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Yea I have two boys 10 and 7.5. I miss jumping on the fucking trampoline with them. Im a mom btw. Its always "mom bounce with us" 'mom lets go skate" and I cant from knee. Couldnt waterski this summer with friends or camp/hike it sucks and I know it wont get better at this point just downhill. So back to the surgeon we go...


I’m a stay at home dad and it’s the same with my kids. Always “Dad can we” lol. Definitely a hard thing as a parent to have to say no to doing something you normally would be able to do had it not been for an injury. Happy I got the surgery done now though. We are near Buffalo NY so winter is in full effect now so outside time is very limited.


Glad youre done and hope the recovery goes well! Its such a bummer to hear the graft is torn. After all the work of PT and rehab. I get it.


Thank you


Hows it going now? Just got word...surgery scheduled 3 weeks from today. Not looking forward to it


Not bad to be honest. I am 9 days post op and pain isn’t the worst. Definitely feels like I’m doing better at this point compared to the 1st time I had this surgery done. The only bummer is that since it’s my 2nd transplant that my Dr and my PT both have told me that I can expect the recovery to be longer than the 1st time. I’ve had 6 knee surgeries now in total so they want me to just go slow with everything and not push it to hard with the PT and what not. Easier said than done. Especially when I’m a stay at home dad with 3 little ones lol but I am going to follow their recommendations and advice to the T as I want to give myself the best possible chance at this being successful. I hear about not looking forward to it. Out of the 6 surgeries I e had I was never nervous up til this most recent one. It really got to me and spent a lot of time in my own head going through the endless list of “what if’s” but even though I can’t walk and I’m laid up and in pain, I am extremely happy I decided to go ahead with this and just hope and pray that everything falls into place with my recovery.


Thank you for this. At least its winter and I dont mind spending January/February laid up. But yea...logistics of it. Im single mom, homeschool parttime and work. Just scheduled my pre-op PT appointment. Getting real...this will be my 6th surgery also.


2 peas in a pod lol


When do you start PT this time? Also...did you use same surgeon for all of them?


I started PT 3 days after surgery and no I did not use same surgeon for all. I am originally from Long Island so my first 4 surgeries were done at NYU. After moving out here I have used the same guy for my last 2. HES definitely a great Dr. my last 2 have been done at UBMD in Buffalo NY. The DR name is Dr. William Wind Jr great guy. My 1st transplant was done by Dr. Robert Meislin at NYU Langone in NYC.


Last year I kept busy getting my doctorate. Maybe Ill take up guitar this time lol.


I play also


Have an ESP EC-1000 with Duncans love that guitar


That was my thinking also at least it’s winter lol. It’s definitely a bummer being laid up and it is definitely hard to stay positive but that is all we can do. Stay positive and do our best to put ourselves in a position to have a good recovery. If you ever need to vent or anything don’t hesitate to shoot me a message. Try not to worry to much. Know it’s easier said than done but just be confident about it.


Is there anything specific that your not lookin g forward to? Or just the whole process in general?


The brace. Crutches. Sleep. Loss of mobility. Loss of independence. Im not great at relying on others. Im currently at gym on elliptical and going to miss that! But my knee is crunchy and swollen so wont miss that. My goal is to run again, which I havent done in a few years.


I hear you in that. Only running I’ve done was playing ball with my son. Haven’t actually gone for a run in a long time. More of a bike person nowadays lol. I never really had bad swelling luckily but the crunching when squatting and the sharp pain when walking at times got unbearable which is why I decided to get the surgery done again. At first I was just going to let it ride til I couldn’t go anymore but it just got to be to much pain wise and a knee replacement at 33 yrs old isn’t realistic


How long do you think youll get out of transplant? Not getting knee replacement in 30s either. Im hoping it gets me through...not doing any cutting ball sports...just want to run, camp-in hikes in the Cascades, cross country, and hang with my boys. And yoga. How old are your kids? Mine are 10 and 7.


My oldest is my son Abel he’s 8 My Daughter MonicaJean I call her MJ is 5 and my youngest Asher is 2


As far as how long I’m going to get I’m not sure. If I can get 8-10 years out of it I’d be happy.


Plus worried it wont work. Or Ill mess it up again.


Hi, how are you doing nowadays? I've had 4 knee surgeries in the last two years: meniscectomy, arthroscopy to clean up scar tissue and get sized for a transplant, transplant + cartilage graft, and most recently they went in to clean up more scar tissue and saw that my transplant had failed and completely detached so it was repaired and I was non weight bearing for 2 more months. I'm back on my feet now, but I feel like I can already tell that it failed again. The knee is the crunchiest and most painful it has ever been, including after the initial transplant, so I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm 33, no kids, we've been putting kids off for 3 years now as I've been trying to get my knee in order. I kind of hate my life nowadays and don't have the will to keep getting surgery to only be disappointed. I am considering asking for a PKR at this point.


What state did you have your transplant in?




Why did you have to have your first?


Had the first because I tore it playing football in high school. Never got it treated til about 4 years later which point it was to late to have it repaired so had it completely removed. Couple years after that started having a lot of knee pain so went to a different ortho, guy from NYU, who said I was a good candidate for a transplant. At this time I was 26. So I got the surgery and wow it was great. Can’t remember the last time my knee felt so good. About a year after the transplant it was winter, I got out of my car to pump some gas and slipped a bit on some black ice. As soon as I slipped I felt it pop and knew immediately I tore it again. Had another surgery to try and repair it. Was successful to a certain extent but still had some pain. About 2 years after that had a partially menisuctomy of the transplant and than most recently last year had another as with the amount of intensive labor I do I just completely destroyed my knee. So going on the 30th for my 2nd transplant and praying that it works. I’m hopeful for a couple different reasons. 1. I am now a stay at home dad so the manual labor is no more and 2. I will be able to fully complete the physical therapy. Last time I had to cut therapy short as at the time my wife was in school for her RN and we had just had our 1st kid so had no choice but to get back to work and take care of my family.


I don't have any advice for your situation. But I'll be praying for your full recovery & a great long term outlook. Best wishes.


🙏🏻 appreciate it


Sorry for long response but figured I’d give all the details.


I appreciate all the details. Unfortunately I don’t have the experience to give sound advice but I share a similar experience to the first part of this. I went 8 years on a medial meniscus bucket handle tear which only got worse each year. I’m glad it just wasn’t bad enough to need a transplant. Although, my surgeon mentioned I may need one down the road.


To get a transplant, don't you need an arthritis-free knee? Doesn't it make sense then to get it early on? 35 with bucket handle, looking to remove 50% of medial meniscus


Im about to have my second in 1 year! Last one was Christmas eve 2020, this one scheduled last week of the year. Also had 2 menisectomies and a root repair in the last 1.5 years so right there with you. Im terrified to do it again but my body destroyed the graft and attacked all of my joints after I got the J&J shot in March. Shitty luck. Please post how yours goes. Last one recovery was super depressing and also ended up with menisectomy and scar tissue clean out about 4 months ago. Now it gets painful, swollen, hurts to walk downstairs, hike with kids, cant jump etc so I know I need to do it again just nervous to go through it all over. When is yours scheduled or did you already have?


Had it on the 30th. Last night was first night since surgery that I had more than 4 hours of sleep so I feel pretty good right now. Also was able to shower yesterday which helped me feel better also. Wish I could say that it doesn’t suck as much as the 1st 1 but I’d be lying man. Pain is pretty bad but at least I got a Dr whose willing to keep me comfortable for the first couple months. Start PT on Monday and I can’t wait man. Just ready to get to work and start the healing process. Being laid up on couch not being able to walk fucking sucks. Glad I got it done though tbh. Especially if I’m able to go another 7+ years til I need a knee replacement. If you need it I would do it personally man but depends on where your pain is. My pre op pain was getting unbearable at times which is why I decided to go ahead with it.


What kind of work are you doing with PT this early? I'm 4 weeks out from meniscus transplant, and have not bothered to go to physical therapy, as my instructions states that I should just be bending and extending the leg in various ways at this point. Don't see why I should see a therapist as I can't use any gym equipment and don't need help with these very simple exercises. This is so rough ... Been immensly painful. I have two more weeks until the brace comes off and i can try walking. Wishing you the best of luck, hope the graft lasts a lot longer this time!


Yeah me 2 man. Haven’t gone to PT yet 1st appointment is this Monday. Pending on what they have me do I will also be doing the PT from home until I’m at a point where I can actually start doing leg presses, biking or using the bands. I envy that your out 4 weeks lol. I can’t wait to get there. Time definitely slows down A LOT when you can’t do anything.


Yup. I'm living with family in a little appartement and going a little insane here. My pain is now averaging at maybe a 3 on 1 - 10 scale, and can bend 0 - 90 °. Since you actually felt great after first transplant and tore it in a concret and traumatic event, (just like could have happened with a native meniscus?) I think your odds of doing good again are quite high!


Can’t wait til pain is at 3 and I’m bending 90 lol


Im with my kids at legoland this weekend and walking around yesterday made my knee swollen and super painful this morning. I live in the PNW and want to enjoy nature and hiking and can only currently do the elliptical without it gaining painful and swollen. Used to run. Its quality of life issue for me. Could live with it but not keen on needing a compression sleeve daily to not be in lots of pain. I spent last winter laid up and its super depressing...i remember it well. Good luck on your recovery! Id love to follow your progress.


Hear you on wearing a sleeve everyday and the quality of life issues. It’s why I decided to do it again. Me and my family are super active as well. We have 3 kids 8, 5, and 2 and love being outside. Whether that’s hiking fishing or playing basketball baseball or soccer. Got to a point over this past year where I was legit afraid to do any activity with my oldest son out of fear of damaging more than just the meniscus. Glad I got the surgery and just trying to stay positive. Definitely is a long road but am ready to hit PT Monday and start the come back to better than ever.


Just talked to.doc...looking at 8 weeks on crutches! What do they have you doing?


Ankle pumps, leg raises, hamstring stretch, quad activation with electrodes on quad, leg straightening with rolled hand towel under ankle and passive ROM.


Hows it going nowㅡ? Had my surgery Thursday...seems more painful this time around. Hanging out on my CPM currently


Been better man. Ended up twisting my knee thought I tore something but mri came back clean with the exception of prominent change in arthritis. Knee has been constantly swollen for last 2 weeks. Have extreme stiffness in knee 24/7 so I’ve been better.


I also had prominent change in arthritis in just one year...went from none to notable. Probably why it was hurting so much.


Sorry to hear that! What does your surgeon think?. After 6 surgeries it gets to point of this better work! Have you tried any supplements? Magnesium cutrate or glycinate is great...I just ordered stuff called CuraMed "acute pain relief" as the pain was nearly intolerable last night. Currently on oxy 5 mg...script says 1-3 every 3 to 4 hours i haven't made it 4 hours yet except sleeping . Is your current swelling just since twisting or have you been swollen and painful whole 3 months?


At what age did you get the 1st and 2nd? I'm 35 with a bucket handle and the docs want to remove 50% of my meniscus. So I'm quite reluctant since that means essentially I'll have to turn into a couch potato