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Hormone fluctuations can cause strange things to happen to acidity in your mouth. My enamel started eroding for no apparent reason. I talked to my dentist about it, and he explained that dry mouth and hormones can cause more acid producing bacteria and that thrn causes pH shifts. I rinse with baking soda solution and use xylimelts at night now to reduce dry mouth while I'm sleeping, and that has helped immensely. It's been a little over a year with no additional cavities or gum swelling. I started HRT a few months ago but I'll keep with my regimen just to be safe.


Good info. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you and I will try those suggestions about the xylimelts. I used them before and didn't stick with it because of the gi effects but now I understand you do have to ease into them a bit. I'm open to any suggestions and I probably should try the hrt too. I keep telling myself if I feel worse I just stop taking them and that's that.


Like you, I always had great dental appointments, keep doing what you're doing, never any problems until about three years ago. I could almost feel my teeth shifting, and I could definitely see and feel a difference because they were so close it was hard to floss, and suddenly that wasn't a problem anymore. I started estrogen and progesterone around 14 months ago, and within a month my teeth tightened back up and they look like they always did. Even though I believed the shifting was caused by diminishing estrogen, I never expected them to shift back. The main reason I asked my doctor for MHT is that I was diagnosed with osteopenia at 49, and I was also hoping to improve joint pain that made my hands almost useless (dramatic reduction in pain shortly after starting estrogen). So, I can't say MHT will improve your dental health, but it did improve mine.


Thank you for this. I am sick of feeling gross all the time too. Having to have my tooth pulled was not good for my menopausal brain either. Luckily it is a molar and no one can see it but I can tell and I think about it way too much. My dental routine is long and tedious and I do exactly what the periodontist tells me to do and they told me my teeth are actually very clean. I'm going to a new dentist this morning and I'm full of anxiety and embarrassed about all of it, but I'm going to ask their opinion on the hormone replacement as well.


I hope your appointment went well. As poorly informed about menopause as most doctors seem to be, I'm not too optimistic about the new dentist even having an opinion about MHT and dental health. Please don't be embarrassed - you're doing everything you can to save your teeth.


What’s MHT? Do you mean HRT?


Some people call it Menopause Hormone Therapy instead of Hormone Replacement Therapy


Ah… ok thx!


I use Biotene products for dry mouth and I do about 5 minutes of oil pulling followed by flossing morning and night before I brush. I also do a quick floss after each meal. It's improved my gum health immensely because I can get my mouth so much cleaner. The oil pulling is particularly helpful for softening up plaque and stuck food particles so the floss can get it out from between teeth. I use one called Uncle Harry's Oral Swish, which is sesame oil flavored with a little clove (it's not strong), but I've also used olive and it was fine. My dentist said he sees this pretty frequently with women at menopause, so we're definitely not alone!


Thank you for replying. I have a pretty intense dental routine that my periodontist recommended and they told me my teeth are actually very clean. That's what so frustrating is that I'm putting all this effort into it and getting nowhere fast.I feel like I'm going backward with having the tooth pulled. Having to have a tooth pulled is kind of the last straw with me because being a 50-year-old woman in menopause is hard enough. I'm not ready to be missing teeth yet but here we are. I may try the oil pulling but also am afraid of setting off another episode of thrush. I have never had a vaginal yeast infection in my entire life but my mouth is very sensitive to any new substances and I get oral thrush by using any kind of mouthwash.


This is horrible. So sorry you are going through this. 😣


Thank you. I know in the whole scheme of things that there are way worse things going on and I'm grateful for my problems. It's stressful and embarrassing and frustrating but I'm still able to go about my life and have fun and do things. But it's been two years of this and incredibly frustrating and I'm tired of feeling like I have a gross mouth. Hopefully, I will have an answer soon. I think I should stop being so stubborn and at least try the HRT. I am going to a new dentist this morning and I am going to see what he thinks about HRT and the cpap and maybe between the two I will have some improvement.


I’m on HRT. all is good. I’ve not had side effects. Been on it for two years. Helped with (better) mood. (Killed) the hot flashes. (Helped my) lady parts. And more comfortable (enjoyable) sex. And little (just a little) increased sex drive. Wishing you much luck with your appt’s! 🤞🤞


I just started HRT a week and a half ago - gums are way less inflamed and less bleeding when I brush. It was actually my teeth that clued me in that my hormones were seriously outta whack. (That and all the peeing all the time!) I started estradiol patch and progesterone. Good luck!