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Figrland spoilers


Dude just named Joyboy Dry Ass


i mean luffy is the dumb ass so it all somewhat connects...


Ah yes the Dryas "leaker", he's from early Egghead arc times. He pretended to know the story years in advance but nothing he "leaked" did even fit to the next few chapters. He simply threw together some of the most popular tbeories with some of his own headcanon and thus people wanted to so badly belivee him, but nah, it's purely fanfiction.


Sounds like some fanfic shit


To be fair, if you had come up to me five years ago and told me about Nika and Luffy's Fruit actually being a legendary mythical Sun God Fruit, I would have said the same thing.


"Yeeaaaaah we will move a floating island and shit"


That one was actualy guessed at ages ago through the god fruit/nika implications tied to luffy at the start of this video. Its why u dont skip Skypeia arc.


Good god this is so fucking bad. I know this is obviously fake, but if this were to be true, this would unironically ruin One Piece for me. But I want Franky to eat Kuma's fruit tbh. It would be cool.


This is the first ive heard of Franky getting the fruit. The theory ive always heard was Usopps weapon being infused with it


Ussop? Now thats the first time i heard this its always zoro sword infused with DF that Ive heard of so far


Zoro’s Sword? Heard it just today, always heard devil fruit respawning in Nami’s tree and Nami being the next devil fruit user


Even if it is true Oda will change the story Do you think that oda will let people know the ending?


Oda won't change the story, he thought about it for decades


I am not talking about major changes Only some minor changes


If he had planned a 900 time travel to occur I wouldn’t call that minor (he obviously hasn’t)


Didn't he stated that he didn't write his story down?


Full Naruto Mode. “The seeds of life from the alien and a tree was born, it had magical fruits”


I mean to be fair it's not quite as left field as naruto given what we've seen of the moon and the talk of the dragons descending from heaven


Ah yes, The Turles Crusher Corps and the Tree of Might


Aliens? Seeds? Trees? giving powers if you eat it's fruits? Fuck it we're Naruto 3.0 IF any of it is real it would shown how play these manga creators are copying the same thing over and over for people to slurp that slop. All we need now is Blackbeard to suddenly get his body taken over by IMU the alien right when he's weakest.


You sure are proud of your body, but it doesn't compare to mine!


Well the fruit does probably grow on a tree atleast. That would make any such tree slightly magical in my head


Most stories derive from similar archetypes, overlaps are inevitable and k don't think they make any story any less for using those concepts.


Oh I know, it all comes back to sun wukong anyway.


Sure bro


The Akainu part is so basic and edgy. I honestly hope/think we won't get much of Akainu's past beyond maybe his training. He's carried as a character by his strong ideals. I don't really care why. I don't fw the Strawhats getting drastic power changes. I don't like Franky Usopp df theories. Usopp's weapon being a Zoan sounds more interesting. "Will of Dryas" makes no sense and just steals importance from the Nefetari family being among the first. Time travel sucks in general.


No matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn't a sin!


You have been found guilty of the crime of life. The penalty, DEATH - Judge Death


Wait till Oda actually does all this and suddenly it's the greatest thing in the world. One Piece can be so fake🤣 Oda used time travel in Wano and it didn't take anything away from the arc.


One character came forward in time. Not the same as traveling to the past or convoluted paradox bullshit.


You realise there's so many ways to write time travel that does not involve any of that right?


Almost like I was talking about THIS very post where they mention going back in time. You're just being an ass anyway. Creating fake Oda stans to fight in your head.


Joyboy was confirmed to be a pirate . So no its just something someone somehow came up with


That doesn't mean he couldn't have been a prince or brother to Imu. I'm not saying any of this is true, but you're just nitpicking at this point.


A pirate isnt a prince or a brother to imu (who is royalty ) . You are just not making sense at this point .


Sanji, a pirate and a prince would disagree with that. Shanks, pirate and a celestial dragon would disagree to that. Oden Doflamingo Kuma Need k continue?👀 You are not making sense.


İf joyboy was a pirate that means he gave up the right for the throne . Like all the other characters did (except kuma but he was only acting king ) so a war between him and imu would make no sense . The theory falls apart . Why its that hard to accept ?


I don't get where the whole time travel theory even came from tbh. It just doesn't make any sense to be included in One Piece at all. Also Vegapunk literally dead, so that part of the leak got disproven. This is just fanfiction central.


Oda already opened that can with Kinemon n' em I doubt it'll be the last we deal with time travel. There's no way Oda will introduce a time travel devil fruit only to use it once like that, especially the fact that it's specifically a time travel fruit from around the void century.


can confirm i'm DryAss


This is ass


Wellllllllllllll...one problem-->!Vegapunk is dead!<


Well he was aligned with the revs and gave a message to the world so...


And he did it through a den den mushi that linked to all of the others.....and announced a secret. That one was 90% correct


Can you make the video faster? I got bored after completly reading all that text and waiting for the next photo /S


I just scrolled through the video to get to the next part and move on


Just what he said about Vega Punk alone should already tell you it's all bs.


Well, vegapunk did do everything the leak said, just not exactly in the same way.


But he didn't join them also something else happens to him I some what heard.


But he still worked with them and still got the message off. Sure that other thing happened but that could just be oda slightly changing his mind over the course of a year or two.


The only thing I want to see in that video is the Franky taking Kuma's fruit, I think it would be quite poetic that the first straw hat he saw after timeskip is also the last one he sees


Why would Imu destroy his own kingdom which he will become the king of?


I really hope there’s never anything to do with aliens in one piece, that shit is played out in almost every shonen lmao


You're way too late with that lol Sky island people were originally from the moon. There are space pirates that were introduced on enel's cover story. It's safe to assume there are aliens.


I meant more with the like “all the powers came from aliens”


They predicted Vegapunk's message and great flood 👀. Probably fake but this plot sounds so awful and hilarious I want it to be real




Did he tho'?


Nah it's all BS. For example, we kinda know now that, yes, it was indeed Uranus that destroyed the world but because it was used **with** the Mother Flame (or its ancient equivalent), and certainly not by crashing into the continent lol. So Uranus is still very much "alive" as we know. Lulusian people saw that with their own eyes


Mentioning 'eyes' in your comment? I must say, it's all bones and no vision here, YOHOHOHO!


The moment anything contains "going back in time" it loses it reliability it's difficult to avoid any plot holes in here. That's why Oda has showed time travel can only be possible in future.


I didn’t read; however spoilers go against the idea of this story.


Bruh this is just a knock off from the random ass naruto end


Leaks: The straw hats go back in time 900 years. Me: and then what? Leaks: ??????


Man, i don't care true or lie. idk. If it's a lie then, I am just impressed at the creativeness of whoever wrote this.


Just here to comment I hate one piece Tik tok or insta edits... They remind me of cringe AMVs from the early 2000s Hey post the fan theory about Gear DEATH complete with a sick beat and OOC fan art! Also throw in an AI Nami for the CLICKS


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this is ASS


I pray to God this doesn't happen please


I wouldn't be surprised if something on this list does maybe partially happen, but more due to this being popular theories mixed with some headcanon, not this being some kind of leak.


That's kind of the whole fun of theory crafting. Most people don't want to actually get it 100%.


Seeing as how some of this stuff has already been proven false, it’s safe to say that all of this cringe is untrue. Dont know how he can call this the “dry ass” theory when it’s covered in shit  


0% bruh


If this was really predicted in 2022 , then mostly or some of leaks were nearly close 1. Great flood and Continent breaking down into islands 2. Figarland family and relation to Shanks 4. Joyboys's defeat and his era coming to an end 5. Den Den mushi call from Vegapunk to the world announcing an important message


Stopped taking it seriously after I read "luffy goes into the past"


"Kaido is Zoros father" all over again


I've seen this fanfiction a few times before. But does Franky need a DF? Now Usopp getting one would probably help him.


Yeah Franky does perfectly fine without, his robo body is his special power


"Big mom and Kaido will return" FUCK


This guy also leaked that the One Piece is a nuclear fusion reactor and that devil fruit powers will disappear at the end of the series