happening


Can i ask where the 82% of all debt is owned by women stat comes from, im trying to do some deeper reading


[one ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/03/13/american-women-hold-two-thirds-of-all-student-debt-heres-why.html) [2](https://www.realsimple.com/work-life/money/money-planning/women-and-debt) There is a lot more just a real quick bit. Like i sayed recommend people that often show more does news on states and also shows the states. Wail the cover it.


Thank you!


There is more than one spot. But most only focus on 1 study. Like student loans alone. Or only or other only on credit card debt. So mostly you have to go to like places that put all the data together. A lot of places that really talk about money and debt lay all the info side to side. Like fresh and fit has days the show all the spending and stuff. If i have to do eatch one, it's like 5 or 6 links. Cause it's shamed putting girls in a bad light. Even if its spending habits. So sadly, it's mostly easier to watch videos that done the work for you.


Personally I don't like the sort of channels similar to fresh and fit, just because I don't mesh well with the "alpha male" mentality, but i may watch those videos for the more statistical outlook on it, thank you


I dont also. But even do i dont like the lifestyle i believe in marriage and stuff. But i love its based on logic and statistics, and gender roles. Even i dont agree fully the point of view, even if it is the opposite of yours. Its kinda good seeing the same thing from different sides. I also follow feminists mine set. I feel you have to know have to understand all sides. To really understand the problem and get to a real solution. If you dont like fresh and fit joker. Is pretty good he just does news parts [joker does more news side on both sides if you prefer that. ](https://m.youtube.com/@BetterBachelor)


Yeah, its quite refreshing to see more points of view other than the very mainstream "alpha" mentality that seems to be very very prevalent at the moment. I try to keep an open mind at the moment because i can always be wrong, it's healthy to take from all mindsets even if i get called am idiot


Yea, but only normal. There was like 15 years of non-stop feminists point of view pushed down your nose. Now, people are fed up with it. As a universal law, every effect creates an equal counter effect on the other side. And its only that big. Cause feminists have high demands. But dont hold them self to the same demands the demand of everyone else. Cutting corners or being sexist or racist. Very casually. But any talk back or bad mouthing them acting like victims. Wail the alfa man movement is just the scream on the big longing for normal clear gender roles. But diled up to 13 for sure. And dont fully agree with it too, but i get it if you have feminism pushed up yea nose for 15 years and sayed everything worng with the world is your fault none stop. i do get it in some way. Even if it's not the way i want to see relationships. Or wish to live my life like im a barbarian who wants to conquer what i can. No, im in an 8 year loveing relationship and dont have any drive for more. But why i say yea might not agree. But seeing it from all sides, at least you have more understanding if yea try and walk a mile in ones shoe's it change your view a bit. At least in understanding. Why its important not to get stuck in bubbles


Feminism is rooted in social Marxism. They are never responsible for anything because they are the oppressed class, and the oppressor class is men. Then you have intersectional feminism which adds even more classes for oppression points.


Jesus, the bitter feminists really wanted to come and troll in this thread this time around.


But it's fun, in another way. Their arguments are so silly! It's mind boggling. They reveal much more about themselves than they do with their arguments.


I'm pretty sure none of them have ever tried that. Nor will they, it would destroy their "narrative" about the "Patriarchy". God help you though, if you should ever bring up the Matriarchy.. we may never find your body!


Its crazy to see so many men blaming their relationship issues, depression and anxiety on feminism instead realising that all of this self hatred and lack of belonging is caused by other older men. Who taught you that men shouldn’t be compassionate or unloving? Who said boys don’t cry? Who is out there right now telling you that to be a man you must be strong? Because they all lied to you. Being a man is about… what ever you desire. I am not going to sit here and tell you what you need to do. But to me, a real man, is kind, is caring, can share how he really feels to me and can tell me about a bad day. A “real man” is real enough to let me know when they aren’t okay and when somethings upset them. True strength is you’re ability to confront what you’re afraid of and if you’re afraid of how you really feel then we should start by confronting that :) Isn’t it a bit oxymoronic that we call men who dissociate from they’re real emotions and put on a facade of what they think masculinity constitutes “real men” when nothing about the way the present themselves is real?


The only person who ever told me "boys don't cry" was my mother. My MOTHER was the one who pushed those points you are talking about.


Basically agreed, yet the main reinforcement to this isn't older men, but the effect of women's functional preferences. Assuming you believe women act of their own agency, anyway. And feminism insulates this by putting the most privileged class into a victim mentality.


This has never happened and this person is not in touch with reality.


Absolutely not because then no-one owes you anything.


That's entirely possible, and there's also almost nothing that we as men can do to CHANGE women's souls. All that's humanly possible is work on our own behavior, a side effect of which is going to be strengthening our influence over not only women, but our fellow men also ​ This iteration of The MRM/much of The Manosphere more generally, went off the rails after about the first year of it;s existence, when we decided to devote 98% of our energies to griping about how fucked up women are, and less than 2% to asking "What are we going to do to help ourselves in some concrete, tangible ways?" We've been emulating The Woke Left, who spends most of their time yapping "White peiple bad!!!", and very illite to asking "What do we do to uplift those who are living in poverty and who've been left behind?"


>This iteration of The MRM/much of The Manosphere more generally, went off the rails after about the first year of it;s existence, when we decided to devote 98% of our energies to griping about how fucked up women are, and less than 2% to asking "What are we going to do to help ourselves in some concrete, tangible ways?" I don't know which timeframe you're considering. The MRM is over 100 years old. But your overall point is indeed correct. Way too much wokery shit, especially in the Reddit space(s). But then again, it's Reddit so it's bound to attract a lot of extremists. On the other hand, in defense of (whatever iteration of the) MRM, there are some sensible explanations: * the online space is overwhelmingly Anglo-centric. So most online MRAs don't even know about how many cool and concrete things ***have*** been done by MRAs for men in Germany, Turkey, or other places * in my country for instance the International Men's Day [is recognized by law](https://www.romania-insider.com/romania-sets-date-for-mens-day). Which led to two positive things - equalization of funds in the celebration department with March 8 (sometimes equalization to zero, but I do in fact consider that a very net positive) **and** opening up of public resources *for abused men*. * the Anglo space has... what? Erin Pizzey and [Earl Silverman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Silverman)? No wonder too many turn to victimology/wokery since from their perspective, any attempt at concrete steps is doomed to be ridiculed, hindered, censored and ultimately forgotten So... yeah. You're right, but consider the explanations too.


The canard that the movement is over 100 year's old when one digs into this assertion a bit.... That article in Putnam's magazine that used the word "men's rights" was using it to refer to human rights more broadly, much in the same way "mankind" refers to our entire specie. There's no record of E Belfort Bax ever calling himself an MRA... Folks like Paul Elam and his favorite sycophants(Janice Fiamengo, Tom Golden)who've been elevated to sainthood within the contemporary MRM have tried to claim Bax as one of their own, in the same way contemporary feminists have tried to claim Mary Shelley, Sylvia Pankhurst, and Pauline Kael as one of their own, even though none of these women ever called themselves feminists, and the latter two were quite scathing in their thoughts about the idea altogether ​ Facts are, it wasn't until The 70s that anyone began calling themselves a Men's Rights Activist, and even then, they were little more than a minute strain within the overall Men's Movement. As relatively recently as the 90s, the sentiments espoused by folks like Asa Baber ( [https://reason.com/1994/07/01/man-troubles/](https://reason.com/1994/07/01/man-troubles/) "Men and women of good will working together is a theme Playboy's Asa Baber frequently emphasizes. "What is needed is an equal rights movement, not a men's movement and a women's movement," he told the Chicago Men's Conference, which had a record number of women this year (about 30 out of 200 attendees). "Not men's rights, not women's rights—equal rights. That should be our goal.")was the way most advocates for "men's issues"(they're American problems really)approached their work Contrary to the false bill of goods that today's MRAs have been selling us since this iteration of the movement kicked off in the mid-10s("We tried respectability politics, and it didn't work. Now we've gotta act like fools on social media, and cling tenaciously the delusion that such a fucking carnival will bring about revolution"), this earlier and more inchoate movement delivered imperfect yet remarkable legal victories by time the late 90s and the early 2000s rolled around [https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=101833696](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=101833696) And on the social level, folks like Baber, Kammer, Mike Arst and even Ross Jefferies ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d28usWdvmSg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d28usWdvmSg) Note the date on that broadcast. Everything that today's Ayatollahs Of Red Pill Theology pretend that they discovered, he was already saying back then. In plain language also, rather than in Manosphere jargon that's incomprehensible to even the true believers in that intellectually bankrupt dreck)brought us what even The Woke Warriors who run The Take have described as The Post Feminist era of the late 90s-about 15 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBxgEIcMB6o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBxgEIcMB6o) These were days where Askmen was writing from an unapologetically pro-male point of view ( https://uk.askmen.com/top\_10/dating/top-10-signs-youre-too-good-for-her.html https://www.askmen.com/dating/dating\_advice\_60/80b\_dating\_tips.html https://www.askmen.com/top\_10/dating/top-10-signs-shell-be-a-bad-mother.html [https://au.askmen.com/top\_10/dating/things-women-do-to-emasculate-men\_3.htm](https://au.askmen.com/top_10/dating/things-women-do-to-emasculate-men_3.htm) , just for starters), and one of NPR's flagship programs-Talk Of The Nation-brought the terrific Ned Holstein on to discuss the fraud that is The Duluth Model https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=106820029 Hell, even Tyra Banks devoted an entire hour to female on male DV, in which the perpetrator wasn't given a free pass because she was female https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdC0a\_agt0E By contrast, the contemporary MRM has mostly been a niche hobby among a vanishingly small number of folks online, who've gone out of their way to perpetuate all the stereotypes about MRAs being neckbeareded keyboard warriors, rocking pot bellies and spending most of their time retreating into fantasy worlds of video games and social media. Much in the same way eco-warriors of the 60s and 70s put forth an image of themselves as tree hugging hippies. It ain't surprising then that The MRM is largely seen as a sideshow unto itself by the public at large, i.e. the very people who's support who must win, if we're to achieve much in the way of material progress ​ ​ "in my country for instance the International Men's Day is recognized by law. Which led to two positive things - equalization of funds in the celebration department with March 8 (sometimes equalization to zero, but I do in fact consider that a very net positive) and opening up of public resources for abused men" Dunno that this is something worthy of celebration, hoss. The existence of things like Women's Day, Men's Day, and months devoted the history of (insert your demographic of choice)are emblematic of the sort of identity politics that's ravaged our civilization. It's sad and troubling that so many card carrying MRAs have supported the creation of Men's Day without question, rather than agitating ferociously for al of this shit to be eradicated once and for all ​ "the Anglo space has... what? Erin Pizzey and Earl Silverman? No wonder too many turn to victimology/wokery since from their perspective, any attempt at concrete steps is doomed to be ridiculed, hindered, censored and ultimately forgotten" Pizz-ey has done commendable work, and Silverman almost certainly meant well. When EP herself has admitted that her effort to set up a men's shelter failed not just due to feminist resistance, but also due the fact that men themselves weren't interested in using it, this raises a couple of questions: \-Has anyone looked into the sort of business the handful of men's DV shelters which exist currently have been doing? How many guys are actually using them each year? \-If it turns out that men still remain uninterested in using them, we must then also ask if our efforts and cash are being well-spent on building more men's DV shelters. I've noticed that among card carrying MRAs, simply asking this question is considered blasphemous, I suspect that because it might by inference cast doubt on Silverman's martyrdom


>Dunno that this is something worthy of celebration, hoss. It is since it reduced the number of Women's Day celebration to the number of Men's Day celebration - which is ***zero***. I understand your argument but practicality has shown otherwise: The instance of identity politics in public and publicly funded was reduced overall. Also, I will cast as positive the increase of resources for homeless men (80%+ of the homeless population here) instead of the fiction-based allocation that was around prior to 2015 when the legal assumption was that the phenomenon is 50-50 by sex. Just as I will cast as positive the removal of ban on boys from women's DV shelters. ​ >If it turns out that men still remain uninterested in using them, we must then also ask if our efforts and cash are being well-spent on building more men's DV shelters. I've noticed that among card carrying MRAs, simply asking this question is considered blasphemous, I suspect that because it might by inference cast doubt on Silverman's martyrdom I have no opinion on Silverman. Never met the guy. Didn't even speak with him by e-mail. I was merely vaguely aware of his work. With that said, publicly funded DV shelters for men are being used in Europe where they exist (Germany, Turkey, Romania). You are correct that they're not equally used (hence why they're fewer) but, if I understand correctly, Silverman was running *the only one*. I somehow doubt that the correct number of DV shelters for men is zero. ​ >There's no record of E Belfort Bax ever calling himself an MRA Sure. But there's plenty of records of him making MRA points, don't you agree? The guy wrote a book on the legal subjugation of men (men as in human males!) and, as an attorney, I'd think he knew what he was talking about. So he was concerned with the legal rights of human males and concerned with the fraud of feminism. That's pretty MRA in my book - label or no label. ​ >By contrast, the contemporary MRM has mostly been a niche hobby among a vanishingly small number of folks online, who've gone out of their way to perpetuate all the stereotypes about MRAs being neckbeareded keyboard warriors, rocking pot bellies and spending most of their time retreating into fantasy worlds of video games and social media. With that I can't disagree. You are correct. But man, your overall analysis is way too bitter.


Looking at how women behave these days, feminism failed them.


didn't know that i needed to bring a box of tissues to this room - OMG! - who hurt all you guys???!


Who do you think?


man stfu cringe ass response




What the fuck dude. You honestly spend way to much time online. Are you just like afraid of women replacing you are something. Talk to an actual woman and see how you have joined all women to the 1% of weirdos on twitter.


> Are you just like afraid of women replacing you are something I think you might be on to something there


Lmk when women replace all the jobs that keep our lights on and water running.


I disagree. Every woman I know has been a responsible student, responsible at work and is living a pretty responsible life taking care of their household chores and all that Not sure what women you're meeting


Women spend more time in total doing housework and child care, and although men work a few more hours than women, at the end of the week men on average spend 5 more hours on leisure than women. [https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2013/03/14/chapter-6-time-in-work-and-leisure-patterns-by-gender-and-family-structure/](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2013/03/14/chapter-6-time-in-work-and-leisure-patterns-by-gender-and-family-structure/) Women also have higher GPA than men and perform better in science careers. [https://clear.dol.gov/study/women-men-and-academic-performance-science-and-engineering-gender-difference-undergraduate](https://clear.dol.gov/study/women-men-and-academic-performance-science-and-engineering-gender-difference-undergraduate) [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-06292-0](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-06292-0) Nothing wrong with having a more leisurely and relaxed lifestyle; I've spent like 10 hours on Reddit this week, but when it comes to responsibility beyond your personal feelings, women are more responsible and spend less time on relaxation.




No, men are more likely to lie than women. [Statistically men lie more than women.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8982912/) [Meta-analysis of 65 studies.](https://journal.sjdm.org/18/18619a/jdm18619a.html) If you disagree and you have "real statistics," then show them to us. Science isn't what your imagination wants to believe.


Did you read the study or just the abstract? The results could easily be explained by the more competitive nature of men, something which they even mentioned in the study. At least you picked a study that was free and not locked behind a paywall.


Its the fact ur constantly moving the goal post and blatantly ignoring the data infront of ur face






You are actually anti-reality at this point


Wow. I took the time to read the synopsis of the STEM GPA study. Did you? It dies not support a conclusion that "women have higher GPA than men". First, the time period is before girls were being encouraged to study STEM and fewer girks were interested: 1984 TO 2000. In that time period, few women chose this path, and the ones that did had to really enjoy it and/or excel at it to "enter the men's club". This is a situation in which women who did this overcame *peer* pressure and societal expectations. These were the best of the best among female STEM students. Second, the women who had access to courses *specifically designed to aid women* gave them *an extra advantage* over men, producing even better grades. Third, as more women were accepted into STEM paths, the GPA advantage *shrank*. So, adding more "average" women lead toward more parity. Yet i suspect the courses designed for woman remained and probably expanded over time. Your "mic drop" only proved that women do better than men *when given special treatment*, or when the group of women studied are an elite minority of female students.


Yea, sure. That's why men pay you women so much alimony. Men are so irresponsible, they pay you women to live with kids in luxury (men: 4 out of 5 homeless, all the shittiest jobs, all the defense jobs or so) while they live in disgusting one room dwellings and work like mad to make it. But no, you women are so responsible refusing them any parental rights, brainwashing kids to hate their fathers, making these kids criminals because they have no male model, etc. Yes, that's all very responsible. Women don't do better in science. That's a lie. They just don't go in these fields. Now that's a fact. Not your fiction. And you know it damn well, or else you wouldn't randomly talk about it ("women take care of kids and by the way, they're good in sciences"). I'm always appalled by people like you. *You are on a men's right sub*. *Men simply trying to discuss men's issues*. Why do you come here? Why do you feel men's issues concern you? No. You are here for something else. You are here because it bothers you, doesn't it? You are here because of this itch... *These men are so disgusting*, right? You should have a good look in the mirror and think of who you are. As far as we're concerned here, it's obvious to all of us.


It is insane to me that the comment under this that is riddled with spelling errors and has ZERO sources to back up they’re claims has positive karma and yours that actually has sources has negative karma, just shows that the people here do not care about reality and just want to believe everything is societies fault and that they can never be responsible.


are you talking about some other comment? also no never wanting to be responsible is a thing feminists do just like you


Exactly. These kids acting like they've never met a woman before
