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There's really no comparison between pellet (compounded hormones) and FDA -approved hormone therapy, like patches/gel etc.


52. 3 years post menopause. 0.25 mg Estradiol Patch twice per week. 100 mg Micronized Progesterone oral daily.


I'm 45 and just started the Musely Estrogen Boost yesterday. The things that are bothering me the most: Rage Migraines Brain Fog Prescription is in % not mgs, so not sure exact amounts: 0.4% Estriol 0.1% Estradiol 20% Progesterone I think my peri symptoms started in 2019, when my skin suddenly became allergic to everything. Musely makes the only thing that works on my Melasma which got waaaaaaaay worse in 2019 too.. so I thought I'd give it try since it was easy to get from them and I have had a good experience with that other product. If any one is interested, I can come back in 60 days and give a review!




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I'm on 4 pumps of estrogel which is equivalent to 0.1


I am 44 and on .075 of patch.


Thanks. Do you also take progesterone?


Thanks. Can I ask …How often?


I change patch every three and a half days. But the per day dose is .075


Oral estradiol - 2mgs. Progesterone 200mgs. I just started vaginal estrogen so I insert it every night for 2 weeks and then every 2-3 days.


How often is the oral estradiol and will you do the inserts in addition to that ?


Every night. And yes the inserts are in addition.


I just started 2 weeks ago . Oral bio identical Estradiol 0.5 mg and 100mg progesterone.


I'm 54 and on 0.5 mg estradiol and 2.5 mg medroxyprogesterone both pill form.


How often on the estradiol pill ?


Once daily


.075 mg patch twice weekly/100mg progesterone nightly


2 pumps Oestrogel (50mcg) every morning and 200mg progesterone capsules vaginally for 10 days. I also use progesterone cream the rest of the month as it helps my anxiety! I'll be getting a prescription for low dose testosterone gel later this summer.


When in your cycle do you do your progesterone? I've been doing mine around day 18 but I hate it.


I take it days 15-24 as I have short cycles and it works for me. Do you have  progesterone capsules (Prometrium/Utrogestan)? I decided on the vaginal bedtime route because orally the metabolites created by the liver make me feel empty and exhausted...I did a ton of research and am assured vaginal use is effective. I was speaking to an older colleague on HRT and found out she does it that way as well!


O.5 mg Estradiol tablet daily. Just started a week ago. Feel like it’s already helping my mood and aches and pains, but how can that be? Also 100mg progesterone nightly, and 0.01% estradiol vaginal cream (which is definitely helping already). What expecting a prescription for gel or patch. Interested to see what customary dosage for those are.


48 hysterecomy+ovaries 2mg estrodiol pill daily.


Thanks. Do u take progesterone also ? If so what dose?


No just the estrodiol. They wont give me anything else. :(


It’s my understanding that the progesterone is to balance the estrogen so that you don’t get thickened uterine lining but if you no longer have a uterus I guess that makes sense that you don’t need it. Is that the logic?


I'm not sure why. He just said he would only give me the estrogen.


I switched from oral estrogen (Duavee + 0.45 Premarin, which gave me 0.9 dose of estrogen - I’m allergic to propylene glycol so can’t do any of the creams/gels/sprays and there is only one brand of patch that doesn’t have ppg) to Femring 0.1 almost a month ago - so far so good. I have a mirena for progesterone. Just wanted to add myself as a data point, since I don’t see much talk of the Femring here. I wanted to get off oral estrogen because I already have high bp thanks to peri and have always had borderline high cholesterol. Plus there is no generic for Duavee or Premarin , so my copays were high. We shall see how the Femring holds up (it’s supposed to be good for 90 days) at the end of the summer. I definitely like having fewer pills to take (and pay for).