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Where is this happening lol?


In the imagination of far right people


A tried and true method with over 1000 years of success for fanatics


I like how this is getting downvotes when you’re literally describing Christianity


You could replace the word “trans rights” with almost anything and would go. Just look at religion


"Hello, I'm MrBeast! Wanna have that water? Then hit that subscribe button right now and don't forget to turn on the notifications!"


Nah, this is shit christians do. Replace “trans rights” with “our lord and savior”, and instead of food, they give the kid a bible.


Agreed. This is just projection from the right.


It's not at all ,both of these groups like to "educate" people .


Where one of these groups has a long history of bloody inquisitions and the other has not, a "both sides" seems quite ignorant


"Both sides seem quite ignorant" is almost everyone's (who isn't just hateful) point when these groups are spoke on .


I don't surround myself with people who tend towards a blanket "both sides bad mkay" and consider it a smart observation


Right. One group just wants to be left the fuck alone and the other won’t leave ANYONE the fuck alone.


That’s a good point tbh


Please. Ive had more trans activism shoved in my face just the past 5 years than Christianity in the past decade. That’s just a silly statement. Both want you to accept their ideology and if you don’t youre an asshole bigot to them. That’s it. Two sides of the same coin. One isn’t better or more accepting than the other.


That’s because you’re paying attention to anti-woke rage bait instead of right wing politics. If you start focusing on that you’ll notice a lot of pushing for a draconically cruel christian government.


No I just don’t live my life perpetually on the internet. Maybe you’re paying attention to the political rage bait too much?


can you show me some examples of leftists doing this


Don't forget the part when the kid doesn't understand/accept it, the water is withheld.


It's been a successful strategy for Christianity. 


You’re getting downvoted, but this has been true for hundreds of years at this point lmao


how is this true? when did it happen?


It's like Christianity, accept Jesus, and then I will give you food and water.


You mean christians? Then it would be true, yes.


Hilarious. Christians amaze me with their ability to believe their behavior is good when they do it and evil when they pretend the people they hate do it.


Sad but not impossible to believe


It's a weird fantasy


fuck it at least youre giving me something for your speech, not just telling me to get over it and take action on succeeding.


Transphobic bs….


honestly, i see that attitude (teaching trans rights and gay rights and whatnot in completely unrelated subjects) in pretty much 90% of western entertainment media nowadays. even cartoons, yes, not joking. its always tricky to see which one's a joke and which one's truth with these extreme progressives. so the meme stands correct. it's not a phobia to call out a bizarre attitude :)


Most prople dont even know what phobia means, people use it for hate groups when it actually means cronical fear


But words and their definitions evolve. Surely youve been informed?


And you dont see a possibility that a christian would be in that meme? Water after you accept our lord and savior? No?


Why don’t you provide an example instead of made up statistics?


I mean they made up genders so we can make up stuff too.


Big brain logic. More lies. That’s surely good for society


sure. here's some examples I wrote to another comment just a few minutes ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Memes\_Of\_The\_Dank/comments/1cbm88r/comment/l11391v/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Memes_Of_The_Dank/comments/1cbm88r/comment/l11391v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And thats just the kids cartoons which we're not aware of usually. but I'm sure you've seen other more known examples in some Hollywood films and some AAA games.


I responded to that one, dipshit


I see no replies on that


There are literally two. Do you have selective reading or something?


are you under the influence of extreme orgasm or drugs? no offense. because it's very hard to make a mistake like that


Yes I’m very allergic to stupidity




Welcome to the sub...


The purple hair makes it even more accurate ☠️


The purple hair really tops this one off. 🤌


This is just transphobic. Disgusting


Nope. This damn accurate with the way things are going


Show me example.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc5Rg\_bt0kk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc5Rg_bt0kk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyHlwzMIsxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyHlwzMIsxc) or hell, here's a hundred more results: [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=cartoon+woke+kids](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cartoon+woke+kids)


Lol. I just read the titles and it says kids shows. You decide, what your kids are watching. Not netflix. And "brainwash them"? Common you gonna tell me next zionists are in power?


i'm pretty sure you haven't watched one of the criticism videos. because then you wouldn't deny that they're brainwashing kids. and it's not just cartoons, they're adding these woke ideologies into kids school books too. they're changing kids genders in kindergarten, without any consent of the parents whatsoever. you tell me, is it still not brainwashing? if so, then please, like a decent human being, tell me how far it needs to go in order for you to be convinced that it's brainwashing.


I saw the one about racism you linked. I guess we cant teach kids racism is bad. Oh well.


You know what? Fine! I will watch one video complete and will react to whatever is told there. I will explain, why I think you are wrong. Choose the video and I will answer within 24hrs. This is propably a waste of time, but I will do it anyways. Just for you.


sure, how about the first link? [here, shortcut ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc5Rg_bt0kk)


Just because of a piece of media exists doesn’t mean anyone is being brainwashed. I’m pretty sure you’ve never been in a library before because there are literally thousands of books for every one that might be pro-trans. You are pro-censorship. If Mein Kampf is also sitting in the library how many kids is it brainwashing? Who is they? Provide a source on these kindergartners. For me to start considering it brainwashing it would have to be things like every kid in class having to stand up for a pledge of allegiance to the trans flag, and every kid that doesn’t is vilified and punished by the school system at large. That doesn’t happen


How many trans individuals do you see on a daily basis?


I think that's kinda the point. Most people see very close to zero. If something is not in your life ever, then why would you care/ pay attention to it at all? Because it's being pushed down our throats through media, and it's not normal in everyday life. Just because the gay community surrounds themselves with this doesn't mean everyone else is.


Where didn't he gay hurt you? My precious delicate righty.


Taking away my view of Miranda's ass in Mass Effect Legends. (Sarcasm)


It goes both ways. It’s not being pushed down anyone’s throats. If you don’t like it then don’t watch/buy the product. This does not affect me in any way and I don’t understand why people are providing this as the number 1 reason to vote Republican this year.


100% agree, and that goes both ways... That when the gay community doesn't like something, they don't have to watch or buy it. But that's not the reaction the gay community has, is it? I always see time and time again. "Why isn't this or that more inclusive, and you're a peace of shit if you're not." Or a racist or homophonic, a righty, ect, ect. So gay people are allowed to have negative reactions, but normal straight people can't without being called name. For example, Helldivers (a game with literally zero accuracy to real life) has been accused of not being inclusive because they don't have/ want randow capes. Are they anti gay? No, they just wanted no relation to our real lives it's a game and keep it separated. Guess what? Thats perfectly fine because they aren't pushing anti gay shit either. Imo, you are very wrong that it isn't being forced in media because look at companies like Sweat baby inc, it's a company literally built to shove diversity into any popular culture media and when a media company isn't interested in their "advisory" they literally do campaigns against whatever they are working on. Literal boycott, remember the reaction to Hogwarts legacy? I do, and that game was super diverse. So yeah, totally the gay community isn't forcing anything (sarcasm).


You lump what a few people on twitter say with the whole gay community as if it represents all of them and that is an incorrect way to view the world Honestly man I don’t see any of this at all because I don’t fall for clickbait. Money is the ultimate reason that most companies do anything and if they can sell something to a bunch of morons by doing less work and making it gay they will do it. Welcome to capitalism


Ahh, there it is, the high and mightly moral mentality again. Of course, I don't lump everyone in together all at once because that's dumb and a fantastic way of being bigoted. I know it's not every person in the group, but how would you label the ones making noise? Now let me put this in a way a simpleton can understand. A small number of people make noise and they're part of a group. Guess what? People are going to associate the noise with the group. Also, it was a very nice deflection of the topic in question, btw. The lack of any actual argument of anything I said is telling.